This Man Truly Is An Idiot

Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
Only a complete fucking moron thinks a flu with a survival rate of over 99% is a "pandemic".
Only a complete moron, thinks that's true.

A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "local people" the 'crowd') is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people.

Current pandemics include tuberculosis, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and HIV/AIDS.
Yawn..... it wasn't shit.
It never was.
Thank you, Dr. Trump.
4,000,000 deaths in 17 months is peanuts.
The sniffles really.
From the looks of things, Biden has killed about 200 K since taking office. Trumps best stretch wasn't that good.

Wonder if Joe wants to be number 1.
Sure he has, Biden is encouraging people to get the vaccine, Trump didn't, except for himself and family.
The only people dying now are the morons that listened to Trump.

You are saying that the numbers are different ?

Please share.

So Biden has killed 200,000 in a short period of time.

Those are the numbers.
No, those are self inflicted, by morons with a death wish, who refuse to get vaccinated.

One president discouraged vaccines.
One president encouraged vaccines.

More Trump humpers will die because THEY refused to get vaccinated, then they will blame Biden.
Vaccines? You guys still harping on that?

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was a horrible thing because humans were used as guinea pigs without their knowledge, and you slow learners are voluntarily lining up to do the same damn thing....... why?
Because people that have been wrong constantly, and who have lied to you over and over and over and over and over, told you you should?
Or you might catch a flu you weren't going to die from anyway because the survival rate is over 99%?
And if it does go badly and kill a bunch of you and cause a shit-ton of 3 eyed babies with Downs syndrome or autism, what are you going to do? What's your recourse?
Oh that's right....... you don't have any, because all the vaccine manufacturers have immunity from any legal action, which, if you weren't all a bunch of fucking retards, would be a clue.
How many people take medicines, that have so many side effects, listing them in commercials, doubles the time of commercials?
So, it's a toss up, you prolong your life short term, only later to get stricken with a far more deadly outcome later.

Vaccine damages?
You can thank your orange, dear leader for that.

August 28 2020
Despite experts repeated warnings that rushing a vaccine for Covid-19 could endanger hundreds of millions of people, President Donald Trump has made it clear that he wants to fast track a vaccine. His plan, reportedly, is to bypass regulatory standards in order to have a vaccine ready before Election Day. Such a move could bolster Trump’s claims that he’s saving us from the coronavirus, rather than worsening the course of the pandemic and causing tens of thousands of avoidable deaths — and presumably would help him win a second term.

October 9 2020
Taking the advice of profit-driven pharmaceutical corporations over that of his own public health agencies and experts, President Donald Trump is blocking the Food and Drug Administration from imposing tougher safety requirements on the authorization of a coronavirus vaccine after drug company executives privately voiced disapproval with the push for stricter federal standards.
Trump's stonewalling of more stringent federal standards comes amid widespread concerns that the president's politically motivated push for approval of a coronavirus vaccine before November 3 could result in a product that is insufficiently tested and unsafe.

December 17 2020
If you experience severe side effects after getting a Covid vaccine, lawyers tell CNBC there is basically no one to blame in a U.S. court of law.
The federal government has granted companies like Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines.
In February, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The 2005 law empowers the HHS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, unless there’s “willful misconduct” by the company. The protection lasts until 2024.

That means that for the next four years, these companies “cannot be sued for money damages in court” over injuries related to the administration or use of products to treat or protect against Covid.
Hey, you know what would have happened if we had simply ignored covid and just kept on living our lives?


Hell, we'd probably have lost a lot less people, and we wouldn't have destroyed the economy and driven drug abuse, suicides, and violent crimes way up too.

All of you folks who bought into the bullshit, you got played. And you fucked us all as a result.

Good fucking job you retarded dumbasses.
You fucking morons, like your dear leader did ignore covid-19, for 8 months, 500,000 people died in the US alone.

Now the only people dying are stupid fuck Trumptards.................................GOOD.

The entire country's IQ level is going up.
If you're going to whack off to panic porn, do it in private.

Fucking degenerate.....
As Trumptards are masterbating to delusions of voter fraud?
Denying reality doesn't change reality.

It's a fraud and everyone knows it.

Guess what?
You can't govern people who refuse to be governed by you. You don't have the power necessary.

And the more you cheat, and lie, and deny, the more the rest of us turn our backs on you. We don't need you.

And what are you going to do about it?
"Denying reality doesn't change reality".

You're a prime example.

"It's a fraud and everyone knows it".
I know, the claims of voter fraud, are a fraud, everyone knows it, otherwise you could prove it.

"You can't govern people who refuse to be governed by you. You don't have the power necessary".

Big Bubba is always looking for fresh meat.
Vaccines? You guys still harping on that?
Vaccine damages?
You can thank your orange, dear leader for that.

Poor baby is fussing again because he never got his own PEZ dispenser!


Someone should tell him Biddum is IN CHARGE now and it is up to Joe to run the Show. Donald's off playing golf now.
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
Only a complete fucking moron thinks a flu with a survival rate of over 99% is a "pandemic".
Only a complete moron, thinks that's true.

A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "local people" the 'crowd') is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people.

Current pandemics include tuberculosis, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and HIV/AIDS.
Yawn..... it wasn't shit.
It never was.
Thank you, Dr. Trump.
4,000,000 deaths in 17 months is peanuts.
The sniffles really.
From the looks of things, Biden has killed about 200 K since taking office. Trumps best stretch wasn't that good.

Wonder if Joe wants to be number 1.
Sure he has, Biden is encouraging people to get the vaccine, Trump didn't, except for himself and family.
The only people dying now are the morons that listened to Trump.

You are saying that the numbers are different ?

Please share.

So Biden has killed 200,000 in a short period of time.

Those are the numbers.
No, those are self inflicted, by morons with a death wish, who refuse to get vaccinated.

One president discouraged vaccines.
One president encouraged vaccines.

More Trump humpers will die because THEY refused to get vaccinated, then they will blame Biden.

Does the vaccine make you want to prophesy too ?
Don't have to, you already did.
"So Biden has killed 200,000 in a short period of time".

Try to keep up............................even with your own comments.

That's not a prediction.

200 K have died since smokin Joe took over.

Not a prediction?
"More Trump humpers will die because THEY refused to get vaccinated, then they will blame Biden".

"200 K have died since smokin Joe took over".
Trump humpers refuse to get vaccinated.

"Smokin Joe"?

See Trumphumpers are blaming Biden for THEIR failure to NOT get vaccinated.

That didn't take long.
my body my choice
Republicans sure had a different take on that when it comes to a woman's body and choice.
I could give a fuck, you're only endangering your own.
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
Only a complete fucking moron thinks a flu with a survival rate of over 99% is a "pandemic".
Only a complete moron, thinks that's true.

A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "local people" the 'crowd') is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people.

Current pandemics include tuberculosis, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and HIV/AIDS.
Yawn..... it wasn't shit.
It never was.
Thank you, Dr. Trump.
4,000,000 deaths in 17 months is peanuts.
The sniffles really.
From the looks of things, Biden has killed about 200 K since taking office. Trumps best stretch wasn't that good.

Wonder if Joe wants to be number 1.
Sure he has, Biden is encouraging people to get the vaccine, Trump didn't, except for himself and family.
The only people dying now are the morons that listened to Trump.

You are saying that the numbers are different ?

Please share.

So Biden has killed 200,000 in a short period of time.

Those are the numbers.
No, those are self inflicted, by morons with a death wish, who refuse to get vaccinated.

One president discouraged vaccines.
One president encouraged vaccines.

More Trump humpers will die because THEY refused to get vaccinated, then they will blame Biden.
Vaccines? You guys still harping on that?

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was a horrible thing because humans were used as guinea pigs without their knowledge, and you slow learners are voluntarily lining up to do the same damn thing....... why?
Because people that have been wrong constantly, and who have lied to you over and over and over and over and over, told you you should?
Or you might catch a flu you weren't going to die from anyway because the survival rate is over 99%?
And if it does go badly and kill a bunch of you and cause a shit-ton of 3 eyed babies with Downs syndrome or autism, what are you going to do? What's your recourse?
Oh that's right....... you don't have any, because all the vaccine manufacturers have immunity from any legal action, which, if you weren't all a bunch of fucking retards, would be a clue.
How many people take medicines, that have so many side effects, listing them in commercials, doubles the time of commercials?
So, it's a toss up, you prolong your life short term, only later to get stricken with a far more deadly outcome later.

Vaccine damages?
You can thank your orange, dear leader for that.

August 28 2020
Despite experts repeated warnings that rushing a vaccine for Covid-19 could endanger hundreds of millions of people, President Donald Trump has made it clear that he wants to fast track a vaccine. His plan, reportedly, is to bypass regulatory standards in order to have a vaccine ready before Election Day. Such a move could bolster Trump’s claims that he’s saving us from the coronavirus, rather than worsening the course of the pandemic and causing tens of thousands of avoidable deaths — and presumably would help him win a second term.

October 9 2020
Taking the advice of profit-driven pharmaceutical corporations over that of his own public health agencies and experts, President Donald Trump is blocking the Food and Drug Administration from imposing tougher safety requirements on the authorization of a coronavirus vaccine after drug company executives privately voiced disapproval with the push for stricter federal standards.
Trump's stonewalling of more stringent federal standards comes amid widespread concerns that the president's politically motivated push for approval of a coronavirus vaccine before November 3 could result in a product that is insufficiently tested and unsafe.

December 17 2020
If you experience severe side effects after getting a Covid vaccine, lawyers tell CNBC there is basically no one to blame in a U.S. court of law.
The federal government has granted companies like Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines.
In February, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The 2005 law empowers the HHS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, unless there’s “willful misconduct” by the company. The protection lasts until 2024.

That means that for the next four years, these companies “cannot be sued for money damages in court” over injuries related to the administration or use of products to treat or protect against Covid.
Hey, you know what would have happened if we had simply ignored covid and just kept on living our lives?


Hell, we'd probably have lost a lot less people, and we wouldn't have destroyed the economy and driven drug abuse, suicides, and violent crimes way up too.

All of you folks who bought into the bullshit, you got played. And you fucked us all as a result.

Good fucking job you retarded dumbasses.
You fucking morons, like your dear leader did ignore covid-19, for 8 months, 500,000 people died in the US alone.

Now the only people dying are stupid fuck Trumptards.................................GOOD.

The entire country's IQ level is going up.
If you're going to whack off to panic porn, do it in private.

Fucking degenerate.....
As Trumptards are masterbating to delusions of voter fraud?
Denying reality doesn't change reality.

It's a fraud and everyone knows it.

Guess what?
You can't govern people who refuse to be governed by you. You don't have the power necessary.

And the more you cheat, and lie, and deny, the more the rest of us turn our backs on you. We don't need you.

And what are you going to do about it?
"Denying reality doesn't change reality".

You're a prime example.

"It's a fraud and everyone knows it".
I know, the claims of voter fraud, are a fraud, everyone knows it, otherwise you could prove it.

"You can't govern people who refuse to be governed by you. You don't have the power necessary".

Big Bubba is always looking for fresh meat.
How are you going to put me in a cell with him?

Especially with no tax money to pay the badged goon squads or the jail guards?
Vaccines? You guys still harping on that?
Vaccine damages?
You can thank your orange, dear leader for that.

Poor baby is fussing again because he never got his own PEZ dispenser!

View attachment 511715

Someone should tell him Biddum is IN CHARGE now and it is up to Joe to run the Show. Donald's off playing golf now.
If you think Biden is in charge of anything, you're more demented than he is.
Vaccines? You guys still harping on that?
Vaccine damages?
You can thank your orange, dear leader for that.

Poor baby is fussing again because he never got his own PEZ dispenser!

View attachment 511715

Someone should tell him Biddum is IN CHARGE now and it is up to Joe to run the Show. Donald's off playing golf now.
YES, he is and the whiny, orange loser isn't.
You can lead a Trumptard to a vaccine but you can't make them get a shot.

March 2 2021
Former President Donald Trump and former first lady Melania Trump received their COVID-19 vaccines in January at the White House, Fox News confirmed.

It is unclear which vaccine the Trumps received, but a Trump official told Fox News they are both fully vaccinated with two doses.
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
Only a complete fucking moron thinks a flu with a survival rate of over 99% is a "pandemic".
Only a complete moron, thinks that's true.

A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "local people" the 'crowd') is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people.

Current pandemics include tuberculosis, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and HIV/AIDS.
Yawn..... it wasn't shit.
It never was.
Thank you, Dr. Trump.
4,000,000 deaths in 17 months is peanuts.
The sniffles really.
From the looks of things, Biden has killed about 200 K since taking office. Trumps best stretch wasn't that good.

Wonder if Joe wants to be number 1.
Sure he has, Biden is encouraging people to get the vaccine, Trump didn't, except for himself and family.
The only people dying now are the morons that listened to Trump.

You are saying that the numbers are different ?

Please share.

So Biden has killed 200,000 in a short period of time.

Those are the numbers.
No, those are self inflicted, by morons with a death wish, who refuse to get vaccinated.

One president discouraged vaccines.
One president encouraged vaccines.

More Trump humpers will die because THEY refused to get vaccinated, then they will blame Biden.
Vaccines? You guys still harping on that?

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was a horrible thing because humans were used as guinea pigs without their knowledge, and you slow learners are voluntarily lining up to do the same damn thing....... why?
Because people that have been wrong constantly, and who have lied to you over and over and over and over and over, told you you should?
Or you might catch a flu you weren't going to die from anyway because the survival rate is over 99%?
And if it does go badly and kill a bunch of you and cause a shit-ton of 3 eyed babies with Downs syndrome or autism, what are you going to do? What's your recourse?
Oh that's right....... you don't have any, because all the vaccine manufacturers have immunity from any legal action, which, if you weren't all a bunch of fucking retards, would be a clue.
How many people take medicines, that have so many side effects, listing them in commercials, doubles the time of commercials?
So, it's a toss up, you prolong your life short term, only later to get stricken with a far more deadly outcome later.

Vaccine damages?
You can thank your orange, dear leader for that.

August 28 2020
Despite experts repeated warnings that rushing a vaccine for Covid-19 could endanger hundreds of millions of people, President Donald Trump has made it clear that he wants to fast track a vaccine. His plan, reportedly, is to bypass regulatory standards in order to have a vaccine ready before Election Day. Such a move could bolster Trump’s claims that he’s saving us from the coronavirus, rather than worsening the course of the pandemic and causing tens of thousands of avoidable deaths — and presumably would help him win a second term.

October 9 2020
Taking the advice of profit-driven pharmaceutical corporations over that of his own public health agencies and experts, President Donald Trump is blocking the Food and Drug Administration from imposing tougher safety requirements on the authorization of a coronavirus vaccine after drug company executives privately voiced disapproval with the push for stricter federal standards.
Trump's stonewalling of more stringent federal standards comes amid widespread concerns that the president's politically motivated push for approval of a coronavirus vaccine before November 3 could result in a product that is insufficiently tested and unsafe.

December 17 2020
If you experience severe side effects after getting a Covid vaccine, lawyers tell CNBC there is basically no one to blame in a U.S. court of law.
The federal government has granted companies like Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines.
In February, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The 2005 law empowers the HHS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, unless there’s “willful misconduct” by the company. The protection lasts until 2024.

That means that for the next four years, these companies “cannot be sued for money damages in court” over injuries related to the administration or use of products to treat or protect against Covid.
Hey, you know what would have happened if we had simply ignored covid and just kept on living our lives?


Hell, we'd probably have lost a lot less people, and we wouldn't have destroyed the economy and driven drug abuse, suicides, and violent crimes way up too.

All of you folks who bought into the bullshit, you got played. And you fucked us all as a result.

Good fucking job you retarded dumbasses.
You fucking morons, like your dear leader did ignore covid-19, for 8 months, 500,000 people died in the US alone.

Now the only people dying are stupid fuck Trumptards.................................GOOD.

The entire country's IQ level is going up.
If you're going to whack off to panic porn, do it in private.

Fucking degenerate.....
As Trumptards are masterbating to delusions of voter fraud?
Denying reality doesn't change reality.

It's a fraud and everyone knows it.

Guess what?
You can't govern people who refuse to be governed by you. You don't have the power necessary.

And the more you cheat, and lie, and deny, the more the rest of us turn our backs on you. We don't need you.

And what are you going to do about it?
"Denying reality doesn't change reality".

You're a prime example.

"It's a fraud and everyone knows it".
I know, the claims of voter fraud, are a fraud, everyone knows it, otherwise you could prove it.

"You can't govern people who refuse to be governed by you. You don't have the power necessary".

Big Bubba is always looking for fresh meat.
How are you going to put me in a cell with him?

Especially with no tax money to pay the badged goon squads or the jail guards?
I don't have to.
No tax $$$?
Never gonna happen, you're food quality may suffer, that's where prisons make the cuts first.
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
Only a complete fucking moron thinks a flu with a survival rate of over 99% is a "pandemic".
Only a complete moron, thinks that's true.

A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "local people" the 'crowd') is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people.

Current pandemics include tuberculosis, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and HIV/AIDS.
Yawn..... it wasn't shit.
It never was.
Thank you, Dr. Trump.
4,000,000 deaths in 17 months is peanuts.
The sniffles really.
From the looks of things, Biden has killed about 200 K since taking office. Trumps best stretch wasn't that good.

Wonder if Joe wants to be number 1.
Sure he has, Biden is encouraging people to get the vaccine, Trump didn't, except for himself and family.
The only people dying now are the morons that listened to Trump.

You are saying that the numbers are different ?

Please share.

So Biden has killed 200,000 in a short period of time.

Those are the numbers.
No, those are self inflicted, by morons with a death wish, who refuse to get vaccinated.

One president discouraged vaccines.
One president encouraged vaccines.

More Trump humpers will die because THEY refused to get vaccinated, then they will blame Biden.

Does the vaccine make you want to prophesy too ?
Don't have to, you already did.
"So Biden has killed 200,000 in a short period of time".

Try to keep up............................even with your own comments.

That's not a prediction.

200 K have died since smokin Joe took over.

Not a prediction?
"More Trump humpers will die because THEY refused to get vaccinated, then they will blame Biden".

"200 K have died since smokin Joe took over".
Trump humpers refuse to get vaccinated.

"Smokin Joe"?

See Trumphumpers are blaming Biden for THEIR failure to NOT get vaccinated.

That didn't take long.
my body my choice
Republicans sure had a different take on that when it comes to a woman's body and choice.

FALLACY: the Fetus in the womb is a new life growing and feeding, not part of the woman's body. A baby sucking milk from a breast is little different except for being outside the body rather than feeding from within.
Vaccines? You guys still harping on that?
Vaccine damages?
You can thank your orange, dear leader for that.

Poor baby is fussing again because he never got his own PEZ dispenser!

View attachment 511715

Someone should tell him Biddum is IN CHARGE now and it is up to Joe to run the Show. Donald's off playing golf now.
If you think Biden is in charge of anything, you're more demented than he is.
Forgive me, I used the term "in charge" loosely. Perhaps a better way would be to say the figurehead front man speaking for the Harriden Administration.
Vaccines? You guys still harping on that?
Vaccine damages?
You can thank your orange, dear leader for that.

Poor baby is fussing again because he never got his own PEZ dispenser!

View attachment 511715

Someone should tell him Biddum is IN CHARGE now and it is up to Joe to run the Show. Donald's off playing golf now.
If you think Biden is in charge of anything, you're more demented than he is.
Yeah, I know, the orange, retard is still in change, waiting for August 13, when he will be rightfully installed as president and the lizard people will be exposed.
Vaccines? You guys still harping on that?
Vaccine damages?
You can thank your orange, dear leader for that.

Poor baby is fussing again because he never got his own PEZ dispenser!

View attachment 511715

Someone should tell him Biddum is IN CHARGE now and it is up to Joe to run the Show. Donald's off playing golf now.
YES, he is and the whiny, orange loser isn't.
You can lead a Trumptard to a vaccine but you can't make them get a shot.

March 2 2021
Former President Donald Trump and former first lady Melania Trump received their COVID-19 vaccines in January at the White House, Fox News confirmed.

It is unclear which vaccine the Trumps received, but a Trump official told Fox News they are both fully vaccinated with two doses.

Biddums the "Boss" now. Quit looking for a scapegoat for Joe's failings.
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
Only a complete fucking moron thinks a flu with a survival rate of over 99% is a "pandemic".
Only a complete moron, thinks that's true.

A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "local people" the 'crowd') is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people.

Current pandemics include tuberculosis, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and HIV/AIDS.
Yawn..... it wasn't shit.
It never was.
Thank you, Dr. Trump.
4,000,000 deaths in 17 months is peanuts.
The sniffles really.
From the looks of things, Biden has killed about 200 K since taking office. Trumps best stretch wasn't that good.

Wonder if Joe wants to be number 1.
Sure he has, Biden is encouraging people to get the vaccine, Trump didn't, except for himself and family.
The only people dying now are the morons that listened to Trump.

You are saying that the numbers are different ?

Please share.

So Biden has killed 200,000 in a short period of time.

Those are the numbers.
No, those are self inflicted, by morons with a death wish, who refuse to get vaccinated.

One president discouraged vaccines.
One president encouraged vaccines.

More Trump humpers will die because THEY refused to get vaccinated, then they will blame Biden.

Does the vaccine make you want to prophesy too ?
Don't have to, you already did.
"So Biden has killed 200,000 in a short period of time".

Try to keep up............................even with your own comments.

That's not a prediction.

200 K have died since smokin Joe took over.

Not a prediction?
"More Trump humpers will die because THEY refused to get vaccinated, then they will blame Biden".

"200 K have died since smokin Joe took over".
Trump humpers refuse to get vaccinated.

"Smokin Joe"?

See Trumphumpers are blaming Biden for THEIR failure to NOT get vaccinated.

That didn't take long.
my body my choice
Republicans sure had a different take on that when it comes to a woman's body and choice.

FALLACY: the Fetus in the womb is a new life growing and feeding, not part of the woman's body. A baby sucking milk from a breast is little different except for being outside the body rather than feeding from within.
A fetus isn't part of a woman's body?

Bet that's news to all women.
Vaccines? You guys still harping on that?
Vaccine damages?
You can thank your orange, dear leader for that.

Poor baby is fussing again because he never got his own PEZ dispenser!

View attachment 511715

Someone should tell him Biddum is IN CHARGE now and it is up to Joe to run the Show. Donald's off playing golf now.
If you think Biden is in charge of anything, you're more demented than he is.
Yeah, I know, the orange, retard is still in change, waiting for August 13, when he will be rightfully installed as president and the lizard people will be exposed.
Poor snowflake had to Funny me but can't disprove a single thing I said about the fetus, so hides behind his keyboard clicking his dislikes like a little girl.
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
Only a complete fucking moron thinks a flu with a survival rate of over 99% is a "pandemic".
Only a complete moron, thinks that's true.

A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "local people" the 'crowd') is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people.

Current pandemics include tuberculosis, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and HIV/AIDS.
Yawn..... it wasn't shit.
It never was.
Thank you, Dr. Trump.
4,000,000 deaths in 17 months is peanuts.
The sniffles really.
From the looks of things, Biden has killed about 200 K since taking office. Trumps best stretch wasn't that good.

Wonder if Joe wants to be number 1.
Sure he has, Biden is encouraging people to get the vaccine, Trump didn't, except for himself and family.
The only people dying now are the morons that listened to Trump.

You are saying that the numbers are different ?

Please share.

So Biden has killed 200,000 in a short period of time.

Those are the numbers.
No, those are self inflicted, by morons with a death wish, who refuse to get vaccinated.

One president discouraged vaccines.
One president encouraged vaccines.

More Trump humpers will die because THEY refused to get vaccinated, then they will blame Biden.

Does the vaccine make you want to prophesy too ?
Don't have to, you already did.
"So Biden has killed 200,000 in a short period of time".

Try to keep up............................even with your own comments.

That's not a prediction.

200 K have died since smokin Joe took over.

Not a prediction?
"More Trump humpers will die because THEY refused to get vaccinated, then they will blame Biden".

"200 K have died since smokin Joe took over".
Trump humpers refuse to get vaccinated.

"Smokin Joe"?

See Trumphumpers are blaming Biden for THEIR failure to NOT get vaccinated.

That didn't take long.
my body my choice
Republicans sure had a different take on that when it comes to a woman's body and choice.

FALLACY: the Fetus in the womb is a new life growing and feeding, not part of the woman's body. A baby sucking milk from a breast is little different except for being outside the body rather than feeding from within.
A fetus isn't part of a woman's body?

Bet that's news to all women.

Tell me this then genius, when a woman has an abortion, just what part of her body is she missing now that she had before she became pregnant??? If the fetus was part of her body, then she'd have to LOSE something, not break even.
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
Only a complete fucking moron thinks a flu with a survival rate of over 99% is a "pandemic".
Only a complete moron, thinks that's true.

A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "local people" the 'crowd') is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people.

Current pandemics include tuberculosis, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and HIV/AIDS.
Yawn..... it wasn't shit.
It never was.
Thank you, Dr. Trump.
4,000,000 deaths in 17 months is peanuts.
The sniffles really.
From the looks of things, Biden has killed about 200 K since taking office. Trumps best stretch wasn't that good.

Wonder if Joe wants to be number 1.
Sure he has, Biden is encouraging people to get the vaccine, Trump didn't, except for himself and family.
The only people dying now are the morons that listened to Trump.

You are saying that the numbers are different ?

Please share.

So Biden has killed 200,000 in a short period of time.

Those are the numbers.
No, those are self inflicted, by morons with a death wish, who refuse to get vaccinated.

One president discouraged vaccines.
One president encouraged vaccines.

More Trump humpers will die because THEY refused to get vaccinated, then they will blame Biden.
Vaccines? You guys still harping on that?

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was a horrible thing because humans were used as guinea pigs without their knowledge, and you slow learners are voluntarily lining up to do the same damn thing....... why?
Because people that have been wrong constantly, and who have lied to you over and over and over and over and over, told you you should?
Or you might catch a flu you weren't going to die from anyway because the survival rate is over 99%?
And if it does go badly and kill a bunch of you and cause a shit-ton of 3 eyed babies with Downs syndrome or autism, what are you going to do? What's your recourse?
Oh that's right....... you don't have any, because all the vaccine manufacturers have immunity from any legal action, which, if you weren't all a bunch of fucking retards, would be a clue.
How many people take medicines, that have so many side effects, listing them in commercials, doubles the time of commercials?
So, it's a toss up, you prolong your life short term, only later to get stricken with a far more deadly outcome later.

Vaccine damages?
You can thank your orange, dear leader for that.

August 28 2020
Despite experts repeated warnings that rushing a vaccine for Covid-19 could endanger hundreds of millions of people, President Donald Trump has made it clear that he wants to fast track a vaccine. His plan, reportedly, is to bypass regulatory standards in order to have a vaccine ready before Election Day. Such a move could bolster Trump’s claims that he’s saving us from the coronavirus, rather than worsening the course of the pandemic and causing tens of thousands of avoidable deaths — and presumably would help him win a second term.

October 9 2020
Taking the advice of profit-driven pharmaceutical corporations over that of his own public health agencies and experts, President Donald Trump is blocking the Food and Drug Administration from imposing tougher safety requirements on the authorization of a coronavirus vaccine after drug company executives privately voiced disapproval with the push for stricter federal standards.
Trump's stonewalling of more stringent federal standards comes amid widespread concerns that the president's politically motivated push for approval of a coronavirus vaccine before November 3 could result in a product that is insufficiently tested and unsafe.

December 17 2020
If you experience severe side effects after getting a Covid vaccine, lawyers tell CNBC there is basically no one to blame in a U.S. court of law.
The federal government has granted companies like Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines.
In February, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The 2005 law empowers the HHS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, unless there’s “willful misconduct” by the company. The protection lasts until 2024.

That means that for the next four years, these companies “cannot be sued for money damages in court” over injuries related to the administration or use of products to treat or protect against Covid.
Hey, you know what would have happened if we had simply ignored covid and just kept on living our lives?


Hell, we'd probably have lost a lot less people, and we wouldn't have destroyed the economy and driven drug abuse, suicides, and violent crimes way up too.

All of you folks who bought into the bullshit, you got played. And you fucked us all as a result.

Good fucking job you retarded dumbasses.
You fucking morons, like your dear leader did ignore covid-19, for 8 months, 500,000 people died in the US alone.

Now the only people dying are stupid fuck Trumptards.................................GOOD.

The entire country's IQ level is going up.
If you're going to whack off to panic porn, do it in private.

Fucking degenerate.....
As Trumptards are masterbating to delusions of voter fraud?
Denying reality doesn't change reality.

It's a fraud and everyone knows it.

Guess what?
You can't govern people who refuse to be governed by you. You don't have the power necessary.

And the more you cheat, and lie, and deny, the more the rest of us turn our backs on you. We don't need you.

And what are you going to do about it?
"Denying reality doesn't change reality".

You're a prime example.

"It's a fraud and everyone knows it".
I know, the claims of voter fraud, are a fraud, everyone knows it, otherwise you could prove it.

"You can't govern people who refuse to be governed by you. You don't have the power necessary".

Big Bubba is always looking for fresh meat.
How are you going to put me in a cell with him?

Especially with no tax money to pay the badged goon squads or the jail guards?
I don't have to.
No tax $$$?
Never gonna happen, you're food quality may suffer, that's where prisons make the cuts first.
IOW, you can't.
Like I said, you don't have the power.
Vaccines? You guys still harping on that?
Vaccine damages?
You can thank your orange, dear leader for that.

Poor baby is fussing again because he never got his own PEZ dispenser!

View attachment 511715

Someone should tell him Biddum is IN CHARGE now and it is up to Joe to run the Show. Donald's off playing golf now.
If you think Biden is in charge of anything, you're more demented than he is.
Yeah, I know, the orange, retard is still in change, waiting for August 13, when he will be rightfully installed as president and the lizard people will be exposed.
Actually, We The People are in charge.
Vaccines? You guys still harping on that?
Vaccine damages?
You can thank your orange, dear leader for that.

Poor baby is fussing again because he never got his own PEZ dispenser!

View attachment 511715

Someone should tell him Biddum is IN CHARGE now and it is up to Joe to run the Show. Donald's off playing golf now.
YES, he is and the whiny, orange loser isn't.
You can lead a Trumptard to a vaccine but you can't make them get a shot.

March 2 2021
Former President Donald Trump and former first lady Melania Trump received their COVID-19 vaccines in January at the White House, Fox News confirmed.

It is unclear which vaccine the Trumps received, but a Trump official told Fox News they are both fully vaccinated with two doses.

Biddums the "Boss" now. Quit looking for a scapegoat for Joe's failings.

The Biden family are vaccinated.
The Harris family are vaccinated.
The Trump family are vaccinated.

If Trumptards refuse to get vaccinated, how is that ANYONE'S fault but THEIR OWN?
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
Only a complete fucking moron thinks a flu with a survival rate of over 99% is a "pandemic".
Only a complete moron, thinks that's true.

A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "local people" the 'crowd') is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people.

Current pandemics include tuberculosis, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and HIV/AIDS.
Yawn..... it wasn't shit.
It never was.
Thank you, Dr. Trump.
4,000,000 deaths in 17 months is peanuts.
The sniffles really.
From the looks of things, Biden has killed about 200 K since taking office. Trumps best stretch wasn't that good.

Wonder if Joe wants to be number 1.
Sure he has, Biden is encouraging people to get the vaccine, Trump didn't, except for himself and family.
The only people dying now are the morons that listened to Trump.

You are saying that the numbers are different ?

Please share.

So Biden has killed 200,000 in a short period of time.

Those are the numbers.
No, those are self inflicted, by morons with a death wish, who refuse to get vaccinated.

One president discouraged vaccines.
One president encouraged vaccines.

More Trump humpers will die because THEY refused to get vaccinated, then they will blame Biden.
Vaccines? You guys still harping on that?

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was a horrible thing because humans were used as guinea pigs without their knowledge, and you slow learners are voluntarily lining up to do the same damn thing....... why?
Because people that have been wrong constantly, and who have lied to you over and over and over and over and over, told you you should?
Or you might catch a flu you weren't going to die from anyway because the survival rate is over 99%?
And if it does go badly and kill a bunch of you and cause a shit-ton of 3 eyed babies with Downs syndrome or autism, what are you going to do? What's your recourse?
Oh that's right....... you don't have any, because all the vaccine manufacturers have immunity from any legal action, which, if you weren't all a bunch of fucking retards, would be a clue.
How many people take medicines, that have so many side effects, listing them in commercials, doubles the time of commercials?
So, it's a toss up, you prolong your life short term, only later to get stricken with a far more deadly outcome later.

Vaccine damages?
You can thank your orange, dear leader for that.

August 28 2020
Despite experts repeated warnings that rushing a vaccine for Covid-19 could endanger hundreds of millions of people, President Donald Trump has made it clear that he wants to fast track a vaccine. His plan, reportedly, is to bypass regulatory standards in order to have a vaccine ready before Election Day. Such a move could bolster Trump’s claims that he’s saving us from the coronavirus, rather than worsening the course of the pandemic and causing tens of thousands of avoidable deaths — and presumably would help him win a second term.

October 9 2020
Taking the advice of profit-driven pharmaceutical corporations over that of his own public health agencies and experts, President Donald Trump is blocking the Food and Drug Administration from imposing tougher safety requirements on the authorization of a coronavirus vaccine after drug company executives privately voiced disapproval with the push for stricter federal standards.
Trump's stonewalling of more stringent federal standards comes amid widespread concerns that the president's politically motivated push for approval of a coronavirus vaccine before November 3 could result in a product that is insufficiently tested and unsafe.

December 17 2020
If you experience severe side effects after getting a Covid vaccine, lawyers tell CNBC there is basically no one to blame in a U.S. court of law.
The federal government has granted companies like Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines.
In February, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The 2005 law empowers the HHS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, unless there’s “willful misconduct” by the company. The protection lasts until 2024.

That means that for the next four years, these companies “cannot be sued for money damages in court” over injuries related to the administration or use of products to treat or protect against Covid.
Hey, you know what would have happened if we had simply ignored covid and just kept on living our lives?


Hell, we'd probably have lost a lot less people, and we wouldn't have destroyed the economy and driven drug abuse, suicides, and violent crimes way up too.

All of you folks who bought into the bullshit, you got played. And you fucked us all as a result.

Good fucking job you retarded dumbasses.
You fucking morons, like your dear leader did ignore covid-19, for 8 months, 500,000 people died in the US alone.

Now the only people dying are stupid fuck Trumptards.................................GOOD.

The entire country's IQ level is going up.
If you're going to whack off to panic porn, do it in private.

Fucking degenerate.....
As Trumptards are masterbating to delusions of voter fraud?
Denying reality doesn't change reality.

It's a fraud and everyone knows it.

Guess what?
You can't govern people who refuse to be governed by you. You don't have the power necessary.

And the more you cheat, and lie, and deny, the more the rest of us turn our backs on you. We don't need you.

And what are you going to do about it?
"Denying reality doesn't change reality".

You're a prime example.

"It's a fraud and everyone knows it".
I know, the claims of voter fraud, are a fraud, everyone knows it, otherwise you could prove it.

"You can't govern people who refuse to be governed by you. You don't have the power necessary".

Big Bubba is always looking for fresh meat.
How are you going to put me in a cell with him?

Especially with no tax money to pay the badged goon squads or the jail guards?
I don't have to.
No tax $$$?
Never gonna happen, you're food quality may suffer, that's where prisons make the cuts first.
IOW, you can't.
Like I said, you don't have the power.
NEVER stated I did.
Vaccines? You guys still harping on that?
Vaccine damages?
You can thank your orange, dear leader for that.

Poor baby is fussing again because he never got his own PEZ dispenser!

View attachment 511715

Someone should tell him Biddum is IN CHARGE now and it is up to Joe to run the Show. Donald's off playing golf now.
If you think Biden is in charge of anything, you're more demented than he is.
Yeah, I know, the orange, retard is still in change, waiting for August 13, when he will be rightfully installed as president and the lizard people will be exposed.
Actually, We The People are in charge.
Sure you are, keep THINKING that.
Vaccines? You guys still harping on that?
Vaccine damages?
You can thank your orange, dear leader for that.

Poor baby is fussing again because he never got his own PEZ dispenser!

View attachment 511715

Someone should tell him Biddum is IN CHARGE now and it is up to Joe to run the Show. Donald's off playing golf now.
YES, he is and the whiny, orange loser isn't.
You can lead a Trumptard to a vaccine but you can't make them get a shot.

March 2 2021
Former President Donald Trump and former first lady Melania Trump received their COVID-19 vaccines in January at the White House, Fox News confirmed.

It is unclear which vaccine the Trumps received, but a Trump official told Fox News they are both fully vaccinated with two doses.

Biddums the "Boss" now. Quit looking for a scapegoat for Joe's failings.

The Biden family are vaccinated.
The Harris family are vaccinated.
The Trump family are vaccinated.

If Trumptards refuse to get vaccinated, how is that ANYONE'S fault but THEIR OWN?

Joe already missed his goal promised by July 4.

The man is a loser.

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