This map puts America in a time warp


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Visualization is always good to understand

The future U.S. is going to look like Texas, New Mexico and California already look today — more Hispanic and, to a lesser extent, Asian.

While the demographic shift has long been discussed — and becomes even more pronounced ahead of every presidential election — this map from Time magazine is a cool way to see what America has been and what it will become, using 2013 Census Bureau data and projections.

This map puts America in a time warp - MarketWatch
Visualization is always good to understand

The future U.S. is going to look like Texas, New Mexico and California already look today — more Hispanic and, to a lesser extent, Asian.

While the demographic shift has long been discussed — and becomes even more pronounced ahead of every presidential election — this map from Time magazine is a cool way to see what America has been and what it will become, using 2013 Census Bureau data and projections.

This map puts America in a time warp - MarketWatch
What languages will they speak? What dialects? Will they assimilate and castigate the segregationist bigoted hate-mongers like Guno or will they maintain self-segregation and destroy the country?
Visualization is always good to understand

The future U.S. is going to look like Texas, New Mexico and California already look today — more Hispanic and, to a lesser extent, Asian.

While the demographic shift has long been discussed — and becomes even more pronounced ahead of every presidential election — this map from Time magazine is a cool way to see what America has been and what it will become, using 2013 Census Bureau data and projections.

This map puts America in a time warp - MarketWatch
What languages will they speak? What dialects? Will they assimilate and castigate the segregationist bigoted hate-mongers like Guno or will they maintain self-segregation and destroy the country?

No. We'll resemble Honduras and El Salvador. Liberals think thats an improvement over todays America.

Luckily...conservatives have the money to relocate family to safe gated burbs with armed security.

Liberals will get butt raped by the new peaceful immigrants.
By 2060, whites will be less than 50% of the population, as they already are in three states and almost that way in a fourth.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

Freedom. That's what it's all about. Not demographics. :slap:

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