This judge should be tried and hanged for treason.

9th Court is Gerrymandered to liberal ideology............Has the highest over turned rate in the country. Doesn't matter to them that they are always wrong in the end.........only that they delay and harass anything that doesn't go with their liberal far left agenda....................

The Supremes will decide as always..........and it has been set up for a time table of political elections as usual.

Enjoy the show.............Act 4 ........scene 2 .......scripted of course.
The 9th does NOT have the highest turn-over rate in the country....not even the second highest. You are buying into CRC lies. Look it up for yourself.

Dude they get overturned 86% of the fucking time. Is that something you're proud of? Why the fuck are taxpayers paying the fucking salaries of these assfucks that get it wrong almost 9 out of 10 fucking times?

Does the Ninth Circuit Have the Highest Reversal Rate in the Country?
Oh ...........the New York times says so..........


Um no, the facts say so. Can you prove otherwise? In 2017 the SCOTUS heard 14 cases from the 9th circuit and overturned 12 of them. That's not the NYtimes that's the facts.

You just use that lame excuse when the facts don't go your way.

The same information is available here.

SCOTUS case reversal rates (2007 - Present) - Ballotpedia

Fourteen of the October 2018 term cases originated in the Ninth Circuit, twice as many as from any other circuit. The Ninth Circuit had 12 cases reversed, more than any other lower court in the term, and the same number it had reversed in 2017.

So Trump WAS right. Now you still gonna act the dumbfuck? Can you prove the information wrong or just laugh at yourself at how stupid you sound?
The 4th circuit, 1st circuit, and 6th Circuit Courts had a 100% reversal rate by the SC.... 9th isn't doing that badly, compared to the other Circuits listed, eh?

What you fail to recognize and as what was pointed out in the article that you supposedly read, is that this reversal rate that you and the other Trumpettes are hanging your hats on, is how many of the cases the SC actually reverse out of ALL of the 9the Circuit Court's Cases.

The 9th Circuit has 2.5 Court Cases reversed by the Supreme Court, out of every 1000 cases the 9th circuit have made decisions on.

That's 0.2% of the 9th Circuit Court Cases, are reversed by the SC. 2/10ths of 1% are reversed of their Court Cases.

So the blabbering on about the 9th Circuit, is simply a twist and turn and contortion of numbers for the mindless lemmings, who faithfully follow their cult master off the cliff while regurgitating his crud, imo. :p
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The 9th Circuit has the most cases reversed, because it is the largest district and hears the most cases.

If District C hears 1000 cases and 10 of the are reversed, that’s a 1% reversal rate. If District NC hear 100 cases and 9 of them are reversed that’s a 9% reversal rate, but it can still be said that District C had the most cases reversed.

As the old saying goes, “Figures never lie, but liars often figure”. One of the many ways the right misrepresents the truth, and creates a false narrative is to use numbers like this out of context. The 9th has one of the lowest percentage of reversals of the cases they decide.

That’s the reality. And you can rejigger the numbers to spin it any way you like but that’s the reality. And this President has won exactly one case before any of the courts and that was his Muslim ban.

Keep that in mind as you gleefully toss your feces at the visitors passing your cages.
Its for the best. This way there will be less unfinished construction sites when the new president takes over.
In early 2025 much of the wall will be built. And why do you want to flood the country with unknown people in an age of terror?

Migrants are dying just to get to the border........ Do you honestly believe that wall will stop these people from getting here?

From 2009 the number of these illegals are at the lowest point of illegal entry...... .... suddenly 2019 is at the HIGHEST point of illegal entry at the southern borders. Asians, Africans and Indians are recently added to this math crossing the border.
WHY? With all these tough shit coming from Trump mouth ........ numbers of illegal entry didn’t go down but way up there. Way up. WHY?
Who is responsible for that???

Terror? I am far scared of whitey dude lunatics that massacre innocent people.

Lastamander what happened to you?
Did you disappeared on me? Or you are just scared? NO REBUTTAL?

My biggest question is....... While Trump is in charge ...... While all these tough talks and threats coming from Trump. WHY are the illegals coming in record numbers???
Asians, Africans and Indians are now coming illegally at the border.

WHO is responsible for that? Don’t tell me it’s Obama.
I am right here. The illegals are coming because they know they can until we change our laws. Your party will not change them and wish to destroy this country. With your help, of course.
the right wing is "ruining our country" with their useless wars on the abstractions of crime, drugs, and terror.
The illegals are a close second then. And Democrats have been pushing for war.
In early 2025 much of the wall will be built. And why do you want to flood the country with unknown people in an age of terror?

Migrants are dying just to get to the border........ Do you honestly believe that wall will stop these people from getting here?

From 2009 the number of these illegals are at the lowest point of illegal entry...... .... suddenly 2019 is at the HIGHEST point of illegal entry at the southern borders. Asians, Africans and Indians are recently added to this math crossing the border.
WHY? With all these tough shit coming from Trump mouth ........ numbers of illegal entry didn’t go down but way up there. Way up. WHY?
Who is responsible for that???

Terror? I am far scared of whitey dude lunatics that massacre innocent people.

Lastamander what happened to you?
Did you disappeared on me? Or you are just scared? NO REBUTTAL?

My biggest question is....... While Trump is in charge ...... While all these tough talks and threats coming from Trump. WHY are the illegals coming in record numbers???
Asians, Africans and Indians are now coming illegally at the border.

WHO is responsible for that? Don’t tell me it’s Obama.
I am right here. The illegals are coming because they know they can until we change our laws. Your party will not change them and wish to destroy this country. With your help, of course.
the right wing is "ruining our country" with their useless wars on the abstractions of crime, drugs, and terror.
The illegals are a close second then. And Democrats have been pushing for war.

Who have the Democrats been pushing for war against? No one.

Putin made this spurious claim that if Hillary were elected, she'd go to war with Russia, but that was based on his desire to see Trump in the White House. You know, someone who would smile and kiss his ass, and never ever kick him in the balls, which Hillary would do in a heartbeart.
In early 2025 much of the wall will be built. And why do you want to flood the country with unknown people in an age of terror?

Migrants are dying just to get to the border........ Do you honestly believe that wall will stop these people from getting here?

From 2009 the number of these illegals are at the lowest point of illegal entry...... .... suddenly 2019 is at the HIGHEST point of illegal entry at the southern borders. Asians, Africans and Indians are recently added to this math crossing the border.
WHY? With all these tough shit coming from Trump mouth ........ numbers of illegal entry didn’t go down but way up there. Way up. WHY?
Who is responsible for that???

Terror? I am far scared of whitey dude lunatics that massacre innocent people.

Lastamander what happened to you?
Did you disappeared on me? Or you are just scared? NO REBUTTAL?

My biggest question is....... While Trump is in charge ...... While all these tough talks and threats coming from Trump. WHY are the illegals coming in record numbers???
Asians, Africans and Indians are now coming illegally at the border.

WHO is responsible for that? Don’t tell me it’s Obama.
I am right here. The illegals are coming because they know they can until we change our laws. Your party will not change them and wish to destroy this country. With your help, of course.
the right wing is "ruining our country" with their useless wars on the abstractions of crime, drugs, and terror.
The illegals are a close second then. And Democrats have been pushing for war.
what are you talking about. we should be making money on border policy with our naturalization clause. there is no express money wasting immigration clause in our federal Constitution. "the right wing simply manufactured it out of thin air, like fiat money."
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

It's that pesky Constitution again. I am sure that Trump has a plan to get rid of it.
In early 2025 much of the wall will be built. And why do you want to flood the country with unknown people in an age of terror?

Migrants are dying just to get to the border........ Do you honestly believe that wall will stop these people from getting here?

From 2009 the number of these illegals are at the lowest point of illegal entry...... .... suddenly 2019 is at the HIGHEST point of illegal entry at the southern borders. Asians, Africans and Indians are recently added to this math crossing the border.
WHY? With all these tough shit coming from Trump mouth ........ numbers of illegal entry didn’t go down but way up there. Way up. WHY?
Who is responsible for that???

Terror? I am far scared of whitey dude lunatics that massacre innocent people.

Lastamander what happened to you?
Did you disappeared on me? Or you are just scared? NO REBUTTAL?

My biggest question is....... While Trump is in charge ...... While all these tough talks and threats coming from Trump. WHY are the illegals coming in record numbers???
Asians, Africans and Indians are now coming illegally at the border.

WHO is responsible for that? Don’t tell me it’s Obama.
I am right here. The illegals are coming because they know they can until we change our laws. Your party will not change them and wish to destroy this country. With your help, of course.
the right wing is "ruining our country" with their useless wars on the abstractions of crime, drugs, and terror.
The illegals are a close second then. And Democrats have been pushing for war.
Really? It's the conservative types who sit around here and talk about the "next civil war".
Illegal aliens cost the taxpayers 130 billion each year.

Another conservative lie. What do they pay in taxes, fool? Withholding 15%, sales taxes, property taxes, gas taxes, cigarette taxes. All of the taxes most American workers pay. In the end, they contribute more than they use.

Immigrants as Economic Contributors: Immigrant Tax Contributions and Spending Power - National Immigration Forum

The Immigration Effect: There's a Way for President Trump to Boost the Economy by Four Percent, But He Probably Won't Like It

4 myths about how immigrants affect the U.S. economy

When conservative publish figures on how much illegals cost the economy in programming costs, they conveniently leave out how much they contribute in withholding, contribution to GDP, and other economic contributions made by illegals.
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So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

The judge is correct: Congress has sole purview determining how funds should be allocated, not the executive.

Trump and his miserable supporters have only contempt for the Constitution, our democratic institutions, and the rule of law.

Trump can’t be gone too soon.
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

The judge is correct: Congress has sole purview determining how funds should be allocated, not the executive.

Trump and his miserable supporters have only contempt for the Constitution, our democratic institutions, and the rule of law.

Trump can’t be gone too soon.

Yet it's ok when your guy did it with the Paris Accord huh?

This is a national Emergency, what if a judge pulled this stunt when the Japs attacked Pearl Harbor?

Illegal aliens cost the taxpayers 130 billion each year.

Don't bother to post a link. You don't have one.

Yeah illegals don't use our ERs ...

So, your problem is that Illegals get free health care at ER's, yet, you are thoroughly disgusted that ACA forced you to pay a penalty or buy insurance, because you had no insurance, and now that you don't have to have insurance, OR pay a penalty, YOU will get free care at ERs.

Talk about hypocrisy, you win the prize.
Illegal aliens cost the taxpayers 130 billion each year.

Don't bother to post a link. You don't have one.

Yeah illegals don't use our ERs ...
The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers
Someone asked for a link. Here it is.
The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Well, if it says so in the blog, FAIR, it MUST be true!
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

Yeah, nothing says treason like stopping an unconstitutional power grab.
Like Obamacare
So a little liberal judge in California can declare what a national emergency is for the entire United States?

Judge blocks Trump from using billions in military funds for border wall

A federal judge on Friday issued a ruling blocking the Trump administration from tapping billions of dollars in military funds to construct a wall on the United States's southern border.

U.S. District Judge Haywood Gilliam issued the permanent injunction in a California federal court, after initially ruling last month to temporarily halt the administration's use of military funds for the border wall.

It’s not a national emergency.

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