This "rigged election" stuff is a real shame.

Whether it is true or not, our officials should never give ANYONE a reason to think the (an) election is rigged.

Exactly what Republicans have been doing for the last six months.
Disrupting the Democratic process and trying to overturn the will of the violence if necessary
Whether it is true or not, our officials should never give ANYONE a reason to think the (an) election is rigged.

Exactly what Republicans have been doing for the last six months.
Disrupting the Democratic process and trying to overturn the will of the violence if necessary
Glass houses. Edit: You are ABSOLUTELY welcome to ask for a link.
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.
Bill Maher's description of the Democrats way to "change America": "Eat in the bathroom and shit in the kitchen".

Bill Maher is hardly a barometer of Democrats. The guy is a total asshole. It strikes me that there are very good and valid reasons why he has never married. He's kind of the David Duke of Democrats. Yes, they'll take his money but he's odious.
Whether it is true or not, our officials should never give ANYONE a reason to think the (an) election is rigged.

Exactly what Republicans have been doing for the last six months.
Disrupting the Democratic process and trying to overturn the will of the violence if necessary
Glass houses. Edit: You are ABSOLUTELY welcome to ask for a link.

Which "Questionable Source", right wing hate site were you planning to link to?
The problems the nation is facing is of the imposter's own making, consequences of his disastrously failed policies.
They all just popped up in the last couple of months, huh?

All those Biden "policies" just jumped in there and fucked everything up right away.

Good gawd. I guess I should laugh, but this isn't funny. It's disturbing. You guys are just gone.

Go ahead and laugh - we do that at you all the time.
the Republicans really don't have an intelligent position on most of those issues, because they are on the wrong side of popular opinion on them. Most Americans want immigration reform. Most Americans want sensible gun control. Most Americans wanted a bailout after TRUMP PLAUGE.
Open borders and a million shoeless peasants from Central America flooding into our country is your idea of immigration reform?

most Americans do not agree with that
He did not open the border. No real policy change has happened. That's just your party propaganda. They scare you with bullshit boogy men so they can continue to steer all the money to the one percenter. Mean while real issues are ignored. Yall talk about the deep state elites and turn around give them all the money and turn their work force into slaves. The tip ten percent makes 90 percent of the money and pays 20 percent of the taxes. But hey just keep being a fucking moron
You wrote: "He did not open the border."
Biden's actual words: "Biden on 3/17/20
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, all those people seeking asylum they deserve to be heard, that's who we are, we are nation that says if you want to flee and you are fleeing oppression you should come."
I don't believe this election was rigged anymore than I believe Trump and Russia stole the 2016 election however I do find it amusing that many of the same people who pushed that in 2016 now seem to have an issue with silly election conspiracies being pushed which they didn't have in 2016 and beyond.
I dont think there was a grand conspiracy coordinated and directed by democrats in washington dc to steal the election

rather I think democrats are fundamentally dishonest when it comes to politics and do not need encouragement to cheat

so the fraud took place in 50 states and 100 major cities in dozens of different ways

and were largely enabled by the massive new mail in ballot boondoggle

Mail-in balloting isn't "new". It's been done since the Civil War. Donald Trump votes by mail-in ballot.

Yet there was absolutely no major election fraud found in any of the 50 states, or the 100 major cities. Not one Democrats has come forward to confess their crimes, or to provide evidence of this massive corruption of the election process.

William Barr sent out a memo to the Justice Department and Donald Trump signed an Executive Order giving the Justice Department broad powers to go after election fraud in the cities, and the Federal Prosecutors in every state was under orders to investigate every report of fraud in the election.

There were a handful of cases of the "dead" voting. Trump claimed 5000 "dead" people voting. The evidence was that 2 dead people voted - both votes were caught not counted, and both of these "dead" votes were for Trump.

I'll bet you think Obama was born in Kenya, and Hillary Clinton is a criminal, too.
The problems the nation is facing is of the imposter's own making, consequences of his disastrously failed policies.
They all just popped up in the last couple of months, huh?

All those Biden "policies" just jumped in there and fucked everything up right away.

Good gawd. I guess I should laugh, but this isn't funny. It's disturbing. You guys are just gone.

Go ahead and laugh - we do that at you all the time.

Do you laugh before or after you throw your monkey shit posts at the passing humans? Is it the maniacal laugh of the deluded fool, or the sneaky laugh of the guy who thinks he's putting one over on us?

Enquiring minds want to know why you're promoting right wing authoritarian lies Sleazy. You know just as well the rest of the world that the election wasn't stolen. Who pays you to undermine the American Democracy, Sleazy?
The problems the nation is facing is of the imposter's own making, consequences of his disastrously failed policies.
They all just popped up in the last couple of months, huh?

All those Biden "policies" just jumped in there and fucked everything up right away.

Good gawd. I guess I should laugh, but this isn't funny. It's disturbing. You guys are just gone.

Go ahead and laugh - we do that at you all the time.

Do you laugh before or after you throw your monkey shit posts at the passing humans? Is it the maniacal laugh of the deluded fool, or the sneaky laugh of the guy who thinks he's putting one over on us?

Enquiring minds want to know why you're promoting right wing authoritarian lies Sleazy. You know just as well the rest of the world that the election wasn't stolen. Who pays you to undermine the American Democracy, Sleazy?

The fact that you provide no rebuttle and only lecture someone outs you as a mentally lazy, arrogant, ignorant left winger.

That speaks volumes.

Thank you for the clarification.
What? Are you kidding?

Republicans have serious issues like:

A stolen election
Obamas Birth Certificate
Hillary running a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
Millions of illegal Mexicans voting in our elections
Jewish death rays from space
Oh B.S. Go troll somewhere else.
Are you denying those are Republican issues?


As usual, when Conservatives don’t like the facts, they just create their own
What? Are you kidding?

Republicans have serious issues like:

A stolen election
Obamas Birth Certificate
Hillary running a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
Millions of illegal Mexicans voting in our elections
Jewish death rays from space
Oh B.S. Go troll somewhere else.
Are you denying those are Republican issues?


As usual, when Conservatives don’t like the facts, they just create their own

What fact did I create ?

Even when there was stuff on birth certificates, I never read it.

It was never discussed anywhere but on this board (as far as circles I am involved in).

Those are my facts.

Bear Witness Central?????

Do you get a daily list of this shit when you report to work at the troll farm every day? How do you find these obscure cultist websites????

Must be getting harder and harder to find anything credible to fit your confirmation bias, now that website hosts are driving out the hackers and the propagandists.
What? Are you kidding?

Republicans have serious issues like:

A stolen election
Obamas Birth Certificate
Hillary running a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
Millions of illegal Mexicans voting in our elections
Jewish death rays from space
Oh B.S. Go troll somewhere else.
Are you denying those are Republican issues?


As usual, when Conservatives don’t like the facts, they just create their own

What fact did I create ?

Even when there was stuff on birth certificates, I never read it.

It was never discussed anywhere but on this board (as far as circles I am involved in).

Those are my facts.
Birth Certificates were very big with Republicans in 2012 when Obama was running for a second term. Republican State Legislatures passed laws requiring candidates to show a birth certificate.
They lost interest four years later when Canadian Ted Cruz was running.
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.
Yep. We need a conservative alternative. We need Trumpsters to go away.

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