This is why we support Trump, he fights: Trump to begin massive outreach to Black Voters.

Actually, let's ask Googly Images for an undocumented fake quote

It certainly is documented, and LBJ was apparently like that it private....

but that is TRUTH you HATE, and if you did not HATE TRUTH, you would not be a Democrat....

It certainly is not documented --- it's a Googly Image from where you can generate anything you want and put it in anybody you want's mouth.

But you go ahead and prove me wrong, Sprinkler System.

Oh and I'm not a Democrat anyway. I just know bullshit when I see it, especially when I've seen it before.
The only thing that matters is skin color.

A black person "represents" me.

A white doesn't.

100% pure prejudice and bigotry....
Awww, does it hurt your feelings that everyone does not want to be represented by white men? Too fucking bad.
Awww, does it hurt your feelings that everyone does not want to be represented by white men?

The only time I ever voted for a Dem, I made the right choice, in Virginia in 1990.

L Douglas Wilder was the Dem candidate, a decent moderate guy

Marhall Coleman was an anti drug/marijuana and anti- abortion idiot

I voted for Wilder, and he did a good job. Doug Wilder represented me....

So, the truth is that when I vote, I care much more about


than I do race, gender, or sexual affiliation.

Democrats are clearly 180 degrees the OPPOSITE.
Awww, does it hurt your feelings that everyone does not want to be represented by white men?

The only time I ever voted for a Dem, I made the right choice, in Virginia in 1990.

L Douglas Wilder was the Dem candidate, a decent moderate guy

Marhall Coleman was an anti drug/marijuana and anti- abortion idiot

I voted for Wilder, and he did a good job. Doug Wilder represented me....

So, the truth is that when I vote, I care much more about


than I do race, gender, or sexual affiliation.

Democrats are clearly 180 degrees the OPPOSITE.
Nope, you are still wrong.

The truth is that the GOP believes only white men posses those qualities in sufficient amounts to be in leadership positions. And that's why the picture looks the way it does.

So why would I want to be part of that when I am not a white man?
The truth is that the GOP believes only white men posses those qualities

Encyclopedia Britannica

It is funny how obsessed Democrats are with skin color.

Whites = bad
Blacks (as long as they are Democrats and RACE BAITERS) = good

That's the difference.
So where are the black people in that photo of new congress members? Why does the GOP almost always elect white men? You need to answer that and stop deflecting. Or just admit that the GOP are racist assholes and Trump has given the green light to SHOUT IT LOUD AND PROUD!
Actually, let's ask Googly Images for an undocumented fake quote

It certainly is documented, and LBJ was apparently like that it private....

but that is TRUTH you HATE, and if you did not HATE TRUTH, you would not be a Democrat....

It certainly is not documented --- it's a Googly Image from where you can generate anything you want and put it in anybody you want's mouth.

But you go ahead and prove me wrong, Sprinkler System.

We sit, and we wait. Any day now.

Oh I should have said, it's perfectly OK to admit you were WRONG when you can't do it.
So where are the black people in that photo of new congress members? Why does the GOP almost always elect white men? You need to answer that and stop deflecting. Or just admit that the GOP are racist assholes and Trump has given the green light to SHOUT IT LOUD AND PROUD!


Once again, the only thing that matters is SKIN COLOR.

Who is the racial bigot here, the one who votes on ideology/character/patriotism, or the one who votes purely on SKIN COLOR?
The truth is that the GOP believes only white men posses those qualities

Encyclopedia Britannica

It is funny how obsessed Democrats are with skin color.

Whites = bad
Blacks (as long as they are Democrats and RACE BAITERS) = good

That's the difference.
So where are the black people in that photo of new congress members? Why does the GOP almost always elect white men? You need to answer that and stop deflecting. Or just admit that the GOP are racist assholes and Trump has given the green light to SHOUT IT LOUD AND PROUD!

Moron...because 90% of Blacks are democrats......if more Blacks would break free of the democrat party and run as Republicans they would win doofus....just like the Kentucky AG.....
The truth is that the GOP believes only white men posses those qualities

Encyclopedia Britannica

It is funny how obsessed Democrats are with skin color.

Whites = bad
Blacks (as long as they are Democrats and RACE BAITERS) = good

That's the difference.
So where are the black people in that photo of new congress members? Why does the GOP almost always elect white men? You need to answer that and stop deflecting. Or just admit that the GOP are racist assholes and Trump has given the green light to SHOUT IT LOUD AND PROUD!

Moron...because 90% of Blacks are democrats......if more Blacks would break free of the democrat party and run as Republicans they would win doofus....just like the Kentucky AG.....

Democrats and their apparatchiks try to hide the truth….but may no longer be successful.
Lots of folks are recognizing the evil and disingenuous nature of the Democrat Party….and that’s not good for the party.
….but it is for America.

“Kanye West claims Democrats are making black people ‘abort our children’

Kanye West, who released his latest album “Jesus Is King” last week, claims Democrats have “brainwashed” African-Americans — and are making them “abort” their children.

“We’re [black Americans] brainwashed out here, bro. Come on, man. This is a free man talking. Democrats had us voting [for] Democrats with food stamps for years,” Yeezy said when asked about those who think he has turned his back on the black community.

“What are you talking about? Guns in the ’80s, taking the fathers out the home, Plan B, lowering our votes, making us abort our children … Thou shall not kill,” he continued.

“I’d rather deal with somebody who call me the n-word to my face than a person that signed me for a lifetime deal on a 255-page contract. I’d rather know what I’m dealing with.”

Big Boy asked West whether he has considered that his support for Trump could be viewed as a tacit endorsement of racism.

“The most racist thing a person can tell me is that I’m supposed to choose something based on my race,” he responded.

“I’m not telling nobody not to vote Democrat,” he said,

And when asked if he feared losing his audience, West insisted that he is “only afraid of God.”

“I’m only afraid of my daddy, God. I done been 15 years. I’m telling you that God is showing you that you can have your own thoughts, bro. “
The truth is that the GOP believes only white men posses those qualities

Encyclopedia Britannica

It is funny how obsessed Democrats are with skin color.

Whites = bad
Blacks (as long as they are Democrats and RACE BAITERS) = good

That's the difference.
So where are the black people in that photo of new congress members? Why does the GOP almost always elect white men? You need to answer that and stop deflecting. Or just admit that the GOP are racist assholes and Trump has given the green light to SHOUT IT LOUD AND PROUD!

Moron...because 90% of Blacks are democrats......if more Blacks would break free of the democrat party and run as Republicans they would win doofus....just like the Kentucky AG.....

Oh moron.... paging moron....

You wanna run for office in Kentucky, you'd better run as a Republican, unless you like losing. Duh.

Either that, or have your opponent bring Rump in to endorse you, that works too. Ask Roy Moore.
Trump did not say "stranger", now did he? That was you, dishonestly moving the goal post.

And my point stands.

In the real world of sexual relations, there is a lot of non-verbal cues, well before that point.

That I have to explain this to you, is you either being dishonest or an incel.

Either way, either knock it off, or trust someone with a long and successful history with women.

why will you not answer the question? What are you afraid of?

I did answer the question. I pointed out that your question was based on a flawed reading of what Trump said.

Or dishonest.

I'm not afraid of anything. YOU look ridiculous in this exchange, arguing that "grabbing a pussy" is somehow morally wrong.

When it is the pussy of someone you are not in a relationship with it is. Which is why you do not go around grabbing the pussies of women you meet.

You never had a one night stand?

plenty. But never grabbed them by the pussy while standing in the bar or at a party. Always waited till we were alone and getting naked.

tell us about your experiences of grabbing pussies in the bars

FUnny, a second ago, "grabbing a pussy...not in a relationship" was wrong. Now you admit that you have done so, many times.

Did Trump say, "standing in the bar"? Or is that spin you added?
FUnny, a second ago, "grabbing a pussy...not in a relationship" was wrong. Now you admit that you have done so, many times.

Did Trump say, "standing in the bar"? Or is that spin you added?

Never with someone that I was not relationship with, even if that relationship was only for one night.

That is not what your god was talking about, and you full well know it.
FUnny, a second ago, "grabbing a pussy...not in a relationship" was wrong. Now you admit that you have done so, many times.

Did Trump say, "standing in the bar"? Or is that spin you added?

Never with someone that I was not relationship with, even if that relationship was only for one night.

That is not what your god was talking about, and you full well know it.

So, back in college, once I was at a party. This one woman who was a friend of mine, her boyfriend left to drive someone home.

I took her into the pantry,and we made out. I moved to second base and "grabbed" her tits, and fondled them as we made out. They were magnificent.

After a few minutes, I made a move to "grab" her pussy. She stopped me, we made out for a few more minutes, and then returned to the Party before her boyfriend got back.

Trump's point, was that, if you are famous, that women "let" you do that.

ONly a dishonest person would pretend that this is shocking, or god forbid, sexual assault.
So, back in college, once I was at a party. This one woman who was a friend of mine, her boyfriend left to drive someone home.

I took her into the pantry,and we made out. I moved to second base and "grabbed" her tits, and fondled them as we made out. They were magnificent.

After a few minutes, I made a move to "grab" her pussy. She stopped me, we made out for a few more minutes, and then returned to the Party before her boyfriend got back.

Trump's point, was that, if you are famous, that women "let" you do that.

ONly a dishonest person would pretend that this is shocking, or god forbid, sexual assault.

Yes, they "let" you do that...

Just like they "let" Harvey Weinstein do it, or they "let" Bill O'Riley do it or "let" Matt Lauer do it. Hell I am pretty sure Bill Cosby claimed the women "let" him do it.

There is a long list of men who claim that the women "let" them do it.
So, back in college, once I was at a party. This one woman who was a friend of mine, her boyfriend left to drive someone home.

I took her into the pantry,and we made out. I moved to second base and "grabbed" her tits, and fondled them as we made out. They were magnificent.

After a few minutes, I made a move to "grab" her pussy. She stopped me, we made out for a few more minutes, and then returned to the Party before her boyfriend got back.

Trump's point, was that, if you are famous, that women "let" you do that.

ONly a dishonest person would pretend that this is shocking, or god forbid, sexual assault.

Yes, they "let" you do that...

Just like they "let" Harvey Weinstein do it, or they "let" Bill O'Riley do it or "let" Matt Lauer do it. Hell I am pretty sure Bill Cosby claimed the women "let" him do it.

There is a long list of men who claim that the women "let" them do it.

You just presented your assumption that Trump is lying about the "let".

To support that assumption, you present a couple examples, of people that you say said that, and were lying.

That other people lied about does not mean that everyone who says that a sexual partner "let" them do something is lying.

Your logic, is completely not logical.

You asked for an example of me, "grabbing a pussy" at a party. I gave you one. The woman in question, obviously accepted it, as acceptable foreplay. She did not have a fit, nor report me to the police. She did not even stop making out with me.

YOur pretense that what Trump said is shocking, is mass hysteria. Snap out of it.

People in the future will read these words, and laugh at you.

Loud and long.

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