This Man Truly Is An Idiot

So Biden has killed 200,000 in a short period of time.

Those are the numbers.
It doesn't work that way. Had 45 taken this thing seriously the virus would have been over and done with. We should have been where we are now 6 months ago. Also the number of anti vaxxers plays into it as well.

Sorry, but you can't hand Trump the stats for the Cuomovirus and not expect Biden to be treated the same way.

Suck on it.
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.
Biden is an illegitimate president. There was massive and very obvious fraud.
This is the same doctor who called Trump (obese and with high cholesterol) the healthiest man ever? The one Trump tried to reward by giving him a cabinet position...that guy?
Are you an M.D.? If not, on what basis do you declare anyone obese with high cholesterol?
I don’t have to be an MD.

Trump puts on a few pounds, enters obese range: medical report
Let me tell you a little story. I have been termed obese for most of my life, even when I weighed slightly over 200 pounds. I ballooned up to almost 280 pounds until one of my friends told me about the weight gain caused by a certain medication I was taking and she had taken before. I went back down to less than 200 pounds over the next year.

In late 2018, my weight began jumping 3-4 pounds each day topping out in the 260s before it got so bad I could not longer walk without being in agony. Threw my butt in the hospital and diagnosed me with Stage 4 liver failure and my weigh gain was from fluid buildup. Draining fluid from my abdomen and intense diuretics via IV, I walk out of the hospital 4 days later with weight in the 220s. I lost 40 pounds in 4 days.

In January 2019, 2 months later, I was evaluated for a liver transplant. My weight had dropped to the 180s and I looked like a walking corpse. The doctors told me to start eating again, as much as I could within my diet guidelines, because I would not survive a transplant at that weight. I gained back to about 210 and the doctors were ecstatic. A weight of 210 pounds is obese.

Let me tell you about how doctors screw with your system. I take a high blood pressure medication even though my blood pressure is lower than average. I take a medication for gastric reflux, even though I have never had it. I take aspirin for a blood thinner and the only result is that it makes me bruise and bleed all over the place. I take a statin for cholesterol even though my cholesterol has never been above the low end of the scale. I take a medication to control ammonia buildup in my blood and my insurance pays over $3000 a month for it.

I don't trust some doctors as far as I can throw them. Here it is 21 months after being diagnosed and I am still not on the transplant list! Why? I am not sick enough!
Yup, you have to hit a sweet spot for the transplant list. Not sick enough and you can survive without it. Too sick and you can't survive the operation. I worked for the non-profit that does all the matching between organ donors and recipients for over a decade, and have an interesting question.

Did you know that we have living heart donors?
This is the same doctor who called Trump (obese and with high cholesterol) the healthiest man ever? The one Trump tried to reward by giving him a cabinet position...that guy?
Are you an M.D.? If not, on what basis do you declare anyone obese with high cholesterol?
I don’t have to be an MD.

Trump puts on a few pounds, enters obese range: medical report
Let me tell you a little story. I have been termed obese for most of my life, even when I weighed slightly over 200 pounds. I ballooned up to almost 280 pounds until one of my friends told me about the weight gain caused by a certain medication I was taking and she had taken before. I went back down to less than 200 pounds over the next year.

In late 2018, my weight began jumping 3-4 pounds each day topping out in the 260s before it got so bad I could not longer walk without being in agony. Threw my butt in the hospital and diagnosed me with Stage 4 liver failure and my weigh gain was from fluid buildup. Draining fluid from my abdomen and intense diuretics via IV, I walk out of the hospital 4 days later with weight in the 220s. I lost 40 pounds in 4 days.

In January 2019, 2 months later, I was evaluated for a liver transplant. My weight had dropped to the 180s and I looked like a walking corpse. The doctors told me to start eating again, as much as I could within my diet guidelines, because I would not survive a transplant at that weight. I gained back to about 210 and the doctors were ecstatic. A weight of 210 pounds is obese.

Let me tell you about how doctors screw with your system. I take a high blood pressure medication even though my blood pressure is lower than average. I take a medication for gastric reflux, even though I have never had it. I take aspirin for a blood thinner and the only result is that it makes me bruise and bleed all over the place. I take a statin for cholesterol even though my cholesterol has never been above the low end of the scale. I take a medication to control ammonia buildup in my blood and my insurance pays over $3000 a month for it.

I don't trust some doctors as far as I can throw them. Here it is 21 months after being diagnosed and I am still not on the transplant list! Why? I am not sick enough!’ve been through hell :smiliehug:
This is the same doctor who called Trump (obese and with high cholesterol) the healthiest man ever? The one Trump tried to reward by giving him a cabinet position...that guy?
Are you an M.D.? If not, on what basis do you declare anyone obese with high cholesterol?
I don’t have to be an MD.

Trump puts on a few pounds, enters obese range: medical report
Let me tell you a little story. I have been termed obese for most of my life, even when I weighed slightly over 200 pounds. I ballooned up to almost 280 pounds until one of my friends told me about the weight gain caused by a certain medication I was taking and she had taken before. I went back down to less than 200 pounds over the next year.

In late 2018, my weight began jumping 3-4 pounds each day topping out in the 260s before it got so bad I could not longer walk without being in agony. Threw my butt in the hospital and diagnosed me with Stage 4 liver failure and my weigh gain was from fluid buildup. Draining fluid from my abdomen and intense diuretics via IV, I walk out of the hospital 4 days later with weight in the 220s. I lost 40 pounds in 4 days.

In January 2019, 2 months later, I was evaluated for a liver transplant. My weight had dropped to the 180s and I looked like a walking corpse. The doctors told me to start eating again, as much as I could within my diet guidelines, because I would not survive a transplant at that weight. I gained back to about 210 and the doctors were ecstatic. A weight of 210 pounds is obese.

Let me tell you about how doctors screw with your system. I take a high blood pressure medication even though my blood pressure is lower than average. I take a medication for gastric reflux, even though I have never had it. I take aspirin for a blood thinner and the only result is that it makes me bruise and bleed all over the place. I take a statin for cholesterol even though my cholesterol has never been above the low end of the scale. I take a medication to control ammonia buildup in my blood and my insurance pays over $3000 a month for it.

I don't trust some doctors as far as I can throw them. Here it is 21 months after being diagnosed and I am still not on the transplant list! Why? I am not sick enough!
Yup, you have to hit a sweet spot for the transplant list. Not sick enough and you can survive without it. Too sick and you can't survive the operation. I worked for the non-profit that does all the matching between organ donors and recipients for over a decade, and have an interesting question.

Did you know that we have living heart donors?
How is that possible?
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
Only a complete fucking moron thinks a flu with a survival rate of over 99% is a "pandemic".
Only a complete moron, thinks that's true.

A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "local people" the 'crowd') is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people.

Current pandemics include tuberculosis, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and HIV/AIDS.
Yawn..... it wasn't shit.
It never was.
Thank you, Dr. Trump.
4,000,000 deaths in 17 months is peanuts.
The sniffles really.
From the looks of things, Biden has killed about 200 K since taking office. Trumps best stretch wasn't that good.

Wonder if Joe wants to be number 1.
Sure he has, Biden is encouraging people to get the vaccine, Trump didn't, except for himself and family.
The only people dying now are the morons that listened to Trump.

You are saying that the numbers are different ?

Please share.

So Biden has killed 200,000 in a short period of time.

Those are the numbers.
No, those are self inflicted, by morons with a death wish, who refuse to get vaccinated.

One president discouraged vaccines.
One president encouraged vaccines.

More Trump humpers will die because THEY refused to get vaccinated, then they will blame Biden.
Biden is President of the United States, elected with more votes than have ever been received by anybody else, ever, and you're just another silly trump supporter whining on a discussion board. I'm not sure if your opinion makes a lot of difference.

Seriously. What kind of dream world are you living in? The guy never campaigned or rallied. He just sat in his basement all day long. And he supposedly had more votes than Obama? You've got to be fucking kidding me. :laughing0301:
Only a complete fucking moron campaigns during a global pandemic.

Like trump.
Only a complete fucking moron thinks a flu with a survival rate of over 99% is a "pandemic".
Only a complete moron, thinks that's true.

A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "local people" the 'crowd') is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people.

Current pandemics include tuberculosis, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and HIV/AIDS.
Yawn..... it wasn't shit.
It never was.
Thank you, Dr. Trump.
4,000,000 deaths in 17 months is peanuts.
The sniffles really.
From the looks of things, Biden has killed about 200 K since taking office. Trumps best stretch wasn't that good.

Wonder if Joe wants to be number 1.
Sure he has, Biden is encouraging people to get the vaccine, Trump didn't, except for himself and family.
The only people dying now are the morons that listened to Trump.

You are saying that the numbers are different ?

Please share.

So Biden has killed 200,000 in a short period of time.

Those are the numbers.
No, those are self inflicted, by morons with a death wish, who refuse to get vaccinated.

One president discouraged vaccines.
One president encouraged vaccines.

More Trump humpers will die because THEY refused to get vaccinated, then they will blame Biden.
Vaccines? You guys still harping on that?

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was a horrible thing because humans were used as guinea pigs without their knowledge, and you slow learners are voluntarily lining up to do the same damn thing....... why?
Because people that have been wrong constantly, and who have lied to you over and over and over and over and over, told you you should?
Or you might catch a flu you weren't going to die from anyway because the survival rate is over 99%?
And if it does go badly and kill a bunch of you and cause a shit-ton of 3 eyed babies with Downs syndrome or autism, what are you going to do? What's your recourse?
Oh that's right....... you don't have any, because all the vaccine manufacturers have immunity from any legal action, which, if you weren't all a bunch of fucking retards, would be a clue.
Potterhead2021 He did not have to campaign hard to beat some schmuck like Donny. The Republicans have never been able to make an evil villain out of Biden and still cannot. Trump is a natural villain and always has been.
You guys remind me of teen-aged girls, attracted to the "bad boys", though often ends up badly for the dumb chicks that land one, as better to want one, than to have one.

If he didn't campaign and won this election fairly, then where did all the supposed votes that he got when we were all asleep come from then?
It is hard to make Joe Biden out to be a crooked politician when all the mainstream media paints him as a really nice older gentleman. It was easy to view Trump as a villain when everyday the MSM attacked him relentlessly with false accusations.

Now it seems Joe Biden's son, Hunter, has become quite the artist and will be selling his paintings for half a million dollars to undisclosed buyers.

You have to be an absolute fool to not smell the stink of corruption here. Of course many in the MSM are amazed at how fantastic his artwork is. Next they will insist he is another Picasso.
Potterhead2021 He did not have to campaign hard to beat some schmuck like Donny. The Republicans have never been able to make an evil villain out of Biden and still cannot. Trump is a natural villain and always has been.
You guys remind me of teen-aged girls, attracted to the "bad boys", though often ends up badly for the dumb chicks that land one, as better to want one, than to have one.

If he didn't campaign and won this election fairly, then where did all the supposed votes that he got when we were all asleep come from then?
It is hard to make Joe Biden out to be a crooked politician when all the mainstream media paints him as a really nice older gentleman. It was easy to view Trump as a villain when everyday the MSM attacked him relentlessly with false accusations.

Now it seems Joe Biden's son, Hunter, has become quite the artist and will be selling his paintings for half a million dollars to undisclosed buyers.

You have to be an absolute fool to not smell the stink of corruption here. Of course many in the MSM are amazed at how fantastic his artwork is. Next they will insist he is another Picasso.
They aren't even trying to hide the money laundering and the payoffs, are they?


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