This may explain NY lefties heading for Florida

Yes, they are brainwashing people to vote against their own self-interest. They have been doing it for years. Democrats continually vote to give up their own freedoms on a daily basis. Great strategy really.
So if people disagree with you, they’re brainwashed?

I don’t think so.

Besides, it’s republicans that are passing laws making it illegal to teach kids in ways they don’t agree with.
what? you are making no sense

are you really that stupid not to understand the difference between two group arguing and debating over a budget and someone making a statement of fact like “if you take the vaccine you won’t get the virus”


Do you understand that when those two groups reach an agreement and then one party reneges, that too is a lie.

A misstatement is common when speaking without a script but repeating that misstatement over and over is another story. Did Biden ever say “if you take the vaccine you won’t get the virus” a second time? If he did I'd be the first to condemn him, if he didn't I'd be the first to forgive him.
Do you understand that when those two groups reach an agreement and then one party reneges, that too is a lie.

A misstatement is common when speaking without a script but repeating that misstatement over and over is another story. Did Biden ever say “if you take the vaccine you won’t get the virus” a second time? If he did I'd be the first to condemn him, if he didn't I'd be the first to forgive him.
um no that is not a lie, that’s breaking an agreement

but whatever…i fail to see what it has to do with xiden’s lying about vaccines to the american people
So if people disagree with you, they’re brainwashed?

I don’t think so.

Besides, it’s republicans that are passing laws making it illegal to teach kids in ways they don’t agree with.

No, people are brainwashed when they are blindly obedient and will follow orders without question. Ring any bells of late?

If you mean laws that try to prevent further brainwashing, maybe. I don't know to which laws you are referring.
Do you understand that when those two groups reach an agreement and then one party reneges, that too is a lie.

A misstatement is common when speaking without a script but repeating that misstatement over and over is another story. Did Biden ever say “if you take the vaccine you won’t get the virus” a second time? If he did I'd be the first to condemn him, if he didn't I'd be the first to forgive him.

You do realize why we do that, right? For two years we've been hearing the left blame Trump for all the deaths that took place under his watch. Yet when you question what Trump did wrong, you get "Trumps said this" or "Trump said that" as if a virus listens to words.

Now, it's just common sense (which few on the left have) that a President can no more control a highly contagious virus than he does the next hurricane, but payback is a bitch.

If Dementia or the Communists had any dignity whatsoever and admitted they lied the last couple of years, it was all politics, Trump was not responsible for any deaths, we could let it go. Instead when we bring up the fact Dementia has more covid deaths during his first term than Trump did his last year in spite of having three vaccines and advanced therapeutics, now they tell us it's not his fault, it's the Republicans fault for not getting the shot, even though actual recorded statistics show it's minorities (who usually vote Democrat) who are lagging behind.

So now we are going to blame Dementia for everything he said inaccurate about the virus like they did to us. Like I said, payback is a bitch.

Worse than that is the Democrats never learn a thing by this like keep their lying big yaps shut in the first place because their words will come back to haunt them when the shoe is on the other foot.
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So if people disagree with you, they’re brainwashed?

I don’t think so.

Besides, it’s republicans that are passing laws making it illegal to teach kids in ways they don’t agree with.

They are? News to me. Any examples of such laws?
They’re going to take control of the government by getting people to vote for them.


Not entirely true. They are going to takeover the government with minorities. Why do you suppose we have an open border? Once they wipe us white people out of the majority, they will have a single-party government forever. That's their plan.

When Cuba was having their uproar a few months ago, Dementia said people from Cuba will be immediately returned back to their country if they make it to the US, while in the meantime, we have people walking across our border from over 140 different countries. Why is that? Because Cubans are known to be very conservative voters.

If you want to understand what the Communists are really up to, all you have to do is look for the man behind the curtain.
I think the media are their own animal. Our economy is strong and all you hear about is inflation.

They are not their own animal, they are animals of the Democrat party as I have just proven. Unfortunately the public takes every word of theirs as Gospel. People call Trump a racist all the time but not only has he never said anything racist, his foes elected a guy who said the most racist things about blacks of any presidential candidate in our lifetime. So what makes them call Trump a racist? The media, that's who, and brainwashing has worked quite well for the Communists the last few decades.

Our economy is not strong. Dementia paid people more money to stay home than work. Now that the gravy train ended, people are forced to go back to work. That doesn't mean it's a strong economy.
So reason they didn't investigate all that "more" when they had full controll of House, Senate and the Presidency, after all the Hillary-for-prison and drain-the-swamp chanting with their rabid what?

What is it dupe?

They have no power to investigate anything right now. They will in 2022 after they impeach Biden a few times to get even for their stunts. None of the Communists will ask any of the questions I posed. Their only mission is to try and make Trump look as bad as possible because they are so scared to death of the man. That's where your millions of tax dollars are going to these days. They don't care how it happened, what went wrong, who is responsible. That doesn't matter to them, only stopping Donald Trump does.

I'm no historian, but to my knowledge this is the first time in history that an opposing party went after an ex-President a year after he was out of office.
Not entirely true. They are going to takeover the government with minorities. Why do you suppose we have an open border? Once they wipe us white people out of the majority, they will have a single-party government forever. That's their plan.

When Cuba was having their uproar a few months ago, Dementia said people from Cuba will be immediately returned back to their country if they make it to the US, while in the meantime, we have people walking across our border from over 140 different countries. Why is that? Because Cubans are known to be very conservative voters.

If you want to understand what the Communists are really up to, all you have to do is look for the man behind the curtain.
You’re dabbling in the very racist great replacement theory.

You need to pull back from the edge. This leads to very bad places.
You’re dabbling in the very racist great replacement theory.

You need to pull back from the edge. This leads to very bad places.

Truth only leads to good places for good people. So if my theory isn't true, explain why they want all these invaders in the country that will eventually vote Democrat. You do know that part of this pork bill is amnesty for all illegals, don't you?
Not entirely true. They are going to takeover the government with minorities. Why do you suppose we have an open border? Once they wipe us white people out of the majority, they will have a single-party government forever. That's their plan.

When Cuba was having their uproar a few months ago, Dementia said people from Cuba will be immediately returned back to their country if they make it to the US, while in the meantime, we have people walking across our border from over 140 different countries. Why is that? Because Cubans are known to be very conservative voters.

If you want to understand what the Communists are really up to, all you have to do is look for the man behind the curtain.
White supremacist Replacement Theory follower, I see.
They have no power to investigate anything right now. They will in 2022
AGAIN - they got all the power in 2017 and 2018, after a year of running around the country and chanting Clinton-for-prison and drain-the-swamp.

Who did they investigate?
I'm no historian, but to my knowledge this is the first time in history that an opposing party went after an ex-President a year after he was out of office.
Probably has something to do with Trump being the first president in history to not conceed, try to overturn an election and incite an attack on the Congress of the United States of America as it was certifying the results.

Just a guess.
Probably has something to do with Trump being the first president in history to not conceed, try to overturn an election and incite an attack on the Congress of the United States of America as it was certifying the results.

Just a guess.

Trump did all that? How?

You don't go after an ex-President because he didn't concede, you go after him because you are deathly scared of what an honest man will do for this country and to your party. Now the new push is to try and convince the stupid that if Republicans and Trump win, it will be the end of democracy. I've seen several videos of the Communists stating this including sleep with a Chinese spy Swalwell.

They've gone from obvious to shameful.
AGAIN - they got all the power in 2017 and 2018, after a year of running around the country and chanting Clinton-for-prison and drain-the-swamp.

Who did they investigate?

So how would they investigate a matter that happened on 1/6 2021 in 2017 and 2018? Furthermore the virus hit us at the end of 2020. Nobody could ask Fauci how he predicted that we will definitely get hit by a pandemic during the Trump administration making the statement in 2017.

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