This judge should be tried and hanged for treason.

Based on what?
Violation of the constitution
What exactly was the violation in his ruling?
That the president can do what he did by the constitution. The judge isn’t ruling for our country
The Congress allocates money...not the Executive Branch. Even those who the money is allocated to can't change their minds and put it somewhere else without Congress' approval.
Wrong, once allocated the president can redirect the money. Constitution
lol. no, he can't. Only Congress can do that.
Something is wrong here. A recent ruling released the funds after a previous block. I must investigate.

EDIT: Here it is: Judge tosses House Dems' lawsuit over Trump's use of emergency military funds for border wall
I think the most recent ruling only applies to California (and maybe Arizona?) I heard it on the radio this a.m. on my way to work.
yes, different law suits...the other one involves the States suing, environmental groups suing, and others suing harmed by the wall being built.... they have sufficient standing with hatm being done....

this one denied was a judge saying basically. ''I ain't getting involved in this squabble between the two different branches of gvt''

This is a national Emergency that jeopardize an entire nation and once again this little judge is risking millions that doesn't even live in his piece of shit district.
What national emergency?
The same national emergency that helped people to move from the cities. And then many moved to other areas repeating the cycle that caused them to leave the cities in the first place.
that is not a national emergency. they opened up Ellis Island for the previous, humanitarian crisis.
Its for the best. This way there will be less unfinished construction sites when the new president takes over.
In early 2025 much of the wall will be built. And why do you want to flood the country with unknown people in an age of terror?

Migrants are dying just to get to the border........ Do you honestly believe that wall will stop these people from getting here?

From 2009 the number of these illegals are at the lowest point of illegal entry...... .... suddenly 2019 is at the HIGHEST point of illegal entry at the southern borders. Asians, Africans and Indians are recently added to this math crossing the border.
WHY? With all these tough shit coming from Trump mouth ........ numbers of illegal entry didn’t go down but way up there. Way up. WHY?
Who is responsible for that???

Terror? I am far scared of whitey dude lunatics that massacre innocent people.

Lastamander what happened to you?
Did you disappeared on me? Or you are just scared? NO REBUTTAL?

My biggest question is....... While Trump is in charge ...... While all these tough talks and threats coming from Trump. WHY are the illegals coming in record numbers???
Asians, Africans and Indians are now coming illegally at the border.

WHO is responsible for that? Don’t tell me it’s Obama.
I am right here. The illegals are coming because they know they can until we change our laws. Your party will not change them and wish to destroy this country. With your help, of course.
the right wing is "ruining our country" with their useless wars on the abstractions of crime, drugs, and terror.
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9th Court is Gerrymandered to liberal ideology............Has the highest over turned rate in the country. Doesn't matter to them that they are always wrong in the end.........only that they delay and harass anything that doesn't go with their liberal far left agenda....................

The Supremes will decide as always..........and it has been set up for a time table of political elections as usual.

Enjoy the show.............Act 4 ........scene 2 .......scripted of course.
The 9th does NOT have the highest turn-over rate in the country....not even the second highest. You are buying into CRC lies. Look it up for yourself.

Dude they get overturned 86% of the fucking time. Is that something you're proud of? Why the fuck are taxpayers paying the fucking salaries of these assfucks that get it wrong almost 9 out of 10 fucking times?

Does the Ninth Circuit Have the Highest Reversal Rate in the Country?
There is no national emergency.
And your sleeping with your head up your ass again.. Even your own damn party leaders acknowledge the emergency..

There is no national emergency. There is a humanitarian emergency crisis by Trump's border policy. Trump's policy of "metering" asylum seekers crossing the border has pushed people to attempt dangerous illegal crossings. Trump is doing this on purpose to drive up the numbers so it appears there is an increase in crossings, when in reality, there are not. There are desperate people trying to claim asylum.

Trump is conning you, and you're swallowing it. You're just that dumb.
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

The judge committed no treason and should not be hung. If anyone should be hung it is you. You think that you determine what is right for America? You think this is a two bit dictatorship where you can execute your political enemies. You are so wrong as voters do not agree with you. They do not agree on building a wall and they oppose a national emergency.

The fact is that it is quite logical to make the injunction permanent. Since Trump plans on building now, it should be halted to ensure it is abjugated before building begins.

Once again, this liberal judge is risking millions of peoples life's and we don't live in his piece of shit state.

once again, your party is risking millions of peoples lives and complaining about having to follow our Constitution.
I was listening to a local conservative talk show a few weeks ago. Two callers in a row demanded that Obama and Hillary and Comey and others should be executed.

The host, of course, said nothing to mitigate.

What the fuck is wrong with you people? Do you just want to execute everyone you don't like as traitors?
9th Court is Gerrymandered to liberal ideology............Has the highest over turned rate in the country. Doesn't matter to them that they are always wrong in the end.........only that they delay and harass anything that doesn't go with their liberal far left agenda....................

The Supremes will decide as always..........and it has been set up for a time table of political elections as usual.

Enjoy the show.............Act 4 ........scene 2 .......scripted of course.
The 9th does NOT have the highest turn-over rate in the country....not even the second highest. You are buying into CRC lies. Look it up for yourself.

Dude they get overturned 86% of the fucking time. Is that something you're proud of? Why the fuck are taxpayers paying the fucking salaries of these assfucks that get it wrong almost 9 out of 10 fucking times?

Does the Ninth Circuit Have the Highest Reversal Rate in the Country?
Oh ...........the New York times says so..........

When my coworkers in my life hated me, it was a good thing, I knew I was doing something right.


There are 3 sides of that........
1. They hated you because you are a jerk co worker.
2. They hated you because lousy not a team player coworker.
3. They hated trying to tell them what to do with out your proper qualifications. I remember you telling me how tough you are working without safety mask with all the chemicals making mould products.

So which one of the 3?

As far as I know my employees love me. They are my best assets and making them happy ( not hate ) and love me is my ultimate goal in making me successful.
Telling me that they hate you because you are doing the right thing is total backwards and hogwash. Did you tell them not to wear safety mask?


How about #4 ?

I am a smart as a German and work like a Mexican.


yes, different law suits...the other one involves the States suing, environmental groups suing, and others suing harmed by the wall being built.... they have sufficient standing with hatm being done....

this one denied was a judge saying basically. ''I ain't getting involved in this squabble between the two different branches of gvt''

This is a national Emergency that jeopardize an entire nation and once again this little judge is risking millions that doesn't even live in his piece of shit district.
The States, and the people who live in those states being harmed, have rights under our constitution, and protections from federal gvt over reach... we live in a democratic Republic, not a Monarchy or not under Authoritarian rule.... is what the Judge seems to be following???

it still can be appealed and a hope for the admin that the SC takes the case...

Let me ask you what's next we have nuclear missiles headed at us and a little liberal judge in California can prevent Trump from a retaliatory strike, He has to wait months or even years before it makes it to the Supreme Court?


That is so stupid. It shows your stupidity.

Stupid how about answer my question?

This is a national emergency, we are being invaded by illegal rapist killer Mexicans.
nope; no national emergency and we are not being invaded. the "national emergency is we need to upgrade Ellis Island to be able to process those refugees in a more timely manner.
I was listening to a local conservative talk show a few weeks ago. Two callers in a row demanded that Obama and Hillary and Comey and others should be executed.

The host, of course, said nothing to mitigate.

What the fuck is wrong with you people? Do you just want to execute everyone you don't like as traitors?
I want senior FBI and CIA officials tried and thrown in jail.......with no possibility of parole.........for doing what they throw others in prison for.

Tarred and Feathered would be cool though...........

WTF is wrong with the system that allowed them to get away with their crap.
9th Court is Gerrymandered to liberal ideology............Has the highest over turned rate in the country. Doesn't matter to them that they are always wrong in the end.........only that they delay and harass anything that doesn't go with their liberal far left agenda....................

The Supremes will decide as always..........and it has been set up for a time table of political elections as usual.

Enjoy the show.............Act 4 ........scene 2 .......scripted of course.
The 9th does NOT have the highest turn-over rate in the country....not even the second highest. You are buying into CRC lies. Look it up for yourself.

Dude they get overturned 86% of the fucking time. Is that something you're proud of? Why the fuck are taxpayers paying the fucking salaries of these assfucks that get it wrong almost 9 out of 10 fucking times?

Does the Ninth Circuit Have the Highest Reversal Rate in the Country?
Oh ...........the New York times says so..........


Um no, the facts say so. Can you prove otherwise? In 2017 the SCOTUS heard 14 cases from the 9th circuit and overturned 12 of them. That's not the NYtimes that's the facts.

You just use that lame excuse when the facts don't go your way.

The same information is available here.

SCOTUS case reversal rates (2007 - Present) - Ballotpedia

Fourteen of the October 2018 term cases originated in the Ninth Circuit, twice as many as from any other circuit. The Ninth Circuit had 12 cases reversed, more than any other lower court in the term, and the same number it had reversed in 2017.

So Trump WAS right. Now you still gonna act the dumbfuck? Can you prove the information wrong or just laugh at yourself at how stupid you sound?
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I was listening to a local conservative talk show a few weeks ago. Two callers in a row demanded that Obama and Hillary and Comey and others should be executed.

The host, of course, said nothing to mitigate.

What the fuck is wrong with you people? Do you just want to execute everyone you don't like as traitors?
I want senior FBI and CIA officials tried and thrown in jail.......with no possibility of parole.........for doing what they throw others in prison for.

Tarred and Feathered would be cool though...........

WTF is wrong with the system that allowed them to get away with their crap.
Out of curiosity - would you like to see a radio talk show host, in that situation, say something like "okay, let's calm down and think clearly for a minute", something like that?
I was listening to a local conservative talk show a few weeks ago. Two callers in a row demanded that Obama and Hillary and Comey and others should be executed.

The host, of course, said nothing to mitigate.

What the fuck is wrong with you people? Do you just want to execute everyone you don't like as traitors?
I want senior FBI and CIA officials tried and thrown in jail.......with no possibility of parole.........for doing what they throw others in prison for.

Tarred and Feathered would be cool though...........

WTF is wrong with the system that allowed them to get away with their crap.
Out of curiosity - would you like to see a radio talk show host, in that situation, say something like "okay, let's calm down and think clearly for a minute", something like that?
Nope...................They committed crimes........they need to be thrown in jail.........

That is my position .........and no amount of denying it from the left here is going to change that position......

Clear enough for you.
I was listening to a local conservative talk show a few weeks ago. Two callers in a row demanded that Obama and Hillary and Comey and others should be executed.

The host, of course, said nothing to mitigate.

What the fuck is wrong with you people? Do you just want to execute everyone you don't like as traitors?
I want senior FBI and CIA officials tried and thrown in jail.......with no possibility of parole.........for doing what they throw others in prison for.

Tarred and Feathered would be cool though...........

WTF is wrong with the system that allowed them to get away with their crap.
Out of curiosity - would you like to see a radio talk show host, in that situation, say something like "okay, let's calm down and think clearly for a minute", something like that?
Nope...................They committed crimes........they need to be thrown in jail.........

That is my position .........and no amount of denying it from the left here is going to change that position......

Clear enough for you.
Yes, thanks.
There is no national emergency.
And your sleeping with your head up your ass again.. Even your own damn party leaders acknowledge the emergency..

The "emergency" is the humanitarian crisis that is a direct result of Donald Trump's border policies.

Trump signed "no-bid" contracts with private prison companies to build and manage private internment facilities on the border, and it is at these facilities where the humanitarian crisis is unfolding. These facilities make money on every person they hold in custody. Children are being incarcerated even though they come with phone numbers of American relatives, who would take them and care for them at no cost to the taxpayers. Because it's not in their financial interests to move these children out of detention.

The "for-profit" prison lobby donated heavily to Trump's Inauguration Fund - a fund which is currently under investigation as a "pay for play" scam. Since his inauguration, Trump has signed over $200 million in no--bid contracts with these donors, to construct and run internment camps on the border.

These for-profit camps are home to some of the most brutal conditions, and it was there that a worker said they turned away donations from the centre with the "worst conditions ever seen in over 20 years", because they had no need of these items. They have plenty of food, soap, toothbrushes, diapers and clothes. That means that they are DELIBERATELY ABUSING these children. And since they're private facilities, there is no inspection and no oversight for these facilities.

The spike in illegal border crossings is being driven by Trump's "metering" of asylum seekers. A handful are allowed in each day, the rest wait, and when they run out of food, money, and can no longer wait, they make an illegal crossing. That gives Trump his excuse to take their children away.


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