This may explain NY lefties heading for Florida

Keep on spinning left winger.

I don't recall any agreement being made. What I recall is the Communists fighting Trump all the way on any action against illegals.
I refreshed my memory. They discussed the border wall and Trump's threat to shut down the gov't. In the meeting Trump took ownership of a gov't shutdown but later disavowed that ownership and shifted the blame to the Dems.
Oh no! They are going to investigate!? Oh me, oh my.

The hammer is going to come down on them like it came down on...well...hmm...there was Clinton... :slap:

The GOP has more to investigate on the left than they do with Trump which is clearly a witch hunt.

Why was thousands of hours of video not released to the Congress yet alone the public? Why did they refuse Trump's offer of having the national guard there before the day began? Were FBI agents involved trying to encourage the break in and who told them to do it? What did the FBI tell the Capital police about the possibility of something like that happening? What did Piglosi know and when did she know it? Why did nobody on the right get to question the officer that shot the unarmed woman and why was he dismissed of charges? Why did some of the rioters never have their day in court a year later, and why were they tortured in solitary confinement.

We'd love to know a lot of things that happened that we have zero answers to today.
I refreshed my memory. They discussed the border wall and Trump's threat to shut down the gov't. In the meeting Trump took ownership of a gov't shutdown but later disavowed that ownership and shifted the blame to the Dems.

That may have happened. After all, when was the last government shutdown ever blamed on the Democrats? If it's a Democrat President it's the fault of the Republican Congress. If it's a Democrat Congress then it's the fault of the Republican President.
That may have happened. After all, when was the last government shutdown ever blamed on the Democrats? If it's a Democrat President it's the fault of the Republican Congress. If it's a Democrat Congress then it's the fault of the Republican President.
Agreed. I wonder why that is? Maybe because the GOP is the party of "No"?
Agreed. I wonder why that is? Maybe because the GOP is the party of "No"?

No, it's because the media is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party. The best economy in 50 years, and what were they reporting?

Covid killing more Americans than ever, inflation nearly out of control, border the worst it's been in 25 years according to the border patrol, gasoline up 30% and natural gas up 50% since last year, labor shortage, supply chain shortage, and how are they reporting this?

Me: Was it a prepared speech or an off the cuff remark?

It matters a lot. A prepared speech is policy that can't be walked back from. An off the cuff remark is not policy and is often walked back by Presidents.

Trump met with Pelosi and Schumer and they came to an agreement on immigration I believe. It was immediately walked back by Trump's staff and never mentioned again.
no, it doesn’t matter…and of course it wasn’t federal policy

trump, nor immigration have anything to do with xiden lying when he said you wouldn’t get the virus if you got the vaccine
The GOP has more to investigate on the left than they do with Trump which is clearly a witch hunt.
So reason they didn't investigate all that "more" when they had full controll of House, Senate and the Presidency, after all the Hillary-for-prison and drain-the-swamp chanting with their rabid what?

What is it dupe?
No, it's because the media is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party. The best economy in 50 years, and what were they reporting?

Covid killing more Americans than ever, inflation nearly out of control, border the worst it's been in 25 years according to the border patrol, gasoline up 30% and natural gas up 50% since last year, labor shortage, supply chain shortage, and how are they reporting this?

I think the media are their own animal. Our economy is strong and all you hear about is inflation.
no, it doesn’t matter…and of course it wasn’t federal policy

trump, nor immigration have anything to do with xiden lying when he said you wouldn’t get the virus if you got the vaccine
So it wasn't federal policy when Trump made the off-the-cuff statement (essentially a lie) but it was when Biden made it??? What scale are you using?
So reason they didn't investigate all that "more" when they had full controll of House, Senate and the Presidency, after all the Hillary-for-prison and drain-the-swamp chanting with their rabid what?

What is it dupe?
Obviously Bengasi and a off-book email server are more of a threat to democracy that an angry mob. 20 times worst I guess.
So it wasn't federal policy when Trump made the off-the-cuff statement (essentially a lie) but it was when Biden made it??? What scale are you using?
what are you talking about immigrant law is law…federal policy

xiden statement that you won’t get the virus if you take the vaccine isn’t federal policy. He was making a state of fact, that was a lie.
what are you talking about immigrant law is law…federal policy

xiden statement that you won’t get the virus if you take the vaccine isn’t federal policy. He was making a state of fact, that was a lie.
So if Trump said that he was responsible for a government shutdown, that was not federal policy? I believe he later claimed the Dems would be responsible. Which statement was a lie which was a fact?
So if Trump said that he was responsible for a government shutdown, that was not federal policy? I believe he later claimed the Dems would be responsible. Which statement was a lie which was a fact?
what? you are making no sense

are you really that stupid not to understand the difference between two group arguing and debating over a budget and someone making a statement of fact like “if you take the vaccine you won’t get the virus”


This is the kind of attitude that dictators use to determine that elections are unnecessary.

The people don't really know what's best for them.

One of the very first steps any dictatorship to be takes is to control the educational system and the media to make people believe they are supporting the right candidate. Let that sink in for a bit. Yes, many Americans are misinformed, ignorant and/or indoctrinated enough to vote for any politician with a D beside their name that promises them free stuff. If you don't see it, then maybe you are one of them.
One of the very first steps any dictatorship to be takes is to control the educational system and the media to make people believe they are supporting the right candidate. Let that sink in for a bit. Yes, many Americans are misinformed, ignorant and/or indoctrinated enough to vote for any politician with a D beside their name that promises them free stuff. If you don't see it, then maybe you are one of them.
The first step of a dictatorship is to seize control of government. Education and media is used to maintain that control.
The first step of a dictatorship is to seize control of government. Education and media is used to maintain that control.

So the Democrats have it backwards. They can brainwash enough people to vote for them and then take control. Pretty good strategy seeing as overthrowing a government the size of the US is all but impossible.
So the Democrats have it backwards. They can brainwash enough people to vote for them and then take control. Pretty good strategy seeing as overthrowing a government the size of the US is all but impossible.
They’re going to take control of the government by getting people to vote for them.


It reminds me of this skit.

They’re going to take control of the government by getting people to vote for them.


It reminds me of this skit.

Yes, they are brainwashing people to vote against their own self-interest. They have been doing it for years. Democrats continually vote to give up their own freedoms on a daily basis. Great strategy really.

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