This may explain NY lefties heading for Florida

You must have serious comprehension problems or elect to remain ignorant. The President had one of his men summon the guard ASAP. It was the Pentagon that held things up with red tape. Furthermore nobody knows anything Trump is saying while they are invading a federal building. It's not like they had televisions in the place where people could watch him, not that they'd listen anyway.

Not to worry though, you will become more educated once we takeover Congress in 2022 and have a real investigation as to what went on instead of this idiotic witch hunt by the Communists.
Trump needed to summon guard to put out urgent public statement?

You are spewing pure bullshit and are either too stupid or think everyone else is to notice.
And you forget the three state recount she had a few weeks later, didn't you?

Your link does not support your claim, why did you post it?

In that link 16 things Clinton blamed for her loss are listed, not a single one is about voting fraud or election administration.

Trump to this day baselessly claims election was stolen from him by voting fraud.

If you can't understand that difference you...well it's moot to repeat at this point.
Then multiple Democratic politicians and the MSM are responsible for all the riots of 2020.
Rediculously false equivalence.

Trumpsters attacked the Congress to halt certification of the 2020 election. A specific action against the government with specific goals laid out by Trump personaly when he told them to stop the steal.

Thats not in the same universe of plain ol' protesting and rioting.
A specific action against the government with specific goals laid out by Trump personaly when he told them to stop the steal.
Well this is just flat out wrong. Trump specifically said they should protest peacefully and patriotically.
Yes, really. In this video Clinton conceeds 2016 election and congratulates Trump a day after votes are in.

It doesn't get more clear than that. Wtf is wrong with you?
What did I say? Did I mention Clinton? How many times did she repudiate that statement? What was the Russian Collusion investigation for?
Rediculously false equivalence.

Trumpsters attacked the Congress to halt certification of the 2020 election. A specific action against the government with specific goals laid out by Trump personaly when he told them to stop the steal.

Thats not in the same universe of plain ol' protesting and rioting.
Rediculousy? Personaly? Try real words next time!

When did you receive your GED or did you not get through that yet?
What did I say? Did I mention Clinton? How many times did she repudiate that statement? What was the Russian Collusion investigation for?
You said Democrats supposedly challenged all election results, including 2016 election result.

But when I show the candidate herself conceed the election the very next day you are having trouble recognizing the relavance. You refuse to aknowledge that this fact obviously counters your claims of Democrats not accepting election result.

Do you not understand you look kinda stupid when you do that? You've obviously got your partisan blinders on and are carefully filtering in only whatever your bleeding little politico heart wants to see.
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Well it's good thing you have spelling to complain about.

You obviously have nothing else to say.
I think pointing out you are a moron is sufficient to destroy any argument you may have. You obviously do not understand, or you would show yourself to be smarter than AOC.
You said Democrats supposedly challenged all election results, including 2016 election result.

But when I show the candidate herself conceed the election the very next day you are having trouble recognizing the relavance.

Do you not understand you look kinda stupid when you do that? You've obviously got your partisan blinders on and are carefully filtering in only whatever your bleeding little politico harts wants to see.
Hey shit for brains, do you have "Russia, Russia, Russia" tattooed above your ass like a tramp stamp?
Well it's good thing you have spelling to complain about.

You obviously have nothing else to say.

Here is an exact relevant excerpt from the Trump rally that took place on Jan. 6. Let me guess, you only got the Cliff Notes version of this from the MSM?

Anyone you want, but I think right here, we’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them.
Because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated.
I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.
Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections. But whether or not they stand strong for our country, our country. Our country has been under siege for a long time. Far longer than this four-year period. We’ve set it on a much greater course. So much, and we, I thought, you know, four more years. I thought it would be easy.
Well this is just flat out wrong. Trump specifically said they should protest peacefully and patriotically.

And he also had all the chances in the world to tell his supporters to immedeately leave the Capitol as the break-in was happening. He didn't, even as everyone from McCarthy to Trump Jr. and Ivanka was begging him to.

Now maybe you can compermentalize away that fact in your mind, but to anyone not keen on carrying water for Trump that is damning evidence that Trump condoned the attack and had no interest in stopping it.
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Hey shit for brains, do you have "Russia, Russia, Russia" tattooed above your ass like a tramp stamp?
Wtf did Russia have to do with vote fraud and election administration?

Nothing is the correct answer dimwit.

Russia illicitly interefered in the election and helped Trump, but no one ever claimed that Trump somehow didn't actually get the votes to win the 2016 election.

Obviously, he what metaphorically speaking and he was correct. If we do not fight now, peacefully, the Democrats will taint all future elections.

And he also had all the chances in the world to tell his supporters to immedeately leave the Capitol as the break in was happening. He didn't, even as everyone from McCarthy to Trump Jr. and Ivanka was begging him to.

He also sent a tweet at 2:38 - “Please support our Capitol Police and law enforcement. They are truly on the side of our country. Stay peaceful!”

Again, you and your kind just ignore the facts.

When did the Democratic politicians that incited the riots by their uniformed, anti-police rhetoric speak up? Those riots claimed many more lives and many millions in the destruction of property across the nation. The few that may have spoked up sure as heck didn't do it in a timely manner.
Russia illicitly interefered in the election and helped Trump,

You are completely misinformed. It is astounding really. Maybe you are a paid plant of the CCP? Not sure, but some of the stuff you folks have bought into, despite evidence to the contrary, is just flat-out wonky.
He also sent a tweet at 2:38 - “Please support our Capitol Police and law enforcement. They are truly on the side of our country. Stay peaceful!”
Even Don Jr. didn't think that was anywhere near enough:


Why is it you think that all these Republican Trump allies and even Don Jr. clearly say you are wrong and that Trump didn't do nearly enough to stop the attack?

I'm going to go out on the limb and say it's because you are full of shit, doing what you are always doing - compromising yourself to carry water for a total degenerate like Trump just because he's got an R next to his name.
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Face it, leftists, you have run out of bullshit for COVID.

The spike in FLorida last summer was because of DESANTIS, according to communists.

SO now the spike in northern states has NOTHING to do with those governors? assholes are such hypocrites.
You are completely misinformed. It is astounding really. Maybe you are a paid plant of the CCP? Not sure, but some of the stuff you folks have bought into, despite evidence to the contrary, is just flat-out wonky.
No I'm not misinformed bullshit peddler.

Russian interference was concluded by American intelligence, the Special Investigation and Republican lead Senate Intelligence Committee report.

From the DNI:

We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump.

I've got the bipartisan facts, you've got the Trumpist bullshit.
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