This Pride Sign Is at the Entrance of a WA School

"Sending your kid to public school is the equivalent to child abuse"

The actual TITLE of one of your threads


Explain how with lightening speed you want us child abusers to have guns

Were you BSing then?

Or are you BSing now?
Why do you support child abusers working in schools?

I do not and have consistently said this. Now since you have for years posted thread after thread hollering about how putting your child in public school is child abuse, why do you want to give the child abusers guns?

One more deflection and I will know you can't stand up to your own contradiction.
I do not and have consistently said this. Now since you have for years posted thread after thread hollering about how putting your child in public school is child abuse, why do you want to give the child abusers guns?

One more deflection and I will know you can't stand up to your own contradiction.
Funny you’ve got a perfect record of attacking the messenger who exposes child predators in education and never a bad word about the schools advocating it.
Okay done. You won't own up to your massive contradiction. Cowardly.
Like I said, I never said ALL.
I consistently point out the flaws of our political leaders too, yet few are more proud to be in America than I.

You simply are incapable of discernment.
Interesting how you ignore my question. IF YOUR CHILD ( OR A CHILD THAT YOU MIGHT HYPOTHETICALLY HAVE) WERE GAY OR TRANS AND YOU FOUND OUT...HOW WOULD YOU RSPOND? How would you handle it. Answer the question. Don't be a coward
I would be supportive of my child's feelings. I would tell my child that these feelings are sometimes temporary, especially in the young, but sometimes they last a lifetime. Clearly a person of an age that can be described as "child" is not ready to make a permanent decision based on feelings that may be temporary.

I would be non-judgmental, and explain the upsides and downsides of any choices that they are contemplating. I would particularly explain that there are adults who predate on children who express gay or trans feelings, just as there are who predate on heterosexual children, and so to let me know immediately if any adult wants to discuss sexuality with them. I would also make sure they understand that while passing of the AIDS virus through heterosexual intercourse is pretty rare in the United States, if he chooses to have sex with a male while playing a female role, that would be homosexual intercourse, not heterosexual, as even a poster like TheProgressivePatriot must surely agree.*

I would be very leery if an adult at school were influencing these choices in any way. I would visit the principal and insist that these conversations be left to parents and other family.

*I would request that you affirm that you agree with that so that I can show this post to any grandchildren who express that they are trans. As you know, there is some element of breaking with reality in the transgender movement, so I would want to make sure that is not taken too far.
I would be supportive of my child's feelings. I would tell my child that these feelings are sometimes temporary, especially in the young, but sometimes they last a lifetime. Clearly a person of an age that can be described as "child" is not ready to make a permanent decision based on feelings that may be temporary.

I would be non-judgmental, and explain the upsides and downsides of any choices that they are contemplating. I would particularly explain that there are adults who predate on children who express gay or trans feelings, just as there are who predate on heterosexual children, and so to let me know immediately if any adult wants to discuss sexuality with them. I would also make sure they understand that while passing of the AIDS virus through heterosexual intercourse is pretty rare in the United States, if he chooses to have sex with a male while playing a female role, that would be homosexual intercourse, not heterosexual, as even a poster like TheProgressivePatriot must surely agree.*

I would be very leery if an adult at school were influencing these choices in any way. I would visit the principal and insist that these conversations be left to parents and other family.

*I would request that you affirm that you agree with that so that I can show this post to any grandchildren who express that they are trans. As you know, there is some element of breaking with reality in the transgender movement, so I would want to make sure that is not taken too far.
Excellent answer. Thank you, Just a couple of things. I don't think that gay men play "the woman" Instead think "top and bottom"

As far as the school goes, I really do not think that anyone is trying to influence kids as far as sexual to orientation or gender goes. That is just conservative hysteria. But, it's ok if an individual parent asks the school not to have those discussions to the parent. I am, however, opposed to a blanket prohibition for all kids, many of which may not have a supportive parent.
Excellent answer. Thank you, Just a couple of things. I don't think that gay men play "the woman" Instead think "top and bottom"
I'm aware of that distinction, but I didn't express it well, my fault. I understand that trans =/= gay.

I didn't mean two gay men, I meant a transwoman and a man who enjoys sex with a cis male who enjoys sex with a transwoman. In the transwoman's mind, she is a woman having heterosexual sex with a man. But the AIDS virus can transmit just as easily as from a gay male top to a gay male bottom, if the sex between transwoman and cis man is anal sex.
As far as the school goes, I really do not think that anyone is trying to influence kids as far as sexual to orientation or gender goes. That is just conservative hysteria.
If it never happens, no one should be virulently opposed to banning it. Suppose some conservative PAC proposed banning exceeding the speed of light on federal highways. I could understand rolling your eyes and saying that law is not needed because that doesn't happen. But, would you get into the kind of twist that they left is getting into over banning discussing gender issues with third grade and below?

Why worry about a ban on that if it never happens, anyway?
But, it's ok if an individual parent asks the school not to have those discussions to the parent. I am, however, opposed to a blanket prohibition for all kids, many of which may not have a supportive parent.
I think I have an answer to that, but I prefer to give you the benefit of the doubt, so I'll ask this: How would you define "supportive parent," when it comes to a fourth grader who announces that they are transgender?
I didn't mean two gay men, I meant a transwoman and a man who enjoys sex with a cis male who enjoys sex with a transwoman. In the transwoman's mind, she is a woman having heterosexual sex with a man. But the AIDS virus can transmit just as easily as from a gay male top to a gay male bottom, if the sex between transwoman and cis man is anal sex.
I am a bit confused but this is what I do know. Some trans-people -men and women identify as gay and some consider themselves straight.

For instance, a trans woman may be attracted to ciswomen (or transwomen) and therefore she is a lesbian. If she is attracted to cismen (or transmen) She is straight

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