This may explain NY lefties heading for Florida

What corruption dummy?

The only thing Trump ever talked about is investigating Bidens and DNC server.

This question was posed to administration over and over and they never had any answer.

Yes, after Mulveney gave away the fact of QPQ he tried to walk it back, but at no time did he present any real reason for hold up of military aid, let alone file any official explanation.

Trump answered that immediately and so did Mulveney. Ukraine is a corrupt country and still is today. That phone call was the first time he actually met Zelensky. In fact the phone call was not about Dementia, it was about congratulating Zelensky on his win as President. But Trump was still skeptical about giving funds to somebody he never met before, and the history of the country itself.
Trump answered that immediately and so did Mulveney. Ukraine is a corrupt country and still is today. That phone call was the first time he actually met Zelensky. In fact the phone call was not about Dementia, it was about congratulating Zelensky on his win as President. But Trump was still skeptical about giving funds to somebody he never met before, and the history of the country itself.
He didn't answer shit, stop lying.

Here is how Trump described the call:

“The conversation I had was largely congratulatory, was largely corruption, all of the corruption taking place,” Trump said before departing on a trip to Texas and Ohio. “Was largely the fact that we don’t want our people, like Vice President Biden and his son, creating to the corruption already in the Ukraine.”

But you've read the call, there was exactly NOTHING about corruption in Ukraine except how Ukraine should reciprocate generous American aid by investigating Bidens and DNC server. So you KNOW Trump is full of shit.

When asked multiple times WHAT CORRUPTION did his admin wanted Uklraine to address that DIDN'T have to do with his political oppostion? Trump said something about someone in the administration clearifying it and no one ever did no matter many how many times they were asked.

There was also zero explaination on why the hold was lifted if it was held for anti-corruption reasons, since Ukraine did nothing (aside from Zelensky booking CNN and canceling at the first wiff of whistleblower scandal). The only clear reason for lift was Congress opening investigation based on recieving (much delayed by administration) of whistleblower complaint.

Not a single legitimate reason was ever officially filed for the hold up and as a result GAO ruled hold illegal.
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He didn't answer shit, stop lying.

Here is how Trump described the call:

“The conversation I had was largely congratulatory, was largely corruption, all of the corruption taking place,” Trump said before departing on a trip to Texas and Ohio. “Was largely the fact that we don’t want our people, like Vice President Biden and his son, creating to the corruption already in the Ukraine.”

But you've read the call, there was exactly NOTHING about corruption in Ukraine except how Ukraine should reciprocate generous American aid by investigating Bidens and DNC server. So you KNOW Trump is full of shit.

When asked multiple times WHAT CORRUPTION did his admin wanted Uklraine to address that DIDN'T have to do with his political oppostion? Trump said something about someone in the administration clearifying it and no one ever did no matter many how many times they were asked.

There was also zero explaination on why the hold was lifted if it was held for anti-corruption reasons, since Ukraine did nothing (aside from Zelensky booking CNN and canceling at the first wiff of whistleblower scandal). The only clear reason for lift was Congress opening investigation based on recieving (much delayed by administration) of whistleblower complaint.

Not a single legitimate reason was ever officially filed for the hold up and as a result GAO ruled hold illegal.

Believe what you want but Trump stated several times why he held up the aid, and it was a tiny fraction if that. Most of the aid was delivered before the phone call even took place. The commies had the option to wait until after it's expiration before they started this impeachment crap, but they couldn't wait. They had to shut up Zelensky before he told Trump anything which is the reason behind the phony impeachment.

There are 1.33 million lawyers in the US. Unless you can give me a reasonable explanation why they chose Hunter out of all 1.33 million, you can't say there wasn't corruption. He was a drug addict, thrown out of the military because of it, didn't know the language of the country, and didn't even have any experience in energy. Why did they choose him out of all people? Better yet, do you really believe some foreign business would pay a loser like that millions of dollars if they couldn't get favoritism from his father? It was all protection money.
Believe what you want but Trump stated several times why he held up the aid
No he didn't liar, as already explained.

Trump and his admin could not name even ONE anti-corruption effort in Ukraine that didn't involve his political opposition. Not one, ever.

Trump blatantly lied about bring up corruption on the call as I already proved to you and his story about there supposedly being some other corruption that interested them is clearly just more lies.
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Most of the aid was delivered before the phone call even took place.

The call was in July, aid was held by Trump's OMB and not released until September. I don't know what you are parting and it absolutely does not matter, fact is it was held up and the only reason ever found for it was to pressure Ukraine to investigate Bidens and DNC server.

Don't you get tired of of having to constantly spin and lie for your Dear Leader?
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Andrew Cuomo? What the hell does DeSantis have to do with Andrew Cuomo? Nothing, nada, zilch, caputsky. Get it? Are we comparing and contrasting?
You claimed that DeSantis' rules were harmful and I simply asked who's rules were REALLY more harmful...DeSantis or Cuomo? Cuomo's rules killed thousands of elderly New Yorkers trapped in nursing homes. DeSantis took care of the elderly! There is no comparison between the is a scumbag that hid the truth about what he'd done to secure a million dollar book deal and the other simply did the job the people of his State elected him to do!
There is a reason why DeSantis is STILL the Governor of Florida and Andrew Cuomo was kicked out of office!

The call was in July, aid was held by Trump's OMB and not released until September. I don't know what you are parting and it absolutely does not matter, fact is it was held up and the only reason ever found for it was to pressure Ukraine to investigate Bidens and DNC server.

Don't you get tired of of having to constantly spin and lie for your Dear Leader?

Don't you bother to read your own links or do you just look at the headline and post it? From your source:

JULY 3: The hold

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a national security official working at the White House, becomes aware that the military aid has been held up. He testified that he received a notice from the State Department. “That’s when I was concretely made aware of the fact there was a hold placed,” he said in testimony to lawmakers.

JULY 25: The phone call

Trump speaks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, asking him for favors that include an inquiry into Joe Biden’s son Hunter’s dealings with Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company, and to investigate whether Ukraine interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections. He later calls it a “perfect” call.

July 3rd is over three weeks before July 25th
No he didn't liar, as already explained.

Trump and his admin could not name even ONE anti-corruption effort in Ukraine that didn't involve his political opposition. Not one, ever.

Trump blatantly lied about bring up corruption on the call as I already proved to you and his story about there supposedly being some other corruption that interested them is clearly just more lies.

Asked why the administration had withheld $400 million in military aid allocated by Congress to help Ukraine defend itself from Russian aggression, Mulvaney first cited the president’s desire to make sure Kiev’s government was not corrupt. Then, confirming a quid pro quo laid out in the partial summary released by the White House of Trump’s July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Mulvaney cited a conspiracy theory involving the DNC server that housed emails leaked during the 2016 campaign.

Trump confirms he held up Ukrainian aid

President Trump on Tuesday confirmed that he withheld funds from Ukraine amid growing furor over his interactions with the country, arguing he did so because he wanted European nations to contribute more to the cause.

"I want other countries to put up money. I think it’s unfair that we put up the money. Then people called me and said, 'Oh, let it go,' and I let it go," Trump told reporters at the United Nations.

President Donald Trump acknowledged that he ordered a halt to U.S. military aid to Ukraine, claiming he was frustrated that Europe wasn’t also contributing to the country’s fight with Russia-backed separatists.

So there you go. Three different sources on Trump explaining why he held up the remaining military aid. Just pick your favorite one.
You claimed that DeSantis' rules were harmful and I simply asked who's rules were REALLY more harmful...DeSantis or Cuomo? Cuomo's rules killed thousands of elderly New Yorkers trapped in nursing homes. DeSantis took care of the elderly! There is no comparison between the is a scumbag that hid the truth about what he'd done to secure a million dollar book deal and the other simply did the job the people of his State elected him to do!
There is a reason why DeSantis is STILL the Governor of Florida and Andrew Cuomo was kicked out of office!
Cuomo was kicked out of office for sexual misconduct. He is less of a scumbag than Trump, for sure.
DeSantis is a family man and is not corrupt. This has nothing to do with dangerous actions.
Don't you bother to read your own links or do you just look at the headline and post it? From your source:

JULY 3: The hold

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a national security official working at the White House, becomes aware that the military aid has been held up. He testified that he received a notice from the State Department. “That’s when I was concretely made aware of the fact there was a hold placed,” he said in testimony to lawmakers.

JULY 25: The phone call

Trump speaks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, asking him for favors that include an inquiry into Joe Biden’s son Hunter’s dealings with Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company, and to investigate whether Ukraine interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections. He later calls it a “perfect” call.

July 3rd is over three weeks before July 25th

???Yes silly, Zelensky already knew aid is being held up by the time he got on the call.

Whats your point?
Asked why the administration had withheld $400 million in military aid allocated by Congress to help Ukraine defend itself from Russian aggression, Mulvaney first cited the president’s desire to make sure Kiev’s government was not corrupt. Then, confirming a quid pro quo laid out in the partial summary released by the White House of Trump’s July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Mulvaney cited a conspiracy theory involving the DNC server that housed emails leaked during the 2016 campaign.

So what you have just conceeded is that yes, Trump held up millitary aid to Ukraine, at least in part, so they will investigate his political opposition.

Do you know what Trump got impeached for? Abusing his office by illigally holding up millitary aid to pressure Ukraine for political help.

Thanks for playing dummy, you can now stop saying that there wasn't actual basis for this impeachment.
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President Trump on Tuesday confirmed that he withheld funds from Ukraine amid growing furor over his interactions with the country, arguing he did so because he wanted European nations to contribute more to the cause.

"I want other countries to put up money. I think it’s unfair that we put up the money. Then people called me and said, 'Oh, let it go,' and I let it go," Trump told reporters at the United Nations.
Dupe, Trump got caught lying lying and lying again about his dealings with Ukraine. How stupid do you have to be to take his bare words as fact?

Trump's defense during impeachments produced NOTHING to substantite these claims. Sondland was Trump's top Ambassador to European Union and he was not aware of any effort to pressure EU to contribute more by holding up aid. On the contrary, Sondland testified to Trump's singleminded interest in getting Zelensky to announce investigations into Bidens.
Dupe, Trump got caught lying lying and lying again about his dealings with Ukraine. How stupid do you have to be to take his bare words as fact?

Trump's defense during impeachments produced NOTHING to substantite these claims. Sondland was Trump's top Ambassador to European Union and he was not aware of any effort to pressure EU to contribute more by holding up aid. On the contrary, Sondland testified to Trump's singleminded interest in getting Zelensky to announce investigations into Bidens.

Lying about what? It doesn't matter if he found anything or not, the point is that he stated repeatedly why he held up the aid which you claimed he never did. The points are he admitted to holding aid BEFORE the phone call, he gave his reasons why, all the aid was delivered before it's expiration date, and most of that was delivered long before the phone call, and he never once directly threatened the aid to Zelensky.

Now, you can think whatever you want. Can't cry over spilled milk. But when the Republicans take the House back and do something similar, I don't want to hear any crying from the peanut gallery because your people started this phony impeachment war, not us.
Cuomo was kicked out of office for sexual misconduct. He is less of a scumbag than Trump, for sure.
DeSantis is a family man and is not corrupt. This has nothing to do with dangerous actions.
You honestly don't think that Cuomo's policy that killed thousands of elderly New Yorkers in nursing homes had something to do with his being thrown out of office, Bobob? That the fact Cuomo was hiding that scandal while he cashed in on a multi million dollar book deal was the beginning of the end for him? Politicians like Cuomo only get replaced when people cease to be scared of the political power they wield. Cuomo's political power began to wane when his actions regarding the nursing home mandate were exposed. It's what made people think he was vulnerable and then ambitious politicians like Letetia James piled on. Trust me...she doesn't dare do that if Cuomo isn't running scared trying to do damage control for his screw ups!
Lying about what? It doesn't matter if he found anything or not, the point is that he stated repeatedly why he held up the aid which you claimed he never did.
Lying about the reason for the hold up dum dum.

There has been only one consistent, VERIFIABLE AND TESTIFIED TO BY MANY PEOPLE reason for the hold up - investigation of Bidens and DNC server.

You KNOW Trump held up the aid, you KNOW that on the call he asked the President of Ukraine to recieprocate genereous American aid by investigating Bidens and DNC server and work with Guilliani to that end.

There is NOTHING to support Trump claims that something else interested him. NOTHING.

And yet, you chose to take this shameless liar's word over well established facts like a good little tool you are.
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when the Republicans take the House back and do something similar

If Biden was to get caught seriously abusing his office the way Trump has gotten caught doing time and time again I would be first in line to say he is UNFIT to be the President and needs to be removed.

Too bad you and most of other rightwinger have checked in all your minds and principles to carry water for a degenerate carnival barker like Trump.
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You honestly don't think that Cuomo's policy that killed thousands of elderly New Yorkers in nursing homes had something to do with his being thrown out of office, Bobob? That the fact Cuomo was hiding that scandal while he cashed in on a multi million dollar book deal was the beginning of the end for him? Politicians like Cuomo only get replaced when people cease to be scared of the political power they wield. Cuomo's political power began to wane when his actions regarding the nursing home mandate were exposed. It's what made people think he was vulnerable and then ambitious politicians like Letetia James piled on. Trust me...she doesn't dare do that if Cuomo isn't running scared trying to do damage control for his screw ups!
I don't know the complete story, and somehow I have the feeling that you got your info from Fox or some other rag. Regardless, the discussion is about DeSantis. I don't care about Cuomo.
If Biden was to get caught seriously abusing his office the way Trump has gotten caught doing time and time again I would be first in line to say he is UNFIT to be the President and needs to be removed.

Too bad you and most of other rightwinger have checked in all your minds and principles to carry water for a degenerate carnival barker like Trump.

Oh yeah, that will be hard to do, catch him asking for a favor or more serious charge. But it doesn't matter what he does. Your people set the precedent. You don't need any impeachable charges. If we can't find one, all we have to do is "think" what he said was bad and impeachable. This is no longer about evidence, it's about Thought Police.
Lying about the reason for the hold up dum dum.

There has been only one consistent, VERIFIABLE AND TESTIFIED TO BY MANY PEOPLE reason for the hold up - investigation of Bidens and DNC server.

You KNOW Trump held up the aid, you KNOW that on the call he asked the President of Ukraine to recieprocate genereous American aid by investigating Bidens and DNC server and work with Guilliani to that end.

There is NOTHING to support Trump claims that something else interested him. NOTHING.

And yet, you chose to take this shameless liar's word over well established facts like a good little tool you are.

He never lied about why he held it up. What evidence do you have it was a lie? Oh...that's right.......people on the left can read minds.
I don't know the complete story, and somehow I have the feeling that you got your info from Fox or some other rag. Regardless, the discussion is about DeSantis. I don't care about Cuomo.
How can you not know the complete story, Bobob? It was only front page news for months at a time! Oh, let me don't watch or read anything that gives you even a modicum of real news? You're more of a CNN guy? Washington Post? No wonder you don't have a clue. What's amusing though is that you admit that you don't know the complete story and then you accuse others of getting their news from sub par sources!

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