This Must Be A Joke.....Look At All Of The Media Present To Watch An Autistic 16 yr Old Read A Story

Mudwhistle you show your ignorance when the best you can do is name call. Come on man you've been on this site a long time and you haven't learned much it seems. Are you just a troll? Counter her points if you can. If you can't give it up.

Oceans and ice are absorbing the brunt of climate change

Climate change - BBC News
So what?
The climate of the planet has flipped from warm to cold repeatedly over its life.
Humans will adapt or die off.

Hardly the end of the Earth.

To add. They are not her points, but the ones she was told to repeat.
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WTF is wrong with these people? Hundreds of members of the media are in rapt awe at this silly little autistic girl reading from a piece of paper. Just watch this video. Tell me that this isn't some kind of sick joke. It's clear now that this girls family is a bunch of actors, and she is no exception.
It's clear her handler was hired by George Soros. So keep this in mind when you hear the fantasy that she reads from her prepared script:

What's this got to do with 'Humor"? Mocking a child for autism(don't even know if that's true) is a pretty sick.

And thus you show the main point of this fairytale.....this little girl is being abused by her handlers and this joke is being passed off as being genuine.
Don't give a damn about your excuse. You've been reported for inappropriate posting.

Good. Now get the fuck outta here.
Uhh..., NO!
WTF is wrong with these people? Hundreds of members of the media are in rapt awe at this silly little autistic girl reading from a piece of paper. Just watch this video. Tell me that this isn't some kind of sick joke. It's clear now that this girls family is a bunch of actors, and she is no exception.
It's clear her handler was hired by George Soros. So keep this in mind when you hear the fantasy that she reads from her prepared script:

What's this got to do with 'Humor"? Mocking a child for autism(don't even know if that's true) is a pretty sick.

And thus you show the main point of this fairytale.....this little girl is being abused by her handlers and this joke is being passed off as being genuine.
Don't give a damn about your excuse. You've been reported for inappropriate posting.

Good. Now get the fuck outta here.
Uhh..., NO!

Well then contribute to the discussion or feel free to leave.
What's this got to do with 'Humor"? Mocking a child for autism(don't even know if that's true) is a pretty sick.
And thus you show the main point of this fairytale.....this little girl is being abused by her handlers and this joke is being passed off as being genuine.
Don't give a damn about your excuse. You've been reported for inappropriate posting.
Good. Now get the fuck outta here.
Uhh..., NO!
Well then contribute to the discussion or feel free to leave.
No need. Got your thread moved, as it was in the wrong forum. Have a nice day.
And thus you show the main point of this fairytale.....this little girl is being abused by her handlers and this joke is being passed off as being genuine.
Don't give a damn about your excuse. You've been reported for inappropriate posting.
Good. Now get the fuck outta here.
Uhh..., NO!
Well then contribute to the discussion or feel free to leave.
No need. Got your thread moved, as it was in the wrong forum. Have a nice day.
Well thanks and buh-bye.
WTF is wrong with these people?

Hundreds of members of the media are in rapt awe at this silly little autistic girl reading from a piece of paper.

Just watch this video. Tell me that this isn't some kind of sick joke.

It's clear now that this girls family is a bunch of actors, and she is no exception.
It's clear her handler was hired by George Soros.
So keep this in mind when you hear the fantasy that she reads from her prepared script:

I understand there is a help line for people like you triggered by a 16 year old girl.
WTF is wrong with these people?

Hundreds of members of the media are in rapt awe at this silly little autistic girl reading from a piece of paper.

Just watch this video. Tell me that this isn't some kind of sick joke.

It's clear now that this girls family is a bunch of actors, and she is no exception.
It's clear her handler was hired by George Soros.
So keep this in mind when you hear the fantasy that she reads from her prepared script:

I understand there is a help line for people like you triggered by a 16 year old girl.

Being triggered is what happened with that kid from Covington.
I simply pointed what should be obvious. bottom feeders aren't concerned with the message (which is rubbish) as much as you are concerned with who is delivering the message. The focus should be on the sociopathic individuals who propped this sick girl up and fed her mind full of excrement....knowing that her rantings are full of holes. Ask yourself why a rational person needs to give leave of their senses just because an Autism patient is depressed about the environment.
Now it all makes sense.
The first time I saw this girl I was surprised by how belligerent, borderline abusive and intense she was while speaking and when replying to others.
To the those on the left who support this girl speaking - you are insensitive and are supporting the abuse of a mentally handicapped person in order to parrot a point.
A person with Asperger syndrome, particularly when accompanied by OCD, experiences intense anxiety and hypersensitivity when upset. At the same time, they cannot properly understand the reaction of others and how that relates to what they are upset about.... therefore they get very stressed, almost manic when speaking.
This is absolutely abusive.
Now it all makes sense.
The first time I saw this girl I was surprised by how belligerent, borderline abusive and intense she was while speaking and when replying to others.
To the those on the left who support this girl speaking - you are insensitive and are supporting the abuse of a mentally handicapped person in order to parrot a point.
A person with Asperger syndrome, particularly when accompanied by OCD, experiences intense anxiety and hypersensitivity when upset. At the same time, they cannot properly understand the reaction of others and how that relates to what they are upset about.... therefore they get very stressed, almost manic when speaking.
This is absolutely abusive.
WTF is wrong with these people? Hundreds of members of the media are in rapt awe at this silly little autistic girl reading from a piece of paper. Just watch this video. Tell me that this isn't some kind of sick joke. It's clear now that this girls family is a bunch of actors, and she is no exception.
It's clear her handler was hired by George Soros. So keep this in mind when you hear the fantasy that she reads from her prepared script:

What's this got to do with 'Humor"? Mocking a child for autism(don't even know if that's true) is a pretty sick.

And thus you show the main point of this fairytale.....this little girl is being abused by her handlers and this joke is being passed off as being genuine.
Don't give a damn about your excuse. You've been reported for inappropriate posting.

reported to who?....the vice principal?....
I'm deeply concerned over what the left is putting this retarded, Nazi bitch through! :mad:
That must be a parody.
So they put this girl up there....and she pisses herself and has a predictable nobody say nothing about it.

Just turn off all your HVAC and pour sugar in your gastanks. No more fossil fuels for the masses. Because that's what the is girl is screaming about. Only rich can have this stuff, cuz that's what she says.
WTF is wrong with these people? Hundreds of members of the media are in rapt awe at this silly little autistic girl reading from a piece of paper. Just watch this video. Tell me that this isn't some kind of sick joke. It's clear now that this girls family is a bunch of actors, and she is no exception.
It's clear her handler was hired by George Soros. So keep this in mind when you hear the fantasy that she reads from her prepared script:

What's this got to do with 'Humor"? Mocking a child for autism(don't even know if that's true) is a pretty sick.

And thus you show the main point of this fairytale.....this little girl is being abused by her handlers and this joke is being passed off as being genuine.
Don't give a damn about your excuse. You've been reported for inappropriate posting.

reported to who?....the vice principal?....

The Geztapo..
WTF is wrong with these people? Hundreds of members of the media are in rapt awe at this silly little autistic girl reading from a piece of paper. Just watch this video. Tell me that this isn't some kind of sick joke. It's clear now that this girls family is a bunch of actors, and she is no exception.
It's clear her handler was hired by George Soros. So keep this in mind when you hear the fantasy that she reads from her prepared script:

What's this got to do with 'Humor"? Mocking a child for autism(don't even know if that's true) is a pretty sick.

And thus you show the main point of this fairytale.....this little girl is being abused by her handlers and this joke is being passed off as being genuine.
Don't give a damn about your excuse. You've been reported for inappropriate posting.

Good. Now get the fuck outta here.
Uhh..., NO!

Can't you find a website full of butthurt pussies to hang out on so you can be with your kind? Try Facebook.
Mudwhistle you show your ignorance when the best you can do is name call. Come on man you've been on this site a long time and you haven't learned much it seems. Are you just a troll? Counter her points if you can. If you can't give it up.

Oceans and ice are absorbing the brunt of climate change

Climate change - BBC News
Here the counter-point.

Turn off the main breaker to your house.
Sell yor car.
Start walking.
Stop watching TV
Stop using cell phones.

Leave the oil and coal in the ground.

That is the only thing that will satisfy her or her handlers....
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What's this got to do with 'Humor"? Mocking a child for autism(don't even know if that's true) is a pretty sick.
And thus you show the main point of this fairytale.....this little girl is being abused by her handlers and this joke is being passed off as being genuine.
Don't give a damn about your excuse. You've been reported for inappropriate posting.
Good. Now get the fuck outta here.
Uhh..., NO!
Can't you find a website full of butthurt pussies to hang out on so you can be with your kind? Try Facebook.
Democratic Underground
WTF is wrong with these people?

Hundreds of members of the media are in rapt awe at this silly little autistic girl reading from a piece of paper.

Just watch this video. Tell me that this isn't some kind of sick joke.

It's clear now that this girls family is a bunch of actors, and she is no exception.
It's clear her handler was hired by George Soros.
So keep this in mind when you hear the fantasy that she reads from her prepared script:

Knowing democrats, those idiot parents better not leave her alone in the company of left wing males.......
WTF is wrong with these people?

Hundreds of members of the media are in rapt awe at this silly little autistic girl reading from a piece of paper.

Just watch this video. Tell me that this isn't some kind of sick joke.

It's clear now that this girls family is a bunch of actors, and she is no exception.
It's clear her handler was hired by George Soros.
So keep this in mind when you hear the fantasy that she reads from her prepared script:

I understand there is a help line for people like you triggered by a 16 year old girl.

We all have been educatged whether right or wrong. She is a spoiled westerner. Giving her a year of working in an Asian slave labor factory with people her own age making products for those westerners as she is, will give her a broader view of reality.

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