this is why you KILL people with knives

white black yellow green--it doesn't matter what RACE they are
this isn't a fairytale land--but a land with HUMANS who are idiots/jackasses/dangerous
Shoot me,’ Hong yells, before charging at Harrison again, grabbing him by the shoulders and appearing to reach for the officer’s gun.

Heart-stopping body cam footage shows the two Georgia police officers killing knife wielding man | Daily Mail Online

Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.

Anyone pulls a knife on me is going to get shot to death.
If I swing a bat at you, you're going down.
I have martial and combat training. Apparently cops do not.
And I won't even get into using nunchuckos [sic] or staffs.


But then I don't have fear.
Too many copes [sic] these days are young kids with no experience scared shitless on the job.
I could have taken that guy down with a hand full of salt to the eyes.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

This has got to be a joke. No one is really this much of a clown.
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Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.
a knife vs a tazer?
so you want it to be more even for the jackass criminals? get one swing with the bat and if you miss you are dead

Tasers can immobilize at a considerable distance, unless you have throwing skills, knives must be used at short range.
And apparently you don't know how to use a bat. I do.
If I swing a bat at you, you're going down.
I have martial and combat training. Apparently cops do not.
And I won't even get into using nunchuckos or staffs.
Shooting that guy wasn't "necessary."
This is just our new modern lazy policing.
That guy WANTED to be killed.
  • Answer call.
  • Issue orders.
  • Shoot upon noncompliance or first sign of danger.
  • Call for wagon to get body.
  • Mover on to next call.
I ask again, you want the criminals to have a better chance?
This guy wasn't a criminal. What law had he broken?
Cops are also constables on patrol. I bet I could have talked the guy down with no violence necessary.
I don't take life so easy.
But then I don't have fear.
Too many copes these days are young kids with no experience scared shitless on the job.
I could have taken that guy down with a hand full of salt to the eyes.
white black yellow green--it doesn't matter what RACE they are
this isn't a fairytale land--but a land with HUMANS who are idiots/jackasses/dangerous
Shoot me,’ Hong yells, before charging at Harrison again, grabbing him by the shoulders and appearing to reach for the officer’s gun.

Heart-stopping body cam footage shows the two Georgia police officers killing knife wielding man | Daily Mail Online

Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.

Anyone pulls a knife on me is going to get shot to death.

But what if Toobadass Texas Ranger has a handful of salt? No can defense.

Same response.
Tasers can immobilize at a considerable distance, unless you have throwing skills, knives must be used at short range.
And apparently you don't know how to use a bat. I do.
If I swing a bat at you, you're going down.
I have martial and combat training. Apparently cops do not.
And I won't even get into using nunchuckos or staffs.
Shooting that guy wasn't "necessary."
This is just our new modern lazy policing.
That guy WANTED to be killed.
  • Answer call.
  • Issue orders.
  • Shoot upon noncompliance or first sign of danger.
  • Call for wagon to get body.
  • Mover on to next call.
I ask again, you want the criminals to have a better chance?
This guy wasn't a criminal. What law had he broken?
Cops are also constables on patrol. I bet I could have talked the guy down with no violence necessary.
I don't take life so easy.
But then I don't have fear.
Too many copes these days are young kids with no experience scared shitless on the job.
I could have taken that guy down with a hand full of salt to the eyes.
white black yellow green--it doesn't matter what RACE they are
this isn't a fairytale land--but a land with HUMANS who are idiots/jackasses/dangerous

Heart-stopping body cam footage shows the two Georgia police officers killing knife wielding man | Daily Mail Online

Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.

Anyone pulls a knife on me is going to get shot to death.

But what if Toobadass Texas Ranger has a handful of salt? No can defense.

Same response.

You don't understand. Toobadass Texas Ranger has "martial arts combat training" and has "no fear." He would easily deflect your bullet with his "nunchukos" and then kill you by playing baseball.

My apologies, I am very dum.
..... I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me......

That is a completely worthless "guarantee." That is just your imagination.

Come at me with a knife so we can test your theory...

I have knives from all over the world that you've never seen! Some would make you shit your pants just at the sight of them.

But then, you'd like that.

Okay Moonbat freak. Police officers should not have to resort to deadly force!
Thanks, idiot, you just AGREED with me. That is the problem, our many under-trained, unqualified police of today have apparently only one mode of operation now: SUBMIT or be gunned down. I've already offered many alternatives that were available to anyone trained in confrontation. The police expect to confront people all day long on a daily basis yet aren't skilled in any of these? Did either of these cops even bring with them ONE WEAPON other than a gun? No.

They are just like you and me not Ninjas, or Kung fu masters , You obviously live in a fantasy world somewhere in your mind. He was lawfully ordered to drop the weapon in his possession "Begged" actually. As an American citizen you have no right to refuse to obey a lawful order of a police officer. You have the right to surrender peacefully and debate your case in a court of law. If he broke no laws as you "assume" Then there would be no reason to not surrender without attacking the Officers. He brought a Knife to a gun fight always a bad idea one more wacko who won't hurt anybody else. These Men will carry this with them the rest of their lives unfortunately, always better to be judged by 12 then carried by 6! IMO

Look, Moron, let me make it easy for you. A knife is a pointy thing in your hand. You have to come within arm's length to use it. The police are there to serve and protect. That doesn't mean themselves, that means the public. Like it or not, this crazy idiot with a knife was still ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE. He might have had a learning or mental issue, maybe a medication or disability issue. Maybe he didn't understand English. There are many non-lethal ways to deal with a knife attack, even with a gun. Some here have tried to dismiss me or claim I'm making myself out as a "Bruce Lee" when nothing of the sort is true or necessary. Yes, I have some fighting and weapons training, but you all are simply ridiculing me in order to avoid admitting that the cops there didn't even try to stop this guy without killing him.

You talk a bold game now but you'd sing a different tune if that was your brother, father or son. For all we know that guy just got news that a loved one had just died and was so out of his mind stricken with grief that he didn't want to go on. There are many good reasons why a person might act that way yet not be any real danger. In fact, there was no one else even in the video, so who was this guy endangering? What crime had be committed? The cop could have simply backed off, gotten back in his car and been safe until he came out with some non-lethal weapon to subdue the person. Hell, they take down ELEPHANTS and LIONS in the wild with nothing more than a tranquilizer dart! Are all you blind idiots really arguing that an animal deserves better treatment than a man? There was no immediate danger in this case other than the one created by the arrival and presence of the police.

With the police today, for whatever reason, it is now submit to verbal command or we will simply gun you down in a hail of bullets until they have to pick you up with a shovel. JUST ONCE, I'd like a police investigation begin with the question: "Did you even TRY to stop this guy without gunning him down in a hail of bullets? Did you even try to use any of the many non-lethal tools we supplied you with?"

The funny thing is how some of you scoffed at stopping him with a baseball bat where you have a piece of wood 4 inches across with a hitting surface maybe 12 inches long, but you have no qualms about being able to hit him with a ball of lead 1/3rd inch across.

"IMPOSSIBLE situation?" Pleeeease. The really sad part of this was watching this guy charge the one cop from over 20 feet away and tackle the cop and almost take his gun while even shot and the officer stood there basically clueless, no idea how to even defend himself much less stop the assailant.

Pussy police. Without a gun to save their asses, these two "police" would be helpless and dead. Without their guns, this guy would have easily overpowered and killed the first cop, then run down and killed the second. Pathetic. I expect my police to be better trained and skilled than this.
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You poor dear. The cop didn't even try to stop him without killing him. Nooooo. Of course not. The police are never going to try to stop someone without killing them. That is not what they are trained to do. If someone is not armed the police will use a taser. Put a weapon in their hands and they are dead meat.

If you see someone having an episode don't call the police. How hard is that? The police are not doctors, social workers or counselors. They will not cuddle or make nice or talk them down. Don't call them if you think the person is just mental and harmless.

Of course the cop is not going to back off and sit in his car until it is safe. That's not what we pay them to do. But if you think that police should stay in their cars don't call them. Deal with it yourself. Keep your baseball bat handy.
white black yellow green--it doesn't matter what RACE they are
this isn't a fairytale land--but a land with HUMANS who are idiots/jackasses/dangerous
Shoot me,’ Hong yells, before charging at Harrison again, grabbing him by the shoulders and appearing to reach for the officer’s gun.

Heart-stopping body cam footage shows the two Georgia police officers killing knife wielding man | Daily Mail Online

Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.

There are a lot of DUMB posts on this forum, but this is the DUMBEST I have seen in a long, LONG time.
I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked o

Spoken like a true Internet warrior. I applaud your virtual bravado.

In the academy, we do a drill where an instructor initiates an attack on you and you don't know what sort of weapon you will have to deploy.

An instructor came towards me and wielded a knife. I drew and extended an ASP baton.

The instructor just yelled at me, 'What the EFF are you going to do?! Sword fight me?! Are you an EFFIN Jedi?!'

Policing isn't about fighting fair, it's about making your arrest and going home to your loved ones.
In the academy, we do a drill where an instructor initiates an attack on you and you don't know what sort of weapon you will have to deploy.

An instructor came towards me and wielded a knife. I drew and extended an ASP baton.

The instructor just yelled at me, 'What the EFF are you going to do?! Sword fight me?! Are you an EFFIN Jedi?!'

Policing isn't about fighting fair, it's about making your arrest and going home to your loved ones.

Wait a minute, how did you answer? ARE you an effin Jedi?

Just so you know, Toobadass eats Jedi for breakfast.

I'd rather be a Sith. They marry hot queens.
white black yellow green--it doesn't matter what RACE they are
this isn't a fairytale land--but a land with HUMANS who are idiots/jackasses/dangerous
Shoot me,’ Hong yells, before charging at Harrison again, grabbing him by the shoulders and appearing to reach for the officer’s gun.

Heart-stopping body cam footage shows the two Georgia police officers killing knife wielding man | Daily Mail Online

Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.

There are a lot of DUMB posts on this forum, but this is the DUMBEST I have seen in a long, LONG time.

Yeah, sure, K9, why shoot an assailant once in the gut or knees to disable and stop him when you can shoot him in the heart and brain 5 times! Maybe the next cop murder will by your next of kin, jackass.
Yeah, sure, K9, why shoot an assailant once in the gut or knees to disable and stop him when you can shoot him in the heart and brain 5 times! Maybe the next cop murder will by your next of kin, jackass.

Anyone who threatens another with a knife deserves to be shot and it is lawful to do so. If you don't like it, get off of this message board and write your local representatives.
Policing isn't about fighting fair, it's about making your arrest and going home to your loved ones.

Policing is supposed to about serving the public. Your instructor was just admitting they had no intentions nor ability to serious train you in actual self-defense. Your sparse and lax training just shows that today it is just to get through the day the easiest way you can no matter what and justify everything because they are having so hard a time recruiting new people into the police force.
Policing isn't about fighting fair, it's about making your arrest and going home to your loved ones.

Policing is supposed to about serving the public. Your instructor was just admitting they had no intentions nor ability to serious train you in actual self-defense. Your sparse and lax training just shows that today it is just to get through the day the easiest way you can no matter what and justify everything because they are having so hard a time recruiting new people into the police force.

Call me crazy, but I would consider incapacitating a knife wielding maniac to be in the best interest of public order.

Of course, opinions vary.
Yeah, sure, K9, why shoot an assailant once in the gut or knees to disable and stop him when you can shoot him in the heart and brain 5 times! Maybe the next cop murder will by your next of kin, jackass.

Anyone who threatens another with a knife deserves to be shot and it is lawful to do so. If you don't like it, get off of this message board and write your local representatives.

Fuck you, asshole. I never said anything about not getting shot. All I said was about not needing to do so in a deliberately 100% cold blooded lethal way when the situation did not yet warrant it and they could have just as easily shot him in the gut or knees and let him live. You're as fucking coward and a pussy like so many here who simply attack ANY criticism of police tactics no matter how deserved, and in hand to hand fighting, I'd take you down in a minute! Probably while you still held that gun in your trembling hand!

When you don't examine your police as with your politicians too closely, it simply leads to an abuse of authority and power.
Policing isn't about fighting fair, it's about making your arrest and going home to your loved ones.

Policing is supposed to about serving the public. Your instructor was just admitting they had no intentions nor ability to serious train you in actual self-defense. Your sparse and lax training just shows that today it is just to get through the day the easiest way you can no matter what and justify everything because they are having so hard a time recruiting new people into the police force.

Call me crazy, but I would consider incapacitating a knife wielding maniac to be in the best interest of public order.

Of course, opinions vary.

Then we agree. But murder is is not incapacitation. These cops were totally defenseless without their guns and had they not had them, that one man would have easily taken out two supposedly "well trained" police.
they could have just as easily shot him in the gut or knees and let him live.

Anatomically speaking, there is no safe place to shoot a human.

You have a major artery (popetiel) behind your knee. The abdomen contains your hepatic artery and liver.

That being said, 80% of gunshot victims survive.

Very little about wounds and their effects are like what is shown in TV.
Policing isn't about fighting fair, it's about making your arrest and going home to your loved ones.

Policing is supposed to about serving the public. Your instructor was just admitting they had no intentions nor ability to serious train you in actual self-defense. Your sparse and lax training just shows that today it is just to get through the day the easiest way you can no matter what and justify everything because they are having so hard a time recruiting new people into the police force.

Call me crazy, but I would consider incapacitating a knife wielding maniac to be in the best interest of public order.

Of course, opinions vary.

Then we agree. But murder is is not incapacitation. These cops were totally defenseless without their guns and had they not had them, that one man would have easily taken out two supposedly "well trained" police.

The reason police are trained to shoot for center mass isn't lethality. I've explained before that it's impossible to guarantee any shot won't be fatal like on TV.

Police shoot for center mass because you are statistically much more likely to hit what you're shooting at.

A 9mm bullet maintains lethal velocity for up to a thousand yards. Any shot that misses its target can kill some innocent a kilometer away... like a baby in a stroller.

Shooting in public is messy. Everyone is moving. The public stand around like sheep. Adrenaline is high.

If you have to shoot, make damn sure you hit that at which you aim.

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