This may explain NY lefties heading for Florida

It's warm in lots of places, what's your point?

Isn't Florida dangerous because they have no mask or vaccine mandates?
I live in Florida and even with the pandemic life is almost normal here. I go into a store and a couple people may be wearing a mask but the rest are mask free. If I take a pet to the vet nobody is wearing masks but if I go to a doctor everybody is.

Mandates. The free state of Florida don’t do no mandates.

Right now Florida is having a rash of the omicron version of COVID-19 but I don’t see it as a big deal. In a month it will subside. Life will go on.
um no that is not a lie, that’s breaking an agreement

but whatever…i fail to see what it has to do with xiden’s lying about vaccines to the american people
"Breaking an agreement" sounds so innocent but so does "misspoke" and that is what I think Biden did.
"Breaking an agreement" sounds so innocent but so does "misspoke" and that is what I think Biden did.

"Misspoke". LOL

He lied, and people died. A lot of people.

"Breaking an agreement" sounds so innocent but so does "misspoke" and that is what I think Biden did.
nah he didn’t misspeak, he didn’t refer to someone by the wrong name, or say million when he met billion…he was crystal clear and direct. If you take the vaccine, you won’t get be virus

nothing innocent about it, he wasn’t mixing words as we have seen xiden do millions of times before
You do realize why we do that, right? For two years we've been hearing the left blame Trump for all the deaths that took place under his watch. Yet when you question what Trump did wrong, you get "Trumps said this" or "Trump said that" as if a virus listens to words.

Now, it's just common sense (which few on the left have) that a President can no more control a highly contagious virus than he does the next hurricane, but payback is a bitch.

If Dementia or the Communists had any dignity whatsoever and admitted they lied the last couple of years, it was all politics, Trump was not responsible for any deaths, we could let it go. Instead when we bring up the fact Dementia has more covid deaths during his first term than Trump did his last year in spite of having three vaccines and advanced therapeutics, now they tell us it's not his fault, it's the Republicans fault for not getting the shot, even though actual recorded statistics show it's minorities (who usually vote Democrat) who are lagging behind.

So now we are going to blame Dementia for everything he said inaccurate about the virus like they did to us. Like I said, payback is a bitch.

Worse than that is the Democrats never learn a thing by this like keep their lying big yaps shut in the first place because their words will come back to haunt them when the shoe is on the other foot.
Two wrongs make a right. Got it. And who could possibly complain that the GOP didn't treat Obama with respect and consideration and didn't set a goal of making him a one-term President? Oh yeah, I could.
Does that include Fox News, Breitbart, OAN, etc.?

No, but they are much smaller in numbers. They are not the main broadcasts that are on free television so they have less of an impact than three other outlets do. NBC, CBS, ABC are all lefty outfits that are watched and read by tens of millions more people, plus your local news often re-broadcasts their reporting.
Two wrongs make a right. Got it. And who could possibly complain that the GOP didn't treat Obama with respect and consideration and didn't set a goal of making him a one-term President? Oh yeah, I could.

Of course an opposition party wants to see their own people in the White House, but that's not what we're talking about here. What we are talking about are blatant lies that were repeated nearly every day by the left and their whores in the MSM. So now we are just doing to you what you did to us and you don't like it. But to use a line from the classic film Rambo, I didn't draw first blood sir.

Your people love to start wars with us and when the opportunity presents itself, use your war against you, you get angry and and cry unfair. There is nothing unfair about it. You started it-we're ending it. Dementia said on video that Trump should step down because of all the covid deaths that took place under his presidency. Well Joe? WTF are you still doing in the White House if that's the way you feel?

What the left is upset about is their hypocrisy is so easy to point out because they participate in it nearly every single day. They complain about climate change while riding around in SUV's and talking private planes. They tell us how Americans shouldn't be armed but don't leave their house without their armed security detail. If we don't stop climate change, the oceans will rise and swallow us up while DumBama bought a mansion on the ocean laughing his ass off. AOC and Swalwell both vacationed in Florida after spending the last two years bashing the state and the Governor there. Total hypocrisy.

And he also had all the chances in the world to tell his supporters to immedeately leave the Capitol as the break-in was happening. He didn't
, even as everyone from McCarthy to Trump Jr. and Ivanka was begging him to.

Now maybe you can compermentalize away that fact in your mind, but to anyone not keen on carrying water for Trump that is damning evidence that Trump condoned the attack and had no interest in stopping it.
Just exactly how do you propose he do that? Telepathy?

Learn to use spell check or get the words right. It is "compartmentalize".
nah he didn’t misspeak, he didn’t refer to someone by the wrong name, or say million when he met billion…he was crystal clear and direct. If you take the vaccine, you won’t get be virus

nothing innocent about it, he wasn’t mixing words as we have seen xiden do millions of times before

Liberalism 101: When a Republican says something that isn't totally true, they lied. When a Democrat says something that isn't totally true, they misspoke.

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for the rest of us.
Rush Limbaugh
Wtf did Russia have to do with vote fraud and election administration?

Nothing is the correct answer dimwit.

Russia illicitly interefered in the election and helped Trump, but no one ever claimed that Trump somehow didn't actually get the votes to win the 2016 election.
So why did Herr Mueller waste all of that tax money investigating Trump?
I live in Florida and even with the pandemic life is almost normal here. I go into a store and a couple people may be wearing a mask but the rest are mask free. If I take a pet to the vet nobody is wearing masks but if I go to a doctor everybody is.

Mandates. The free state of Florida don’t do no mandates.

Right now Florida is having a rash of the omicron version of COVID-19 but I don’t see it as a big deal. In a month it will subside. Life will go on.

I went grocery shopping last Monday. Most everybody had a mask on and we too have no mandates. Of course I live in an entirely Democrat dominated part of the state.
Two wrongs make a right. Got it. And who could possibly complain that the GOP didn't treat Obama with respect and consideration and didn't set a goal of making him a one-term President? Oh yeah, I could.
That is the aim of the opposition party in every election since this country was founded. Why is it news to you? Oh, that's right! You never took American History in high school because you never made it past middle school!
No I'm not misinformed bullshit peddler.

Russian interference was concluded by American intelligence, the Special Investigation and Republican lead Senate Intelligence Committee report.

From the DNI:

We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump.

I've got the bipartisan facts, you've got the Trumpist bullshit.

And what did they do, run some Facebook ads?

They favored Trump because the lying MSM put him as the underdog with no chance of winning. If Hillary was the underdog, they would have went after Trump. That's how you screw up elections.
Face it, leftists, you have run out of bullshit for COVID.

The spike in FLorida last summer was because of DESANTIS, according to communists.

SO now the spike in northern states has NOTHING to do with those governors? assholes are such hypocrites.

During his campaign Dementia said that Trump should resign over the covid deaths under his watch. Dementia has more covid deaths since he took office and he still hasn't left the White House. Now (he said) covid is not a federal matter, it's a state matter.
No I'm not misinformed bullshit peddler.

Russian interference was concluded by American intelligence, the Special Investigation and Republican lead Senate Intelligence Committee report.

From the DNI:

We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump.

I've got the bipartisan facts, you've got the Trumpist bullshit.
You have nothing, just like Mueller did in his investigation.
I went grocery shopping last Monday. Most everybody had a mask on and we too have no mandates. Of course I live in an entirely Democrat dominated part of the state.
Cloth masks are basically useless. They do remind you to wash your hands and maintain a proper distance from others.


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