'This land has never once been Jewish'


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
A prominent Islamic scholar who is making a landmark visit to the Gaza Strip has declared that Israel has no right to exist.


Yusuf al-Qaradawi said Thursday that "this land has never once been a Jewish land. Palestine is for the Arab Islamic nation." The Qatar-based cleric was made famous by his popular TV show and is widely respected in the Muslim world.

Islamic cleric in Gaza, rejects Israel's existence - Israel News, Ynetnews


Lipush---it takes a very devout BELIEVER---
to swallow the version of history presented
to little muslim children. Its nothing new--
if the kid can believe his islamic history
book---he can BELIEVE anything---and
hundreds of millions ----do---with absolute
I'm taking a real big risk saying this, but the Israelis were around a long time before Abraham had his little fling with Hagar ... and produced Ishmael. As I remember the story she was more than a little miffed when Sarah had her and her son expelled from the family tent and left to wander in the desert and fend for themselves.
Prominent Islamic Scholar? Now now thats an unbiased document to wrap your arms around.
Only Jordan was ever successful in establishing a lasting peace from the Palestinians. It took around 15,000 to 20,000 dead Palestinians to communicate peace with them. When will Israel ever learn? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Lets make peace with these people...o wait...
A prominent Islamic scholar who is making a landmark visit to the Gaza Strip has declared that Israel has no right to exist.


Yusuf al-Qaradawi said Thursday that "this land has never once been a Jewish land. Palestine is for the Arab Islamic nation." The Qatar-based cleric was made famous by his popular TV show and is widely respected in the Muslim world.

Islamic cleric in Gaza, rejects Israel's existence - Israel News, Ynetnews



Of course their going to say that, according to those guys the whole world needs to be Islamic.
It has never been exclusively Jewish.

There is no historic precedence for an exclusive Jewish state.
It has never been exclusively Jewish.

There is no historic precedence for an exclusive Jewish state.

That's true----unlike isa-respecters ----jews were never genocidal and
never excluded "others" and never coerced conversion-----is that the
point you are struggling to make? There have been ---historically and
in modern times EXCLUSIVELY --isa respecting lands----at least openly--
in some jews hid or presented themselves as isa-respecters ----until they
could get out
It has never been exclusively Jewish.

There is no historic precedence for an exclusive Jewish state.

Have you tried reading the Old Testament?

List of Judean kings from 1000 BCE--586 BCE:

David, Solomon, Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Queen Athaliah, Jehoash, Amaziah, Azariah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manasseh, Amon, Josiah, Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jeconiah and Zedekiah.
It is true that non jews were always permited to live
in Israel and could visit the temple in Jerusalem---unlike
the epicenter of islam---saudi arabia
It is true that non jews were always permited to live
in Israel and could visit the temple in Jerusalem---unlike
the epicenter of islam---saudi arabia

That's true, non-Jews were even allowed to bring sacrifices in the Temple.
Hasmonean Dynasty (BCE dates):
Simon Maccabeus 142-134; John Hyrcanus I 134-104; Aristobolus I 104-103; Alexander Janneus 103-76; Queen Alexandra Salome 76-67; Aristobolus II 66-63; John Hyrcanus II 63-40; Antigonus 40-37.
Now for the kings of Northern Israel: Saul, Ish-Bosheth, David (United Kingdom), Solomon (United Kingdom), Jeroboam I, Nadab, Baasha, Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab, Ahaziah, Joram, Jehu, Joahaz, Joash, Jeroboam II, Zechariah, Shallum, Menahem, Pekahiah, Pekah, Hoshea.
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These are the Judges who ruled over Israel after the death of Joshua, before the Kingdom was established: Othniel (40 years); Ehud (80); Shamgar (10); Deborah the Prophetess (40); Gideon (40); Abimelech (3); Tola (23); Jair (22); Jephthah (6); Ibzan (7); Elon (10); Abdon (8); Samson (20); Eli (40); and Samuel (11).
Lipush, et al,

I am becoming more and more convinced that the Arab truly wants to open a religious war.

A prominent Islamic scholar who is making a landmark visit to the Gaza Strip has declared that Israel has no right to exist.


Yusuf al-Qaradawi said Thursday that "this land has never once been a Jewish land. Palestine is for the Arab Islamic nation." The Qatar-based cleric was made famous by his popular TV show and is widely respected in the Muslim world.

As much as America, and its leaders, are trying to promote the Idea that there is no war on Islam, the Islamic Leaders are sending the exact oppositie message.

Now, they are even promoting an alternative history. How much credibility does this give to them or any position they would support?

Most Respectfully,

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