This offends me also

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
It should offend everyone.

[ame=]Sen. Paul Defends Apple Against HSGAC Subcommittee - 05/21/2013 PART 1 - YouTube[/ame]
True, but it'd have been nice if McConnell sat down with Bacus to cut the corp tax code and limit advantages to overseas. Apple probably would actually be for that.

But instead we get dog and pony shows over .... benghazi.
True, but it'd have been nice if McConnell sat down with Bacus to cut the corp tax code and limit advantages to overseas. Apple probably would actually be for that.

But instead we get dog and pony shows over .... benghazi.

Funny how you deflect even when you know they are wrong.
Apple offends me for a lot of reasons.
One of them isn't their abuses of tax law.
That is the voters' fault for electing scumballs.
Apple offends me for a lot of reasons.
One of them isn't their abuses of tax law.
That is the voters' fault for electing scumballs.

They abuse tax laws? Aren't the tax laws over 18? Do they lock them in the basement and beat them with a rubber hose?
Apple offends me for a lot of reasons.
One of them isn't their abuses of tax law.
That is the voters' fault for electing scumballs.

They abuse tax laws? Aren't the tax laws over 18? Do they lock them in the basement and beat them with a rubber hose?

Okay. You got me on that one. -----------:cool:

Not a fan of cheap Asian labor or of open borders.
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Apple offends me for a lot of reasons.
One of them isn't their abuses of tax law.
That is the voters' fault for electing scumballs.

They abuse tax laws? Aren't the tax laws over 18? Do they lock them in the basement and beat them with a rubber hose?

Okay. You got me on that one. -----------:cool:

Not a fan of cheap Asian labor or of open borders. you never shop at Wal-Mart/Cosco/Target/Old Navy/American Eagle/Nike...let's see...
I find him offensive too.

This is constant refrain from Republicans, who then blame the supposedly high U.S. corporate tax rate for discouraging job creation. But as we’ve noted time and time again, while the U.S. has a high statutory corporate tax rate (meaning the rate on paper), U.S. corporations actually pay incredibly low taxes due to the ever-proliferating loopholes, credits, and deductions in the tax code and the use of overseas tax havens.

U.S. corporate taxes that were actually paid (the effective rate) fell to a 40 year low of 12.1 percent in fiscal year 2011, despite corporate profits rebounding to their pre-Great Recession heights. The U.S. both taxes its corporations less and raises less in revenue from corporate taxes than its foreign competitors:

Reality Check: Effective U.S. Corporate Tax Rate Much Lower Than Most Other Developed Nations | ThinkProgress
Kind of understand what he was saying but....

I couldn't pay attention because that blonde behind him is SMOKING HOT!!!

Well, yeah, but the effective rates are often low because the work's done elsewhere, eg apple.

I'd gladly have no corp taxes if it added jobs and we taxed passive income as ordinary and eliminated loopholes.
They abuse tax laws? Aren't the tax laws over 18? Do they lock them in the basement and beat them with a rubber hose?

Okay. You got me on that one. -----------:cool:

Not a fan of cheap Asian labor or of open borders. you never shop at Wal-Mart/Cosco/Target/Old Navy/American Eagle/Nike...let's see...

I don't. I refuse to consciously give my money to China. BUY AMERICAN !!!
Congress questions apple for it's financial practices which can be used to minimize US taxes.

All conservatives lose their shit.
Apple offends me for a lot of reasons.
One of them isn't their abuses of tax law.
That is the voters' fault for electing scumballs.

It's not abuse of the tax law if the filings were perfectly legal.

Apple has a fiduciary responsibility to its shareholders to not overpay taxes.

The real issue is that we have a Byzantine tax code that even the overseers do not comprehend.
Damn...every once in a while someone comes along and says something so clearly right...and this is one of those times.
They abuse tax laws? Aren't the tax laws over 18? Do they lock them in the basement and beat them with a rubber hose?

Okay. You got me on that one. -----------:cool:

Not a fan of cheap Asian labor or of open borders. you never shop at Wal-Mart/Cosco/Target/Old Navy/American Eagle/Nike...let's see...

Not liking water doesn't mean one doesn't manage it somehow.

Wal Mart is the only one of those stores I've ever been in. There my purchases are pretty much limited to chewing gum, carbonated water and popsicles. My preference is to pay more for similarly cheap Asian goods in smaller stores where the owners and employees spend their money locally.
Okay. You got me on that one. -----------:cool:

Not a fan of cheap Asian labor or of open borders. you never shop at Wal-Mart/Cosco/Target/Old Navy/American Eagle/Nike...let's see...

Not liking water doesn't mean one doesn't manage it somehow.

Wal Mart is the only one of those stores I've ever been in. There my purchases are pretty much limited to chewing gum, carbonated water and popsicles. My preference is to pay more for similarly cheap Asian goods in smaller stores where the owners and employees spend their money locally.

IOW, you are a hypocrite.

But we already knew that. you never shop at Wal-Mart/Cosco/Target/Old Navy/American Eagle/Nike...let's see...

Not liking water doesn't mean one doesn't manage it somehow.

Wal Mart is the only one of those stores I've ever been in. There my purchases are pretty much limited to chewing gum, carbonated water and popsicles. My preference is to pay more for similarly cheap Asian goods in smaller stores where the owners and employees spend their money locally.

IOW, you are a hypocrite.

But we already knew that.

All he heard was a whooshing sound over his head, he is still look up at the sky trying to figure out what just flew by. you never shop at Wal-Mart/Cosco/Target/Old Navy/American Eagle/Nike...let's see...

Not liking water doesn't mean one doesn't manage it somehow.

Wal Mart is the only one of those stores I've ever been in. There my purchases are pretty much limited to chewing gum, carbonated water and popsicles. My preference is to pay more for similarly cheap Asian goods in smaller stores where the owners and employees spend their money locally.

IOW, you are a hypocrite.

But we already knew that.


No hypocrite here you stinking ****.

Someone as stupid as you should filter me.
Seriously, you are among the stupidest people posting here.

Scat. Do yourself a favor; join the emotional retards that filter me.
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