This "rigged election" stuff is a real shame.

Well, stealing elections has conseqences.
It’s funny you all keep pretending Biden’s “win” is legitimate, yet the Democrats are acting like they stole it. They want to pack the courts, add new blue states, scream about new voter ID laws, ..because they know they can’t win legitimately. Otherwise, if they weren’t a bunch of thieves, why act like it?
You guys are horrible losers.

Not exactly a shock, of course.
We’ve lost elections before, but in this one the numbers just don’t add up. It reeks of being rigged.
I am NOT surprised at your presentations. My only question is the source of your statistics. Can you provide links?
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Even before Trump came on the scene, folks did not trust the institutions of power any longer.

Trump was a symptom, not a cause. If you deny this?

Not at all. It's a point I've often made myself. But we need intelligent, moral leaders, not symptoms.
so putting a 47 year symptom in office is rather stupid. you have no right to touch any moral ground here.
I have every right. I didn't vote for Biden. If you voted for Trump, you put that shitstain in office.
I'd vote for trump every time he ran. He don't take no demofk shit. and that my friend is glorious. fk all demofks. they hate my country.

but please don't tell me a 47 year politician is in favor of my country, when the man hasn't done one fking thing in that time, fk that.

I'm not telling you that. I'm telling you that the dumb motherfuckers who are mired in the "lesser-of-two-evils" partisan death march aren't "part" of the problem. They ARE the problem.
the corrupt dem politicians love their blind sheep

Most politicians love blind sheep. It's how they ply their trade.
Great. When can we expect some arrests?

When we restore the system of justice to this nation.

At the moment, the Nazi party is completely immune to all laws.

Guess who STILL isn't in jail?


Seattle's CHAZ Gains First Feudal Warlord, Takes Steps to Become Rogue State – PJ Media

He was acting on orders of the democrat party - simple fact
I'm not telling you that. I'm telling you that the dumb motherfuckers who are mired in the "lesser-of-two-evils" partisan death march aren't "part" of the problem. They ARE the problem.

Trump was the most LIBERTARIAN president this nation has EVER had. Less of two evils my ass, Herr Black. Trump was a breath of good, for the first time since Reagan.

But hey, at least your Gestapo is kicking in the doors of political enemies - your Reich has power - and that's what you care about.
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.

Fuck you're dumb, and so dishonest. Let's review.

Trump elected, PROGS cry and spend the next four years LYING about Trump, denying his accomplishments and sucking off Democrat scum.

Biden is appointed and what do guys like Mac do? Ah shucks, can't we just work together?

Yes, let's review:

Trump was elected with help from the Russians, and spent the next four years doing destroying the nation, leaving it literally in flames of riot, insurrection, with more than 500,000 Americans dead, nearly 10 million more sick with covid, the economy collapsed, massive unemployment, and 8 million people having fallen into poverty. The USA's standing with other nations have been destroyed, and many countries refuse to enter into negotiations on ANY deals with you because Trump will just rip them up if he's re-elected.

Did you honestly expect ANYONE in the world to cheer for his corruption, his dishonesty or his gross incompetence? He was impeached for good and valid reasons. Republicans refused to convict Trump, despite admitting his guilt in both trials, saying the American people should be allowed to vote and decide.

Well the American people voted like they've voted before to get rid of this asshat, and Trump mounted an insurrection to overthrow the election.

Fuck you and your revisionist lies about the worst American President in history.


Still vomiting your long debunked conspiracy theory while shrieking at those who question the irregularities of the 2020 fiasco....
We now know that Joe Biden

And by that, you mean your masters made up some stupid shit, and told you to vomit it back here. You obeyed because that's what fascist pissants do.

So, on a scale of 10 to 10, how much does it bother you that everyone correctly classifies you as a fascist weenie? And how much does it bother you that everyone laughs at your dumb propaganda?

It must suck hard to be a Trump cultist. They've all devoted years of their lives to their pedofascist party, hoping to achieve authoritarian utopia, but that's all slipping away from them now. Their cult is despised by everyone, and their pedopals and brownshirt heroes are all going to jail. No wonder they're always so grumpy.

Trump cultists, mabye try a new whine now. Do what the fascist election-stealers in congress are doing -- whimper about how President Biden isn't bipartisan enough because he's doing what he was elected to do instead of what Republicans want to do. That's right, backing a fascist coup against democracy was no biggee, so President Biden shouldn't hold that against Republicans.

Ohhh look, dishonest editing by a Nazi - I'm shocked. I mean you Nazis are so dedicated to the truth - well, actually you're dedicated to eradicating the truth.

I get it though Nazi bitch, you can't deal with facts. You just go with the;


That is so popular with 3rd graders and you Nazi twats.
The Gateway Pundit is an "Questionable Source" and nothing they publish in regard to the 2020 election has been proven to be anything but completely false.


Well, there is nothing "questionable" about CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, WaPo, PolitiFraud, MediaBiasCheck, or the rest of the Reich propaganda corps. The Reich press is a bucket of festering shit. They will lie about what day it is to serve the Reich.
In both cases, when there was a recount, they accepted results.

What's your problem...why can't you accept that


Oh yeah, Gore was a candidate, Franken was a candidate....Trump is a cult leader. You can't disappoint your master.

I saw a poker game once where a man won a hand with 5 aces. They recounted and he still had 5 aces, so it couldn't be cheating....

For someone to believe that the filthy ass Democrats did not use the scam of fraudulent unverified mail in ballots and harvested ballots being counted in Democrat controlled swing districts means that they think the Democrats are honest. Can you imagine somebody being so stupid as to think the Democrats are honest???? LOL. That level of stupidity boggles the mind, doesn't it?

The Moon Bats all know the Democrat filth stole the election the same as us Americans but they just don't give a shit because they want the US to be a Socialist shithole.
So now Dominion is in the clear, I doubt you will get a cease and desist letter here.
What? Are you kidding?

Republicans have serious issues like:

A stolen election
Obamas Birth Certificate
Hillary running a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
Millions of illegal Mexicans voting in our elections
Jewish death rays from space
Oh B.S. Go troll somewhere else.
Are you denying those are Republican issues?


As usual, when Conservatives don’t like the facts, they just create their own

What fact did I create ?

Even when there was stuff on birth certificates, I never read it.

It was never discussed anywhere but on this board (as far as circles I am involved in).

Those are my facts.
Birth Certificates were very big with Republicans in 2012 when Obama was running for a second term. Republican State Legislatures passed laws requiring candidates to show a birth certificate.
They lost interest four years later when Canadian Ted Cruz was running.

Never paid any attention to it.

Trump was pushing this in 2012.

It was stupid then.

It is stupid now.
Who cares what you believe?

I made the statement that Republicans created an issue over Birth Certificates.....they did

It was never a central issue.

Quit lying.

Birtherism was a central issue to Trump
Also to Republican State Legislatures who rushed to invoke a Birth Certificate as a requirement to be on the ballot in 2012

It was no longer a central issue for Republicans in 2016 when Obama was not running and Canadian born Ted Cruz was

To Trump maybe......

It was never an issue in any of the circles I am a part of. Never.

The legislatures were just playing to their base and trying to look like they actually gave a rat's rear end.
Yup...playing to the base

That is why we see stories about Birtherism, Hillary running child sex rings, Stolen elections, millions of illegals voting

Doesnt say much for the base
And that, as much as anything else, is the problem.

This has never been about Trump himself.

That is hysterical coming from you.

Especially, following two stupid and failed attempts at removing Trump from office or affecting him otherwise.

You are a laughingstock.
What? Are you kidding?

Republicans have serious issues like:

A stolen election
Obamas Birth Certificate
Hillary running a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
Millions of illegal Mexicans voting in our elections
Jewish death rays from space
Oh B.S. Go troll somewhere else.
Are you denying those are Republican issues?


As usual, when Conservatives don’t like the facts, they just create their own

What fact did I create ?

Even when there was stuff on birth certificates, I never read it.

It was never discussed anywhere but on this board (as far as circles I am involved in).

Those are my facts.
Birth Certificates were very big with Republicans in 2012 when Obama was running for a second term. Republican State Legislatures passed laws requiring candidates to show a birth certificate.
They lost interest four years later when Canadian Ted Cruz was running.

Never paid any attention to it.

Trump was pushing this in 2012.

It was stupid then.

It is stupid now.
Who cares what you believe?

I made the statement that Republicans created an issue over Birth Certificates.....they did

It was never a central issue.

Quit lying.

Birtherism was a central issue to Trump
Also to Republican State Legislatures who rushed to invoke a Birth Certificate as a requirement to be on the ballot in 2012

It was no longer a central issue for Republicans in 2016 when Obama was not running and Canadian born Ted Cruz was

To Trump maybe......

It was never an issue in any of the circles I am a part of. Never.

The legislatures were just playing to their base and trying to look like they actually gave a rat's rear end.
Yup...playing to the base

That is why we see stories about Birtherism, Hillary running child sex rings, Stolen elections, millions of illegals voting

Doesnt say much for the base
And that, as much as anything else, is the problem.

This has never been about Trump himself.

Until it becomes convenient.

But for the most part you are correct.

You've completely missed what it was about.
For someone to believe that the filthy ass Democrats did not use the scam of fraudulent unverified mail in ballots and harvested ballots being counted in Democrat controlled swing districts means that they think the Democrats are honest. Can you imagine somebody being so stupid as to think the Democrats are honest???? LOL. That level of stupidity boggles the mind, doesn't it?

The Moon Bats all know the Democrat filth stole the election the same as us Americans but they just don't give a shit because they want the US to be a Socialist shithole.
So now Dominion is in the clear, I doubt you will get a cease and desist letter here.
So where is your proof Dominion is in the clear? Where are the links? Now here are mine:
I've done a search and have not found any links supporting your "now Dominion is in the clear".
Please provide the source of your statement.
For someone to believe that the filthy ass Democrats did not use the scam of fraudulent unverified mail in ballots and harvested ballots being counted in Democrat controlled swing districts means that they think the Democrats are honest. Can you imagine somebody being so stupid as to think the Democrats are honest???? LOL. That level of stupidity boggles the mind, doesn't it?

The Moon Bats all know the Democrat filth stole the election the same as us Americans but they just don't give a shit because they want the US to be a Socialist shithole.
So now Dominion is in the clear, I doubt you will get a cease and desist letter here.
So where is your proof Dominion is in the clear? Where are the links? Now here are mine:
I've done a search and have not found any links supporting your "now Dominion is in the clear".
Please provide the source of your statement.
The statements of the thread are the proof that a different tactic must now be used...Go away or prove that Dominion did admit they had corruptible machines in operation.
The crazy hate everyone who doesn't think the way you do is difficult to escape, Hard to not get angry when some one calls you an ignorant commie Nazis baby killer illegal lover. Or a ignorant redneck raciest woman hating money grubbing idol ass kisser. But here we are, busy destroying America.
What? Are you kidding?

Republicans have serious issues like:

A stolen election
Obamas Birth Certificate
Hillary running a child sex ring out of a Pizza Parlor
Millions of illegal Mexicans voting in our elections
Jewish death rays from space
Oh B.S. Go troll somewhere else.
Are you denying those are Republican issues?


As usual, when Conservatives don’t like the facts, they just create their own

What fact did I create ?

Even when there was stuff on birth certificates, I never read it.

It was never discussed anywhere but on this board (as far as circles I am involved in).

Those are my facts.
Birth Certificates were very big with Republicans in 2012 when Obama was running for a second term. Republican State Legislatures passed laws requiring candidates to show a birth certificate.
They lost interest four years later when Canadian Ted Cruz was running.

Never paid any attention to it.

Trump was pushing this in 2012.

It was stupid then.

It is stupid now.
Who cares what you believe?

I made the statement that Republicans created an issue over Birth Certificates.....they did

It was never a central issue.

Quit lying.

Birtherism was a central issue to Trump
Also to Republican State Legislatures who rushed to invoke a Birth Certificate as a requirement to be on the ballot in 2012

It was no longer a central issue for Republicans in 2016 when Obama was not running and Canadian born Ted Cruz was

To Trump maybe......

It was never an issue in any of the circles I am a part of. Never.

The legislatures were just playing to their base and trying to look like they actually gave a rat's rear end.
Yup...playing to the base

That is why we see stories about Birtherism, Hillary running child sex rings, Stolen elections, millions of illegals voting

Doesnt say much for the base
And that, as much as anything else, is the problem.

This has never been about Trump himself.

That is hysterical coming from you.

Especially, following two stupid and failed attempts at removing Trump from office or affecting him otherwise.

You are a laughingstock.
Of obedient Trumpsters? Who cares.

This has never been about Trump. It's about misguided, conned sheep like you.

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