This Just In:San Bernardino On Fire.But There Is No Water In California.Great Job Jerry Brown !!

:dev2:. Great Job Jerry Brown! You are the Governor of a state with a major water shortage. Did you ever stop to think of what could happen in the event of another brush fire? Maybe just kick the can down the road and worry about it later? Well Jerry, San Bernardino is on fire as we speak, cars on Highway 15 are also on fire. Sky is smothered in smoke ashes. So what are you going to do now? Phone A Friend?:oops-28::stupid:

I have distant relatives - my late grandmothers side of the family, and friends in San Bernardino.

Shadow 355
:dev2:. Great Job Jerry Brown! You are the Governor of a state with a major water shortage. Did you ever stop to think of what could happen in the event of another brush fire? Maybe just kick the can down the road and worry about it later? Well Jerry, San Bernardino is on fire as we speak, cars on Highway 15 are also on fire. Sky is smothered in smoke ashes. So what are you going to do now? Phone A Friend?:oops-28::stupid:

I have distant relatives - my late grandmothers side of the family, and friends in San Bernardino.

Shadow 355
are they near the flames? are they gonna survive this one?

Cool site. You get all your inspiration there?
and its only July, here comes another hot summer in California, no rain, and all it takes is one lightning bolt or a democrat smoking/falling asleep in the woods.
Is not San Bernadino by the ocean, can't they get water there?
yes, but we need 5000 illegals to bring it in via camels.
Problem solved...
well either that or pay 10,000 illegals to dig out a 100 mile wide lake and a Damn somewhere outside east LA. well not where the UFO's land.
It would take 40 years to clear EPA. There are teeny froggies that we must protect.
we need to protect the LAND-FISH !!! oh, and those 1/2 Man, 1/2 Lizard creatures!!! then we can build a dam!
and its only July, here comes another hot summer in California, no rain, and all it takes is one lightning bolt or a democrat smoking/falling asleep in the woods.
Hear that Cheif Lying Turd? Snuff out dat crack pipe afore ya hugs doze trees. Dey beez flambabul
We should camp out in some city park until the froggies are safe and the shrimp are buff.
We could call the movement Shit on the Street for the Froggies
why not just blow up a remote area in central cally, hopefully we can get enough dynamite to blow up a 100 mile wide hole/60 feet deep. would that be cheaper than paying 10,000 illegals 1.50hr to dig it out?
You just might want to read up on where CA's water goes.

Most goes to fracking.
Next is agriculture - to put food on your plate.

Whatever you say luddly.

10. 'Fracking' uses a fraction of the state's water.

Reuters recently reported that, according to California officials, oil and gas operations used 214 acre-feet of water in the process of hydraulic fracturing. That’s the equivalent of 70 million gallons, or what 514 California households need for a year.

But it’s also worth pointing out that those operations bring 387,000 acre feet to the surface. That’s because two-thirds of that water goes back into aquifers, and a third of it is cleaned up, or injected into the ground or evaporated…

9. Many farmers and their supporters see the drought as 'Fish vs. People.'
Maybe you heard Carly Fiorina make this argument in Time, about how the Bay-Delta is being managed:

Specifically, these policies have resulted in the diversion of more than 300 billion gallons of water away from farmers in the Central Valley and into the San Francisco Bay in order to protect the Delta smelt, an endangered fish that environmentalists have continued to champion at the expense of Californians. This water is simply being washed out to sea, instead of being channeled to the people who desperately need it.

Fiorina argues that 70 percent of California’s water washes out to the sea.

But the California Water Foundation, a non-partisan water policy think tank, disagrees, saying that the number is closer to 50 percent. And that includes water in the far northern part of the state dedicated to rivers designated "wild and scenic": water that would not otherwise enter the projects delivering supplies to cities and farms.
:dev2:. Great Job Jerry Brown! You are the Governor of a state with a major water shortage. Did you ever stop to think of what could happen in the event of another brush fire? Maybe just kick the can down the road and worry about it later? Well Jerry, San Bernardino is on fire as we speak, cars on Highway 15 are also on fire. Sky is smothered in smoke ashes. So what are you going to do now? Phone A Friend?:oops-28::stupid:

Yes because we all know the governor controls the rain and snow fall in the mountains :cuckoo:
And El Alfredo the year after and California will still be flushing delta smelt out to sea with water that could be used to drink, bathe in and grow crops with, still without adequate desalinization plants.

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