This leftist bullshit has to stop. Now they’re destroying WWII memorials... WTF excuses will CNN and MSNBC make for the jerks that did this???

Pretty sure those Black vets are with the protesters. I know I would be if I was dead.
You're already brain dead, go out and protest dipshit.
Already did my protesting. Now I'm just explaining to you what its all about.
nobody has a problem with protesting MR Floyd death ! its the needless rioting we have a problem with !
Needless to who? No one gives a fuck what you think is needless. You dont live our lives everyday so what you have to say about something being needless is simply more bullshit we discard. Also its not just Floyd. Its for all Blacks hunted down and killed by whites under the cover of the legal system. You didnt want to listen when the protests were peaceful now youre going to deal with some shit being torn up and defaced. Its up to yall. You can choose to listen or not but we aint going no where and will continue to give you indigestion...or worse when necessary.
the fucking cop that killed him has rightfully been arrested you care about the much larger number of whites killed by police ? does their families pain and sorrow matter ? i'll answer that question for your little weak ass ! you hate America we get that ... you support rioting we get that...the question is whats next ?
This isnt about white people being killed, Stop with the weak "me too" shit. This is about the racism that has been allowed to be practiced unchecked by the cops on Black communities. This is about the feeling of being hunted that you live with every day for so long it just becomes a part of who you are simply because you were blessed with a lot of melanin.
Do you think that blacks feeling like they are being hunted by cops comes solely from cops being racist or do you think there are other elements involved?
Definitively from racist cops. I mean there are things we see in the system thats meant to kill or neutralize us but racist cops are the front line. They are racism personified. I was actually stunned when I moved out to the burbs and a white cop smiled at me. The ones in the hood are crazed animals selected specifically to kill and round up as many Blacks as possible.
Do you think the crime rate in the hood has an effect on how the cops act?

I worked emergency services for years and also worked in a large inner city ER for years. I have seen things that would make most of you curl up in a fetal ball.

Yes, the violence in the inner city affects everyone, cops included. The vast majority of cops are good people. No one is being fucking hunted. Stop with the drama queen bullshit.

Yes, there are bad cops. Yes some of them respond poorly to the violence and community dynamics. But to say all cops are racists is just as ignorant as white bigots making sweeping generalizations about Blacks. That is the tipoff Asslips is a racist.....the sweeping generalizations.

The asshole cop in Minneapolis comitted murder. He should be punished. But stop with the every cop is a racist. It is ignorant and bigoted.
"The vast majority of cops are good people. "


And you're the pussy who will the first one on the phone calling the cops if your house gets robbed or your woman assaulted. You are the worst type of coward. You don't know shit.
Theres no way I would ever call a cop. They are more likely to kill me than help me. Something goes down then I will be the one to handle it.

You would wet your fucking pants. I don't believe any of the shit you say. Never have.....
You dont have to believe it. Just make sure you dont ever have to test it.

Asslips. Keyboard warrior......

Pretty sure those Black vets are with the protesters. I know I would be if I was dead.
You're already brain dead, go out and protest dipshit.
Already did my protesting. Now I'm just explaining to you what its all about.
nobody has a problem with protesting MR Floyd death ! its the needless rioting we have a problem with !
Needless to who? No one gives a fuck what you think is needless. You dont live our lives everyday so what you have to say about something being needless is simply more bullshit we discard. Also its not just Floyd. Its for all Blacks hunted down and killed by whites under the cover of the legal system. You didnt want to listen when the protests were peaceful now youre going to deal with some shit being torn up and defaced. Its up to yall. You can choose to listen or not but we aint going no where and will continue to give you indigestion...or worse when necessary.
the fucking cop that killed him has rightfully been arrested you care about the much larger number of whites killed by police ? does their families pain and sorrow matter ? i'll answer that question for your little weak ass ! you hate America we get that ... you support rioting we get that...the question is whats next ?
This isnt about white people being killed, Stop with the weak "me too" shit. This is about the racism that has been allowed to be practiced unchecked by the cops on Black communities. This is about the feeling of being hunted that you live with every day for so long it just becomes a part of who you are simply because you were blessed with a lot of melanin.
Do you think that blacks feeling like they are being hunted by cops comes solely from cops being racist or do you think there are other elements involved?
Definitively from racist cops. I mean there are things we see in the system thats meant to kill or neutralize us but racist cops are the front line. They are racism personified. I was actually stunned when I moved out to the burbs and a white cop smiled at me. The ones in the hood are crazed animals selected specifically to kill and round up as many Blacks as possible.
Do you think the crime rate in the hood has an effect on how the cops act?

I worked emergency services for years and also worked in a large inner city ER for years. I have seen things that would make most of you curl up in a fetal ball.

Yes, the violence in the inner city affects everyone, cops included. The vast majority of cops are good people. No one is being fucking hunted. Stop with the drama queen bullshit.

Yes, there are bad cops. Yes some of them respond poorly to the violence and community dynamics. But to say all cops are racists is just as ignorant as white bigots making sweeping generalizations about Blacks. That is the tipoff Asslips is a racist.....the sweeping generalizations.

The asshole cop in Minneapolis comitted murder. He should be punished. But stop with the every cop is a racist. It is ignorant and bigoted.
"The vast majority of cops are good people. "


And you're the pussy who will the first one on the phone calling the cops if your house gets robbed or your woman assaulted. You are the worst type of coward. You don't know shit.
Theres no way I would ever call a cop. They are more likely to kill me than help me. Something goes down then I will be the one to handle it.

You would wet your fucking pants. I don't believe any of the shit you say. Never have.....
You dont have to believe it. Just make sure you dont ever have to test it.
No one believes your tough guy talk, or that bullshit about how youre a magnet for white girls. Not one person on these forums, and its embarrassing when you do it.
Donald Trump Jr........................ is absolutely right! This has to stop!:clap:

"In the wake of last night's demonstrations, there are numerous instances of vandalism to sites around the National Mall. For generations the Mall has been our nation’s premier civic gathering space for non-violent demonstrations, and we ask individuals to carry on that tradition. " -

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You are absolutely right, this shit needs to stop. How do you propose we stop it?

Just stop the riots and the looting and the chaos.

or if they refuse to stop....

make them stop forcefully.

That's all.
How are you going to do that though? I mean the forcefully part? You cant even keep terrorists from blowing shit up here. How are you going to stop a population of people that is integrated into every phase of your society?
When a mob of you goes and loots a store, a unit with automatic weapons is sent to put you down. Its quite simple really.
Great way to make the problem worse. How about a non retard try and answer the question. You people are embarrassing yourselves
Do you really think that if these riots became an every day thing, we wouldnt put them down lethally? Youve lost your god damn mind if you think that.
Who the fuck is talking about an everyday thing? Don’t try and change the conversation and get all serious like you’re actually making sense with your BS troll responses. Go sleep it off dude. You’re a joke
Asslips is saying that. Follow along please, or stay out of the way.
I will gladly stay out of your way from now on. Talking with you only makes me dumber.
Thats why I dont bother even replying to the poor dumb bastard. Its like talking to a door knob.... that can type.
You dont respond because you lose every time we debate. You prefer easy targets because, you are a weak debater who relies on making up fake history and generally telling outright lies..

He would not last one day doing a cop's job. 80% of the people cops deal with are complete assholes.
Me being a cop wouldnt be a good thing. I have a bad temper. Turned down the opportunity long ago.
How does one "turn down the opportunity to be a cop"? Did you apply for the job and when they said "youre hired", you said "Nah, im not going to take the job"? Where do you come up with this shit? :laugh:
Asclepias, the irony of you posting a Fox fake news article is funny. :p Do your research! Prostate cancer, heart disease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, inter-tribal violence, low IQ, etc., etc., all are a result of non-White DNA. Sad but true little buddy!
To stupid to bother reading
You would wet your fucking pants. I don't believe any of the shit you say. Never have.....

That's a good policy. Bed wetters are best ignored, but pieces of shit like asslips are so easy to mock.


I have never taken him seriously and rarely engage him. If I do it is generally just to mock. But saying he was cool with protesters defacing a WWII monument that honors all vets who served, regardless of race or background.....I couldn't let that one slide.
Godboy, what is important is that the little fellow is presenting mythology that has infected the Black and Brown perceptions of reality. Very sad for them, but endangers White people. They allege to worry about cops who when cops allegedly make a mistake the Black and Brown relatives are awarded millions of taxpayer dollars even when the cops were in the right. Yet White folks, especially women, need to constantly worry about one or more of the savages attacking them and they get no money and often the Black or Brown is released to commit crimes again.
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No one believes your tough guy talk, or that bullshit about how youre a magnet for white girls. Not one person on these forums, and its embarrassing when you do it.
LOL...Yeah... Can you see Asslip's next "dream date"?


Good luck getting that thing pregnant Asslips.... at least you won't go to jail for child support.

Not that I think you can get it up anyway. Miserable pieces of shit like you usually can't.

Hence your anger issues....


No one believes your tough guy talk, or that bullshit about how youre a magnet for white girls. Not one person on these forums, and its embarrassing when you do it.
LOL...Yeah... Can you see Asslip's next "dream date"?

View attachment 343735

Good luck getting that thing pregnant Asslips.... at least you won't go to jail for child support.

Not that I think you can get it up anyway. Miserable pieces of shit like you usually can't.

Hence your anger issues....


Maybe if he got REALLY lucky,. There is no way Asslips has any sort of game. Only the bottom feeders or truly desperate would go for him.
I have never taken him seriously and rarely engage him. If I do it is generally just to mock. But saying he was cool with protesters defacing a WWII monument that honors all vets who served, regardless of race or background.....I couldn't let that one slide.
You're talking to a parrot when you talk to pieces of shit like asslips. It's not a cognizant person who will ever be ashamed of what it has posted, it could not be embarrassed by any of that. It's best to think of pieces of shit like asslips as the parrots they are, sitting on the perch they are, without any idea what it's made out of.



Some people are desperate to import American race politics into the UK. Many of them were in Trafalgar Square today demonstrating about George Floyd’s death.

You might wonder what George Floyd and American rozzers have to do with the UK. Nothing of course. What the police do in Minneapolis is no more relevent to the UK than what the police do in any other country. This is a power play by the left’s race hustlers. Think of it as a business development scheme for the permanently aggrieved. They can’t stand peace, wealth and harmony. They want and need poverty and division because it feeds them.

When people go to the beach, or demonstrate against the government’s lockdown and distancing rules, the usual suspects get the megaphones out to denounce these “Covidiots”. They are strangely quiet when a couple of thousand different people got all close in Trafalgar Square. Funny that.

Posted in ATW
Something profoundly stupid as usual.

First of all you are in no position to bargain. You're lucky we're willing to try.

Second you couldnt afford it anyway. We've wasted trillions keeping parasites like you alive for 60 years, we will find the money

3rd No way we are going to do all the work of building this country and then leave it to yall. What did you build? You picked some fucking cotton, once we freed you from the democrooks you started destroying cities.

4th. White women would claw your eyes out You mean the hideously ugly fat whores you knock up and refuse to support? They can't catch us.
You cant try something youre in no position to do.

You havent wasted shit except trillions on yourself. We built this country not you.

We built this country. If not for our work it would be a failed european penal colony.

No I mean most white women regardless of how they look.

What did you build?
Better they deface those memorials than tear up property. I'm sure the non racist members of the military would understand. You better get the message. Black people are sick of your bullshit and racism.

Black people and white people are sick of the racism and bullshit of people who think like you. Wake up.

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View attachment 343701
You dont even know any Black people. I know thousands. Keep fucking around. You support racism. You have effectively become the enemy.
You keep fucking around and you're gonna start catching bullets, dumbass.
Pretty sure those Black vets are with the protesters. I know I would be if I was dead.
You're already brain dead, go out and protest dipshit.
Already did my protesting. Now I'm just explaining to you what its all about.
nobody has a problem with protesting MR Floyd death ! its the needless rioting we have a problem with !
Needless to who? No one gives a fuck what you think is needless. You dont live our lives everyday so what you have to say about something being needless is simply more bullshit we discard. Also its not just Floyd. Its for all Blacks hunted down and killed by whites under the cover of the legal system. You didnt want to listen when the protests were peaceful now youre going to deal with some shit being torn up and defaced. Its up to yall. You can choose to listen or not but we aint going no where and will continue to give you indigestion...or worse when necessary.
the fucking cop that killed him has rightfully been arrested you care about the much larger number of whites killed by police ? does their families pain and sorrow matter ? i'll answer that question for your little weak ass ! you hate America we get that ... you support rioting we get that...the question is whats next ?
This isnt about white people being killed, Stop with the weak "me too" shit. This is about the racism that has been allowed to be practiced unchecked by the cops on Black communities. This is about the feeling of being hunted that you live with every day for so long it just becomes a part of who you are simply because you were blessed with a lot of melanin.
Do you think that blacks feeling like they are being hunted by cops comes solely from cops being racist or do you think there are other elements involved?
Definitively from racist cops. I mean there are things we see in the system thats meant to kill or neutralize us but racist cops are the front line. They are racism personified. I was actually stunned when I moved out to the burbs and a white cop smiled at me. The ones in the hood are crazed animals selected specifically to kill and round up as many Blacks as possible.
Do you think the crime rate in the hood has an effect on how the cops act?

I worked emergency services for years and also worked in a large inner city ER for years. I have seen things that would make most of you curl up in a fetal ball.

Yes, the violence in the inner city affects everyone, cops included. The vast majority of cops are good people. No one is being fucking hunted. Stop with the drama queen bullshit.

Yes, there are bad cops. Yes some of them respond poorly to the violence and community dynamics. But to say all cops are racists is just as ignorant as white bigots making sweeping generalizations about Blacks. That is the tipoff Asslips is a racist.....the sweeping generalizations.

The asshole cop in Minneapolis comitted murder. He should be punished. But stop with the every cop is a racist. It is ignorant and bigoted.
"The vast majority of cops are good people. "


And you're the pussy who will the first one on the phone calling the cops if your house gets robbed or your woman assaulted. You are the worst type of coward. You don't know shit.
Theres no way I would ever call a cop. They are more likely to kill me than help me. Something goes down then I will be the one to handle it.

You would wet your fucking pants. I don't believe any of the shit you say. Never have.....
You dont have to believe it. Just make sure you dont ever have to test it.
No one believes your tough guy talk, or that bullshit about how youre a magnet for white girls. Not one person on these forums, and its embarrassing when you do it.
Asslips didn't even know what greens are. Probably a skinny white guy with horn-rimmed glasses. Possibly a basement Antifa.
The insanity that Negros built the USA does not just afflict the little fella Asclepias but many similar stupid, ignorant, racist idiots. Take Africa for example. :p It actually had a chance to be civilized with the various White countries establishing law and order, so called "colonization." But the savages reproduce so grotesquely, and the "NWO" tweaked the savages to rebel. So they rebel and live in shit as a result.

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