This Must Be A Joke.....Look At All Of The Media Present To Watch An Autistic 16 yr Old Read A Story

Looking at the award ceremony crowd...obviously some seriously wealthy people there.
I would wager the carbon footprint of those several hundred people, are more than 10 times the average person. At least.
Hypocrisy at it's finest.
WTF is wrong with these people?

Hundreds of members of the media are in rapt awe at this silly little autistic girl reading from a piece of paper.

Just watch this video. Tell me that this isn't some kind of sick joke.

It's clear now that this girls family is a bunch of actors, and she is no exception.
It's clear her handler was hired by George Soros.
So keep this in mind when you hear the fantasy that she reads from her prepared script:

I understand there is a help line for people like you triggered by a 16 year old girl.

Did you call that help line when the Covington kids triggered you?

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