This "Perfect Storm" Putin Won't Survive

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
... He (Putin - AF) is a person who is a coward, who is a physical coward, that he constantly demonstrates, does not have the right to lead Russia. ... It's a shame. A person constantly shows himself as afraid of getting sick, dying, (afraid - AF) of assassination attempts. A man drinks from his own glass along with leaders who are not afraid and drink from served glasses.

A person constantly protects the places where he appears with bulletproof glass. A man puts on a spacesuit in a situation where everyone else even goes without masks ... He does not even understand that he looks like a coward and a scumbag

We are ruled by a miserable ruler ...."

This is an excerpt from today's stream of Igor Strelkov, one of the most popular opposition national-patriotic politicians in Russia.

I’m afraid this accusation that Putin is “a coward” has a hidden meaning coming from Igor Strelkov. Strelkov is a controversial rightwing nationalist who was active in military campaigns in Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. I don’t know if Western charges that he was involved in disappearances and murders in the Serbian civil war are true or not, but he has a long history of supporting Russian militarism.

Such criticism of Putin’s “cowardice” is likely to imply that Putin should more firmly stand up to the West, smash liberal democratic "traitors," etc. I myself can understand why Russian leaders and people might be angry at Western policies — like encouraging the coup in Ukraine and the seizure of Crimea. I don’t know enough about Strelkov to say more. Wanting Putin out is one thing. But knowing what might replace him is another. Perhaps the creator of this post could tell us more?
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Still Putin has an Iron grip on this country and he not about to let it go. As he can no longer be president as there is a limit. So either we will get it overthrown or will become the prime minister again. Trump complains about rig elections of the Venezuelan president but has nothing to say about how Putin wins even when his opponents are crying foul

2018 election had - Other examples from observers and social media included ballot boxes being stuffed with extra ballots in multiple regions; an election official assaulting an observer; CCTV cameras obscured by flags or nets from watching ballot boxes; discrepancies in ballot numbers; last-minute voter registration changes likely designed to boost turnout; and a huge pro-Putin sign in one polling station.

Yet Trump did not say a thing. Yet he easily has a different opinion of the Venezuelan election and has acted on it because Me like Putin and Me No like what his name.
... He (Putin - AF) is a person who is a coward, who is a physical coward, that he constantly demonstrates, does not have the right to lead Russia. ... It's a shame. A person constantly shows himself as afraid of getting sick, dying, (afraid - AF) of assassination attempts. A man drinks from his own glass along with leaders who are not afraid and drink from served glasses.

A person constantly protects the places where he appears with bulletproof glass. A man puts on a spacesuit in a situation where everyone else even goes without masks ... He does not even understand that he looks like a coward and a scumbag

We are ruled by a miserable ruler ...."

This is an excerpt from today's stream of Igor Strelkov, one of the most popular opposition national-patriotic politicians in Russia.

View attachment 318914
Who is Igor Strelkov and why does only appear wearing an invisibility suit in the public?
I’m afraid this accusation that Putin is “a coward” has a hidden meaning coming from Igor Strelkov. Strelkov is a controversial rightwing nationalist who was active in military campaigns in Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. I don’t know if Western charges that he was involved in disappearances and murders in the Serbian civil war are true or not, but he has a long history of supporting Russian militarism.

Such criticism of Putin’s “cowardice” is likely to imply that Putin should more firmly stand up to the West, smash liberal democratic "traitors," etc. I myself can understand why Russian leaders and people might be angry at Western policies — like encouraging the coup in Ukraine and the seizure of Crimea. I don’t know enough about Strelkov to say more. Wanting Putin out is one thing. But knowing what might replace him is another. Perhaps the creator of this post could tell us more?

Absolutely logical comment. Weighty arguments and counterarguments. I and you, both of us understand that all this is not about Putin, but about the social group that carried out a military coup with the support of the Clintons and shot from 4 to 8 thousand RUSSIAN national patriots — guys and girls (the numbers are still classified), seized power and dragged the most disgusting form of capitalism - predatory -into Russia. Yes, and not nationally Russian, as capitalism in Russia was until October 1917.

When we say Trump, we mean a social group of nationalist-patriotic capitalists who told the globalists: "Enough! Enough of speculating in money and real estate! Enough to inflate financial bubbles!"

When we say “Putin”, we are talking about a group of moral freaks who have robbed the indigenous peoples of Russia, brought out more than half of Russia's population BELOW the poverty line.

In a sense, what happened in America after 1978 also happened in Russia, when, as a result of the “boss rebellion”, a prosperous America with a strong and numerous middle class was taken away from us.

About Strelkov ... I KNOW him PERSONALLY. I know a lot from his life. A combat officer who never bowed to bullets. He was a volunteer n two wars. The question of “right” for “left” is a matter of mirror and reflection.

I even suggested Strelkov to publish his book here. I think in a month or two I will organize a stream with Strelkov. Stop throwing mud at this officer! Ask questions, look into the eyes of this person and draw conclusions ...

I SHARE and FULLY support his views, with the exception of his attitude to the Orthodox religion.

I still affirm that "Christianity" was an ALIEN religion to the Slavs. For two centuries, the Slavs sacrificed their lives, fighting against this religion.

Well, and WHO really was the so-called "Grand Duke Vladimir", and due to WHAT circumstances, he introduced Christianity through the most brutal violence in Russia - this is a separate story.

And it was not much different from the way both the Spaniards and our pioneers first converted the Indians to Christianity, and then hung, burned alive or threw them to be eaten by dogs fed with human meat.
Still Putin has an Iron grip on this country and he not about to let it go. As he can no longer be president as there is a limit. So either we will get it overthrown or will become the prime minister again. Trump complains about rig elections of the Venezuelan president but has nothing to say about how Putin wins even when his opponents are crying foul

2018 election had - Other examples from observers and social media included ballot boxes being stuffed with extra ballots in multiple regions; an election official assaulting an observer; CCTV cameras obscured by flags or nets from watching ballot boxes; discrepancies in ballot numbers; last-minute voter registration changes likely designed to boost turnout; and a huge pro-Putin sign in one polling station.

Yet Trump did not say a thing. Yet he easily has a different opinion of the Venezuelan election and has acted on it because Me like Putin and Me No like what his name.
Unlike the Venezuelan and Russian elections, yours doesn´t really offer a choice. It is just about what pig shits on you.
... He (Putin - AF) is a person who is a coward, who is a physical coward, that he constantly demonstrates, does not have the right to lead Russia. ... It's a shame. A person constantly shows himself as afraid of getting sick, dying, (afraid - AF) of assassination attempts. A man drinks from his own glass along with leaders who are not afraid and drink from served glasses.

A person constantly protects the places where he appears with bulletproof glass. A man puts on a spacesuit in a situation where everyone else even goes without masks ... He does not even understand that he looks like a coward and a scumbag

We are ruled by a miserable ruler ...."

This is an excerpt from today's stream of Igor Strelkov, one of the most popular opposition national-patriotic politicians in Russia.

View attachment 318914
Who is Igor Strelkov and why does only appear wearing an invisibility suit in the public?

Strelkov is an extremely popular person in Russia; he is supported by the masses. He is a threat to an organized ethnic crime group settled in the Kremlin. He is not allowed on television. His comments are not allowed to be published in newspapers. In general, everyone in Russia today openly directly speaks of a very imminent coup d'etat, the victim of which will be Putin and his childhood friends - billionaires.
... He (Putin - AF) is a person who is a coward, who is a physical coward, that he constantly demonstrates, does not have the right to lead Russia. ... It's a shame. A person constantly shows himself as afraid of getting sick, dying, (afraid - AF) of assassination attempts. A man drinks from his own glass along with leaders who are not afraid and drink from served glasses.

A person constantly protects the places where he appears with bulletproof glass. A man puts on a spacesuit in a situation where everyone else even goes without masks ... He does not even understand that he looks like a coward and a scumbag

We are ruled by a miserable ruler ...."

This is an excerpt from today's stream of Igor Strelkov, one of the most popular opposition national-patriotic politicians in Russia.

View attachment 318914
Who is Igor Strelkov and why does only appear wearing an invisibility suit in the public?

Strelkov is an extremely popular person in Russia, he is supported by the masses. He is a threat to an organized ethnic crime group in the Kremlin. He is not allowed on television. His comments are not allowed to be published in newspapers. In general, Russia directly speaks of a very imminent coup d'etat, the victim of which will be Putin and his childhood friends - billionaires.

... He (Putin - AF) is a person who is a coward, who is a physical coward, that he constantly demonstrates, does not have the right to lead Russia. ... It's a shame. A person constantly shows himself as afraid of getting sick, dying, (afraid - AF) of assassination attempts. A man drinks from his own glass along with leaders who are not afraid and drink from served glasses.

A person constantly protects the places where he appears with bulletproof glass. A man puts on a spacesuit in a situation where everyone else even goes without masks ... He does not even understand that he looks like a coward and a scumbag

We are ruled by a miserable ruler ...."

This is an excerpt from today's stream of Igor Strelkov, one of the most popular opposition national-patriotic politicians in Russia.

Who is Igor Strelkov and why does only appear wearing an invisibility suit in the public?

Strelkov is an extremely popular person in Russia, he is supported by the masses. He is a threat to an organized ethnic crime group in the Kremlin. He is not allowed on television. His comments are not allowed to be published in newspapers. In general, Russia directly speaks of a very imminent coup d'etat, the victim of which will be Putin and his childhood friends - billionaires. Although at this stage it will not be a “pro-socialist coup” in the sense of bringing social relations at least into line with the level of the social contract of the population with business in Germany. "
Still Putin has an Iron grip on this country and he not about to let it go. As he can no longer be president as there is a limit. So either we will get it overthrown or will become the prime minister again. Trump complains about rig elections of the Venezuelan president but has nothing to say about how Putin wins even when his opponents are crying foul

2018 election had - Other examples from observers and social media included ballot boxes being stuffed with extra ballots in multiple regions; an election official assaulting an observer; CCTV cameras obscured by flags or nets from watching ballot boxes; discrepancies in ballot numbers; last-minute voter registration changes likely designed to boost turnout; and a huge pro-Putin sign in one polling station.

Yet Trump did not say a thing. Yet he easily has a different opinion of the Venezuelan election and has acted on it because Me like Putin and Me No like what his name.

You are wrong. Putin constantly deceived the people. He promised not to raise the retirement age, to increase the welfare of people. And now, amid popular outrage, Putin has amended the Parliament with a proposal to “nullify” his previous presidential term to secure power to forever. It was already chutzpah. Against the background of the coronovirus, the country's economy “falls through” and the country is steadily slipping into a social explosion that will be used to replace one ruling elite with another. People can survive without money for a maximum of two months. And then he will go to rob and ruin public and private warehouses, banks, etc.

There are already three anti-Putin conspiratorial groups. One of them includes Moscow Mayor Sobyanin and Defense Minister Shoigu. Everyone is talking about it openly.

There are already three anti-Putin conspiratorial groups. One of them includes Moscow Mayor Sobyanin and Defense Minister Shoigu. Everyone is talking about this openly. Adjacent to another is Medvedev and the Chairman of the Duma. And in various regions of the Federation, acts of disobedience of local authorities in relation to the federal will start soon
... He (Putin - AF) is a person who is a coward, who is a physical coward, that he constantly demonstrates, does not have the right to lead Russia. ... It's a shame. A person constantly shows himself as afraid of getting sick, dying, (afraid - AF) of assassination attempts. A man drinks from his own glass along with leaders who are not afraid and drink from served glasses.

A person constantly protects the places where he appears with bulletproof glass. A man puts on a spacesuit in a situation where everyone else even goes without masks ... He does not even understand that he looks like a coward and a scumbag

We are ruled by a miserable ruler ...."

This is an excerpt from today's stream of Igor Strelkov, one of the most popular opposition national-patriotic politicians in Russia.

View attachment 318914
Who is Igor Strelkov and why does only appear wearing an invisibility suit in the public?

Strelkov is an extremely popular person in Russia; he is supported by the masses. He is a threat to an organized ethnic crime group settled in the Kremlin. He is not allowed on television. His comments are not allowed to be published in newspapers. In general, everyone in Russia today openly directly speaks of a very imminent coup d'etat, the victim of which will be Putin and his childhood friends - billionaires.
I see, just another folk hero who takes from the poor to give it the rich.
... He (Putin - AF) is a person who is a coward, who is a physical coward, that he constantly demonstrates, does not have the right to lead Russia. ... It's a shame. A person constantly shows himself as afraid of getting sick, dying, (afraid - AF) of assassination attempts. A man drinks from his own glass along with leaders who are not afraid and drink from served glasses.

A person constantly protects the places where he appears with bulletproof glass. A man puts on a spacesuit in a situation where everyone else even goes without masks ... He does not even understand that he looks like a coward and a scumbag

We are ruled by a miserable ruler ...."

This is an excerpt from today's stream of Igor Strelkov, one of the most popular opposition national-patriotic politicians in Russia.

View attachment 318914

Those points are not very convincing. A strongman by definition is a target for those that want change. Fearing assassination seems reasonable.
Alexandre Federovski,

Thank you for explaining further your views on Russia.

We don't often hear from genuine Russian nationalists on this message board. Of course there are many different kinds of "Russian nationalist," even among those who self-identify as "anti-Bolshevist" or even "Monarchist."

Non-Russian speakers like myself, and even Russians themselves, often are mystified as to what is happening or may happen to their huge country and to Russian culture, which certainly has been through terrible times and is still facing immense external and internal danger.

When I want to learn about popular Russian "national patriotic" thinking, movements and personalities, I have found the English language blog "TheSacker" indispensable. Not that I agree with it entirely, but I find it useful. It tends to be more sympathetic to Putin than our OP, trying to adopt what I guess it considers a "pragmatic" approach. I can say no more. Here is a link to it, which has much interesting reporting, and to an article from it quoting Strelkov from around 2013 or so.

... He (Putin - AF) is a person who is a coward, who is a physical coward, that he constantly demonstrates, does not have the right to lead Russia. ... It's a shame. A person constantly shows himself as afraid of getting sick, dying, (afraid - AF) of assassination attempts. A man drinks from his own glass along with leaders who are not afraid and drink from served glasses.

A person constantly protects the places where he appears with bulletproof glass. A man puts on a spacesuit in a situation where everyone else even goes without masks ... He does not even understand that he looks like a coward and a scumbag

We are ruled by a miserable ruler ...."

This is an excerpt from today's stream of Igor Strelkov, one of the most popular opposition national-patriotic politicians in Russia.

View attachment 318914
Who is Igor Strelkov and why does only appear wearing an invisibility suit in the public?

Strelkov is an extremely popular person in Russia; he is supported by the masses. He is a threat to an organized ethnic crime group settled in the Kremlin. He is not allowed on television. His comments are not allowed to be published in newspapers. In general, everyone in Russia today openly directly speaks of a very imminent coup d'etat, the victim of which will be Putin and his childhood friends - billionaires.
I see, just another folk hero who takes from the poor to give it the rich.
... He (Putin - AF) is a person who is a coward, who is a physical coward, that he constantly demonstrates, does not have the right to lead Russia. ... It's a shame. A person constantly shows himself as afraid of getting sick, dying, (afraid - AF) of assassination attempts. A man drinks from his own glass along with leaders who are not afraid and drink from served glasses.

A person constantly protects the places where he appears with bulletproof glass. A man puts on a spacesuit in a situation where everyone else even goes without masks ... He does not even understand that he looks like a coward and a scumbag

We are ruled by a miserable ruler ...."

This is an excerpt from today's stream of Igor Strelkov, one of the most popular opposition national-patriotic politicians in Russia.

View attachment 318914
Who is Igor Strelkov and why does only appear wearing an invisibility suit in the public?

Strelkov is an extremely popular person in Russia; he is supported by the masses. He is a threat to an organized ethnic crime group settled in the Kremlin. He is not allowed on television. His comments are not allowed to be published in newspapers. In general, everyone in Russia today openly directly speaks of a very imminent coup d'etat, the victim of which will be Putin and his childhood friends - billionaires.
I see, just another folk hero who takes from the poor to give it the rich.

And where did you get this from? These words could rather be attributed to me, one of the former leaders of the Moscow so-called democratic movement.

I advocated a mixed economy but WITHOUT large and extra-large corporations. It was me, those like me, who put Yeltsin in power. And he raised the floodgates and poured foreign capital into the country, which in a short time formed a system that, in some respects, is more disgusting, cynical and cruel than the destroyed Soviet Union.

Today, people miss that system as Americans miss the America of the Circle of Virtue, which existed before the infamous “boss rebellion”.

I believed the West really wanted to improve the lives of ordinary Russians. I was deceived. And I deceived hundreds of thousands of people who listened to my speeches at rallies and read the informal newspaper and analytical journal published by me. And they trusted me...

Igor Strelkov is a true Russian patriot. Warrior. Nowadays, he is a political leader whom the Kremlin’s cryptoneozionist regime “blocks” in every possible way. He doesn’t even have his own apartment ...

However, if Igor Strelkov agrees, I will organize a stream and you will be able to ask him questions personally.

But I warn the clones and spoilers: all sorts of provocative statements or questions will receive an exhaustive answer from me and be blocked.
Still Putin has an Iron grip on this country and he not about to let it go. As he can no longer be president as there is a limit. So either we will get it overthrown or will become the prime minister again. Trump complains about rig elections of the Venezuelan president but has nothing to say about how Putin wins even when his opponents are crying foul

2018 election had - Other examples from observers and social media included ballot boxes being stuffed with extra ballots in multiple regions; an election official assaulting an observer; CCTV cameras obscured by flags or nets from watching ballot boxes; discrepancies in ballot numbers; last-minute voter registration changes likely designed to boost turnout; and a huge pro-Putin sign in one polling station.

Yet Trump did not say a thing. Yet he easily has a different opinion of the Venezuelan election and has acted on it because Me like Putin and Me No like what his name.
Unlike the Venezuelan and Russian elections, yours doesn´t really offer a choice. It is just about what pig shits on you.

boo hoo hoo You heart my feeling with your lack of anything to say but if it makes you feel good, I am happy for you.

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