This may explain NY lefties heading for Florida


Belive it or not but people are not stupid and understand that there is a REASON he broke his oath of office and refused pleads for him to intervene as his Trumptards were commiting the attack in his name.

He is an insane, selfish fuck who can never be trusted with the high office and thats exactly why even some Republicans voted to impeach him at great political cost to themselves.

Right. So instead trust a guy who's son is selling his paint by numbers art work for between 75K and 500K to anonymous donors. The same son that lied on a firearms application to buy a gun and didn't even get a slap on the hand yet alone arrested and charged. The same guy who mysteriously got a multi-million dollar job in a country he doesn't understand one word in, with zero experience in the industry. Not uncommon for his family. Just ask his brother who landed a job with a construction company with no experience, and then the company was offered a government contract to build homes in Iraq. It was such a large contract they had to decline it due to them not being large enough........yet.

There were anti-Trump Republicans long before he even got the nomination. He busted down the doors of the good-ole-boys club and took the highest seat in the place.
You can misspeak one time (I'm you never have), but if you repeat it over and over, it's a lie. How many times did Biden say it?

At least three. Why do you think he has to keep telling this lie? What is he trying to hide?

Fact Check: Did Joe Biden spread misinformation on COVID vaccines?

The president claimed at a CNN town hall that people vaccinated against COVID do not get hospitalized, need ICU treatment, or die because of the disease.

The president said there is a pandemic for those who are not vaccinated against COVID. He went on to claim: "If you're vaccinated, you're not going to be hospitalized, you're not going to be in an ICU unit, and you are not going to die."

Biden also said: "You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations."
Even if he should have done more to try to stop the attack, that doesn't make him responsible for the attacks. I didn't hear you condemning Democrats for not doing enough to stop all the rioting in 2020. Most did nothing but stoke the fire with even more rhetoric, including Senator Harris, now VP.

It's Piglosi ultimately in charge of the Capital police. She knew about the FBI warnings of the possible attack and did nothing. Furthermore it was Trump that offered the National Guard to be there from sun up that they refused.

The real story won't come out until the Republicans get the House and have a real investigation as to what happened, how many FBI agents were in that crowd encouraging them to break in, and who was in charge of sending them there.
Yes he was, by the oath to his office the President of the United States of America has a DUTY to uphold the law and defend our vital institutions.

Him giving a public statement WAS NOT too much to ask for. Him refusing to do it defies any common sense and is why he got impeached.

You arguments are just pathetic denialism.

Talk about denialism, team Trump acted immediately as instructed by the President at the first sign of trouble which they did. It was the Pentagon that slowed everything down, not Trump. So Trump did fulfill his duty as President.

I don't know what country you're from, perhaps North Korea or Cuba, but here in the states you can't be charged or convicted of in inaction. You only broke the law by taking an illegal action. Talk about lack of common sense, like the President giving a speech none of the rioters would hear would do Anything in the first place.
Talk about denialism, team Trump acted immediately as instructed by the President
He told his followers to stop attacking the Capitol as he was begged to do by Republican leadership, his whole family and his FOX news pals?

No he didn't, not until hours later.
He told his followers to stop attacking the Capitol as he was begged to do by Republican leadership, his whole family and his FOX news pals?

No he didn't, not until hours later.

So what? It doesn't matter what they asked him to do, what was his response? The fact of the matter is there was nothing he could do. You leftists are just trying to spend all your time blaming a President for something he had no control over. You people are dumb because you refuse to learn anything, like when the left blamed Trump for all the covid deaths while President. Now that your guy is in charge and has more covid deaths than Trump, you still didn't learn your people should keep their mouth shut because what they say today will come back to bite you in the ass tomorrow. Your people just don't have those kind of smarts.
At least three. Why do you think he has to keep telling this lie? What is he trying to hide?

Fact Check: Did Joe Biden spread misinformation on COVID vaccines?

The president claimed at a CNN town hall that people vaccinated against COVID do not get hospitalized, need ICU treatment, or die because of the disease.

The president said there is a pandemic for those who are not vaccinated against COVID. He went on to claim: "If you're vaccinated, you're not going to be hospitalized, you're not going to be in an ICU unit, and you are not going to die."

Biden also said: "You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations."
If he said the same lie 3 times, that is egregious and I'd have to reassess my opinion of him. He said it at a townhall (as shown by your link) but I can't find the other 2 times. Can you point me to the other times? Thanks.
If he said the same lie 3 times, that is egregious and I'd have to reassess my opinion of him. He said it at a townhall (as shown by your link) but I can't find the other 2 times. Can you point me to the other times? Thanks.

Stop dodging. These were three separate instances:

1. The president said there is a pandemic for those who are not vaccinated against COVID. He went on to claim: "If you're vaccinated, you're not going to be hospitalized, you're not going to be in an ICU unit, and you are not going to die." Biden also said: "You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations."

2. “Everybody talks about freedom about not to have a shot or have a test,” Biden said. “Well guess what? How about patriotism? How about you make sure you’re vaccinated, so you do not spread the disease to anybody else? What about that? What’s the big deal?”

3. Biden then addressed vaccine requirements for medical workers: "We’re making sure health care workers are vaccinated, because if you seek care at a health care facility, you should have the certainty that the people providing that care are protected from COVID and cannot spread it to you."
Stop dodging. These were three separate instances:
Three separate instances in the same townhall right? Not good but better than repeating a lie in multiple townhalls wouldn't you say?

BTW, do you judge others by the same standards or do these apply only to Biden?
Three separate instances in the same townhall right? Not good but better than repeating a lie in multiple townhalls wouldn't you say?

BTW, do you judge others by the same standards or do these apply only to Biden?

No, three separate instances at three separate times. It's people like you who refuse to call out these lies that are making this pandemic worse. How many people have you infected running around because you thought you couldn't get or spread Covid? 100? 1,000? 10,000?
Silly boy? If you are an example of a thinking person, then I am the King of England. DeSantis's
rules on vaccinations, masks, and the virus in general are indeed harmful, uncaring, reckless, dangerous, and irrelevant to this discussion. The place has nothing to do with the guvnah and his
dissing of the medical community. Go back to 'thinking' school.
As opposed to Andrew Cuomo's rules, Bobob? Who actually handled the pandemic better?
Three separate instances in the same townhall right? Not good but better than repeating a lie in multiple townhalls wouldn't you say?

BTW, do you judge others by the same standards or do these apply only to Biden?

The question is do you apply the same standards that you did to Trump?

He said the virus will likely be gone by summer.......once.
He made fun of people wearing masks early on until it became a national problems.......once.
He made some joke about bleach killing the virus.........once.
Stop dodging. These were three separate instances:

1. The president said there is a pandemic for those who are not vaccinated against COVID. He went on to claim: "If you're vaccinated, you're not going to be hospitalized, you're not going to be in an ICU unit, and you are not going to die." Biden also said: "You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations."

2. “Everybody talks about freedom about not to have a shot or have a test,” Biden said. “Well guess what? How about patriotism? How about you make sure you’re vaccinated, so you do not spread the disease to anybody else? What about that? What’s the big deal?”

3. Biden then addressed vaccine requirements for medical workers: "We’re making sure health care workers are vaccinated, because if you seek care at a health care facility, you should have the certainty that the people providing that care are protected from COVID and cannot spread it to you."
Well he certainly overstates the case. Just goes to show you can't get health information from a politician or a pundit. Thanks.
So he got impeached and Republicans that voted to impeach him specificaly cited that fact as proof positive of his unfitness for office.

But you go ahead and keep compromising yourself, keep up the ridiculous spin to cary water for that degenerate, just spare me the bullshit about how his impeachments were supposedly on made up grounds.
So he got impeached and Republicans that voted to impeach him specificaly cited that fact as proof positive of his unfitness for office.

But you go ahead and keep compromising yourself, keep up the ridiculous spin to cary water for that degenerate, just spare me the bullshit about how his impeachments were supposedly on made up grounds.

Two failed impeachments don't mean shit. It's just proof that the DemoKKKrats are an organized crime outfit.
You've got Stockholm Syndrome.
Maybe but it no longer shocks or even surprises me when a politician lies/exaggerates/spins etc. However, I don't blame the politicians, I blame the voters since we can't deal with the reality of our society. A favorite example of mine is we demand our politicians care about us and put our interests first so that is what they say. What they don't say is that getting elected is expensive and voters refuse to pay for it so they have to cater to those 'special interests' over our interests.
Maybe but it no longer shocks or even surprises me when a politician lies/exaggerates/spins etc. However, I don't blame the politicians, I blame the voters since we can't deal with the reality of our society. A favorite example of mine is we demand our politicians care about us and put our interests first so that is what they say. What they don't say is that getting elected is expensive and voters refuse to pay for it so they have to cater to those 'special interests' over our interests.

Leftists want politicians to care about them and look out for their best interest. Conservatives on the other hand don't want any help from government because we carry our own weight in this country. We simply want government to govern and leave us alone to make our own path in life.

The problem is not that politicians lie; they all lie. It's more important on what they lie about. Lying that we had the best economy in US history in 2019 harms nobody. Destroying our entire medical care system hurts millions.

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