This may explain NY lefties heading for Florida

He never lied about why he held it up. What evidence do you have it was a lie? Oh...that's right.......people on the left can read minds.
Oh yeah, that will be hard to do, catch him asking for a favor or more serious charge. But it doesn't matter what he does. Your people set the precedent. You don't need any impeachable charges. If we can't find one, all we have to do is "think" what he said was bad and impeachable. This is no longer about evidence, it's about Thought Police.
Bullshit. As a matter of established facts, Trump corruptly abused his office and got impeached for it.

You want to frivolously impeach Biden without any proof of wrongdoing? Go right ahead and over-reach, it's your elections to lose.
Bullshit. As a matter of established facts, Trump corruptly abused his office and got impeached for it.

You want to frivolously impeach Biden without any proof of wrongdoing? Go right ahead and over-reach, it's your elections to lose.
Trump got "impeached" because Democrats abused THEIR power in Congress! That whole show trial was a farce. Members like Adam Schiff deliberately misled the American people about the evidence the committee had and the Main Stream Media went along for the ride!

We don't need to impeach Joe Biden or the Democrats. We'll let the voters take out the trash.
As for Biden wrong doing? Dude, you could teach a course on political corruption just on what Hunter Biden has been doing for the past decade! Let me guess, you actually think one of his "paintings" is worth the money he's getting for them? (eye roll) Not even Winger is THAT naive!
Bullshit. As a matter of established facts, Trump corruptly abused his office and got impeached for it.

You want to frivolously impeach Biden without any proof of wrongdoing? Go right ahead and over-reach, it's your elections to lose.

That's true, but looking at the polls, I don't think many will mind all that much. Abuse of office? How is asking a leader of another country for a favor abusing his office? As I've proven, the aid was delivered before the deadline, there was no threat given to Zelensky, and Trump was more than confident he did nothing wrong which is why he wanted the entire conversation released to the public.

Impeachment is for representatives who commit a misdemeanor, treason, or high crimes, none of which Trump did. Therefore it's a phony impeachment, and one phony impeachment deserves another. The beginning of the presidential oath of office is "I swear I will faithfully execute the office of the President" and then uses the FBI to look for his daughters stupid diary. Talk about abusing his office.
How can you not know the complete story, Bobob? It was only front page news for months at a time! Oh, let me don't watch or read anything that gives you even a modicum of real news? You're more of a CNN guy? Washington Post? No wonder you don't have a clue. What's amusing though is that you admit that you don't know the complete story and then you accuse others of getting their news from sub par sources!
Your complete story either comes from Newsmax and Tuckums. I get news from CNN and you should try it sometime, instead of from Newsmax and Tuckums.
This is what I read, lamb chop, and note that governors from other states did the same.

Cuomo's nursing home fiasco shows the ethical perils of ...​ › 2021/02/26 › cuomos-nursi...

Feb 26, 2021 — WASHINGTON — The humbling of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on pandemic policy has been spectacular and swift. Within a matter of days, one of .
Your complete story either comes from Newsmax and Tuckums. I get news from CNN and you should try it sometime, instead of from Newsmax and Tuckums.
This is what I read, lamb chop, and note that governors from other states did the same.

Cuomo's nursing home fiasco shows the ethical perils of ... › 2021/02/26 › cuomos-nursi...
Feb 26, 2021 — WASHINGTON — The humbling of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on pandemic policy has been spectacular and swift. Within a matter of days, one of .

You better question your own sources as they are losing viewers all the time. I heard their viewership is less than a million people. I wouldn't be surprised if they folded up this year.

Another consideration you need to make is why Fox is number one in cable news and have been for over 20 years. Everybody else can't be wrong.
Your complete story either comes from Newsmax and Tuckums. I get news from CNN and you should try it sometime, instead of from Newsmax and Tuckums.
This is what I read, lamb chop, and note that governors from other states did the same.

Cuomo's nursing home fiasco shows the ethical perils of ... › 2021/02/26 › cuomos-nursi...
Feb 26, 2021 — WASHINGTON — The humbling of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on pandemic policy has been spectacular and swift. Within a matter of days, one of .
Does it give you pause, Bobob...that you DON'T know the complete story? Make you rethink who you trust to give you the complete story? CNN used to be a viable media outlet. That no longer is the case. Now they give you the version of the news that the far left wants you to see. If you're OK with that then go right on watching CNN.
Abuse of office? How is asking a leader of another country for a favor abusing his office? As I've proven, the aid was delivered before the deadline, there was no threat given to Zelensky, and Trump was more than confident he did nothing wrong which is why he wanted the entire conversation released to the public.


POTUS illicitly holding up millitary aid to a foreign country while "asking" them to reciprocate by investigating his political opponents IS CORRUPTION.

The fact that you don't understand that means you are a tool who puts Dear Leader ahead of basic comprehention of right from wrong.
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Trump got "impeached" because Democrats abused THEIR power in Congress! That whole show trial was a farce. Members like Adam Schiff deliberately misled the American people about the evidence the committee had and the Main Stream Media went along for the ride!

We don't need to impeach Joe Biden or the Democrats. We'll let the voters take out the trash.
If it was a farce why did even Senate Republicans admit that substance of allegations against Trump were in fact true?

Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) said on NBC's "Meet the Press" that he believes President Trump withheld military aid to Ukraine to "encourage" its government to investigate the Bidens, but that he will vote to acquit Trump on Wednesday because he believes the consequences of the president's actions should be decided in the next election

Lamar speaks for lots and lots of us.” - Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.)

"I believe that aid was withheld, and I think that based on what we heard clearly a factor in that was the president was looking for a certain action from President Zelensky as it related to the Bidens. Yes, I believe that," - Murkowski (R)

it was inappropriate for the president to ask a foreign leader to investigate his political opponent and to withhold United States aid to encourage that investigation.” - Rob Portman (R Ohio)

“Just because actions meet a standard of impeachment does not mean it is in the best interest of the country to remove a president from office,” Rubio (R - Flo)

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POTUS illicitly holding up millitary aid to a foreign country while "asking" them to reciprocate by investigating his political opponents IS CORRUPTION.

The fact that you don't understand that means you are a tool who puts Dear Leader ahead of basic comprehention of right from wrong.

That bullshit again? I asked you to show me the direct threat of military aid to Ukraine and you failed. Maybe you're too stupid to understand what I meant, so let me give you some examples:

Zelensky, if you want our help, you'll cooperate with my request.
Do you really want military aid, well I really want you to investigate Joe.
If you don't feel like investigating Joe, I don't know if I'll feel like releasing this military aid to your country!

See, these are direct threats, not "I think Trump meant" but direct threats.

And again in any of our courts of law, if you tried to get a prosecution based on "I thought" they would throw the case out of court. In fact they probably wouldn't even give you a court date. Our justice system is based on facts, not assumptions.
That bullshit again? I asked you to show me the direct threat of military aid to Ukraine and you failed.
Idiot, it does it need to be directly stated for it to be obvious. Trump is plenty stupid, but not stupid enough to explictly state the entire quid pro quo on a widely listened to call.

Zelensky well knew of hold up of the aid going into the call. Trump complained on the call that generous American aid is not been reciprocated and then explained to Zelensky how he can reciprocate by investigating Bidens and DNC server.

Sonderland, after back and forth with Trump, did explicitly say to Ukranians that they are not getting millitary aid unless Zelensky announces investigations into Bidens.
Idiot, it does it need to be directly stated for it to be obvious. Trump is plenty stupid, but not stupid enough to explictly state the entire quid pro quo on a widely listened to call.

Zelensky well knew of hold up of the aid going into the call. Trump complained on the call that generous American aid is not been reciprocated and then explained to Zelensky how he can reciprocate by investigating Bidens and DNC server.

Sonderland, after back and forth with Trump, did explicitly say to Ukranians that they are not getting millitary aid unless Zelensky announces investigations into Bidens.

What Soundland did was give his "opinion" on Trump's intention. Down the questioning line he was asked if Trump directly made that statement. To that Soundland had to answer "no" but he understood from others that was Trump's intention.

Yes, it does need to be stated directly in order to take action against a criminal or politician. Words mean things. Imagine if we had a justice system if we could convict people based on what "we thought" they meant. That's exactly what happened here. And since your people set that precedent, then we will use that going forward with a Biden impeachment. Remember you set the rules. Don't bitch when we use those very same rules to our advantage.
LOL. NYC is a plague ship.

Ah the total dishonesty of the Republican policiticians. As soon as you start cherry picking your statistics in such a careful way, it's because you want the numbers to confirm something that simply is not true.

Florida and New York both have a similar number of daily cases over the past week, 86,000 daily cases in New York, 77,000 cases in Florida. Florida has 2 million more people. But Florida has more deaths than New York, and fewer vaccinated people. 65% in Florida to 71% in New York.

New York had more deaths for a long, long time because it got hit first - before they were tests or treatments., but Florida tried harder and caught up - even though they had 6 months to prepare and there were lots of tests and treatments by the time it hit.

DeSantis had to be truly negligent to have gone for 6 months with no cases, and then be so ill prepared when it arrived. De Santis should have had half deaths of the states who got hit early. With a population that is a little over half that of Canada, you have 85% more cases than we do, and more than twice the number of deaths. DeSantis currently has 77,000 cases per day, while Canada has a little over 50,000 cases per day.

Once again, Florida's population is 55% that of Canada, but you have 85% more infections, and more than twice the number of deaths.
What Soundland did was give his "opinion" on Trump's intention. Down the questioning line he was asked if Trump directly made that statement. To that Soundland had to answer "no" but he understood from others that was Trump's intention.

Yes, it does need to be stated directly in order to take action against a criminal or politician. Words mean things. Imagine if we had a justice system if we could convict people based on what "we thought" they meant. That's exactly what happened here. And since your people set that precedent, then we will use that going forward with a Biden impeachment. Remember you set the rules. Don't bitch when we use those very same rules to our advantage.

What you're doing is peddling bullshit. You're attempting to rationalize and cover up Trump's crimes. Trump, and other criminals always weasel word what they're saying, in order to retain "plausible deniability" in court. A strategy which doesn't work in court regardless of what you think.

People are convicted all of the time on the basis of what the jury thinks they intended. That's what "intent" means. You have to prove "intent" in any crime. Trump knew what he was asking was wrong because he weasel worded the ask. His subsequent actions and statements to his advisors, and his refusal to release the aid without that announcement, proves the intent of the ask as well.

Mitch McConnell said that Trump asked for the investigation, and that was wrong, but the American people should be allowed to decide whether they wanted Trump as President, not the politicians - an argument that has a lot more validity than claiming the crime wasn't serious enough to warrant impeachment.

The problem being that when the American people soundly rejected Trump at the ballot box, he refused to concede, and tried to overturn the election, proving in spades that the Democrats were right to impeach him the first time, and the Republicans were gullible fools to think it wouldn't get worse, if they let him get away with it.

You really need to stop listening to Donald Trump and Rudy Gulliani when discussing Trump's crimes. For starters, they're both lying, but more importantly, they've LOST every single one of their court cases using the same arguments you're using here. Not only did they lose their cases, but the judges ripped them a new one for even attempting their bullshit.

Gulliani, Powell and Woods have all been disbarred for filing phony lawsuits and lying to the courts. Their claims were found to be of no value, "in fact or in law". You regurgitating their lies and bullshit just makes you look gullible and stupid.
Does it give you pause, Bobob...that you DON'T know the complete story? Make you rethink who you trust to give you the complete story? CNN used to be a viable media outlet. That no longer is the case. Now they give you the version of the news that the far left wants you to see. If you're OK with that then go right on watching CNN.
Your distorted view. Is Fox a viable media outlet?
What you're doing is peddling bullshit. You're attempting to rationalize and cover up Trump's crimes. Trump, and other criminals always weasel word what they're saying, in order to retain "plausible deniability" in court. A strategy which doesn't work in court regardless of what you think.

People are convicted all of the time on the basis of what the jury thinks they intended. That's what "intent" means. You have to prove "intent" in any crime. Trump knew what he was asking was wrong because he weasel worded the ask. His subsequent actions and statements to his advisors, and his refusal to release the aid without that announcement, proves the intent of the ask as well.

Mitch McConnell said that Trump asked for the investigation, and that was wrong, but the American people should be allowed to decide whether they wanted Trump as President, not the politicians - an argument that has a lot more validity than claiming the crime wasn't serious enough to warrant impeachment.

The problem being that when the American people soundly rejected Trump at the ballot box, he refused to concede, and tried to overturn the election, proving in spades that the Democrats were right to impeach him the first time, and the Republicans were gullible fools to think it wouldn't get worse, if they let him get away with it.

You really need to stop listening to Donald Trump and Rudy Gulliani when discussing Trump's crimes. For starters, they're both lying, but more importantly, they've LOST every single one of their court cases using the same arguments you're using here. Not only did they lose their cases, but the judges ripped them a new one for even attempting their bullshit.

Gulliani, Powell and Woods have all been disbarred for filing phony lawsuits and lying to the courts. Their claims were found to be of no value, "in fact or in law". You regurgitating their lies and bullshit just makes you look gullible and stupid.

Nobody gets charged with "intent" in the US. In your commie country, I don't know. Nobody pays attention to you in the world. You people really don't count much for anything. That's why you come to our forums and we don't go to yours. A jury may consider intent of a real crime, but not charged with it.

As I stated, most of the aid was released before the call, the remainder was released before the expiration date, Trump proudly released the transcript of the call because he had nothing to hide, and Ukraine got their aid. The only person to actually do a quid pro quo was Dementia, and he is on video laughing about it.
Florida and New York both have a similar number of daily cases over the past week, 86,000 daily cases in New York, 77,000 cases in Florida. Florida has 2 million more people. But Florida has more deaths than New York, and fewer vaccinated people. 65% in Florida to 71% in New York.

You need better sources.

No mask requirements, no closing down businesses, no closing down schools, and trusting people to make their own health decisions. How did DeSantis pull off this feat? While Cuomo was putting infected people into nursing homes killing them by the thousands, DeSantis gave the elderly top priority.

Freedom is nice, isn't it? It must be because AOC and Sowell are spending their vacation in Florida, but no Republican is spending their vacation in New York.
Your distorted view. Is Fox a viable media outlet?
Of course. Then again so is CNN. What I'm pointing out is that when one of them slants their reporting so drastically that you don't know a thing about something that's a major news story then you need to understand that you're being manipulated.
I feel sorry for states that are recieving people moving from democrat states.

These are the people who voted for and supported the politicians that made them want to leave their blue state. They will bring their idiocy to a red state.

Granted some might be good people, but not all of them.

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