"This is Your Brain on Terrorism"


Jul 28, 2013
In the ongoing NSA debate, making an intelligent decision on liberty vs security first requires a rational assessment of the terror risk. According to this article, however, the human brain is wired to wildly miscalculate that risk:

"Edward Snowden’s revelations about the federal government’s mass collection of phone records, emails, web browsing history and social media interactions have prompted a collective contemplation of a critical question: Should we surrender Constitutionally-enshrined liberties for the government’s promise of security against terror?

Unfortunately, our ability to reach a rational decision on this question is hampered by our humanity: While the homo sapiens brain has come a long way, it’s still wired to assess potential threats with emotion rather than reason. As a result, we’re susceptible to extreme exaggeration of the threat of terrorism and may be making a catastrophically bad bargain with our essential freedoms."

Rest of article: This is Your Brain on Terrorism | LibertyMcG
I am not willing to give up 1 Constitutional right, to fight this bullshit war on terror.

The only thing the GWOT means to me, is if I see a terrorist act being committed, I call 911. That's as far as I go.
I am not willing to give up 1 Constitutional right, to fight this bullshit war on terror.

The only thing the GWOT means to me, is if I see a terrorist act being committed, I call 911. That's as far as I go.

For change, you and I agree.

I will not give up any of my Constititonal Rights for any reason.

I will, if I see an act of Terrorism being committed, will act beyond calling 911. I will do what I can to put an end to that act of terror.
For change, you and I agree.

I will not give up any of my Constititonal Rights for any reason.

I will, if I see an act of Terrorism being committed, will act beyond calling 911. I will do what I can to put an end to that act of terror.
Does that include American terrorism?
For change, you and I agree.

I will not give up any of my Constititonal Rights for any reason.

I will, if I see an act of Terrorism being committed, will act beyond calling 911. I will do what I can to put an end to that act of terror.
Does that include American terrorism?

Did I not say that if I saw an act of terrorism, I would do my best to put an end to it?

I don't understand what was so hard about those words that you couldn't understand them.

But then I do have to consider that you do have a problem with simple facts that you don't like, facts that get in the way of partisan lens you see the world through.
Did I not say that if I saw an act of terrorism, I would do my best to put an end to it?

I don't understand what was so hard about those words that you couldn't understand them.
I understood them. But the fact is, a lot of people don't walk their talk. So let's see if you do?

What have you done to stop this?

That's terrorism.

But then I do have to consider that you do have a problem with simple facts that you don't like, facts that get in the way of partisan lens you see the world through.
I don't have a problem with simple facts. I do have a problem with people trying to peddle their opinion off as a fact. Why do you think there is something wrong with people who disagree with you?

BTW, I'm the most non-partisan poster at this website.
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Did I not say that if I saw an act of terrorism, I would do my best to put an end to it?

I don't understand what was so hard about those words that you couldn't understand them.
I understood them. But the fact is, a lot of people don't walk their talk. So let's see if you do?

What have you done to stop this?

That's terrorism.

But then I do have to consider that you do have a problem with simple facts that you don't like, facts that get in the way of partisan lens you see the world through.
I don't have a problem with simple facts. I do have a problem with people trying to peddle their opinion off as a fact. Why do you think there is something wrong with people who disagree with you?

BTW, I'm the most non-partisan poster at this website.

I am glad that you've recognized that the entirety of the United States government is a terrorist organization.
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In the ongoing NSA debate, making an intelligent decision on liberty vs security first requires a rational assessment of the terror risk. According to this article, however, the human brain is wired to wildly miscalculate that risk:

"Edward Snowden’s revelations about the federal government’s mass collection of phone records, emails, web browsing history and social media interactions have prompted a collective contemplation of a critical question: Should we surrender Constitutionally-enshrined liberties for the government’s promise of security against terror?

Unfortunately, our ability to reach a rational decision on this question is hampered by our humanity: While the homo sapiens brain has come a long way, it’s still wired to assess potential threats with emotion rather than reason. As a result, we’re susceptible to extreme exaggeration of the threat of terrorism and may be making a catastrophically bad bargain with our essential freedoms."

Rest of article: This is Your Brain on Terrorism | LibertyMcG

There are no intelligent discussions about liberty vs. security. Franklin said it best, he that is willing to give up liberty for security, deserves neither liberty or security. There is never a circumstance the the department of defense should be collecting data of American citizens on mass.
I am not willing to give up 1 Constitutional right, to fight this bullshit war on terror.

The only thing the GWOT means to me, is if I see a terrorist act being committed, I call 911. That's as far as I go.

I am not willing to give up 1 Constitutional right to keep pretending islam is a religion of peace.
I am glad that you've recognized that the entirety of the United States government is a terrorist organization.
No I do not recognize that. I do recognize that you seem to be trying to put distance between you and our government. And if that is the case, you're not a very good citizen of this country.

Our government has committed acts of terrorism. We, as a country, have committed acts of terrorism. You, as a citizen, are responsible for this. This is your fault. It also happens to be my fault as well. Because everything the government does, it does in our name.

Now, are you going to answer the question I asked you, or not?
I am not willing to give up 1 Constitutional right, to fight this bullshit war on terror.

The only thing the GWOT means to me, is if I see a terrorist act being committed, I call 911. That's as far as I go.
We have a complex issue. We have the means but not the will to level enemies off the face of the map. Because of that, we have to put up with inconveniences that are utterly disgusting--the loss of privacy to Homeland Security. Unfortunately, some people saw an opportunity to expand Hillary Clinton's hit list of 900 to millions of Democrat rivals, so they made a 2500-page document called "The Affordable (cough, cough) Health Care Act" which utterly destroys every American's privacy to anyone who's a third-rate hacker, all medical personnel, and many American enemies who'd love to know the strengths and weaknesses of every soldier and who their family and loved ones are so they can control them on the battlefield. Can you imagine someone speaking in broken English saying on the battlefield, "PFC John Smith, if you don't set your weapon down and face east and march, Mary Smith at 3581 Sunflower Road in Wherever, Maine will be executed within 25 minutes of your failure to act immediately, after she is raped and tortured in an undisclosed location." ***

I'm really unhappy over the details we are finding out about the Affordable Care Act being the highest tax hike in the history of the modern world, but also what we weren't told ahead of time about its ability to destroy innocent people in a matter of moments by an enemy that has developed cells in every state in this union of ours.

***This is not a true story, it is an extension of what could happen with this nosey little act Nancy Pelosi told people not to worry about, that we'd all "find out what's in it after it passes."

Good God in Heaven help us!

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