This may explain NY lefties heading for Florida

So he got impeached and Republicans that voted to impeach him specificaly cited that fact as proof positive of his unfitness for office.

But you go ahead and keep compromising yourself, keep up the ridiculous spin to cary water for that degenerate, just spare me the bullshit about how his impeachments were supposedly on made up grounds.

How can you tell me they weren't? Again, I defy you to show me where Trump wanted anything in return for military aid. No mind reading bullshit, actual words. Words mean things. Let me give you an example:


[ fey-ver

something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act: to ask a favor.
friendly or well-disposed regard; goodwill: to win the favor of the king.
the state of being approved or held in regard: to be in favor at court; styles that are now in favor.
excessive kindness or unfair partiality; preferential treatment: to treat some people with favor and others with neglect.

Now you see how words mean things? What the commies did was claim they "knew" what Trump meant. Until you on the left can give us empirical evidence you know how to read minds, then the impeachment was an act of Nazism. It's not only the first bogus impeachment, but the first one conducted using Thought Police as highlighted in your Bible.

You don't impeach anybody over what you thought they meant. You need actual words that directly show an action.
Maybe but it no longer shocks or even surprises me when a politician lies/exaggerates/spins etc. However, I don't blame the politicians, I blame the voters since we can't deal with the reality of our society. A favorite example of mine is we demand our politicians care about us and put our interests first so that is what they say. What they don't say is that getting elected is expensive and voters refuse to pay for it so they have to cater to those 'special interests' over our interests.

The lies matter when they kill people, like Biden's has.
How can you tell me they weren't? Again, I defy you to show me where Trump wanted anything in return for military aid. No mind reading bullshit, actual words. Words mean things. Let me give you an example:


[ fey-ver

something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act: to ask a favor.
friendly or well-disposed regard; goodwill: to win the favor of the king.
the state of being approved or held in regard: to be in favor at court; styles that are now in favor.
excessive kindness or unfair partiality; preferential treatment: to treat some people with favor and others with neglect.

Now you see how words mean things? What the commies did was claim they "knew" what Trump meant. Until you on the left can give us empirical evidence you know how to read minds, then the impeachment was an act of Nazism. It's not only the first bogus impeachment, but the first one conducted using Thought Police as highlighted in your Bible.

You don't impeach anybody over what you thought they meant. You need actual words that directly show an action.
I can and I did.

Backed up all of it too and it really doesn't matter to me is some Trumptard like you admits it or not.
As opposed to Andrew Cuomo's rules, Bobob? Who actually handled the pandemic better?
Andrew Cuomo? What the hell does DeSantis have to do with Andrew Cuomo? Nothing, nada, zilch, caputsky. Get it? Are we comparing and contrasting?
I can and I did.

Backed up all of it too and it really doesn't matter to me is some Trumptard like you admits it or not.

No, you posted nothing Trump said about wanting anything in return for military aid. You posted the transcript which I read about a dozen times since it came out, and nothing Trump said had any exact words about threatening aid. He asked for a favor and that was all. Like I said, no mind reading bullshit; exact words.
What does that mean?

It means what I said. Govern as in conduct government business, pay bills we owe, collect taxes, organize and structure our agencies, governing.

Our founders never wanted the federal government to be providers of goods and services people get for themselves if they desire. They understood dependency makes people lazy and hands more power to the government which means less liberty for the citizens.
It means what I said. Govern as in conduct government business, pay bills we owe, collect taxes, organize and structure our agencies, governing.

Our founders never wanted the federal government to be providers of goods and services people get for themselves if they desire. They understood dependency makes people lazy and hands more power to the government which means less liberty for the citizens.
Not sure about your version of history since one colony, Georgia, was founded by a charity and was specifically established to aid the poor.
No, you posted nothing Trump said about wanting anything in return for military aid.
Yes I did.

Trump wanted announcement of investigation in Biden's. He talked about investigating Biden's on the call and wanted Zelensky to work with Guiliani.
Yes I did.

Trump wanted announcement of investigation in Biden's. He talked about investigating Biden's on the call and wanted Zelensky to work with Guiliani.

Okay, so where was the threatening words at? Still waiting. Where did Trump ever say "if you don't do X, you will not receive military assistance?" Paragraph and page please.
Okay, so where was the threatening words at? Still waiting. Where did Trump ever say "if you don't do X, you will not receive military assistance?" Paragraph and page please.
Not interested in looping over same shit 100 times with you.

you’ve already asked that, you’ve already got at-length answer, so ask yourself what the hell is wrong with you to now act like it never happened.
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Not interested in looping over same shit 100 times with you.

you’ve already asked that, you’ve already got at-length answer, so ask yourself what the hell is wrong with you to now act like it never happened.
That is exactly the reason why I cut him off.
Not interested in looping over same shit 100 times with you.

you’ve already asked that, you’ve already got at-length answer, so ask yourself what the hell is wrong with you to now act like it never happened.

And you never provided an answer other than "we thought" that's what he meant. I asked for actual words which you couldn't provide.

But that's okay because we are going to impeach Dementia a few times for what we thought he meant too. It seems that's the only way you'll wake up and understand what bullshit it all is.
And you never provided an answer other than "we thought" that's what he meant. I asked for actual words which you couldn't provide.

But that's okay because we are going to impeach Dementia a few times for what we thought he meant too. It seems that's the only way you'll wake up and understand what bullshit it all is.
Horseshit, just because we don't have taped confession doesn't mean the proof is not overwhelming.

As I've said before, you dishostly resort to setting up bullshit standards to not have to admit plain facts.

I really don't know how you look at yourself in the mirror.
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Horseshit, just because we don't have taped confession doesn't mean the proof is not overwhelming.

As I've said before, you dishostly resort to setting up bullshit standards to not have to admit plain facts.

I really don't know how you look at yourself in the mirror.

IT WAS TAPED! President Trump demanded it be released to the public. They couldn't do that so they released the transcript. In a court of law a judge would throw this case out of court because a DA cannot assume what a suspect meant and be found guilty on an interpretation.
IT WAS TAPED! President Trump demanded it be released to the public. They couldn't do that so they released the transcript. In a court of law a judge would throw this case out of court because a DA cannot assume what a suspect meant and be found guilty on an interpretation.
So because Trump didn't explicitly threaten on a widely listed to call, he therefore wasn't threatening? Right moron? How can anyone possibly be doing anything wrong unless they conffess to all of it it on a recorded call. Right dumbass?

Trump's OMB director Mulveney explicitly told you that that the millitary aid was held up at Trump's direction to pressure Ukraine for investigations.

Trump's pointman in Ukraine testified to Congress to telling Ukrainians that they are not getting millitary aid unless they annnounce investigations.

Administration never provided ANY official explanaiton for why they illegally help up Congressionaly aproved millitary aid.

What you belive requires STUPIDITY, there is not another way of getting there given that you are aware of, yet choose to compartmentalize these facts.
So because Trump didn't explicitly threaten on a widely listed to call, he therefore wasn't threatening? Right moron? How can anyone possibly be doing anything wrong unless they conffess to all of it it on a recorded call. Right dumbass?

Trump's OMB director Mulveney explicitly told you that that the millitary aid was held up at Trump's direction to pressure Ukraine for investigations.

Trump's pointman in Ukraine testified to Congress to telling Ukrainians that they are not getting millitary aid unless they annnounce investigations.

Administration never provided ANY official explanaiton for why they illegally help up Congressionaly aproved millitary aid.

What you belive requires STUPIDITY, there is not another way of getting there given that you are aware of, yet choose to compartmentalize these facts.

You should know by now if you try to bullshit me, I'm going to call you out on it.

“The only reasons we were holding the money was because of concern about lack of support from other nations and concerns over corruption,” Mulvaney said in a written statement, adding, “There never was any condition on the flow of the aid related to the matter of the DNC server.”

You should know by now if you try to bullshit me, I'm going to call you out on it.

“The only reasons we were holding the money was because of concern about lack of support from other nations and concerns over corruption,” Mulvaney said in a written statement, adding, “There never was any condition on the flow of the aid related to the matter of the DNC server.”

What corruption dummy?

The only thing Trump ever talked about is investigating Bidens and DNC server.

This question was posed to administration over and over and they never had any answer.

Yes, after Mulveney gave away the fact of QPQ he tried to walk it back, but at no time did he present any real reason for hold up of military aid, let alone file any official explanation.

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