this is why you KILL people with knives

Your point is not reality. If you wish to do less damage you will be a police officer only so long as it takes your supervisor to ask for your badge.
Right. So I'M out of contact with reality and a cop will get fired for taking down an assailant with a non-lethal wound that leaves him alive able to go to the hospital to stand trial. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes. That would be a violation of orders. You watch too much television. If a cop misses that leg or the suspect does not go down as expected and so much as steps on a toe the City is on the hook for as much as can be milked. The officer was negligent. The city did not adequately train the officer. The liability is enormous. They train to hit center mass and keep firing until the threat is over. Failure to follow orders is a termination.

I can understand someone being squeamish at the sight of blood or a dead body. Don't be embarrassed or anything. Law enforcement is just not for you.
Your point is not reality. If you wish to do less damage you will be a police officer only so long as it takes your supervisor to ask for your badge.
Right. So I'M out of contact with reality and a cop will get fired for taking down an assailant with a non-lethal wound that leaves him alive able to go to the hospital to stand trial. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes. That would be a violation of orders. You watch too much television. If a cop misses that leg or the suspect does not go down as expected and so much as steps on a toe the City is on the hook for as much as can be milked. The officer was negligent. The city did not adequately train the officer. The liability is enormous. They train to hit center mass and keep firing until the threat is over. Failure to follow orders is a termination.

I can understand someone being squeamish at the sight of blood or a dead body. Don't be embarrassed or anything. Law enforcement is just not for you.

Right. If a cop shoots a guy in the gut, they are going to know he deliberately aimed low to save a life and fire him. That's why they give cops all these things like billy clubs, shot guns, tasers, tear gas and all these other things, right? Because their orders are shoot to kill, even when it is entirely unneeded or unnecessary. Man, you must have one GIANT big asshole to fit your whole head up inside it! :cuckoo:
Your point is not reality. If you wish to do less damage you will be a police officer only so long as it takes your supervisor to ask for your badge.
Right. So I'M out of contact with reality and a cop will get fired for taking down an assailant with a non-lethal wound that leaves him alive able to go to the hospital to stand trial. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes. That would be a violation of orders. You watch too much television. If a cop misses that leg or the suspect does not go down as expected and so much as steps on a toe the City is on the hook for as much as can be milked. The officer was negligent. The city did not adequately train the officer. The liability is enormous. They train to hit center mass and keep firing until the threat is over. Failure to follow orders is a termination.

I can understand someone being squeamish at the sight of blood or a dead body. Don't be embarrassed or anything. Law enforcement is just not for you.

Right. If a cop shoots a guy in the gut, they are going to know he deliberately aimed low to save a life and fire him. That's why they give cops all these things like billy clubs, shot guns, tasers, tear gas and all these other things, right? Because their orders are shoot to kill, even when it is entirely unneeded or unnecessary. Man, you must have one GIANT big asshole to fit your whole head up inside it! :cuckoo:
Cops no longer have billy clubs. Too many lawsuits. All those other things are for unarmed perps. Who is going to judge whether lethal force against an armed perp is necessary? You. That won't work. The rules are not made for the safety of the officer. The rules are made to minimize the city's liability exposure. Suppose you are wrong and your planned takedown doesn't work. He fires a gun and kills a one year old asleep across the street. He hobbles a half block and cuts the throat of a secretary going to lunch. The city gets sued for having your egotistical ass on the police force. Get you on the stand and you will yammer on about saving lives and use of force. The City will pay. They hired you.
Your point is not reality. If you wish to do less damage you will be a police officer only so long as it takes your supervisor to ask for your badge.
Right. So I'M out of contact with reality and a cop will get fired for taking down an assailant with a non-lethal wound that leaves him alive able to go to the hospital to stand trial. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes. That would be a violation of orders. You watch too much television. If a cop misses that leg or the suspect does not go down as expected and so much as steps on a toe the City is on the hook for as much as can be milked. The officer was negligent. The city did not adequately train the officer. The liability is enormous. They train to hit center mass and keep firing until the threat is over. Failure to follow orders is a termination.

I can understand someone being squeamish at the sight of blood or a dead body. Don't be embarrassed or anything. Law enforcement is just not for you.

Right. If a cop shoots a guy in the gut, they are going to know he deliberately aimed low to save a life and fire him. That's why they give cops all these things like billy clubs, shot guns, tasers, tear gas and all these other things, right? Because their orders are shoot to kill, even when it is entirely unneeded or unnecessary. Man, you must have one GIANT big asshole to fit your whole head up inside it! :cuckoo:
Cops no longer have billy clubs. Too many lawsuits.
But none from gun deaths.

Who is going to judge whether lethal force against an armed perp is necessary? You. That won't work.
Not me? Who else but me is going to decide the action to take in a case where I'm threatened or are protecting another?
I was attacked by a loonie in San Francisco. Guy had a weapon. My buddy who had been in the armed forces almost pissed himself. I talked the guy down and relaxed him and he walked away. No shots were fired. I could have killed him. It's all in knowing yourself and being able to communicate effectively.

Suppose you are wrong and your planned takedown doesn't work. He fires a gun and kills a one year old asleep across the street. He hobbles a half block and cuts the throat of a secretary going to lunch.
Quit insulting my intelligence with your silliness. In a confrontation, who is to say why this or that happened. You might still do all the right things and shoot him in the chest 5 times or whatever and he still doesn't go down or something else bad happens. By your rationale, a cop should gun down every person he meets because an hour or a day or a week later, that person might go on to commit a heinous crime. Give it up.
I saw the video. Suicide by cop.

I have no problem with cops shooting/killing a guy with a knife.
I was attacked by a loonie in San Francisco. Guy had a weapon. My buddy who had been in the armed forces almost pissed himself. I talked the guy down and relaxed him and he walked away. No shots were fired. I could have killed him. It's all in knowing yourself and being able to communicate effectively.

Your medal is in the mail.

Because their orders are shoot to kill, even when it is entirely unneeded or unnecessar

I never got that order. You'd never see anyone of authority in a police force giving that order.

The lawsuits alone would bankrupt any city or county in the country.

I'm not sure where you get all your inside information about police policies and procedures ... but it sure sounds like a good show.

The problem with that tactic, is you have to have skills. Skills that these guys don't have, so they are only left with lethal force.

But the question remains. Why should a police officer risk his life by using less-than-lethal force when confronted by someone who shows the intent and the means to kill them?

They shouldn't. But, the public shouldn't have to deal with cops that are not well trained either.
you people live in unreality world
you think this is TJ Hooker/Walker Texas Ranger --TV/movies--it is not
Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.

Your post here sends the message that police should not ''shoot to kill'' people who are threatening others with a knife.

I'm sorry, just who was this guy threatening with a knife before the police came? And I don't care what you THINK my message is. I've made it quite clear that the police in far too many circumstances simply use increasingly excessive force and shoot people to death they didn't have to simply because they know they will be protected from public scrutiny and something think that even the slightest risk to themselves warrants the ultimate price to another human being.
I've been over this millions of times
there is NOT a major, chronic problem of cops shooting people to death
I've put out the facts/links/stats/etc many, many times on USMB
Because their orders are shoot to kill, even when it is entirely unneeded or unnecessar

I never got that order. You'd never see anyone of authority in a police force giving that order.

The lawsuits alone would bankrupt any city or county in the country.

I'm not sure where you get all your inside information about police policies and procedures ... but it sure sounds like a good show.


Why tell me? I'm just repeating what your girlfriend tipsycatlover thinks! As to policies and procedures, I go by what I see. Can't deny the countless news stories and videos. Cops are scared these days, scared and under-trained, and they shoot to kill people rather than risk a proportional response that offers them any risk for the public good. I mean, in this case, they could have at least TRIED to down this guy with MACE or capsicum! Some of that stuff shoots 25 feet or more, then if he still kept coming, he would have been blinded and disabled and any competent person could have then probably subdued him without a hail of bullets in close proximity to homes and children.

Amazing how quickly we have moved to a brutal authoritarian society (and accepted it).
white black yellow green--it doesn't matter what RACE they are
this isn't a fairytale land--but a land with HUMANS who are idiots/jackasses/dangerous

Heart-stopping body cam footage shows the two Georgia police officers killing knife wielding man | Daily Mail Online

Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.

a knife vs a tazer?
so you want it to be more even for the jackass criminals? get one swing with the bat and if you miss you are dead

Tasers can immobilize at a considerable distance, unless you have throwing skills, knives must be used at short range.
And apparently you don't know how to use a bat. I do.
If I swing a bat at you, you're going down.
I have martial and combat training. Apparently cops do not.
And I won't even get into using nunchuckos or staffs.
Shooting that guy wasn't "necessary."
This is just our new modern lazy policing.
That guy WANTED to be killed.
  • Answer call.
  • Issue orders.
  • Shoot upon noncompliance or first sign of danger.
  • Call for wagon to get body.
  • Mover on to next call.

I ask again, you want the criminals to have a better chance?

This guy wasn't a criminal. What law had he broken?
Cops are also constables on patrol. I bet I could have talked the guy down with no violence necessary.
I don't take life so easy.
But then I don't have fear.
Too many copes these days are young kids with no experience scared shitless on the job.
I could have taken that guy down with a hand full of salt to the eyes.

So what's your day job. professional wrestler?

No one walks around with a handful of salt and by the time you dug it out of your pocket you would have been stabbed
..... I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me......

That is a completely worthless "guarantee." That is just your imagination.

Come at me with a knife so we can test your theory...

I have knives from all over the world that you've never seen! Some would make you shit your pants just at the sight of them.

But then, you'd like that.

Your opponent may have as much or more training than you. At any rate, unless your opponent is a fiberglass mannequin, you're going to get cut.

Why should LEOs be obligated to take the risk? Who would want to serve under such a scenario?

Hey, that's just me. I could have taken that guy down a number of non-lethal ways, and I'm issued compared to my younger days. And had I chose to shoot him, I would have shot him in the balls or knees, or maybe the stomach. Not multiple times in the chest.
Cops are pussy murders now. They want no risk in a job of high risk. Their solution to everything is a gun now, and they shoot to kill and they don't stop shooting until their mag is empty or there is no life left in the body. Good cops are becoming hard to find.
Cops have become so pussified now that in anything but a basic situation, they call in a SWAT team these days.
That school shooting a couple years ago, they were afraid to go in and save those kids. They stood outside smoking cigarettes and waited for SWAT to arrive.
It's because I have respect for police that I hate to say this. Cops used to be tough guys that could handle most anything and in the most efficient way, not the easiest.

So you're a marksman too?

How many times can you hit a moving target in the knee cap?
Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.
Everyone can't be Chuck Norris like you.

But yes, cops are supposed to minimize risks to themselves and innocent bystanders.
Yep. A cop aiming for a leg in full run will undoubtably miss and hit someone across the street cooking dinner.

BULLSHIT. You haven't used a firearm. A bullet will likely pass right through you and you run a far greater risk at others aiming high at the chest. You shoot AT WHAT YOU CAN HIT, and a cop can just as easily aim for a less lethal area like the groin, upper legs or stomach if they want to. I mean, police PRACTICE USING MOVING TARGETS, DON'T THEY? C'MON! And with a guy running straight at you 20 feet away, you have time to shoot at the legs or whatever several times.
you people DO live in TV LAND!!!!!jesus fkn christ
no-you DON'T know what shooting a PISTOL is like is not easy to hit a center mass human-sized target [ much less a leg hahahhahahahah ] at 50 yards or even CLOSER
..there were many Old West shootouts at CLOSE range with many misses
unlike in the movies, easy shots were often missed. Often the two just continued firing until they had completely emptied their pistols.
The Truth About Gunfights in the Old West

and these Old Westerners practiced MORE

A Hail of Bullets, a Heap of Uncertainty
“We do not train our agents to shoot to wound or to shoot the gun out of someone’s hand, we train them to shoot to stop the threat
New York City police statistics show that simply hitting a target, let alone hitting it in a specific spot, is a difficult challenge.

as I stated before:
misses underscores the tense and unpredictable nature of these situations. For example, a 43 percent hit rate for shots fired from zero to six feet might seem low, but at that range it is very likely that something has already gone wrong: perhaps an officer got surprised, or had no cover, or was wrestling with the suspect
The adrenaline flow, the movement of the target, the movement of the shooter, the officer, the lighting conditions, the weather ..
A Hail of Bullets, a Heap of Uncertainty

maybe with a rifle that is solidly fit--but not a pistol
....sure, you have people that do trick shots--hitting a flying target/etc--but they practice this A LOT--with the target NOT a human and it being the same all the time
..... I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me......

That is a completely worthless "guarantee." That is just your imagination.

Come at me with a knife so we can test your theory...

I have knives from all over the world that you've never seen! Some would make you shit your pants just at the sight of them.

But then, you'd like that.

Your opponent may have as much or more training than you. At any rate, unless your opponent is a fiberglass mannequin, you're going to get cut.

Why should LEOs be obligated to take the risk? Who would want to serve under such a scenario?

Hey, that's just me. I could have taken that guy down a number of non-lethal ways, and I'm issued compared to my younger days. And had I chose to shoot him, I would have shot him in the balls or knees, or maybe the stomach. Not multiple times in the chest.
Cops are pussy murders now. They want no risk in a job of high risk. Their solution to everything is a gun now, and they shoot to kill and they don't stop shooting until their mag is empty or there is no life left in the body. Good cops are becoming hard to find.
Cops have become so pussified now that in anything but a basic situation, they call in a SWAT team these days.
That school shooting a couple years ago, they were afraid to go in and save those kids. They stood outside smoking cigarettes and waited for SWAT to arrive.
It's because I have respect for police that I hate to say this. Cops used to be tough guys that could handle most anything and in the most efficient way, not the easiest.

So you're a marksman too?

How many times can you hit a moving target in the knee cap?
see my previous post--it gets into moving targets/etc
he's been watching TJ Hooker know--FIRST they sprint TWO MILES at top speed, climbing fences, buildings, jumping....then they shoot the bad guy with a PERFECT shot
..HERE it is = Heather Locklear does NOT use her pistol, but THROWS her baton and gets the bad guy !!!!!!!!!!!
..the police should THROW their PRs at the bad guy who really means no harm
That is a completely worthless "guarantee." That is just your imagination.

Come at me with a knife so we can test your theory...

I have knives from all over the world that you've never seen! Some would make you shit your pants just at the sight of them.

But then, you'd like that.

Your opponent may have as much or more training than you. At any rate, unless your opponent is a fiberglass mannequin, you're going to get cut.

Why should LEOs be obligated to take the risk? Who would want to serve under such a scenario?

Hey, that's just me. I could have taken that guy down a number of non-lethal ways, and I'm issued compared to my younger days. And had I chose to shoot him, I would have shot him in the balls or knees, or maybe the stomach. Not multiple times in the chest.
Cops are pussy murders now. They want no risk in a job of high risk. Their solution to everything is a gun now, and they shoot to kill and they don't stop shooting until their mag is empty or there is no life left in the body. Good cops are becoming hard to find.
Cops have become so pussified now that in anything but a basic situation, they call in a SWAT team these days.
That school shooting a couple years ago, they were afraid to go in and save those kids. They stood outside smoking cigarettes and waited for SWAT to arrive.
It's because I have respect for police that I hate to say this. Cops used to be tough guys that could handle most anything and in the most efficient way, not the easiest.

So you're a marksman too?

How many times can you hit a moving target in the knee cap?
see my previous post--it gets into moving targets/etc
he's been watching TJ Hooker know--FIRST they sprint TWO MILES at top speed, climbing fences, buildings, jumping....then they shoot the bad guy with a PERFECT shot
..HERE it is = Heather Locklear does NOT use her pistol, but THROWS her baton and gets the bad guy !!!!!!!!!!!
..the police should THROW their PRs at the bad guy who really means no harm

That hair is NOT regulation!

Come at me with a knife so we can test your theory...

I have knives from all over the world that you've never seen! Some would make you shit your pants just at the sight of them.

But then, you'd like that.

Your opponent may have as much or more training than you. At any rate, unless your opponent is a fiberglass mannequin, you're going to get cut.

Why should LEOs be obligated to take the risk? Who would want to serve under such a scenario?

Hey, that's just me. I could have taken that guy down a number of non-lethal ways, and I'm issued compared to my younger days. And had I chose to shoot him, I would have shot him in the balls or knees, or maybe the stomach. Not multiple times in the chest.
Cops are pussy murders now. They want no risk in a job of high risk. Their solution to everything is a gun now, and they shoot to kill and they don't stop shooting until their mag is empty or there is no life left in the body. Good cops are becoming hard to find.
Cops have become so pussified now that in anything but a basic situation, they call in a SWAT team these days.
That school shooting a couple years ago, they were afraid to go in and save those kids. They stood outside smoking cigarettes and waited for SWAT to arrive.
It's because I have respect for police that I hate to say this. Cops used to be tough guys that could handle most anything and in the most efficient way, not the easiest.

So you're a marksman too?

How many times can you hit a moving target in the knee cap?
see my previous post--it gets into moving targets/etc
he's been watching TJ Hooker know--FIRST they sprint TWO MILES at top speed, climbing fences, buildings, jumping....then they shoot the bad guy with a PERFECT shot
..HERE it is = Heather Locklear does NOT use her pistol, but THROWS her baton and gets the bad guy !!!!!!!!!!!
..the police should THROW their PRs at the bad guy who really means no harm

That hair is NOT regulation!


good pic--thank you ...she's looking good..couldn't act, but looked good
but she was accurate with a PR
a knife vs a tazer?
so you want it to be more even for the jackass criminals? get one swing with the bat and if you miss you are dead

Tasers can immobilize at a considerable distance, unless you have throwing skills, knives must be used at short range.
And apparently you don't know how to use a bat. I do.
If I swing a bat at you, you're going down.
I have martial and combat training. Apparently cops do not.
And I won't even get into using nunchuckos or staffs.
Shooting that guy wasn't "necessary."
This is just our new modern lazy policing.
That guy WANTED to be killed.
  • Answer call.
  • Issue orders.
  • Shoot upon noncompliance or first sign of danger.
  • Call for wagon to get body.
  • Mover on to next call.
I ask again, you want the criminals to have a better chance?
This guy wasn't a criminal. What law had he broken?
Cops are also constables on patrol. I bet I could have talked the guy down with no violence necessary.
I don't take life so easy.
But then I don't have fear.
Too many copes these days are young kids with no experience scared shitless on the job.
I could have taken that guy down with a hand full of salt to the eyes.

So what's your day job. professional wrestler?

No one walks around with a handful of salt and by the time you dug it out of your pocket you would have been stabbed

You also have factor in time for him to tear off his t-shirt and then dramatically call out the name of each super-secret, deadly kungfu technique he was about to unleash on his unfortunate victim. If only the "copes" were as hardcore as Toobadass, Texas Ranger.
.....a lot of people think in terms of unreality in many subjects
they always say ''why didn't they do this?'' ..'''I would've done that'''
....what's so ridiculous is people saying/implying they would do it different than the police do
Here are some of the arteries in a human body. Rupturing any one of which can cause you to bleed out before you can get to hospital.

Notice how many are in places where people get shot on TV and are still running and fighting.

Hmm. What ever happened to tasers, rubber bullets, or even a simple baseball bat? Whatever happened to mace or a shotgun blast to the knees? Not to mention basic martial combat fighting techniques? Officers had no choice? I guar an damn tee you that give me a bat and come at me with as knife---- any knife, and you're going to get busted wide open, your arm broken and that knife knocked out of your hands before you touch me.

I guess today's cop means zero risk, zero training. Any issue at all, just shoot to kill. That way, they can give any old schmuck a badge.
a knife vs a tazer?
so you want it to be more even for the jackass criminals? get one swing with the bat and if you miss you are dead

Tasers can immobilize at a considerable distance, unless you have throwing skills, knives must be used at short range.
And apparently you don't know how to use a bat. I do.
If I swing a bat at you, you're going down.
I have martial and combat training. Apparently cops do not.
And I won't even get into using nunchuckos or staffs.
Shooting that guy wasn't "necessary."
This is just our new modern lazy policing.
That guy WANTED to be killed.
  • Answer call.
  • Issue orders.
  • Shoot upon noncompliance or first sign of danger.
  • Call for wagon to get body.
  • Mover on to next call.
I ask again, you want the criminals to have a better chance?
This guy wasn't a criminal. What law had he broken?
Cops are also constables on patrol. I bet I could have talked the guy down with no violence necessary.
I don't take life so easy.
But then I don't have fear.
Too many copes these days are young kids with no experience scared shitless on the job.
I could have taken that guy down with a hand full of salt to the eyes.

So what's your day job. professional wrestler?

No one walks around with a handful of salt and by the time you dug it out of your pocket you would have been stabbed

Idiot, you don't put salt in your pocket, you put it in a belt harness pocket with a quick release bottom-opening snap that opened, dumps the contents down into your upturned palm in a second. It is a variation on a weapon used centuries ago by warriors in feudal China. Immediately blinds and disorientates an attacker up to 15 feet away before he even knows it is coming. Like I said, police aren't even prepared to fight or subdue people these people to maintain the peace and order without pulling out the trusty firearm and blowing holes in someone's chest and killing them with blood loss and hydrostatic shock, sometimes just because they are confused, disorientated, scared or simply don't understand english!

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