This judge should be tried and hanged for treason.

So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

The judge committed no treason and should not be hung. If anyone should be hung it is you. You think that you determine what is right for America? You think this is a two bit dictatorship where you can execute your political enemies. You are so wrong as voters do not agree with you. They do not agree on building a wall and they oppose a national emergency.

The fact is that it is quite logical to make the injunction permanent. Since Trump plans on building now, it should be halted to ensure it is abjugated before building begins.
Trump cannot take an end run around the Constitution, bear. His Wall may be a fine idea and the objections to it may be primarily political, which is terribly frustrating, I realize, but there are only so many things one can do. Ignoring the Constitutional strictures of what the three branches of government can and cannot do are OFF LIMITS. Trump will just have to try harder to work with the Democrats to achieve his physical barrier.

Unless Trump stop attacking his own fellow Americans dividing people. Even husband vs wife, brothers vs brothers, neighbors vs neighbors etc etc etc because of ignorance........ But he concentrate on his own die hard followers ....... Trump will NEVER get there.
Anti Trump is growing. He might end up the most hated POTUS if he is not careful.

When my coworkers in my life hated me, it was a good thing, I knew I was doing something right.


There are 3 sides of that........
1. They hated you because you are a jerk co worker.
2. They hated you because lousy not a team player coworker.
3. They hated trying to tell them what to do with out your proper qualifications. I remember you telling me how tough you are working without safety mask with all the chemicals making mould products.

So which one of the 3?

As far as I know my employees love me. They are my best assets and making them happy ( not hate ) and love me is my ultimate goal in making me successful.
Telling me that they hate you because you are doing the right thing is total backwards and hogwash. Did you tell them not to wear safety mask?


How about #4 ?

I am a smart as a German and work like a Mexican.


Something is wrong here. A recent ruling released the funds after a previous block. I must investigate.

EDIT: Here it is: Judge tosses House Dems' lawsuit over Trump's use of emergency military funds for border wall
I think the most recent ruling only applies to California (and maybe Arizona?) I heard it on the radio this a.m. on my way to work.
yes, different law suits...the other one involves the States suing, environmental groups suing, and others suing harmed by the wall being built.... they have sufficient standing with hatm being done....

this one denied was a judge saying basically. ''I ain't getting involved in this squabble between the two different branches of gvt''

This is a national Emergency that jeopardize an entire nation and once again this little judge is risking millions that doesn't even live in his piece of shit district.
The States, and the people who live in those states being harmed, have rights under our constitution, and protections from federal gvt over reach... we live in a democratic Republic, not a Monarchy or not under Authoritarian rule.... is what the Judge seems to be following???

it still can be appealed and a hope for the admin that the SC takes the case...

Let me ask you what's next we have nuclear missiles headed at us and a little liberal judge in California can prevent Trump from a retaliatory strike, He has to wait months or even years before it makes it to the Supreme Court?


That is so stupid. It shows your stupidity.
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

The judge committed no treason and should not be hung. If anyone should be hung it is you. You think that you determine what is right for America? You think this is a two bit dictatorship where you can execute your political enemies. You are so wrong as voters do not agree with you. They do not agree on building a wall and they oppose a national emergency.

The fact is that it is quite logical to make the injunction permanent. Since Trump plans on building now, it should be halted to ensure it is abjugated before building begins.

Once again, this liberal judge is risking millions of peoples life's and we don't live in his piece of shit state.

I agree, the judge should be jailed
Based on what?
Violation of the constitution
What exactly was the violation in his ruling?
Hello? What exactly was the violation of the Constitution in his ruling?
That he ruled . It’s within trump’s right as president as written in the constitution

The Congress' power of the purse is written in the Constitution. Trump has no rights in the Constitution to override the Congr4ess' power of the purse. Show your ignorance.
Unless Trump stop attacking his own fellow Americans dividing people. Even husband vs wife, brothers vs brothers, neighbors vs neighbors etc etc etc because of ignorance........ But he concentrate on his own die hard followers ....... Trump will NEVER get there.
Anti Trump is growing. He might end up the most hated POTUS if he is not careful.

When my coworkers in my life hated me, it was a good thing, I knew I was doing something right.


There are 3 sides of that........
1. They hated you because you are a jerk co worker.
2. They hated you because lousy not a team player coworker.
3. They hated trying to tell them what to do with out your proper qualifications. I remember you telling me how tough you are working without safety mask with all the chemicals making mould products.

So which one of the 3?

As far as I know my employees love me. They are my best assets and making them happy ( not hate ) and love me is my ultimate goal in making me successful.
Telling me that they hate you because you are doing the right thing is total backwards and hogwash. Did you tell them not to wear safety mask?


How about #4 ?

I am a smart as a German and work like a Mexican.


I think the most recent ruling only applies to California (and maybe Arizona?) I heard it on the radio this a.m. on my way to work.
yes, different law suits...the other one involves the States suing, environmental groups suing, and others suing harmed by the wall being built.... they have sufficient standing with hatm being done....

this one denied was a judge saying basically. ''I ain't getting involved in this squabble between the two different branches of gvt''

This is a national Emergency that jeopardize an entire nation and once again this little judge is risking millions that doesn't even live in his piece of shit district.
The States, and the people who live in those states being harmed, have rights under our constitution, and protections from federal gvt over reach... we live in a democratic Republic, not a Monarchy or not under Authoritarian rule.... is what the Judge seems to be following???

it still can be appealed and a hope for the admin that the SC takes the case...

Let me ask you what's next we have nuclear missiles headed at us and a little liberal judge in California can prevent Trump from a retaliatory strike, He has to wait months or even years before it makes it to the Supreme Court?


That is so stupid. It shows your stupidity.

Stupid how about answer my question?

This is a national emergency, we are being invaded by illegal rapist killer Mexicans.
Based on what?
Violation of the constitution
What exactly was the violation in his ruling?
That the president can do what he did by the constitution. The judge isn’t ruling for our country
The Congress allocates money...not the Executive Branch. Even those who the money is allocated to can't change their minds and put it somewhere else without Congress' approval.
Wrong, once allocated the president can redirect the money. Constitution

That is nowhere in the Constitution. Only Congress can allocate money.
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

The judge committed no treason and should not be hung. If anyone should be hung it is you. You think that you determine what is right for America? You think this is a two bit dictatorship where you can execute your political enemies. You are so wrong as voters do not agree with you. They do not agree on building a wall and they oppose a national emergency.

The fact is that it is quite logical to make the injunction permanent. Since Trump plans on building now, it should be halted to ensure it is abjugated before building begins.

Once again, this liberal judge is risking millions of peoples life's and we don't live in his piece of shit state.


That is so much a lie. He may be a liberal judge but in this case he is following the Constitution and it is in plain English. You don't even have to be a lawyer to understand it. You are the liberal by ignoring the Constitution which gives Congress the power of the purse.
When my coworkers in my life hated me, it was a good thing, I knew I was doing something right.


There are 3 sides of that........
1. They hated you because you are a jerk co worker.
2. They hated you because lousy not a team player coworker.
3. They hated trying to tell them what to do with out your proper qualifications. I remember you telling me how tough you are working without safety mask with all the chemicals making mould products.

So which one of the 3?

As far as I know my employees love me. They are my best assets and making them happy ( not hate ) and love me is my ultimate goal in making me successful.
Telling me that they hate you because you are doing the right thing is total backwards and hogwash. Did you tell them not to wear safety mask?


How about #4 ?

I am a smart as a German and work like a Mexican.


yes, different law suits...the other one involves the States suing, environmental groups suing, and others suing harmed by the wall being built.... they have sufficient standing with hatm being done....

this one denied was a judge saying basically. ''I ain't getting involved in this squabble between the two different branches of gvt''

This is a national Emergency that jeopardize an entire nation and once again this little judge is risking millions that doesn't even live in his piece of shit district.
The States, and the people who live in those states being harmed, have rights under our constitution, and protections from federal gvt over reach... we live in a democratic Republic, not a Monarchy or not under Authoritarian rule.... is what the Judge seems to be following???

it still can be appealed and a hope for the admin that the SC takes the case...

Let me ask you what's next we have nuclear missiles headed at us and a little liberal judge in California can prevent Trump from a retaliatory strike, He has to wait months or even years before it makes it to the Supreme Court?


That is so stupid. It shows your stupidity.

Stupid how about answer my question?

This is a national emergency, we are being invaded by illegal rapist killer Mexicans.

I have a rule about treating stupidity seriously. Your question was stupid. You are comparing apples and oranges.

There is no national emergency. We are not being invaded by anyone. Take your racist bullshit and go to the devil where you belong.
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

The judge committed no treason and should not be hung. If anyone should be hung it is you. You think that you determine what is right for America? You think this is a two bit dictatorship where you can execute your political enemies. You are so wrong as voters do not agree with you. They do not agree on building a wall and they oppose a national emergency.

The fact is that it is quite logical to make the injunction permanent. Since Trump plans on building now, it should be halted to ensure it is abjugated before building begins.
More then the judge. The family also. Completely exterminated. When the time comes it will be done. There will be hunt downs on these azzes. The dictators put into power will give the peasants who are much more poorer a relief valve for their lot in life helped to be caused by them. We see and hear them everyday....just to start...And we don't have to do a damn thing..
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

The judge committed no treason and should not be hung. If anyone should be hung it is you. You think that you determine what is right for America? You think this is a two bit dictatorship where you can execute your political enemies. You are so wrong as voters do not agree with you. They do not agree on building a wall and they oppose a national emergency.

The fact is that it is quite logical to make the injunction permanent. Since Trump plans on building now, it should be halted to ensure it is abjugated before building begins.
More then the judge. The family also. Completely exterminated. When the time comes it will be done. There will be hunt downs on these azzes. The dictators put into power will give the peasants who are much more poorer a relief valve for their lot in life helped to be caused by them. We see and hear them everyday....just to start...And we don't have to do a damn thing..

Nah they are starting to give us no choice but to build the wall around California and then they could do what ever they like and leave the rest of us alone.

In the shitty arbitrary legal system you want people would be tried and hanged for all sorts of stuff.

No just local judges who put 300 million life's in jeopardy, that don't even live in his little piece of shit district.

Usurping The power of appropriation from congress was a losing gambit from the start.
wrong again, as usual... This piece of shit will be overturned at the appellate court level or taken over by SCOTUS. As Trump has placed this in an emergency brief to the SCOTUS, it will be heard in the next week or two and the little bitch will get the slap down he deserves...
Last edited:
Hello? What exactly was the violation of the Constitution in his ruling?

Article II power to proclaim a national emergency....ISIS suicide-squads are now here you know....stay away from your windows....flying glass is razor sharp.
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

The judge committed no treason and should not be hung. If anyone should be hung it is you. You think that you determine what is right for America? You think this is a two bit dictatorship where you can execute your political enemies. You are so wrong as voters do not agree with you. They do not agree on building a wall and they oppose a national emergency.

The fact is that it is quite logical to make the injunction permanent. Since Trump plans on building now, it should be halted to ensure it is abjugated before building begins.

Once again, this liberal judge is risking millions of peoples life's and we don't live in his piece of shit state.

He is a federal judge on a federal bench and once again, tell us what about his decision is UnConstitutional?
Hello? What exactly was the violation of the Constitution in his ruling?

Article II power to proclaim a national emergency....ISIS suicide-squads are now here you know....stay away from your windows....flying glass is razor sharp.
Ok, but it was very easy for the lawyers to prove that donnie was not treated it like a real national emergency....including his own words.
Unless Trump stop attacking his own fellow Americans dividing people. Even husband vs wife, brothers vs brothers, neighbors vs neighbors etc etc etc because of ignorance........ But he concentrate on his own die hard followers ....... Trump will NEVER get there.
Anti Trump is growing. He might end up the most hated POTUS if he is not careful.

When my coworkers in my life hated me, it was a good thing, I knew I was doing something right.


There are 3 sides of that........
1. They hated you because you are a jerk co worker.
2. They hated you because lousy not a team player coworker.
3. They hated trying to tell them what to do with out your proper qualifications. I remember you telling me how tough you are working without safety mask with all the chemicals making mould products.

So which one of the 3?

As far as I know my employees love me. They are my best assets and making them happy ( not hate ) and love me is my ultimate goal in making me successful.
Telling me that they hate you because you are doing the right thing is total backwards and hogwash. Did you tell them not to wear safety mask?


How about #4 ?

I am a smart as a German and work like a Mexican.


I think the most recent ruling only applies to California (and maybe Arizona?) I heard it on the radio this a.m. on my way to work.
yes, different law suits...the other one involves the States suing, environmental groups suing, and others suing harmed by the wall being built.... they have sufficient standing with hatm being done....

this one denied was a judge saying basically. ''I ain't getting involved in this squabble between the two different branches of gvt''

This is a national Emergency that jeopardize an entire nation and once again this little judge is risking millions that doesn't even live in his piece of shit district.
The States, and the people who live in those states being harmed, have rights under our constitution, and protections from federal gvt over reach... we live in a democratic Republic, not a Monarchy or not under Authoritarian rule.... is what the Judge seems to be following???

it still can be appealed and a hope for the admin that the SC takes the case...

Let me ask you what's next we have nuclear missiles headed at us and a little liberal judge in California can prevent Trump from a retaliatory strike, He has to wait months or even years before it makes it to the Supreme Court?



The president has the Nuke button control panel!

That dead man and his dead 3 year old daughter that drowned, were not out to get you Bear... nor were they even comparable to a nuke....
But it was the fathers fault. Explain how it’s anyone else’s
Hyperbole, thy name is Trumpist. The OP wants the judge hanged for treason. Trump wants the heads of the CIA, the FBI, and the Democratic Party, tried for treason. Trumpists want Hillary tried for treason. They want Mueller tried for treason because he told Congress Trump is guilty of at least 4 counts of Obstruction, and should be impeached.
The Evidence is against you. If the Dems had anything they would have already tried to impeach. They have nothing.

Plenty of evidence that those you listed abused the power in the Federal Gov't. I agree with Trump. They are Traitors to this country........and should be tried.

Long list of abuses and lies from these orgs..........and you know does the Dems........who want the statue of limitations to run out with this circus so they can't be charged with their crimes.

They want the DNC charged with treason because they sent someone to look at the public court records to check on the circumstances of a lawsuit Paul Manafort was involved in.
They got him in an open ended investigation that was looking for ANY CRIME.....and in this case had NOTHING to do with the SPECIAL COUNCIL INTENT.

Do the same with the Clinton Slush Fund Foundation..........hmmm

Trumpists want all manner of people tried for treason, which is legally defined as "giving aid and comfort to the enemy during a legally declared time of war". So unless any of these people were providing aid and comfort to the Taliban in Afghanistan, you haven't got a case. Not that this will stop these fools from parroting their orange-faced clown and his lies.
Because the people you talked about ABUSED THEIR POWER..............They are TRAITORS...........and yes we want them Tar and Feathered........

You are correct..........we think they are TRAITORS.

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