This is why you shouldn't pay burger flippers 15 an hour

I'll tell you "people" something. I don't work in fast food, but people who do, do a lot more then "flip burgers". That's a term used by those who are clueless
I get it. You work for a glass company and they didn't call yours to fix it.
I'll tell you "people" something. I don't work in fast food, but people who do, do a lot more then "flip burgers". That's a term used by those who are clueless

Its the 3rd thread on this one wonder what kind of "kick" conservative shit bags get out of attacking the poor. I mean, I understand they were never loved as kids but surely even people as dense as this can see they are repeating the cycle.
I'll tell you "people" something. I don't work in fast food, but people who do, do a lot more then "flip burgers". That's a term used by those who are clueless

Damn straight...they also open bags, take pieces of paper and wrap something with it, push buttons and wait for it to beep back...sophisticated stuff for sure.
Only in America, can a rich white guy, with orange skin, ie Trump who by the way, and others like him are the reason wages in this country hasn't caught up with inflation and the cost of living since the late 60's, convince stupid ignorant white people that its Obama's the black guys fought, life now sucks in america...LOLOLOL. Not these rich white mf's, these CEO's, the Wall street fucks, who keep their white ass's out of the middle class....endlessly. Truth be told, if this country stayed with the cost of living, min. wage should be about 20 bucks an hour.

80% of the jobs in this country are all service industry jobs, just about....and that includes the burger flippers that I hope spit on your shit when you come in, moron.
Only in America, can a rich white guy, with orange skin, ie Trump who by the way, and others like him are the reason wages in this country hasn't caught up with inflation and the cost of living since the late 60's, convince stupid ignorant white people that its Obama's the black guys fought, life now sucks in america...LOLOLOL. Not these rich white mf's, these CEO's, the Wall street fucks, who keep their white ass's out of the middle class....endlessly. Truth be told, if this country stayed with the cost of living, min. wage should be about 20 bucks an hour.

80% of the jobs in this country are all service industry jobs, just about....and that includes the burger flippers that I hope spit on your shit when you come in, moron.

The funny thing is you are not informed enough to know that all of these "wall street fucks...white CEO's...etc. etc. - are the very people that Obama has used his power to help the most. Even after 3 straight years of record market profits - this administration still pumped $70,000,000,000 PER MONTH of YOUR money into the system.
Just ONE MONTH of the $Billions Obama has pumped into the market system would pay the full tuition for every student in America whose family income is less than $500,000 a year.
Just ONE YEAR of these same dollars could have bailed out every American who lost their home after the crash.
Obama is the single greatest purveyor of trickle down economics this country has ever seen. PERIOD.
I'll tell you "people" something. I don't work in fast food, but people who do, do a lot more then "flip burgers". That's a term used by those who are clueless
If you visit a Toyota or Honda plant down south you will see high paid Walmart workers and burger flippers who work for a company that fears the workers will unionize.

Fast food workers need to unite.
And BTW "TigerRed59" - Why do you think Obama is so interested in opening up Cuba??
All those "White CEO's and Wall Street fucks" are very-very-very much behind this.
The average Cuban earns $20 a month in wages. Investors are jerking all over themselves to abuse that labor force just a few hundred miles from trade ports. There are massive profits to be made exploiting that labor force.
I'll tell you "people" something. I don't work in fast food, but people who do, do a lot more then "flip burgers". That's a term used by those who are clueless
If you visit a Toyota or Honda plant down south you will see high paid Walmart workers and burger flippers who work for a company that fears the workers will unionize.

Fast food workers need to unite.
A couple of years ago VW told it's plant workers in the US to go ahead and have a vote whether the workers wanted to unionize. If they did then VW would endorse their decision. The workers overwhelmingly rejected to unionize.
People who work in FF businesses as a means of permanent long term employment do not have the education/IQ/skills to do anything else. Some are a perfect fit for the jobs they are hired to do. Some can't even be counted on to sweep the floor properly.
I once owned a restaurant. Before I opened I found my biggest problem was hiring decent clean honest staff.
I literally went to every restaurant and FF business in a five mile radius to 'head-hunt' the best staff I could find.
I ate at these restaurants a few times. I observed how the staff behaved. What their fingernails looked like (one of the most important things to watch for when hiring anyone for any job BTW), how they dressed and what their posture was etc.
When I found someone I thought was a potential employee I waited until they had left where they were working. I then approached them and explained who I was and why I wanted to have a few minutes of their time. This worked almost every time.

BTW the reason they were willing to leave their current jobs was because I offered them four bucks an hour more than they were making.
Its the 3rd thread on this one wonder what kind of "kick" conservative shit bags get out of attacking the poor. I mean, I understand they were never loved as kids but surely even people as dense as this can see they are repeating the cycle.

Pettiness is a sacrement to the conservative shit bags.
I'll tell you "people" something. I don't work in fast food, but people who do, do a lot more then "flip burgers". That's a term used by those who are clueless

yes like break windows out on command

Gee I wonder if they opened the doors before they went outside. A bell shoulda gone off right then. sheesh
The reporter was about equally dumb. I guess air is technically a gas

Burger King employees smash windows following prank call

idiota, they were told it was the fire department and the place would blow up unless they let out the gas from a purported leak.

i figure you're worth about 4 cents an hour, but i still support your right to be able to feed, house and clothe yourself if you work a 40 hour week.

now run along like a good little winger
I don't think we should pay one man at the top 1,500,000 bucks per year! At least the burger flipper is doing the hard work.

"We" dont pay that top guy that. He or his company pays him that. AND it's not our business what he makes. Sure...he might be an arrogant prick. He may have inherited that business. Who knows. But it's HIS.

I'll never grasp the liberals idea that no one's property is truly theirs. That somehow when a man opens a business....his business doubles as some sort of welfare factory that he is obligated to adopt 150 man-child workers and raise them. Fuck that. Here's the salary....take it and do your job or quit.

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