This may explain NY lefties heading for Florida

No, but they are much smaller in numbers. They are not the main broadcasts that are on free television so they have less of an impact than three other outlets do. NBC, CBS, ABC are all lefty outfits that are watched and read by tens of millions more people, plus your local news often re-broadcasts their reporting.
Fox is the biggest of all and who watches 'free television' news anyway?
Psst heads up, they invented stuff like digital video recorders and internet, so a President can put out an message to the country in minuets from the WH or anywhere else for that matter.

Yeah, I have seen the footage of all of the protestors with their faces glued to their I-phones and Androids. [/sarcasm]

Why don't you admit that you fucked up and there was no way for Trump to do anything?

At least that will stop your string of stupidity which you keep posting.
Psst heads up, they invented stuff like digital video recorders and internet, so a President can put out an message to the country in minuets from the WH or anywhere else for that matter.

And that message is only known by people at home with their DVR or watching live, which none of the protesters were.
And that message is only known by people at home with their DVR or watching live, which none of the protesters were.
Don't you get tired of having to constantly bullshit to carry water for your Dear Leader?

Each and every protestor had a phone and you bet your ass they would be watching or hearing about Trump's address.
No, but they are much smaller in numbers. They are not the main broadcasts that are on free television so they have less of an impact than three other outlets do. NBC, CBS, ABC are all lefty outfits that are watched and read by tens of millions more people, plus your local news often re-broadcasts their reporting.
I doubt 'free' TV is much of an influencer any more.
That is not true and you know it! We were discussing McConnell's aim to make Dumbama a one-term president, were we not?
I'm not sure 'we' were discussing anything (you may have to point me to the posts you mean)?

My point was this country was been spiraling down hill for quite awhile and it did not just start with the Dems vs Trump as Ray From Cleveland seemed to imply.
I'm not sure 'we' were discussing anything (you may have to point me to the posts you mean)?

My point was this country was been spiraling down hill for quite awhile and it did not just start with the Dems vs Trump as Ray From Cleveland seemed to imply.

I have no idea where you got that implication. Of course the country has been spiraling downhill for years now, but with the election of Dementia it put that spiral on steroids, especially with a commie Congress.
Don't you get tired of having to constantly bullshit to carry water for your Dear Leader?

Each and every protestor had a phone and you bet your ass they would be watching or hearing about Trump's address.

Trump was not required to address anybody. He had the Guard sent as soon as there was trouble. Impeachment is for treason, high crimes and misdemeanors. Tell us which impeachable offense Trump is guilty of.
Trump was not required to address anybody.
Yes he was, by the oath to his office the President of the United States of America has a DUTY to uphold the law and defend our vital institutions.

Him giving a public statement WAS NOT too much to ask for. Him refusing to do it defies any common sense and is why he got impeached.

You arguments are just pathetic denialism.
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Even Don Jr. didn't think that was anywhere near enough:


Why is it you think that all these Republican Trump allies and even Don Jr. clearly say you are wrong and that Trump didn't do nearly enough to stop the attack?

I'm going to go out on the limb and say it's because you are full of shit, doing what you are always doing - compromising yourself to carry water for a total degenerate like Trump just because he's got an R next to his name.

Even if he should have done more to try to stop the attack, that doesn't make him responsible for the attacks. I didn't hear you condemning Democrats for not doing enough to stop all the rioting in 2020. Most did nothing but stoke the fire with even more rhetoric, including Senator Harris, now VP.
Yes he was, by the oath to his office the President of the United States of America has a DUTY to uphold the law and defend our vital institutions.

Him giving a public statement WAS NOT too much to ask for. Him refusing to do it defies any common sense and is why he got impeached.

You arguments are just pathetic denialism.

It is Biden's duty as President of the United States not to leave Americans behind and not to empower our adversaries by leaving them military equipment. Biden refusing to listen to reason from military advisors with regards to his disaster of a withdrawal is an impeachable offense.

Will you be consistent with your arguments or not?

BTW, what happened on Jan. 6th was not even close to as consequential as the disaster of a withdrawal from Afghanistan and the future consequences.
Yes he was, by the oath to his office the President of the United States of America has a DUTY to uphold the law and defend our vital institutions.

Him giving a public statement WAS NOT too much to ask for. Him refusing to do it defies any common sense and is why he got impeached.

You arguments are just pathetic denialism.
that does mean he had to give an address to the nation…

additionally he has no jurisdiction on cap hill, he could only sent troops in if nancy and company gave permission
Even if he should have done more to try to stop the attack, that doesn't make him responsible for the attacks

Belive it or not but people are not stupid and understand that there is a REASON he broke his oath of office and refused pleads for him to intervene as his Trumptards were commiting the attack in his name.

He is an insane, selfish fuck who can never be trusted with the high office and thats exactly why even some Republicans voted to impeach him at great political cost to themselves.
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Belive it or not but people are not stupid and understand that there is a REASON he broke his oath of office and refused pleads for him to intervene as his Trumptards were commiting the attack in his name.

He is an insane, selfish fuck who can never be trusted with the high office and thats exactly why even some Republicans voted to impeach him at great political cost to themselves.

First off, in general, people are stupid and/or ignorant, which explains any support for the current administration. Secondly, the only Republicans that voted to impeach him are well-known RINOs and one with a personal vendetta(Romney).

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