This is why we need to tax the wealthy

You are assuming that the world will always want to buy our debt at low interest rates

But at some point they may not want to and much higher interest on the debt will choke off all your beloved welfare giveaways

I dont know when that will be

But when it does it will be a bitch

It doesn't matter if other countries stop investing in US treasury bonds, the US Federal Government will never go insolvent, nor would our GDP be affected. Under a fiat currency like ours, we don't even need to sell treasury bonds.

It's not "welfare giveaways" it's what a government is supposed to do in support of a working public, allowing society and its economy to prosper. The only real giveaways are when a nation gives away their commonwealth, the resources of their country to a few rich people, which is what you're for.

Privatizing every single segment of the economy, to a few billionaires, leaving the working class (94% of the population), relying on private, for-profit corporations for vital services like electricity, water, healthcare..etc, is the welfare that you are giving to your capitalist gods and masters. These rich people that you worship.

Are you on Medicare? Get off of it, reject your Medicare and when you spend more than what you've paid into Social Security, stop receiving that income, because it's welfare. You need to be consistent with your silly views on economics and ethics. No government entitlements for you, because it's all an unwarranted "giveaway", rendering you a worthless bum. So you can't receive Medicare or Social Security after you spend beyond what you've paid into it when you were employed.
It doesn't matter if other countries stop investing in US treasury bonds, the US Federal Government will never go insolvent, nor would our GDP be affected. Under a fiat currency like ours, we don't even need to sell treasury bonds.

It's not "welfare giveaways" it's what a government is supposed to do in support of a working public, allowing society and its economy to prosper. The only real giveaways are when a nation gives away their commonwealth, the resources of their country to a few rich people, which is what you're for.

Privatizing every single segment of the economy, to a few billionaires, leaving the working class (94% of the population), relying on private, for-profit corporations for vital services like electricity, water, healthcare..etc, is the welfare that you are giving to your capitalist gods and masters. These rich people that you worship.

Are you on Medicare? Get off of it, reject your Medicare and when you spend more than what you've paid into Social Security, stop receiving that income, because it's welfare. You need to be consistent with your silly views on economics and ethics. No government entitlements for you, because it's all an unwarranted "giveaway", rendering you a worthless bum. So you can't receive Medicare or Social Security after you spend beyond what you've paid into it when you were employed.

Ask me the next time we have to bail one out.
What President Obama did was bail out the Auto Unions. Chrysler was bought by Fiat so they're no longer an American car. GM should have gone through legal bankruptcy. They and we would have been better off. As it is, taxpayers lost billions with GM.

Has anyone had to bail out Mercedes, Toyota, Ford, Kia, or others?
pknopp said

Fake News: President Biden just saw to it that they (Auto Unions) got back (what they gave up in the Auto bailout) in the PLUS!

pknopp, did you not see the contract just negotiated by the Biden administration for the Unions?
The so-called national debt is a surplus for the private sector. The government's red ink is the people's black ink or surplus. Stephanie Kelton a professor in economics and expert on macroeconomics explains:

Michael Norman is also an economist and explains what the national debt actually is:

Balance the budget and that means less money in private hands, which historically, leads to a recession. Every single time the budget is balanced, there's a recession within two or three years. There's less money in the economy.

What's your solution ?
Your concern about the national debt is based on ignorance of how economics works with a modern, fiat currency. Our so-called "national debt", isn't the same as a household debt or the debt of a private corporation, because the US Federal Government is the exclusive sovereign issuer of our currency, not a mere user like you and me. Do you realize that?

We shouldn't even call it a debt, we could just as well call it an asset surplus. Do you realize that? We're no longer under the gold standard, hence national debts are simply ledgers of how much money is being saved in treasuries, held in bank accounts. etc. Our federal government will never go insolvent.

The government's red ink is the people's black ink or surplus. Stephanie Kelton a professor in economics and expert on macroeconomics explains:

Michael Norman is also an economist and explains what the national debt actually is:

This is one of the reasons I'm not that concerned with tax rates at the federal level. The federal government imposes taxes, taking money out of the economy, to control inflation, and maintain the value of the dollar. Federal taxes are important, but not for the same reason as most Americans think. The US Federal Government doesn't have to rely on our taxes to fund itself, due to the nature of a sovereign, fiat currency. It will never run out of USD, because it is the exclusive issuer of it. The most important metric that sets federal government spending is the nation's GDP i.e. production capacity. Our ability to meet the nation's demand for products and services.

Watch Greenspan, the head of the FED educate House Rep Paul Ryan, a confused, young conservative Senator from Wisconsin:

GDP, the nation's production capacity determines its budget limits, not tax revenue. If the US Federal Government allocates funds to projects and programs that strengthen the working class, our nation's GDP grows (i.e. Our nation's production capacity expands). There's no need to cut or decrease funding for any social program, especially for Medicare and Medicaid. That would undermine the nation's health (i.e. Access to medical care) and hence production capacity. You would be applying unnecessary stress to the American public at large (i.e. The Working Class = Workers = Producers, including small business owners.) hence undermining production.

Stop hanging out with Paul Ryan, he's confusing you.

The problem to me sounds like it started along time ago, otherwise when the nation decided to go in a different direction in hopes to "lift all boats", and this regardless of contributions being made or not being made by an individual's input into the system. This is basically why socialism or socialist theories and such things like that end up failing over time. You finally run out of other people's money or rather one fails at convincing the people to give up their money in order to hold it all up when it is wrong.

I mean when you got individual's who are being model citizen's having to watch as individual's that are being chaotic citizen's, otherwise prospering in the same equal amounts due to socialism or socialist theories, then you've basically destroyed any incentive for a society to thrive to be all that it can be in order to let the achievers be the example to the non-achievers that they can also do well too, so they have to follow in the achievers footsteps in order to get there. No short cuts, no socialist safety nets, no free this and free that, otherwise qualify for assistance because you truly need it or get off of your lazy or sadly in many cases "criminal ace's" and get to work or get back to work doing something constructive in order to benefit yourselves and your communities.

If think about it all now, otherwise when looking back - why did government do what it has done ???? It was to enrich themselves and to empower themselves by way of this method, but it screwed us over as American citizen's who want to do what's right in life, and it did this to us with no end in sight. We possibly have a way to reverse course with president Trump, but I ain't to sure about anything happening much anymore. I do know one thing though, and that is that a Democrat is the worst offender of our society at large, so they are definitely out of the line up when it comes to me choosing the next president.

Properly run capitalism with a Christian foundation or mindset, otherwise having within it these self evident truths, has always worked the best.

"Improper" capitalism with a secular foundation is destined always to fail.

Am I right about any of this stuff ??
The problem to me sounds like it started along time ago, otherwise when the nation decided to go in a different direction in hopes to "lift all boats", and this regardless of contributions being made or not being made by an individual's input into the system. This is basically why socialism or socialist theories and such things like that end up failing over time. You finally run out of other people's money or rather one fails at convincing the people to give up their money in order to hold it all up when it is wrong.

I mean when you got individual's who are being model citizen's having to watch as individual's that are being chaotic citizen's, otherwise prospering in the same equal amounts due to socialism or socialist theories, then you've basically destroyed any incentive for a society to thrive to be all that it can be in order to let the achievers be the example to the non-achievers that they can also do well too, so they have to follow in the achievers footsteps in order to get there. No short cuts, no socialist safety nets, no free this and free that, otherwise qualify for assistance because you truly need it or get off of your lazy or sadly in many cases "criminal ace's" and get to work or get back to work doing something constructive in order to benefit yourselves and your communities.

If think about it all now, otherwise when looking back - why did government do what it has done ???? It was to enrich themselves and to empower themselves by way of this method, but it screwed us over as American citizen's who want to do what's right in life, and it did this to us with no end in sight. We possibly have a way to reverse course with president Trump, but I ain't to sure about anything happening much anymore. I do know one thing though, and that is that a Democrat is the worst offender of our society at large, so they are definitely out of the line up when it comes to me choosing the next president.

Properly run capitalism with a Christian foundation or mindset, otherwise having within it these self evident truths, has always worked the best.

"Improper" capitalism with a secular foundation is destined always to fail.

Am I right about any of this stuff ??
The problem to me sounds like it started along time ago, otherwise when the nation decided to go in a different direction in hopes to "lift all boats", and this regardless of contributions being made or not being made by an individual's input into the system.

The working class is the one making the greatest contribution to the economy. It's always been that way. The purpose of the government is to serve the public good, not serve the rich and powerful at the expense of the public at large.

This is basically why socialism or socialist theories and such things like that end up failing over time.

Socialism is what allows capitalism to function, without it there's no capitalism. The economies that offer the highest standard of living in the modern, industrialized world are mixed economies, with robust social safety nets for the working class and with publicly owned sectors of their economy or at least partly nationalized. The United States ranks at the bottom of the industrial world:

And it's the most privatized, capitalist-run country in the industrialized world.

The so-called "Socialist failures" that you're referring to are either right now being brutally economically sanctioned by the United States and constantly threatened with war or they were in a state of war with the United States, the capitalist Empire, and its allies. You don't have the luxury of appealing to such supposed failures under such conditions.

You finally run out of other people's money...

It's not "other people's money", didn't you read the post and watch the videos. We don't fund or supply the US Federal Government with USD, it supplies us with the USD. We supplies goods and services and our federal government provides us with dollars as a medium of exchange. It can create USD ex-nihilo (i.e. from nothing), it doesn't need you or me to stock it with money.

or rather one fails at convincing the people to give up their money in order to hold it all up when it is wrong.

Taxes are required to control inflation and maintain the value of the dollar. It generates goods and services, by requiring people to produce, in order to pay their taxes, which includes property taxes, not just their income taxes. Citizens have to pay taxes and other fees, like for licenses, permits.etc, in order to own their assets and conduct business. All of this money that people have to pay the government, is denominated in USD, not the Mexican peso or the Japanese Yen.

You need to come up with dollars, and the only way to do that is by producing goods and services (getting a job or starting a business). The economy would collapse without taxation at some level. There has to be taxes, especially at the local and state level, since local and state governments don't issue the USD, the federal government does (Washington DC partly funds the states, leaving the remaining state budgets relying on state and local taxation).

I mean when you got individual's who are being model citizen's having to watch as individual's that are being chaotic citizen's, otherwise prospering in the same equal amounts due to socialism or socialist theories, then you've basically destroyed any incentive for a society to thrive to be all that it can be in order to let the achievers be the example to the non-achievers that they can also do well too, so they have to follow in the achievers footsteps in order to get there.

The people who are not succeeding in a capitalist economy aren't necessarily at fault for failing. Unregulated capitalism and mass privatization of infrastructure and public goods, leads to gross inequality, with wealth gravitating to the top, leaving tens of millions of working-class people behind in squalor.

Moreover, capitalism has proven to always lead to cronyism and government protected monopolies. Democracy is always compromised and reduced to a plutocratic oligarchy, under unregaulated or improperly regulated capitalism. That's what we have today in America.

No short cuts, no socialist safety nets, no free this and free that, otherwise qualify for assistance because you truly need it or get off of your lazy or sadly in many cases "criminal ace's" and get to work or get back to work doing something constructive in order to benefit yourselves and your communities.

Without safety nets the economy collapses. The economy can't run without government built and maintained infrastructure and safety nets for both the public and private businesses. I'm for supporting everyone, when people need some support.

Capitalism has its boom and bust cycles and when big companies fail, it's not necessarily due to having a bad, worthless product or service. There are other factors that can lead to companies failing and if those companies are offering the country, their communities a vital, important product or service or employing workers, it behooves us to assist such corporations, lest the whole economy goes into recession or even collapses.

(Covers federal, state and local awards combined.)

Download results as CSV or XML or Save your search (Click here for information on download subscriptions)
3Ford Motor$7,711,954,966685
4General Motors$7,474,648,736763
5Micron Technology$6,785,681,91518
7Cheniere Energy$5,617,152,52342$5,362,872,810393
9Foxconn Technology Group (Hon Hai Precision Industry Company)$4,820,110,11274
11Sempra Energy$3,828,022,78251
12NRG Energy$3,405,383,876262
13Texas Instruments$3,297,406,67358
14Venture Global LNG$3,285,883,5666
15NextEra Energy$3,008,691,129117
17Tesla Inc.$2,829,855,494114
20Walt Disney$2,421,480,784249
23Shell PLC$2,210,816,246130
25Mubadala Investment Company$2,124,035,09762
27Hyundai Motor$2,048,610,15917
28Brookfield Asset Management$1,965,174,610221
29Meta Platforms Inc.$1,931,193,64459
30Alphabet Inc.$1,927,519,074121
31Exxon Mobil$1,891,153,489207
34Apple Inc.$1,822,765,56947
35Berkshire Hathaway$1,821,345,1261,156
36Summit Power$1,783,593,4146
38Paramount Global$1,751,931,557318
39Air Products & Chemicals$1,723,155,31278
41General Electric$1,687,039,351979
42Southern Company$1,671,678,36643
43JPMorgan Chase$1,663,593,0631,127
44Energy Transfer$1,634,128,172106
45Vornado Realty Trust$1,623,857,33633
46Duke Energy$1,579,449,47385
47Wolfspeed Inc.$1,560,125,01563
49Rivian Automotive Inc.$1,532,854,0123
50IBM Corp.$1,495,438,545367
51OGE Energy$1,427,570,18215
52SCS Energy$1,419,011,7965
53General Atomics$1,408,185,425105
55Lockheed Martin$1,330,320,782316
56Sagamore Development$1,320,000,0002
57Northrop Grumman$1,274,514,883249
58Corning Inc.$1,262,885,869389
60Continental AG$1,244,875,478111
62RTX Corporation$1,162,467,558741
63Jefferies Financial Group$1,144,919,26017
64SK Holdings$1,081,550,2839
65Valero Energy$1,053,812,692197
66Dow Inc.$1,049,354,213619
67AES Corp.$1,030,194,632132
69CF Industries$982,271,715129
71Pyramid Companies$966,050,09791
72Mazda Toyota Manufacturing, U.S.A., Inc.$900,000,0001
73Apollo Global Management$896,260,221575
75Delta Air Lines$876,412,62314
79Shin-Etsu Chemical$827,644,305105
80Enterprise Products Partners$826,988,37183
82Goldman Sachs$800,873,386253
84Archer Daniels Midland$771,669,5691,085
85EDF-Electricite de France$759,943,52335
86Triple Five Worldwide$748,000,0004
87Bank of America$744,566,157926
88EDP-Energias de Portugal$733,674,86814
89Warner Bros. Discovery Inc.$725,762,690209
90Related Companies$687,200,0001
91Koch Industries$672,949,735489
92Caithness Energy$670,379,73828
93Hyannis Air Service Inc.$667,928,778296
94Wells Fargo$648,073,003525
96OCI N.V.$627,879,4065
98Bedrock Detroit$618,000,0001
99Dominion Energy$615,436,08950

Both the working class and the capitalists get help, and that's fine.

If think about it all now, otherwise when looking back - why did government do what it has done ???? It was to enrich themselves and to empower themselves by way of this method, but it screwed us over as American citizen's who want to do what's right in life, and it did this to us with no end in sight. We possibly have a way to reverse course with president Trump, but I ain't to sure about anything happening much anymore. I do know one thing though, and that is that a Democrat is the worst offender of our society at large, so they are definitely out of the line up when it comes to me choosing the next president.

Properly run capitalism with a Christian foundation or mindset, otherwise having within it these self evident truths, has always worked the best. Improper" capitalism with a secular foundation is destined always to fail. Am I right about any of this stuff ??

It's not a "Christian foundation", to prioritize profits over people. You can't run a capitalist economy without public goods and infrastructure, it leads to gross inequality, social unrest and if left to fester, civil war. Capitalists lose when the pitchforks come out, being that they're only about 6% of the population.

A capitalist market economy with a Christian foundation and mentality as you've mentioned, prioritizes the public good and that includes the needs of the working-class and the poor. Jesus Christ always prioritized the working classes and the poor, even requiring his disciples to feed and house them, including attending to the sick and suffering.

The first Christians were theistic-communists, living under the leadership of the 12 apostles in Jerusalem. I can show you from the Bible, how Jesus and His disciples were theistic-communists (non-Marxist/non-atheistic, theistic/goddly communists), just like the angels in heaven.


Christians are one body, one mind and soul, in Christ Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit. We don't capitalize on each other's needs, we simply serve each other in Christ's love.
Last edited:
The problem to me sounds like it started along time ago, otherwise when the nation decided to go in a different direction in hopes to "lift all boats", and this regardless of contributions being made or not being made by an individual's input into the system.

The working class is the one making the greatest contribution to the economy. It's always been that way. The purpose of the government is to serve the public good, not serve the rich and powerful at the expense of the public at large.

This is basically why socialism or socialist theories and such things like that end up failing over time.

Socialism is what allows capitalism to function, without it there's no capitalism. The economies that offer the highest standard of living in the modern, industrialized world are mixed economies, with robust social safety nets for the working class and with publicly owned sectors of their economy or at least partly nationalized. The United States ranks at the bottom of the industrial world:

And it's the most privatized, capitalist-run country in the industrialized world.

The so-called "Socialist failures" that you're referring to are either right now being brutally economically sanctioned by the United States and constantly threatened with war or they were in a state of war with the United States, the capitalist Empire, and its allies. You don't have the luxury of appealing to such supposed failures under such conditions.

You finally run out of other people's money...

It's not "other people's money", didn't you read the post and watch the videos. We don't fund or supply the US Federal Government with USD, it supplies us with the USD. We supplies goods and services and our federal government provides us with dollars as a medium of exchange. It can create USD ex-nihilo (i.e. from nothing), it doesn't need you or me to stock it with money.

or rather one fails at convincing the people to give up their money in order to hold it all up when it is wrong.

Taxes are required to control inflation and maintain the value of the dollar. It generates goods and services, by requiring people to produce, in order to pay their taxes, which includes property taxes, not just their income taxes. Citizens have to pay taxes and other fees, like for licenses, permits.etc, in order to own their assets and conduct business. All of this money that people have to pay the government, is denominated in USD, not the Mexican peso or the Japanese Yen.

You need to come up with dollars, and the only way to do that is by producing goods and services (getting a job or starting a business). The economy would collapse without taxation at some level. There has to be taxes, especially at the local and state level, since local and state governments don't issue the USD, the federal government does (Washington DC partly funds the states, leaving the remaining state budgets relying on state and local taxation).

I mean when you got individual's who are being model citizen's having to watch as individual's that are being chaotic citizen's, otherwise prospering in the same equal amounts due to socialism or socialist theories, then you've basically destroyed any incentive for a society to thrive to be all that it can be in order to let the achievers be the example to the non-achievers that they can also do well too, so they have to follow in the achievers footsteps in order to get there.

The people who are not succeeding in a capitalist economy aren't necessarily at fault for failing. Unregulated capitalism and mass privatization of infrastructure and public goods, leads to gross inequality, with wealth gravitating to the top, leaving tens of millions of working-class people behind in squalor.

Moreover, capitalism has proven to always lead to cronyism and government protected monopolies. Democracy is always compromised and reduced to a plutocratic oligarchy, under unregaulated or improperly regulated capitalism. That's what we have today in America.

No short cuts, no socialist safety nets, no free this and free that, otherwise qualify for assistance because you truly need it or get off of your lazy or sadly in many cases "criminal ace's" and get to work or get back to work doing something constructive in order to benefit yourselves and your communities.

Without safety nets the economy collapses. The economy can't run without government built and maintained infrastructure and safety nets for both the public and private businesses. I'm for supporting everyone, when people need some support.

Capitalism has its boom and bust cycles and when big companies fail, it's not necessarily due to having a bad, worthless product or service. There are other factors that can lead to companies failing and if those companies are offering the country, their communities a vital, important product or service or employing workers, it behooves us to assist such corporations, lest the whole economy goes into recession or even collapses.

(Covers federal, state and local awards combined.)

Download results as CSV or XML or Save your search (Click here for information on download subscriptions)
3Ford Motor$7,711,954,966685
4General Motors$7,474,648,736763
5Micron Technology$6,785,681,91518
7Cheniere Energy$5,617,152,52342$5,362,872,810393
9Foxconn Technology Group (Hon Hai Precision Industry Company)$4,820,110,11274
11Sempra Energy$3,828,022,78251
12NRG Energy$3,405,383,876262
13Texas Instruments$3,297,406,67358
14Venture Global LNG$3,285,883,5666
15NextEra Energy$3,008,691,129117
17Tesla Inc.$2,829,855,494114
20Walt Disney$2,421,480,784249
23Shell PLC$2,210,816,246130
25Mubadala Investment Company$2,124,035,09762
27Hyundai Motor$2,048,610,15917
28Brookfield Asset Management$1,965,174,610221
29Meta Platforms Inc.$1,931,193,64459
30Alphabet Inc.$1,927,519,074121
31Exxon Mobil$1,891,153,489207
34Apple Inc.$1,822,765,56947
35Berkshire Hathaway$1,821,345,1261,156
36Summit Power$1,783,593,4146
38Paramount Global$1,751,931,557318
39Air Products & Chemicals$1,723,155,31278
41General Electric$1,687,039,351979
42Southern Company$1,671,678,36643
43JPMorgan Chase$1,663,593,0631,127
44Energy Transfer$1,634,128,172106
45Vornado Realty Trust$1,623,857,33633
46Duke Energy$1,579,449,47385
47Wolfspeed Inc.$1,560,125,01563
49Rivian Automotive Inc.$1,532,854,0123
50IBM Corp.$1,495,438,545367
51OGE Energy$1,427,570,18215
52SCS Energy$1,419,011,7965
53General Atomics$1,408,185,425105
55Lockheed Martin$1,330,320,782316
56Sagamore Development$1,320,000,0002
57Northrop Grumman$1,274,514,883249
58Corning Inc.$1,262,885,869389
60Continental AG$1,244,875,478111
62RTX Corporation$1,162,467,558741
63Jefferies Financial Group$1,144,919,26017
64SK Holdings$1,081,550,2839
65Valero Energy$1,053,812,692197
66Dow Inc.$1,049,354,213619
67AES Corp.$1,030,194,632132
69CF Industries$982,271,715129
71Pyramid Companies$966,050,09791
72Mazda Toyota Manufacturing, U.S.A., Inc.$900,000,0001
73Apollo Global Management$896,260,221575
75Delta Air Lines$876,412,62314
79Shin-Etsu Chemical$827,644,305105
80Enterprise Products Partners$826,988,37183
82Goldman Sachs$800,873,386253
84Archer Daniels Midland$771,669,5691,085
85EDF-Electricite de France$759,943,52335
86Triple Five Worldwide$748,000,0004
87Bank of America$744,566,157926
88EDP-Energias de Portugal$733,674,86814
89Warner Bros. Discovery Inc.$725,762,690209
90Related Companies$687,200,0001
91Koch Industries$672,949,735489
92Caithness Energy$670,379,73828
93Hyannis Air Service Inc.$667,928,778296
94Wells Fargo$648,073,003525
96OCI N.V.$627,879,4065
98Bedrock Detroit$618,000,0001
99Dominion Energy$615,436,08950

Both the working class and the capitalists get help, and that's fine.

If think about it all now, otherwise when looking back - why did government do what it has done ???? It was to enrich themselves and to empower themselves by way of this method, but it screwed us over as American citizen's who want to do what's right in life, and it did this to us with no end in sight. We possibly have a way to reverse course with president Trump, but I ain't to sure about anything happening much anymore. I do know one thing though, and that is that a Democrat is the worst offender of our society at large, so they are definitely out of the line up when it comes to me choosing the next president.

Properly run capitalism with a Christian foundation or mindset, otherwise having within it these self evident truths, has always worked the best. Improper" capitalism with a secular foundation is destined always to fail. Am I right about any of this stuff ??

It's not a "Christian foundation", to prioritize profits over people. You can't run a capitalist economy without public goods and infrastructure, it leads to gross inequality, social unrest and if left to fester, civil war. Capitalists lose when the pitchforks come out, being that they're only about 6% of the population.

A capitalist market economy with a Christian foundation and mentality as you've mentioned, prioritizes the public good and that includes the needs of the working-class and the poor. Jesus Christ always prioritized the working classes and the poor, even requiring his disciples to feed and house them, including attending to the sick and suffering.

The first Christians were theistic-communists, living under the leadership of the 12 apostles in Jerusalem. I can show you from the Bible, how Jesus and His disciples were theistic-communists (non-Marxist/non-atheistic, theistic/goddly communists), just like the angels in heaven.

View attachment 890830
Christians are one body, one mind and soul, in Christ Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit. We don't capitalize on each other's needs, we simply serve each other in Christ's love.

Nice dodge on something so simple. Government and the people are formed as a unit in order to serve as a unit, but certain requirements are always necessary and are needed.(Nothing is for free).. A nation doesn't exist without border's and a government that is tied together in order to form a union on behalf of the citizen's, yet you start out trying to separate and cherry pick, then you attempt to drag it back together with socialism. I stopped reading after I saw that.
Nice dodge on something so simple. Government and the people are formed as a unit in order to serve as a unit, but certain requirements are always necessary and are needed.(Nothing is for free).. A nation doesn't exist without border's and a government that is tied together in order to form a union on behalf of the citizen's, yet you start out trying to separate and cherry pick, then you attempt to drag it back together with socialism. I stopped reading after I saw that.
Nice dodge on something so simple.

No dodging here, you're just pretentious and ignorant.

Government and the people are formed as a unit in order to serve as a unit, but certain requirements are always necessary and are needed.(Nothing is for free)..

The government is a social apparatus and institution, organized by the people to manage their large-scale, socioeconomic, and civil affairs and projects. It requires the participation and labor of the people to function and the people who created that government have a right to receive public goods and services. So you're confused when you assert that citizens don't have a right to receive goods and services from the government that they support with their labor and allegiance (even with their blood).

A nation doesn't exist without border's and a government that is tied together in order to form a union on behalf of the citizen's, yet you start out trying to separate and cherry pick, then you attempt to drag it back together with socialism. I stopped reading after I saw that.2

Yes, a nation needs a border and the means to defend its territory. Everything else you're saying is gobbledygook. You definitely stopped reading and thinking.
Last edited:
Nice dodge on something so simple.

No dodging here, you're just pretentious and ignorant.

Government and the people are formed as a unit in order to serve as a unit, but certain requirements are always necessary and are needed.(Nothing is for free)..

The government is a social apparatus and institution, organized by the people to manage their large-scale, socioeconomic, and civil affairs and projects. It requires the participation and labor of the people to function and the people who created that government have a right to receive public goods and services. So you're confused when you assert that citizens don't have a right to receive goods and services from the government that they support with their labor and allegiance (even with their blood).

A nation doesn't exist without border's and a government that is tied together in order to form a union on behalf of the citizen's, yet you start out trying to separate and cherry pick, then you attempt to drag it back together with socialism. I stopped reading after I saw that.2

Yes, a nation needs a border and the means to defend its territory. Everything else you're saying is gobbledygook. You definitely stopped reading and thinking.
Yes the government needs the people to make it work, but the people are not entitled to anything from the government who takes from those who give and participates in it with their labor, and attempts to give it to another for reasons that are nefarious, political, and corrupt. Vote buying comes to mind.

Either earn one's keep or be a beggar, it's just that simple. Government wasn't formed to operate in the way that it's operating today. FACT... It needs to be reformed or reminded of it's purpose by reinvigorating the Constitution.

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