This "rigged election" stuff is a real shame.

The problems the nation is facing is of the imposter's own making, consequences of his disastrously failed policies.
They all just popped up in the last couple of months, huh?

All those "policies" just jumped in there and fucked everything up right away.

Good gawd. I guess I should laugh, but this isn't funny. It's disturbing. You guys are just gone.

This mindset of yours only occurs when you're unwilling to place blame where it belongs. Everything has to be Trump's fault right?

Well, look at the border as a prime example. It wasn't like this in four years (and we now actually have kids in cages and crowded in a non-Covid compliant manner in small rooms). It took one picture (taken during Obama's term) to get liberals riled up about the humanity of our immigration process. But now, they can't be bothered.

The vaccines are Trump's achievement. He got the ball rolling and HE got it done in record time. Biden has got some enormous cajones to claim any credit for it.

Serious question:

Are you willing to give him credit for any good he did for this country?
Everything has to be Trump's fault right?
Did I say that? Nope. YOU did. Yet your fellow Trumpster said it about Biden, and you're fine with that.

"The problems the nation is facing is of the imposter's own making, consequences of his disastrously failed policies", he said.

Another great example of why I no longer bother with you guys. Play with someone else. You're boring.
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Everything has to be Trump's fault right?
Did I say that? Nope. Yet your fellow Trumpster said it about Biden, and you're fine with that.

"The problems the nation is facing is of the imposter's own making, consequences of his disastrously failed policies", he said.

Another great example of why I no longer bother with you guys. Play with someone else. You're boring.

But we weren't talking about Biden, were we?

Am I boring? Or am I striking a chord?
Everything has to be Trump's fault right?
Did I say that? Nope. YOU did. Yet your fellow Trumpster said it about Biden, and you're fine with that.

"The problems the nation is facing is of the imposter's own making, consequences of his disastrously failed policies", he said.

Another great example of why I no longer bother with you guys. Play with someone else. You're boring.

You're not fooling anyone, Mac. You are just as much an ideological fraud as Jake Starkey is.

Drop the act.
This is the problem, Joe. It is lecturing to the “white working people what is good for them.” No one wants to be lectured to. Dems need to refine their message to these folks.

I'm not sure what message would work. Now, for those playing along at home, I come from a Union family background. A lot of my relatives belong to the few unions we have left in this country. And yet they all voted for Trump because Trump appealed to their racism. Then they scratch their big monkey heads and wonder why their unions can't produce for them anymore. Most of them took big economic hits during the recession and TRUMP Plague, but they all are convinced Covid was a Chinese plot and a hoax.

The thing is, Democrats haven't won a majority of the White Vote since 1964. Everyone talks like Trump is this new wave of angry white people, but really, his percentage of the white vote was the same as Romney and McCain, and actually LESS than Reagan, Bush and Nixon.

This is why Stormy Mac's OP is kind of silly. Of course, it's easier to appeal to fear than hope. That's why the GOP is going to be with us even though all their ideas are bad and they consistently fuck things up.
he vaccines are Trump's achievement. He got the ball rolling and HE got it done in record time. Biden has got some enormous cajones to claim any credit for it.

Serious question:

Are you willing to give him credit for any good he did for this country?

Nope. Just like I'm not willing to give Hitler credit for the Autobahn and Single Payer Health Care.

The bad stuff he did far outweighed the "good".

The vaccines were an international effort... They might have even happened faster if Trump hadn't withdrawn from the WHO and other international bodies.

You really don't get credit for fixing something you screwed up to start with...

Except for Trump, who has made a career out of failing miserably and claiming success. This is a guy who lost money selling steaks and vodka.
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.

Yes, Biden is going full on crazy. We “Trumpsters” knew this was going to be the case, thus why we didn’t vote for the moron. Our country would be in MUCH better shape with Trump running it, even if you didn’t like his personality. Biden come across as a nice, yet demented, dimwitted, gullible puppet of the far-far left. Some of us had the foresight to see this coming. Others, like you, actually thought having a “meany” with solid pro-US policies in the Oval Office was worse than having a friendly nut with anti-US policies. To each his own.
HOW can you have MORE votes than voters???
Nobody has ever answered this question yet, and even the journalists on TV were asking this question for a solid week when Biden "won"!!!!

We didn't.

In fact, 66% of eligible voters turned out for the election... which means that 34% of them stayed home. Which is kind of understandable. If you didn't live in a swing state, had no senate contest and your congressional candidate ran unopposed, what would be the point of voting? Yet millions of people did because they wanted to send a message they were sick of Trump's incompetence.
the Republicans really don't have an intelligent position on most of those issues, because they are on the wrong side of popular opinion on them. Most Americans want immigration reform. Most Americans want sensible gun control. Most Americans wanted a bailout after TRUMP PLAUGE.
Open borders and a million shoeless peasants from Central America flooding into our country is your idea of immigration reform?

most Americans do not agree with that
He did not open the border. No real policy change has happened. That's just your party propaganda. They scare you with bullshit boogy men so they can continue to steer all the money to the one percenter. Mean while real issues are ignored. Yall talk about the deep state elites and turn around give them all the money and turn their work force into slaves. The tip ten percent makes 90 percent of the money and pays 20 percent of the taxes. But hey just keep being a fucking moron
The top 50 corporations in the US didn't pay a fucking nickel in income taxes last year....according to Biden.
How many of the owners/Ceos/major shareholders are fucking DEMOCRATS?
When is 'Bozzo' going to pay "his fair share"?
They want desperately to equate the two parties, to pretend the Dems behaved the same way as the Capitol Building-attacking domestic terrorists. That says a lot.
I'm pretty sure they are going to say that what happened, and is still happening, in Portland is worse. I agree with them. I don't expect or demand that you think the same way... But you seem to ignore the riots... I say again... You seem to have two different standards.

Have you noticed that I really only reply to you in this way... Is when you are being hypocritical?
In your mind, sure. Whatever you'd like.
You know it too. More often than not you don't say something off the wall stupid until someone else you believe is a Trumpster does.

Lets take this for example... Rather than talk about something that goes directly into what was quoted, you addressed my "attack".... You seem to want to upset people rather than talk about the very issue that you brought up.


What would you have said if I would have left the post with just this?

They want desperately to equate the two parties, to pretend the Dems behaved the same way as the Capitol Building-attacking domestic terrorists. That says a lot.
I'm pretty sure they are going to say that what happened, and is still happening, in Portland is worse. I agree with them. That says a lot.

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