This "rigged election" stuff is a real shame.

I don't believe this election was rigged anymore than I believe Trump and Russia stole the 2016 election however I do find it amusing that many of the same people who pushed that in 2016 now seem to have an issue with silly election conspiracies being pushed which they didn't have in 2016 and beyond.
I dont think there was a grand conspiracy coordinated and directed by democrats in washington dc to steal the election

rather I think democrats are fundamentally dishonest when it comes to politics and do not need encouragement to cheat

so the fraud took place in 50 states and 100 major cities in dozens of different ways

and were largely enabled by the massive new mail in ballot boondoggle

Mail-in balloting isn't "new". It's been done since the Civil War. Donald Trump votes by mail-in ballot.

Yet there was absolutely no major election fraud found in any of the 50 states, or the 100 major cities. Not one Democrats has come forward to confess their crimes, or to provide evidence of this massive corruption of the election process.

William Barr sent out a memo to the Justice Department and Donald Trump signed an Executive Order giving the Justice Department broad powers to go after election fraud in the cities, and the Federal Prosecutors in every state was under orders to investigate every report of fraud in the election.

There were a handful of cases of the "dead" voting. Trump claimed 5000 "dead" people voting. The evidence was that 2 dead people voted - both votes were caught not counted, and both of these "dead" votes were for Trump.

I'll bet you think Obama was born in Kenya, and Hillary Clinton is a criminal, too.
Your opinion on issues that as a canadian are none of your business does not interest me

so buzz off
Did I say that? Nope. YOU did.
You almost never complain about biden

instead you are anti trump almost all the time

We almost never complain about Biden because what he is doing is helping, not harming the nation.

Everything that Trump did over the past 4 years was destructive, damaging, to the very democratic foundations of the nation. Yet you have NEVER complained about a single thing he did, because Trump demanded both obedience and blind loyalty.

He spent his Administration using the Justice Department to pursue and attack his "enemies", and the US Treasury to reward his friends. 500,000 dead, the economy destroyed, the nation in flames, 40,000 locked up in for profit prison camps. Lines at food banks stretching for miles.
Mail-in balloting isn't "new". It's been done since the Civil War. Donald Trump votes by mail-in ballot.

Yet there was absolutely no major election fraud found in any of the 50 states, or the 100 major cities. Not one Democrats has come forward to confess their crimes, or to provide evidence of this massive corruption of the election process.

William Barr sent out a memo to the Justice Department and Donald Trump signed an Executive Order giving the Justice Department broad powers to go after election fraud in the cities, and the Federal Prosecutors in every state was under orders to investigate every report of fraud in the election.

There were a handful of cases of the "dead" voting. Trump claimed 5000 "dead" people voting. The evidence was that 2 dead people voted - both votes were caught not counted, and both of these "dead" votes were for Trump.

I'll bet you think Obama was born in Kenya, and Hillary Clinton is a criminal, too.

You Nazis are such shameless liars.

Unrequested mail in ballots were a first this election.

Prior to the Great Fraud, one had to mail in a request for a mail in ballot.

You know this, but shamelessly lie because power to your Reich is the only thing you care about.
I think the problem is that Republicans have learned from Trump - learned that a freakshow gets more attention, and more votes, than sober policy proposals.
I don't believe this election was rigged anymore than I believe Trump and Russia stole the 2016 election however I do find it amusing that many of the same people who pushed that in 2016 now seem to have an issue with silly election conspiracies being pushed which they didn't have in 2016 and beyond.
I dont think there was a grand conspiracy coordinated and directed by democrats in washington dc to steal the election

rather I think democrats are fundamentally dishonest when it comes to politics and do not need encouragement to cheat

so the fraud took place in 50 states and 100 major cities in dozens of different ways

and were largely enabled by the massive new mail in ballot boondoggle

Mail-in balloting isn't "new". It's been done since the Civil War. Donald Trump votes by mail-in ballot.

Yet there was absolutely no major election fraud found in any of the 50 states, or the 100 major cities. Not one Democrats has come forward to confess their crimes, or to provide evidence of this massive corruption of the election process.

William Barr sent out a memo to the Justice Department and Donald Trump signed an Executive Order giving the Justice Department broad powers to go after election fraud in the cities, and the Federal Prosecutors in every state was under orders to investigate every report of fraud in the election.

There were a handful of cases of the "dead" voting. Trump claimed 5000 "dead" people voting. The evidence was that 2 dead people voted - both votes were caught not counted, and both of these "dead" votes were for Trump.

I'll bet you think Obama was born in Kenya, and Hillary Clinton is a criminal, too.

JUNK MAIL voting..
With the biased MSM ignorant people continue to compare "mail-in ballot" voting to "JUNK MAIL" voting.
I've voted in several elections via mail in ballots.
And the process requires matching signatures.
BUT JUNK MAIL voting mails without verification ballots to anyone on the voting registration, regardless that
national average that 10% of Americans move each year!

But of course dummies in the MSM and others, don't seem to comprehend that 10% of Americans move each year.

And that with the vast increase in JUNK MAIL voting, it required people with NO experience in signature verification
to do as this attached example of a voter's signature compared to his driver's license signature.
The primary criteria for comparing signatures is:

Mail-in ballots are pouring in by the millions to election offices across the country, getting stacked and prepared for processing. But before the count comes the signature test.
Election workers eyeball voter signatures on ballots one by one, comparing the loop of an “L” or the squiggle of an “S” against other samples of that person’s writing.
When performed by professionals in criminal cases or legal proceedings, signature verification can take hours. But election employees in many states must do the job in as little as five seconds.
In an election marked by uncertainty amid the pandemic, the signature verification process represents one of the biggest unknowns: whether a system riddled with vulnerabilities will work on such a massive scale.

A ballot signature that doesn’t match the one on the registration file, like the ones below, can lead to votes being thrown out or contested.

(Oregon Secretary of State Elections Division, Texas Civil Rights Project)
We almost never complain about Biden because what he is doing is helping, not harming the nation.
I was addressing that comment to MAC1958, who has few redeeming qualities

but he is qualified to vote in our elections and you are not

fortunately your opinion does not count

unfortunately his does
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I don't believe this election was rigged anymore than I believe Trump and Russia stole the 2016 election however I do find it amusing that many of the same people who pushed that in 2016 now seem to have an issue with silly election conspiracies being pushed which they didn't have in 2016 and beyond.
I dont think there was a grand conspiracy coordinated and directed by democrats in washington dc to steal the election

rather I think democrats are fundamentally dishonest when it comes to politics and do not need encouragement to cheat

so the fraud took place in 50 states and 100 major cities in dozens of different ways

and were largely enabled by the massive new mail in ballot boondoggle

Mail-in balloting isn't "new". It's been done since the Civil War. Donald Trump votes by mail-in ballot.

Yet there was absolutely no major election fraud found in any of the 50 states, or the 100 major cities. Not one Democrats has come forward to confess their crimes, or to provide evidence of this massive corruption of the election process.

William Barr sent out a memo to the Justice Department and Donald Trump signed an Executive Order giving the Justice Department broad powers to go after election fraud in the cities, and the Federal Prosecutors in every state was under orders to investigate every report of fraud in the election.

There were a handful of cases of the "dead" voting. Trump claimed 5000 "dead" people voting. The evidence was that 2 dead people voted - both votes were caught not counted, and both of these "dead" votes were for Trump.

I'll bet you think Obama was born in Kenya, and Hillary Clinton is a criminal, too.
Your opinion on issues that as a canadian are none of your business does not interest mem

so buzz off

You ignorant little pissant. I've been a member here since 2012. 7 years longer than you've been here a$$hat. You're in no position to tell me to do ANYTHING.

But thank you for admitting that you have nothing but lies to counter anything I post. You come here with your right wing conservative lies and bullshit and then have the balls to tell the truth tellers to "fuck off".

Everything has to be Trump's fault right?
Did I say that? Nope. YOU did. Yet your fellow Trumpster said it about Biden, and you're fine with that.

"The problems the nation is facing is of the imposter's own making, consequences of his disastrously failed policies", he said.

Another great example of why I no longer bother with you guys. Play with someone else. You're boring.

You have ZERO self-awareness, Nazi Mac.... :eek-52:
HOW can you have MORE votes than voters???
Nobody has ever answered this question yet, and even the journalists on TV were asking this question for a solid week when Biden "won"!!!!

We didn't.

In fact, 66% of eligible voters turned out for the election... which means that 34% of them stayed home. Which is kind of understandable. If you didn't live in a swing state, had no senate contest and your congressional candidate ran unopposed, what would be the point of voting? Yet millions of people did because they wanted to send a message they were sick of Trump's incompetence.
that doesn't mean counties didn't exceed their voter counts. fk I hate generalizations like you just posted. hilarious dude.
Mail-in balloting isn't "new". It's been done since the Civil War. Donald Trump votes by mail-in ballot.

Yet there was absolutely no major election fraud found in any of the 50 states, or the 100 major cities. Not one Democrats has come forward to confess their crimes, or to provide evidence of this massive corruption of the election process.

William Barr sent out a memo to the Justice Department and Donald Trump signed an Executive Order giving the Justice Department broad powers to go after election fraud in the cities, and the Federal Prosecutors in every state was under orders to investigate every report of fraud in the election.

There were a handful of cases of the "dead" voting. Trump claimed 5000 "dead" people voting. The evidence was that 2 dead people voted - both votes were caught not counted, and both of these "dead" votes were for Trump.

I'll bet you think Obama was born in Kenya, and Hillary Clinton is a criminal, too.

You Nazis are such shameless liars.

Unrequested mail in ballots were a first this election.

Prior to the Great Fraud, one had to mail in a request for a mail in ballot.

You know this, but shamelessly lie because power to your Reich is the only thing you care about.

Colorado has had unrequested mail-in ballots for decades, with no major fraud or problems, as has Florida.


Republicans have been promoting mail-in ballots to encourage their elderly voters to vote conveniently. In fact, Republicans have been getting elected for decades just on the strength of the mail-in ballot.

Now that Democrats have caught on to mail in ballotting, and Red State Republicans have continued to close polling stations in poor and minority neighbourhoods, Democrats are now voting by mail, so of course Republicans want to end it.

Republicans are trying to make it more and more difficult for the elderly and the poor Democrats to vote. They've closed over 1000 polling stations closed in the past 10 years, even as the populations have increased. They've gerrymandered House seats to that the Party chooses the voters, not the other way around.

Republicans can no longer win elections just on the angry white vote. Now they are trying to prevent "urban" voters from casting ballots, or undercounting those ballots.
As usual, when Conservatives don’t like the facts, they just create their own

How would you know, shitflinger?

When have you ever been in the same zip code as the facts? :dunno:

Hillary Clinton suggests 2016 election was ‘stolen’ from her | Washington Examiner
russia russia, come on, now that was legit, nudge nudge. Putin fired his lazer beams and changed peoples minds.

Shit dude, they're still talking about it on their own.
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Bear Witness Central?????

A thousand times better record of truthful reporting than the NY Times.

When are you Nazis going to learn, you have NO BASIS for impugning sources. The Reich media are straight up, flat out lying fucks.

Do you get a daily list of this shit when you report to work at the troll farm every day? How do you find these obscure cultist websites????

Must be getting harder and harder to find anything credible to fit your confirmation bias, now that website hosts are driving out the hackers and the propagandists.

I don't work off Beijing supplied talking points the way you Nazis do.

But seriously, it's FOUR FUCKING YEARS. You Nazi vermin pretend that you didn't do what you did EVERY FUCKING DAY for four years, you've erased the past because it doesn't serve the agenda of your Reich.

You're a bunch of frauds and fools. You have ZERO, and I mean ZERO, integrity. You lie about EVERYTHING, because only your Reich and power to the dictatorship you worship matters to you.
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Whether it is true or not, our officials should never give ANYONE a reason to think the (an) election is rigged.

Exactly what Republicans have been doing for the last six months.
Disrupting the Democratic process and trying to overturn the will of the violence if necessary
Lol. And the riots perpetrated by leftists don't count why?

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