This is why we support Trump, he fights: Trump to begin massive outreach to Black Voters.

Funny that the Trumpsters think the (current) unemployment rate is the top priority of minorities, that Trump can win them over with that.

That, while completely ignoring & enabling the type of horrific things that are said & done on the Right, including here on good ol' USMB.

The alternative universe has blinded them to that part.
You just presented your assumption that Trump is lying about the "let".

To support that assumption, you present a couple examples, of people that you say said that, and were lying.

That other people lied about does not mean that everyone who says that a sexual partner "let" them do something is lying.

Your logic, is completely not logical.

I do not actually think that Trump was lying, I think he really believes that random women are good with him grabbing their pussies because he is rich. Then again, Weinstein , O'Riley, Lauer and Cosby thought so as well. None of them thought they were doing anything wrong.

You asked for an example of me, "grabbing a pussy" at a party. I gave you one. The woman in question, obviously accepted it, as acceptable foreplay. She did not have a fit, nor report me to the police. She did not even stop making out with me.

YOur pretense that what Trump said is shocking, is mass hysteria. Snap out of it.

People in the future will read these words, and laugh at you.

Loud and long.

She did not accept it, you said she stopped you and did not let you do it. And this was at a college party where you were both undoubtedly drunk...and even then it was still not acceptable to her. You are your own worst witness, even drunk and making out it was not ok to grab her pussy, yet you think it is ok for Trump to do it to random women just because he is rich.
FUnny, a second ago, "grabbing a pussy...not in a relationship" was wrong. Now you admit that you have done so, many times.

Did Trump say, "standing in the bar"? Or is that spin you added?

Never with someone that I was not relationship with, even if that relationship was only for one night.

That is not what your god was talking about, and you full well know it.

So, back in college, once I was at a party. This one woman who was a friend of mine, her boyfriend left to drive someone home.

I took her into the pantry,and we made out. I moved to second base and "grabbed" her tits, and fondled them as we made out. They were magnificent.

After a few minutes, I made a move to "grab" her pussy. She stopped me, we made out for a few more minutes, and then returned to the Party before her boyfriend got back.

Trump's point, was that, if you are famous, that women "let" you do that.

ONly a dishonest person would pretend that this is shocking, or god forbid, sexual assault.

Again, that's Trump saying the women let him. You're literally quoting the assailant as evidence it's not assault. Meanwhile, the line of women claiming they didn't let him goes out the door. According to your nonsense, a celebrity can't be guilty of rape when all the celebrity has to do is assert, when you're a celebrity, women let you have sex with them.


Your Trump Defense Syndrome is truly a remarkable thing to observe.
Funny that the Trumpsters think the (current) unemployment rate is the top priority of minorities, that Trump can win them over with that.

That, while completely ignoring & enabling the type of horrific things that are said & done on the Right, including here on good ol' USMB.

The alternative universe has blinded them to that part.

We don't think that.

We think that maybe, some significant portion of them, might be persuadable based on good economic, unemployment and wage numbers.

We recognize that the majority of minorities, such as yourself, are too conditioned by generations of race baiting propaganda to be able to hear anything we say.
Funny that the Trumpsters think the (current) unemployment rate is the top priority of minorities, that Trump can win them over with that.

That, while completely ignoring & enabling the type of horrific things that are said & done on the Right, including here on good ol' USMB.

The alternative universe has blinded them to that part.

We don't think that.

We think that maybe, some significant portion of them, might be persuadable based on good economic, unemployment and wage numbers.

We recognize that the majority of minorities, such as yourself, are too conditioned by generations of race baiting propaganda to be able to hear anything we say.
Sounds good!
Funny that the Trumpsters think the (current) unemployment rate is the top priority of minorities, that Trump can win them over with that.

That, while completely ignoring & enabling the type of horrific things that are said & done on the Right, including here on good ol' USMB.

The alternative universe has blinded them to that part.
Or that there are even that many minorities who credit Trump for the low unemployment rate of minorities.

Minorities, like everyone else, saw black unemployment drop from 16.8% to 7.7% and Hispanic unemployment drop from 12.8% to 5.5%, under Obama; and watched as that trend continued under Trump.

Another factor is baby boomers. White baby boomers once dominated the workforce. They're now retiring and dying off, opening opportunities now for others. Case in point, black unemployment has always been roughly 100% higher than white unemployment. That's now down to about 70%, a trend that also started under Obama and continued under Trump, though neither have anything to do with that.
Funny that the Trumpsters think the (current) unemployment rate is the top priority of minorities, that Trump can win them over with that.

That, while completely ignoring & enabling the type of horrific things that are said & done on the Right, including here on good ol' USMB.

The alternative universe has blinded them to that part.
Or that there are even that many minorities who credit Trump for the low unemployment rate of minorities.

Minorities, like everyone else, saw black unemployment drop from 16.8% to 7.7% and Hispanic unemployment drop from 12.8% to 5.5%, under Obama; and watched as that trend continued under Trump.

Another factor is baby boomers. White baby boomers once dominated the workforce. They're now retiring and dying off, opening opportunities now for others. Case in point, black unemployment has always been roughly 100% higher than white unemployment. That's now down to about 70%, a trend that also started under Obama and continued under Trump, though neither have anything to do with that.
Yeah, that's another dishonest one they try. They completely ignore the trajectory the unemployment rate was on when he took office and give all the credit to him.

And they think minorities don't see any of this.
You just presented your assumption that Trump is lying about the "let".

To support that assumption, you present a couple examples, of people that you say said that, and were lying.

That other people lied about does not mean that everyone who says that a sexual partner "let" them do something is lying.

Your logic, is completely not logical.

I do not actually think that Trump was lying, I think he really believes that random women are good with him grabbing their pussies because he is rich. Then again, Weinstein , O'Riley, Lauer and Cosby thought so as well. None of them thought they were doing anything wrong.

You asked for an example of me, "grabbing a pussy" at a party. I gave you one. The woman in question, obviously accepted it, as acceptable foreplay. She did not have a fit, nor report me to the police. She did not even stop making out with me.

YOur pretense that what Trump said is shocking, is mass hysteria. Snap out of it.

People in the future will read these words, and laugh at you.

Loud and long.

She did not accept it, you said she stopped you and did not let you do it. And this was at a college party where you were both undoubtedly drunk...and even then it was still not acceptable to her. You are your own worst witness, even drunk and making out it was not ok to grab her pussy, yet you think it is ok for Trump to do it to random women just because he is rich.

She did not stop me because it was not "ok" but because she did not want to actually have sex in the pantry.

She demonstrated that she did not consider it, not "ok", by continuing to make out with me, and then remaining my friend afterwards for decades to the present day.

Trump's point was, that if I was rich and famous, instead of a nearly penniless college student, that she might have "let" me.

That you find that opinion to be a scandal, is literally hysterical. You are in the grip of a mass hysteria.

Seriously dude, people in the future will read of this, and laugh at you.
FUnny, a second ago, "grabbing a pussy...not in a relationship" was wrong. Now you admit that you have done so, many times.

Did Trump say, "standing in the bar"? Or is that spin you added?

Never with someone that I was not relationship with, even if that relationship was only for one night.

That is not what your god was talking about, and you full well know it.

So, back in college, once I was at a party. This one woman who was a friend of mine, her boyfriend left to drive someone home.

I took her into the pantry,and we made out. I moved to second base and "grabbed" her tits, and fondled them as we made out. They were magnificent.

After a few minutes, I made a move to "grab" her pussy. She stopped me, we made out for a few more minutes, and then returned to the Party before her boyfriend got back.

Trump's point, was that, if you are famous, that women "let" you do that.

ONly a dishonest person would pretend that this is shocking, or god forbid, sexual assault.

Again, that's Trump saying the women let him. You're literally quoting the assailant as evidence it's not assault. Meanwhile, the line of women claiming they didn't let him goes out the door. According to your nonsense, a celebrity can't be guilty of rape when all the celebrity has to do is assert, when you're a celebrity, women let you have sex with them.


Your Trump Defense Syndrome is truly a remarkable thing to observe.

The one woman he claimed to have made an aggressive move on, when questioned, did not even realize that he had been hitting on her.

Trump, imo, is much like an attractive woman. What they interpret as "making an aggressive pass" at someone, is really just making themselves available, to let the other person do all the work.

He is too rich, too famous, and too tall, to have any idea how hard it is, for the rest of us, to successfully hit on women.
Funny that the Trumpsters think the (current) unemployment rate is the top priority of minorities, that Trump can win them over with that.

That, while completely ignoring & enabling the type of horrific things that are said & done on the Right, including here on good ol' USMB.

The alternative universe has blinded them to that part.

This ^^. If you're Latino and your job prospects are improving, what you remember is that you keep getting told you and yours are despised. That's an emotional hook, constructed that way to draw the hater vote, but it also carries the opposite effect with the targets. You know, the "rapists".
Funny that the Trumpsters think the (current) unemployment rate is the top priority of minorities, that Trump can win them over with that.

That, while completely ignoring & enabling the type of horrific things that are said & done on the Right, including here on good ol' USMB.

The alternative universe has blinded them to that part.

We don't think that.

We think that maybe, some significant portion of them, might be persuadable based on good economic, unemployment and wage numbers.

We recognize that the majority of minorities, such as yourself, are too conditioned by generations of race baiting propaganda to be able to hear anything we say.
Sounds good!

I know. If Trump can just REDUCE the lock the dems have on the minority vote, he can save this country.
She did not stop me because it was not "ok" but because she did not want to actually have sex in the pantry.

She demonstrated that she did not consider it, not "ok", by continuing to make out with me, and then remaining my friend afterwards for decades to the present day.

So, it as ok with her..she just didn't let you do it...damn do you get dizzy when you spin that much? Perhaps she stayed friends with you because when you tried and she stopped you, you actually stopped. Do you think had you kept doing it she would have still be ok with it?

Trump's point was, that if I was rich and famous, instead of a nearly penniless college student, that she might have "let" me.

That you find that opinion to be a scandal, is literally hysterical. You are in the grip of a mass hysteria.

Seriously dude, people in the future will read of this, and laugh at you.

I think you are the one that is already being laughed at, you obsession with the wealthy and your acceptance that the same rules do not apply to them is the sort of thing that you should be ridiculed for.
Funny that the Trumpsters think the (current) unemployment rate is the top priority of minorities, that Trump can win them over with that.

That, while completely ignoring & enabling the type of horrific things that are said & done on the Right, including here on good ol' USMB.

The alternative universe has blinded them to that part.

We don't think that.

We think that maybe, some significant portion of them, might be persuadable based on good economic, unemployment and wage numbers.

We recognize that the majority of minorities, such as yourself, are too conditioned by generations of race baiting propaganda to be able to hear anything we say.
Sounds good!

I know. If Trump can just REDUCE the lock the dems have on the minority vote, he can save this country.

He got a helluva long road to do that, especially since he's been undermining that plan since literally Day One.

For example when Rump was running for nomination and David Duke was simultaneously running for the Senate, Rump's black support in LA was even lower than the Klansman. That's rare air.
She did not stop me because it was not "ok" but because she did not want to actually have sex in the pantry.

She demonstrated that she did not consider it, not "ok", by continuing to make out with me, and then remaining my friend afterwards for decades to the present day.

So, it as ok with her..she just didn't let you do it...damn do you get dizzy when you spin that much? Perhaps she stayed friends with you because when you tried and she stopped you, you actually stopped. Do you think had you kept doing it she would have still be ok with it?

Trump's point was, that if I was rich and famous, instead of a nearly penniless college student, that she might have "let" me.

That you find that opinion to be a scandal, is literally hysterical. You are in the grip of a mass hysteria.

Seriously dude, people in the future will read of this, and laugh at you.

I think you are the one that is already being laughed at, you obsession with the wealthy and your acceptance that the same rules do not apply to them is the sort of thing that you should be ridiculed for.

1. Making a pass and taking a no, is normal male behavior in this country. Nothing Trump said, implied in anyway that he believes anything else.

2. Women treat men differently, ie are more open to sexual advances from them, if the man has attributes that they find attractive, such as, in this case, wealth and fame. That you have managed to convince yourself otherwise, is literally hysterical of you. You are in the grip of mass hysteria.
FUnny, a second ago, "grabbing a pussy...not in a relationship" was wrong. Now you admit that you have done so, many times.

Did Trump say, "standing in the bar"? Or is that spin you added?

Never with someone that I was not relationship with, even if that relationship was only for one night.

That is not what your god was talking about, and you full well know it.

So, back in college, once I was at a party. This one woman who was a friend of mine, her boyfriend left to drive someone home.

I took her into the pantry,and we made out. I moved to second base and "grabbed" her tits, and fondled them as we made out. They were magnificent.

After a few minutes, I made a move to "grab" her pussy. She stopped me, we made out for a few more minutes, and then returned to the Party before her boyfriend got back.

Trump's point, was that, if you are famous, that women "let" you do that.

ONly a dishonest person would pretend that this is shocking, or god forbid, sexual assault.

Again, that's Trump saying the women let him. You're literally quoting the assailant as evidence it's not assault. Meanwhile, the line of women claiming they didn't let him goes out the door. According to your nonsense, a celebrity can't be guilty of rape when all the celebrity has to do is assert, when you're a celebrity, women let you have sex with them.


Your Trump Defense Syndrome is truly a remarkable thing to observe.

The one woman he claimed to have made an aggressive move on, when questioned, did not even realize that he had been hitting on her.

Trump, imo, is much like an attractive woman. What they interpret as "making an aggressive pass" at someone, is really just making themselves available, to let the other person do all the work.

He is too rich, too famous, and too tall, to have any idea how hard it is, for the rest of us, to successfully hit on women.
He was clear, he thought any woman he met wanted to have sex with him. "When you're a celebrity, they let you do anything." That's part and parcel with being a narcissist.

And again, the line of women complaining they didn't let him grope them is yuge.
She did not stop me because it was not "ok" but because she did not want to actually have sex in the pantry.

She demonstrated that she did not consider it, not "ok", by continuing to make out with me, and then remaining my friend afterwards for decades to the present day.

So, it as ok with her..she just didn't let you do it...damn do you get dizzy when you spin that much? Perhaps she stayed friends with you because when you tried and she stopped you, you actually stopped. Do you think had you kept doing it she would have still be ok with it?

Trump's point was, that if I was rich and famous, instead of a nearly penniless college student, that she might have "let" me.

That you find that opinion to be a scandal, is literally hysterical. You are in the grip of a mass hysteria.

Seriously dude, people in the future will read of this, and laugh at you.

I think you are the one that is already being laughed at, you obsession with the wealthy and your acceptance that the same rules do not apply to them is the sort of thing that you should be ridiculed for.

1. Making a pass and taking a no, is normal male behavior in this country. Nothing Trump said, implied in anyway that he believes anything else.

2. Women treat men differently, ie are more open to sexual advances from them, if the man has attributes that they find attractive, such as, in this case, wealth and fame. That you have managed to convince yourself otherwise, is literally hysterical of you. You are in the grip of mass hysteria.
Making a pass is completely normal male behavior. Making a pass by grabbing a woman's pussy is not normal male behavior. In fact, one can end up being charged with criminal assault for such behavior.
1. Making a pass and taking a no, is normal male behavior in this country. Nothing Trump said, implied in anyway that he believes anything else.

2. Women treat men differently, ie are more open to sexual advances from them, if the man has attributes that they find attractive, such as, in this case, wealth and fame. That you have managed to convince yourself otherwise, is literally hysterical of you. You are in the grip of mass hysteria.

1. Nobody but you and Trump think that grabbing a woman's pussy is "making a pass at her". This speaks volumes about you.

2. Is this the excuse you use to console yourself for never getting any pussy?

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