This "rigged election" stuff is a real shame.

This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.
I know. They straight up proudly admitted that the election was manipulated and yet democrats still try to pretend that it was all normal.
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.
Seems to me that you're having trouble understanding that your democrat's actions for the last four and a half years formed the template for today's problems. Your team spent 4 1/2 years obstructing, lying, manipulating and cheating in every way they could find and now you think everyone should set their differences down and play nice? Biden is your party's puppet. If you're concerned that he's too radical then perhaps you should've taken your partisan blinders off and noticed that BEFORE he was installed in the Whitehouse. You just seem to want the GOP to fix your mistake.
You're missing the point. My concern is that the Democrats will go too far with the help you're giving them.

The only thing in your favor right now is the fact that the Democrats are nearly as unattractive as the Republicans.

For those of us who value country over party, that's a bad thing.
I did not miss your point. You're looking at the potential damage to the nation from radical democrat policies and are hoping for republicans to act as a brake on the locomotive of which you've lost control. You're dismayed because you thought that everyone was going to accept the garbage that was being passed off as a "fair election" and move on. Those who actually value country over party understand that without the absolute assurance of fair elections, we no longer have a free nation. Those who truly value country over party understand that eliminating the corruption in government is the number one priority if we're going to have a free nation.
I know, it's all the Dems' fault, I know.
That's quite the simplistic child's response.
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.

You and you Reich have credibility... Herr Mac.

Poll: 52 Percent Of Democrats Believe Russia Rigged Voting Tallies | The Daily Caller
Democrats sue Trump campaign and Russia, claiming they interfered in 2016 election (
Was Friday's declassified report claiming Russian hacking of the 2016 election rigged? | Fox News
5 Times Democrats Claimed U.S. Elections Are 'Rigged' (

Hey, you might be a fraud, but you have your Reich to serve.
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.

You and you Reich have credibility... Herr Mac.

Poll: 52 Percent Of Democrats Believe Russia Rigged Voting Tallies | The Daily Caller
Democrats sue Trump campaign and Russia, claiming they interfered in 2016 election (
Was Friday's declassified report claiming Russian hacking of the 2016 election rigged? | Fox News
5 Times Democrats Claimed U.S. Elections Are 'Rigged' (

Hey, you might be a fraud, but you have your Reich to serve.
Right on cue.
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.
Seems to me that you're having trouble understanding that your democrat's actions for the last four and a half years formed the template for today's problems. Your team spent 4 1/2 years obstructing, lying, manipulating and cheating in every way they could find and now you think everyone should set their differences down and play nice? Biden is your party's puppet. If you're concerned that he's too radical then perhaps you should've taken your partisan blinders off and noticed that BEFORE he was installed in the Whitehouse. You just seem to want the GOP to fix your mistake.
You're missing the point. My concern is that the Democrats will go too far with the help you're giving them.

The only thing in your favor right now is the fact that the Democrats are nearly as unattractive as the Republicans.

For those of us who value country over party, that's a bad thing.
I did not miss your point. You're looking at the potential damage to the nation from radical democrat policies and are hoping for republicans to act as a brake on the locomotive of which you've lost control. You're dismayed because you thought that everyone was going to accept the garbage that was being passed off as a "fair election" and move on. Those who actually value country over party understand that without the absolute assurance of fair elections, we no longer have a free nation. Those who truly value country over party understand that eliminating the corruption in government is the number one priority if we're going to have a free nation.
I know, it's all the Dems' fault, I know.
That's quite the simplistic child's response.
I'm done with asymmetrical conversations here. They bore me.
When authoritarians can no longer reliably stay in control through the democratic process the process itself becomes the enemy. There can be no possible fantasy based election reform that can convince a "conservative" that they lost fair and square. This is the new normal.

Seig Heil Indeed.

Democrats & Russian-Hacking Allegations -- Putin Is Smiling | National Review
Hillary Clinton Maintains 2016 Election ‘Was Not On the Level’: ‘We Still Don’t Know What Really Happened’ (
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.

You and you Reich have credibility... Herr Mac.

Poll: 52 Percent Of Democrats Believe Russia Rigged Voting Tallies | The Daily Caller
Democrats sue Trump campaign and Russia, claiming they interfered in 2016 election (
Was Friday's declassified report claiming Russian hacking of the 2016 election rigged? | Fox News
5 Times Democrats Claimed U.S. Elections Are 'Rigged' (

Hey, you might be a fraud, but you have your Reich to serve.
Right on cue.

Facts really disturb you.

2016 Election Rigged by Republicans using Crosscheck (
Hilly told us exactly what would happen, Joe would be losing , don't concede cause it'll go your way......she confessed to a coup
Funny how libs never address this,. ..........How could she know this unless there was a plan in place to deliver it
I'm done with asymmetrical conversations here. They bore me.

Conversations? YOU, Nazi Mac? :lmao:

You vomit out Reich propaganda - generally absurd bullshit - and then go play in the cat box. You can't defend the moronic bullshit you post, so you hit and run.

You are a lowbrow coward and a witless fool. You can's support the lies of your Reich.
I'm done with asymmetrical conversations here. They bore me.

Conversations? YOU, Nazi Mac? :lmao:

You vomit out Reich propaganda - generally absurd bullshit - and then go play in the cat box. You can't defend the moronic bullshit you post, so you hit and run.

You are a lowbrow coward and a witless fool. You can's support the lies of your Reich.
Examples of the "Reich propaganda" that I "vomit out", please.

This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.

Why doesn't the Republican establishment grab ahold of situation and engage in talks with the Sleepy Joe and the Democrats? Trump told us all in advance what Biden had planned, why would you be surprised that he's doing what Trump predicted?

In any event, Trump's actions or lack of actions, doesn't stop the Bushes and Kasichs and Lincoln Project from talking with Biden and the Squad and working with them to reduce their radicalism.
Most Democrats are angry cultist who are fighting against reality and losing.
They are a lot like the OJ jury.
No amount of evidence will be enough to sway them.
They are afraid of the Truth because the Truth will destroy them.
There was massive voter fraud in the 2020 election.
The Progressive Press will always deny it and hide it.
Democrats are Liars and Cheaters.
Hopefully there will be several books written that expose the Democrat maleficent in the 2020 election.
Poor baby does not realize just how brainwashed he is. Trump lost. Get over it.
They jump right in to illustrate my OP for me.

They're far too insulated to understand what I wrote. That's the problem.
They suffer from a nearly complete lack of of self-awareness.
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.
Russia Russia, can't make it up.
Most Democrats are angry cultist who are fighting against reality and losing.
They are a lot like the OJ jury.
No amount of evidence will be enough to sway them.
They are afraid of the Truth because the Truth will destroy them.
There was massive voter fraud in the 2020 election.
The Progressive Press will always deny it and hide it.
Democrats are Liars and Cheaters.
Hopefully there will be several books written that expose the Democrat maleficent in the 2020 election.
Poor baby does not realize just how brainwashed he is. Trump lost. Get over it.
trump won, the audit in Arizona will show how the election was stolen. keep watching. maybe you could explain how an absentee ballot would have no folds?
Most Democrats are angry cultist who are fighting against reality and losing.
They are a lot like the OJ jury.
No amount of evidence will be enough to sway them.
They are afraid of the Truth because the Truth will destroy them.
There was massive voter fraud in the 2020 election.
The Progressive Press will always deny it and hide it.
Democrats are Liars and Cheaters.
Hopefully there will be several books written that expose the Democrat maleficent in the 2020 election.
Poor baby does not realize just how brainwashed he is. Trump lost. Get over it.
They jump right in to illustrate my OP for me.

They're far too insulated to understand what I wrote. That's the problem.
They suffer from a nearly complete lack of of self-awareness.
How Ironic.
  • Thanks
Reactions: Vel
Most Democrats are angry cultist who are fighting against reality and losing.
They are a lot like the OJ jury.
No amount of evidence will be enough to sway them.
They are afraid of the Truth because the Truth will destroy them.
There was massive voter fraud in the 2020 election.
The Progressive Press will always deny it and hide it.
Democrats are Liars and Cheaters.
Hopefully there will be several books written that expose the Democrat maleficent in the 2020 election.
Poor baby does not realize just how brainwashed he is. Trump lost. Get over it.
They jump right in to illustrate my OP for me.

They're far too insulated to understand what I wrote. That's the problem.
russia russia still.
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.
Seems to me that you're having trouble understanding that your democrat's actions for the last four and a half years formed the template for today's problems. Your team spent 4 1/2 years obstructing, lying, manipulating and cheating in every way they could find and now you think everyone should set their differences down and play nice? Biden is your party's puppet. If you're concerned that he's too radical then perhaps you should've taken your partisan blinders off and noticed that BEFORE he was installed in the Whitehouse. You just seem to want the GOP to fix your mistake.
You're missing the point. My concern is that the Democrats will go too far with the help you're giving them.

The only thing in your favor right now is the fact that the Democrats are nearly as unattractive as the Republicans.

For those of us who value country over party, that's a bad thing.
I did not miss your point. You're looking at the potential damage to the nation from radical democrat policies and are hoping for republicans to act as a brake on the locomotive of which you've lost control. You're dismayed because you thought that everyone was going to accept the garbage that was being passed off as a "fair election" and move on. Those who actually value country over party understand that without the absolute assurance of fair elections, we no longer have a free nation. Those who truly value country over party understand that eliminating the corruption in government is the number one priority if we're going to have a free nation.
I know, it's all the Dems' fault, I know.
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.

You and you Reich have credibility... Herr Mac.

Poll: 52 Percent Of Democrats Believe Russia Rigged Voting Tallies | The Daily Caller
Democrats sue Trump campaign and Russia, claiming they interfered in 2016 election (
Was Friday's declassified report claiming Russian hacking of the 2016 election rigged? | Fox News
5 Times Democrats Claimed U.S. Elections Are 'Rigged' (

Hey, you might be a fraud, but you have your Reich to serve.
Right on cue.
How ironic. Your lack of facts annoys you.
Most Democrats are angry cultist who are fighting against reality and losing.
They are a lot like the OJ jury.
No amount of evidence will be enough to sway them.
They are afraid of the Truth because the Truth will destroy them.
There was massive voter fraud in the 2020 election.
The Progressive Press will always deny it and hide it.
Democrats are Liars and Cheaters.
Hopefully there will be several books written that expose the Democrat maleficent in the 2020 election.
Poor baby does not realize just how brainwashed he is. Trump lost. Get over it.
They jump right in to illustrate my OP for me.

They're far too insulated to understand what I wrote. That's the problem.
They suffer from a nearly complete lack of of self-awareness.
How Ironic.
Not really. They've never really been heavy in the personality department, if you know what I mean.
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.

I will say it again. Democrats have their own issues. Their leadership is old, out of touch, feckless, unable to adapt, unable to craft a message or even put up a defense. Adding insult to injury, they refuse to step aside. Their up and coming progressive wing can craft a message but is so focused on bringing a sledgehammer to the country in the form of "I want this done NOW!!", they can't see the bigger picture. But their hearts are in the right place. Their economic and environmental policies come out as wanting to help the average worker and build a better country. At least they come across as caring.

Now, let's compare that with the Republican party (which I was a member until 2000) which has been pitching the same basic platform since Reagan came on the scene. Tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations (hoping it will trickle down), and increased military spending. Taking on more debt and driving the deficit up when they are supposed to be the party of fiscal responsibility. And then, you have the slow migration of crazy over the last three decades. Starting with Newt and his "Revolution", it's been a slow descent into the abyss of what's become known as the alt-right. The belief that the white race is superior, the media is evil, belief in conspiracy theories fueled by alt-right media that people who used to be reasonable, now abandon all reason. Somewhere, it stopped being about policy and started being about far right ideology. Until we arrive at a carnival barker backing into the Presidency, making an absolute mess of everything, then losing said office four years later, and screaming like a five year old on the way out. Finally, we get January 6th. All of these cancers have found a home in the Republican party.

I'm afraid that only time and evolution will bring us past this point.
I only hope we survive it. :)

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