This may explain NY lefties heading for Florida

So how would they investigate a matter that happened on 1/6 2021
What the fuck?

Trumpsters attacked the Capitol on 1/6 2021.

Trump was impeached for it in the House with 10 Republicans voting yes and McCarthy himself preferring censure of Trump.....and you are crazy enough to fantasize about Republicans in 2023 rehashing that emberasing for them day to pin it somehow on Schiff?

You are seriously losing your damn marbles.
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What the fuck?

Trumpsters attacked the Capitol on 1/6 2021.

Trump was impeached for it in the House with 10 Republicans voting yes and McCarthy himself preferring censure of Trump.....and you are crazy enough to fantasize about Republicans in 2023 rehashing that emberasing for them day to pin it somehow on Schiff?

You are seriously losing your damn marbles.

There were anti-Trump people in our party and still are. WTF does that prove? Yes, they impeached Trump for something he had nothing to do with. That's how Nazis act and think. This is something new to you?

Nazis are a different brand of people. Second impeachment no chance for the defense to defend themselves, not allowed to get a lawyer, Not allowed to create a case, just impeach him and to hell with rights. It's the same thing the Communists are doing in the House. It's law that the defense gets to pick their own spokes people in a Congressional investigation. Piglosi said to hell with regulations. She's picking out their spokes people for them. Nazis behave this way. They don't care about laws or the Constitution, they're Nazis.
There were anti-Trump people in our party and still are. WTF does that prove? Yes, they impeached Trump for something he had nothing to do with. That's how Nazis act and think. This is something new to you?

Nazis are a different brand of people. Second impeachment no chance for the defense to defend themselves, not allowed to get a lawyer, Not allowed to create a case, just impeach him and to hell with rights. It's the same thing the Communists are doing in the House. It's law that the defense gets to pick their own spokes people in a Congressional investigation. Piglosi said that won't work. She's picking out their spokes people for them. Nazis behave this way. They don't care about laws or the Constitution, they're Nazis.
I know Trump getting impeached triggers you to no end and you start venting about Nazis...but your claim that Schiff will somehow be investigated and removed from office for something about 1/6 attack by Trumpsters is pure insane fantasy.

P.S. You know what each and every 1/6 convicted Trumpster pleads? That they were there to stop what Trump called the steal and were doing what Trump wanted them to do. So take your "Trump had nothing to do with it" and shove it up your crazy ass.
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I know Trump getting impeached triggers you to no end and you start venting about Nazis...but your claim that Schiff will somehow be investigated and removed from office for something about 1/6 attack by Trumpsters is pure insane fantasy.

P.S. You know what each and every 1/6 convicted Trumpster pleads? That they were there to stop what Trump called the steal and were doing what Trump wanted them to do. So take your "Trump had nothing to do with it" and shove it up your crazy ass.

Then prove Trump had something to do with their actions. They can't, that's why they engage in Nazism.

Yes, Trump getting impeached with no impeachable offense does trigger me. Too many people fought and died for this great nation to be taken over by the Communists. We are a country of law and order, and we're not about to let you take that away from us. Move to Cuba or something if this is the kind of country you want.

I can't wait until the FIRST impeachment of Dementia. Talk about being triggered.

Screaming .jpeg
To anyone half way objective Trump has a clear culpability for the attack.

These people were there to stop the steal Trump TOLD THEM TO STOP.

They were there to halt the certification of the election by the Congress, that Trump TOLD THEM TO HALT.

Attackers were convinced they are doing what Trump wants. As they were doing it Republicans, FOX hosts and Trump's family were pleading with him to intervene, HE REFUSED.

If you can't see that Trump had much to do with the attack then you are just plain stupid, no two ways about it.
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To anyone half way objective Trump is clearly responsible for the attack.

These people were there to stop the steal Trump TOLD THEM TO STOP.

They were there to halt the certification of the election by the Congress, that Trump TOLD THEM TO HALT.

Attackers were convinced they are doing what Trump wants and as they were doing it. Republicans, FOX hosts and his family were pleading with him to intervene, HE REFUSED.

If you can't see that Trump had much to do with the attack then you are clearly mentally deficient, no two ways about it.

Trump wanted to stop the count by protesting, not rioting. If you can show us anywhere that he mentioned rioting, then by all means, post it.

Trump told his followers they will march to the Capital peacefully and patriotically. Where do you see the implication of riots in those words?

Trump wanted to stop the count by protesting, not rioting. If you can show us anywhere that he mentioned rioting, then by all means, post it.

Trump told his followers they will march to the Capital peacefully and patriotically. Where do you see the implication of riots in those words?

If Trump was misunderstood by his nutters, if he really didn't want the attack, then why did he refuse to intervene?

Why did he refuse as everyone and their mother was begging him to?

Why Ray?

There is not a good answer and that is exactly the reason Republicans that voted to impeach him cite. He crossed the line.
If Trump was misunderstood by his nutters, if he really didn't want the attack, then why did he refuse to intervene?

Why did he refuse as everyone and their mother was begging him to?

Why Ray?

There is not a good answer and that is exactly the reason Republicans that voted to impeach him cite. He crossed the line.
How was he supposed to intervene in a riot that started before he ever finished giving his speech at the White House?
How was he supposed to intervene in a riot that started before he ever finished giving his speech at the White House?
Pure bullshit. Where do you get this nonsense? Check the timeline.

After speech Trump was in the WH watching what was happening on live TV, with Mark Meadows next him. During this time he was bombarded by calls and texts to stop it.

Sane president would not need to be begged to stop it, let alone refuse to do it for hours.
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Pure bullshit. Where do you get this nonsense? Check the timeline.

After speech Trump was in the WH watching what was happening on live TV, with Mark Meadows next him. During this time he was bombarded by calls and texts to stop it.

Sane president would not need to be begged to stop it, let alone refuse to do it for hours.
How do you propose he stop it?

You need to read your timeline. Trump started his speech at noon.

1:00 p.m. An initial wave of protesters storms the outer police barrier around the Capitol.​

We are led to believe that these protestors left Trump's speech, walked to the Capitol, and broke through the police barricade in less than one hour? The walk alone takes 35 minutes!
If Trump was misunderstood by his nutters, if he really didn't want the attack, then why did he refuse to intervene?

Why did he refuse as everyone and their mother was begging him to?

Why Ray?

There is not a good answer and that is exactly the reason Republicans that voted to impeach him cite. He crossed the line.

Perhaps if you bothered to read the link I posted it would answer all your questions. But you scroll by it like it wasn't even there and then ask about things that are in the article.

The President is not king in this country. He is one branch of government. The call if and when to send the National Guard was the authority of the Pentagon, not President Trump. President Trump not only put people in charge to get those wheels rolling at the first sign of trouble (which they did), but he offered to have the Guard there at the beginning of the day based on the information he got from the FBI.

The President did all he could within his limited authority. But leftists like to lie about it to try and make him look bad when in fact, it was the Pentagon that was responsible for the delay.
Really? 2000, 2004, 2016 were all disputed by the libtards! That seems to me be over 21 years ago.
Yes, really. In this video Clinton conceeds 2016 election and congratulates Trump a day after votes are in.

It doesn't get more clear than that. Wtf is wrong with you?
Perhaps if you bothered to read the link I posted it would answer all your questions. But you scroll by it like it wasn't even there and then ask about things that are in the article.

The President is not king in this country. He is one branch of government. The call if and when to send the National Guard was the authority of the Pentagon, not President Trump. President Trump not only put people in charge to get those wheels rolling at the first sign of trouble (which they did), but he offered to have the Guard there at the beginning of the day based on the information he got from the FBI.

The President did all he could within his limited authority. But leftists like to lie about it to try and make him look bad when in fact, it was the Pentagon that was responsible for the delay.
Dumbass, Trump needed NO ONE to stop the attack.

Trumpsters attacking Congress did so thinking that was what Trump wanted from them. All Trump had to do was put out statement that NO this violent madness IS NOT what he wanted and they should immediately leave the Capitol building grounds.

That's exactly WHY everyone was pleading with Trump to do it and his refusal to do that for hours is inexplicable.
Dumbass, Trump needed NO ONE to stop the attack.

Trumpsters attacking Congress did so thinking that was what Trump wanted from them. All Trump had to do was put out statement that NO this violent madness IS NOT what he wanted and they should immediately leave the Capitol building grounds.

That's exactly WHY everyone was pleading with Trump to do it and his refusal to do that for hours is inexplicable.

You must have serious comprehension problems or elect to remain ignorant. The President had one of his men summon the guard ASAP. It was the Pentagon that held things up with red tape. Furthermore nobody knows anything Trump is saying while they are invading a federal building. It's not like they had televisions in the place where people could watch him, not that they'd listen anyway.

Not to worry though, you will become more educated once we takeover Congress in 2022 and have a real investigation as to what went on instead of this idiotic witch hunt by the Communists.

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