this is why you KILL people with knives

Fuck you, asshole.

Why do you believe that a police officer is obligated to risk his life by using something less lethal than a gun in response to someone who wants to kill them?

Where did I ever say he couldn't use a gun? All I said is that there are lethal and NON-lethal ways of stopping an assailant, whatever weapon you use. The police tactics taught today are designed so that some young, small female can be a cop. Any idiot can point and squeeze a trigger, it takes skill and training to do it intelligently. If I can stop an elephant with a tranquilizer dart, I can certainly do so from the safety and distance of my police car with no harm to the assailant nor risk to the officer.

This policy of "When in doubt, just gun people down till the clip is empty or they stop moving" is just a thinly veiled effort to cover up the fact that many of our police today can barely defend themselves and so shoot first at the first sign of any danger.

I just wonder how much training if any police today get in actual empty hand to hand fighting and self-defense? I bet very little.
Policing isn't about fighting fair, it's about making your arrest and going home to your loved ones.

Policing is supposed to about serving the public. Your instructor was just admitting they had no intentions nor ability to serious train you in actual self-defense. Your sparse and lax training just shows that today it is just to get through the day the easiest way you can no matter what and justify everything because they are having so hard a time recruiting new people into the police force.

Call me crazy, but I would consider incapacitating a knife wielding maniac to be in the best interest of public order.

Of course, opinions vary.

Then we agree. But murder is is not incapacitation. These cops were totally defenseless without their guns and had they not had them, that one man would have easily taken out two supposedly "well trained" police.

The reason police are trained to shoot for center mass isn't lethality. I've explained before that it's impossible to guarantee any shot won't be fatal like on TV.

Police shoot for center mass because you are statistically much more likely to hit what you're shooting at.

A 9mm bullet maintains lethal velocity for up to a thousand yards. Any shot that misses its target can kill some innocent a kilometer away... like a baby in a stroller.

Shooting in public is messy. Everyone is moving. The public stand around like sheep. Adrenaline is high.

If you have to shoot, make damn sure you hit that at which you aim.

I don't need to be told how or why police shoot. I'm well trained in firearms. Because of that I know I can stop a person giving them a 90% chance of living or a 90% chance of dying. My choice.
Policing isn't about fighting fair, it's about making your arrest and going home to your loved ones.

Policing is supposed to about serving the public. Your instructor was just admitting they had no intentions nor ability to serious train you in actual self-defense. Your sparse and lax training just shows that today it is just to get through the day the easiest way you can no matter what and justify everything because they are having so hard a time recruiting new people into the police force.

Call me crazy, but I would consider incapacitating a knife wielding maniac to be in the best interest of public order.

Of course, opinions vary.

Then we agree. But murder is is not incapacitation. These cops were totally defenseless without their guns and had they not had them, that one man would have easily taken out two supposedly "well trained" police.

The reason police are trained to shoot for center mass isn't lethality. I've explained before that it's impossible to guarantee any shot won't be fatal like on TV.

Police shoot for center mass because you are statistically much more likely to hit what you're shooting at.

A 9mm bullet maintains lethal velocity for up to a thousand yards. Any shot that misses its target can kill some innocent a kilometer away... like a baby in a stroller.

Shooting in public is messy. Everyone is moving. The public stand around like sheep. Adrenaline is high.

If you have to shoot, make damn sure you hit that at which you aim.

I don't need to be told how or why police shoot. I'm well trained in firearms. Because of that I know I can stop a person giving them a 90% chance of living or a 90% chance of dying. My choice.

I'm sure you believe that.

How many of the people you've shot survived?
Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.

Your post here sends the message that police should not ''shoot to kill'' people who are threatening others with a knife.
I just wonder how much training if any police today get in actual empty hand to hand fighting and self-defense? I bet very little.

You'd lose that bet. The vast majority of Defensive Tactics training is hand or non lethal training.

Even a mandatory firearms requal day consists of five hours of hand to hand to two hours of shooting.
I just wonder how much training if any police today get in actual empty hand to hand fighting and self-defense? I bet very little.

You'd lose that bet. The vast majority of Defensive Tactics training is hand or non lethal training.

Even a mandatory firearms requal day consists of five hours of hand to hand to two hours of shooting.

This kid has no clue what he’s talking about. He’s obviously delusional.

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I've a history of having to 'clean up' the scenes where dealy force was used.

imho, they did what they're trained to do

in fact, they've (again mho) more restraint than most gun queers, who cause the lions share of 'retard w/gun' problems

mostly becsuse the untrained/uneducated trailor trash of this country can , and we (that's YOU reading this ) allow them to
white black yellow green--it doesn't matter what RACE they are
this isn't a fairytale land--but a land with HUMANS who are idiots/jackasses/dangerous
Shoot me,’ Hong yells, before charging at Harrison again, grabbing him by the shoulders and appearing to reach for the officer’s gun.

Heart-stopping body cam footage shows the two Georgia police officers killing knife wielding man | Daily Mail Online

The problem is these cops get very little training in the use of their firearms. When it becomes obvious that the guy is trying to commit suicide by cop, then you shoot him in the legs enough times that he simply can't get to you. Then you use a PR-24 to knock the knife out of his hand from a distance. Then you can have the paramedics patch him up.

The problem with that tactic, is you have to have skills. Skills that these guys don't have, so they are only left with lethal force.
I just wonder how much training if any police today get in actual empty hand to hand fighting and self-defense? I bet very little.

You'd lose that bet. The vast majority of Defensive Tactics training is hand or non lethal training.

Even a mandatory firearms requal day consists of five hours of hand to hand to two hours of shooting.

This kid has no clue what he’s talking about. He’s obviously delusional.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's hard to speak about a subject about which the vast majority of people only know from what they see on TV or movies.
white black yellow green--it doesn't matter what RACE they are
this isn't a fairytale land--but a land with HUMANS who are idiots/jackasses/dangerous
Shoot me,’ Hong yells, before charging at Harrison again, grabbing him by the shoulders and appearing to reach for the officer’s gun.

Heart-stopping body cam footage shows the two Georgia police officers killing knife wielding man | Daily Mail Online

The problem is these cops get very little training in the use of their firearms. When it becomes obvious that the guy is trying to commit suicide by cop, then you shoot him in the legs enough times that he simply can't get to you. Then you use a PR-24 to knock the knife out of his hand from a distance. Then you can have the paramedics patch him up.

The problem with that tactic, is you have to have skills. Skills that these guys don't have, so they are only left with lethal force.

"As you train, so shall you fight."
white black yellow green--it doesn't matter what RACE they are
this isn't a fairytale land--but a land with HUMANS who are idiots/jackasses/dangerous
Shoot me,’ Hong yells, before charging at Harrison again, grabbing him by the shoulders and appearing to reach for the officer’s gun.

Heart-stopping body cam footage shows the two Georgia police officers killing knife wielding man | Daily Mail Online

Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.

There are a lot of DUMB posts on this forum, but this is the DUMBEST I have seen in a long, LONG time.

Yeah, sure, K9, why shoot an assailant once in the gut or knees to disable and stop him .......

You've seen too many movies. Go ahead and try to shoot someone only in the knees while they are moving, Tex. Ask someone to shoot you in the "gut," and then walk it off like in the movies, hardo. After you are done being dead you can come post about how nonlethal that is.
... You're as fucking coward and a pussy like so many here...and in hand to hand fighting, I'd take you down in a minute! Probably while you still held that gun in your trembling hand!

:lmao: Toobadass! :lmao:
I just wonder how much training if any police today get in actual empty hand to hand fighting and self-defense? I bet very little.

You'd lose that bet. The vast majority of Defensive Tactics training is hand or non lethal training.

Even a mandatory firearms requal day consists of five hours of hand to hand to two hours of shooting.

This kid has no clue what he’s talking about. He’s obviously delusional.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's hard to speak about a subject about which the vast majority of people only know from what they see on TV or movies.

They have no clue how they would react, and the limitations you are expected to work under.

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A British guy recently patented a rubber-band driven device that fires knives. Probably why Tainted Tommy is now out to have knives banned or at least licenses. Hasn't figured out the real way to do it is to ban rubber bands. Pity his sire never heard of rubber having been invented.
The problem with that tactic, is you have to have skills. Skills that these guys don't have, so they are only left with lethal force.

But the question remains. Why should a police officer risk his life by using less-than-lethal force when confronted by someone who shows the intent and the means to kill them?
They have no clue how they would react, and the limitations you are expected to work under.

I definitely wouldn't want to be a cop and especially not a white cop that has to work in a black area. Look at what happened to the white cop in Ferguson.
white black yellow green--it doesn't matter what RACE they are
this isn't a fairytale land--but a land with HUMANS who are idiots/jackasses/dangerous
Shoot me,’ Hong yells, before charging at Harrison again, grabbing him by the shoulders and appearing to reach for the officer’s gun.

Heart-stopping body cam footage shows the two Georgia police officers killing knife wielding man | Daily Mail Online

Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.

There are a lot of DUMB posts on this forum, but this is the DUMBEST I have seen in a long, LONG time.

Yeah, sure, K9, why shoot an assailant once in the gut or knees to disable and stop him .......

You've seen too many movies. Go ahead and try to shoot someone only in the knees while they are moving, Tex. Ask someone to shoot you in the "gut," and then walk it off like in the movies, hardo. After you are done being dead you can come post about how nonlethal that is.

When that guy was walking towards them it would have been easy as cake to shoot him in the legs. You don't need to kneecap an individual to stop them. That's just stupid.
The problem with that tactic, is you have to have skills. Skills that these guys don't have, so they are only left with lethal force.

But the question remains. Why should a police officer risk his life by using less-than-lethal force when confronted by someone who shows the intent and the means to kill them?

They shouldn't. But, the public shouldn't have to deal with cops that are not well trained either.
They have no clue how they would react, and the limitations you are expected to work under.

I definitely wouldn't want to be a cop and especially not a white cop that has to work in a black area. Look at what happened to the white cop in Ferguson.

When you can’t wear your uniform while off duty, and your a target on duty, it’s bad getting worse. But doesn’t stop people calling when they get into a jam.

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