This "rigged election" stuff is a real shame.

Few seem to be interested in working together to solve the nations problems, a large percentage of the so called conservatives are having a venomous panic attack, with focus on the petty, Remember the Jade Helm hoax ? Now we have stuff like Biden wants us to drink plant based beer ???? Beer is plant based, have seen nothing that leads me to think he cares about what kind of beer anyone drinks. Then we have the beef lie, Biden wants to keep you from eating more than 4 pounds a year. & the Liberals cant seem to get on the same page about a healthy inclusive direction that works better for the general American population. end the police?! Just new crazy stuff thrown out daily.
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.

You spent the last 5 years telling us the 2016 election was rigged, so how about you shut the fuck up?
Hillary conceded on Election Night

Trump still refuses to admit he lost

That's a lie. And irrelevant to the fact that you've spent the last 5 years whining about the 2016 election being rigged.
Do you understand what a lie is?
It is not just information you do not like.

Hillary did concede on Election Night, Trump has yet to admit he lost.

No, Hillary did not concede on election night, and Trump left the White House on schedule as every other president who's term ended has done.

So, you lied on both counts, but again it's irrelevant to my point, which is that you and your fellow Nazis have complained about the illegitimacy of the 2016 election since it took place, with no end in sight. If I'm wrong about that, then reply to this message and tell me you believe the 2016 election was fair, legal, and legitimate.

Otherwise (and again) shut the fuck up.

Actually, you're right. She conceded the next day.

And then..wonder of wonders..Obama invited Trump to the White House...three days later..who'da thunk? :)

See? That's what REAL leaders do.
Honestly, every time you post this crap, it's like constantly telling a teenager to STOP LYING!! :auiqs.jpg:
When authoritarians can no longer reliably stay in control through the democratic process the process itself becomes the enemy. There can be no possible fantasy based election reform that can convince a "conservative" that they lost fair and square. This is the new normal.

Yeah that’s bullshit. Democrats whined about the election being stolen in 2016 engaging in all sorts of conspiracy theories. Stacy Abrams also blamed the system when she lost and refused to concede. I don’t believe for a second 2020 was stolen from Trump, but I do believe “liberals” would have cried foul had Trump won fair and square as well as rioted to boot.
The GOP lost fair and square.

There is only 'the big squeal' not a 'big steal.'

Ah yes....take the actions of a few and apply them to all.

Saul Alinsky would be proud.
Yes, the Trump Right does that all the time: you guys are the master of the Hasty Generalization Fallacy.
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.

You spent the last 5 years telling us the 2016 election was rigged, so how about you shut the fuck up?
Hillary conceded on Election Night

Trump still refuses to admit he lost

That's a lie. And irrelevant to the fact that you've spent the last 5 years whining about the 2016 election being rigged.
Do you understand what a lie is?
It is not just information you do not like.

Hillary did concede on Election Night, Trump has yet to admit he lost.

No, Hillary did not concede on election night, and Trump left the White House on schedule as every other president who's term ended has done.

So, you lied on both counts, but again it's irrelevant to my point, which is that you and your fellow Nazis have complained about the illegitimacy of the 2016 election since it took place, with no end in sight. If I'm wrong about that, then reply to this message and tell me you believe the 2016 election was fair, legal, and legitimate.

Otherwise (and again) shut the fuck up.

Actually, you're right. She conceded the next day.

And then..wonder of wonders..Obama invited Trump to the White House...three days later..who'da thunk? :)

See? That's what REAL leaders do.
Honestly, every time you post this crap, it's like constantly telling a teenager to STOP LYING!! :auiqs.jpg:

Hillary called Trump on Election Night and congratulated him. Her full speech was the next day.

Trump has still not accepted he lost and refused to help transition to a new administration. He never invited Biden or his family to the White House
This "rigged election" stuff is a real shame.
Except you can't shame crooked democrats...they don't care....they just want power at any expense...even if the price tag is American freedom...
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.

You spent the last 5 years telling us the 2016 election was rigged, so how about you shut the fuck up?
Hillary conceded on Election Night

Trump still refuses to admit he lost

That's a lie. And irrelevant to the fact that you've spent the last 5 years whining about the 2016 election being rigged.
Do you understand what a lie is?
It is not just information you do not like.

Hillary did concede on Election Night, Trump has yet to admit he lost.

No, Hillary did not concede on election night, and Trump left the White House on schedule as every other president who's term ended has done.

So, you lied on both counts, but again it's irrelevant to my point, which is that you and your fellow Nazis have complained about the illegitimacy of the 2016 election since it took place, with no end in sight. If I'm wrong about that, then reply to this message and tell me you believe the 2016 election was fair, legal, and legitimate.

Otherwise (and again) shut the fuck up.

Actually, you're right. She conceded the next day.

And then..wonder of wonders..Obama invited Trump to the White House...three days later..who'da thunk? :)

See? That's what REAL leaders do.
Honestly, every time you post this crap, it's like constantly telling a teenager to STOP LYING!! :auiqs.jpg:

Hillary called Trump on Election Night and congratulated him. Her full speech was the next day.

Trump has still not accepted he lost and refused to help transition to a new administration. He never invited Biden or his family to the White House

Trump won in a landslide and the election was why should he conform to that kind of crooked cheating bullshit....
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.

You spent the last 5 years telling us the 2016 election was rigged, so how about you shut the fuck up?
Hillary conceded on Election Night

Trump still refuses to admit he lost

That's a lie. And irrelevant to the fact that you've spent the last 5 years whining about the 2016 election being rigged.
Do you understand what a lie is?
It is not just information you do not like.

Hillary did concede on Election Night, Trump has yet to admit he lost.

No, Hillary did not concede on election night, and Trump left the White House on schedule as every other president who's term ended has done.

So, you lied on both counts, but again it's irrelevant to my point, which is that you and your fellow Nazis have complained about the illegitimacy of the 2016 election since it took place, with no end in sight. If I'm wrong about that, then reply to this message and tell me you believe the 2016 election was fair, legal, and legitimate.

Otherwise (and again) shut the fuck up.

Actually, you're right. She conceded the next day.

And then..wonder of wonders..Obama invited Trump to the White House...three days later..who'da thunk? :)

See? That's what REAL leaders do.
Honestly, every time you post this crap, it's like constantly telling a teenager to STOP LYING!! :auiqs.jpg:

Hillary called Trump on Election Night and congratulated him. Her full speech was the next day.

Trump has still not accepted he lost and refused to help transition to a new administration. He never invited Biden or his family to the White House

You can't even get the Trumpsters to admit THAT.

Too funny.
Democrat Denial.

The sonofabitches stole an election from the American people and then denied they did it when everybody knows they did.

Political "mababydindunutin".
the Republicans really don't have an intelligent position on most of those issues, because they are on the wrong side of popular opinion on them. Most Americans want immigration reform. Most Americans want sensible gun control. Most Americans wanted a bailout after TRUMP PLAUGE.
Open borders and a million shoeless peasants from Central America flooding into our country is your idea of immigration reform?

most Americans do not agree with that
if there are your so called, Open Borders

then why are border patrol capturing them?

wouldn't an open border, have no border patrol at all....?
There is no commitment to election integrity by the Trump Right. They lost, and they can't stand it.
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.

You spent the last 5 years telling us the 2016 election was rigged, so how about you shut the fuck up?
Hillary conceded on Election Night

Trump still refuses to admit he lost

That's a lie. And irrelevant to the fact that you've spent the last 5 years whining about the 2016 election being rigged.
Do you understand what a lie is?
It is not just information you do not like.

Hillary did concede on Election Night, Trump has yet to admit he lost.

No, Hillary did not concede on election night, and Trump left the White House on schedule as every other president who's term ended has done.

So, you lied on both counts, but again it's irrelevant to my point, which is that you and your fellow Nazis have complained about the illegitimacy of the 2016 election since it took place, with no end in sight. If I'm wrong about that, then reply to this message and tell me you believe the 2016 election was fair, legal, and legitimate.

Otherwise (and again) shut the fuck up.

Actually, you're right. She conceded the next day.

And then..wonder of wonders..Obama invited Trump to the White House...three days later..who'da thunk? :)

See? That's what REAL leaders do.
Honestly, every time you post this crap, it's like constantly telling a teenager to STOP LYING!! :auiqs.jpg:

Hillary called Trump on Election Night and congratulated him. Her full speech was the next day.

Trump has still not accepted he lost and refused to help transition to a new administration. He never invited Biden or his family to the White House

Trump left the White House on schedule, as every other president who's term ended has done. That's what outgoing presidents are required to do, and that's what he did. So you're simply lying when you say he has not accepted that he lost. If that were true, he would still be in the White House.
Yes, I have. Not to you, but definitely to other Trumpsters.

What do you mean by other Trumpsters?

I wrote-in the Champion of the Constitution, the Congressman from Texas, in the '08, '12 and '16 general elections, notwithstanding working with his campaign to varying capacities during the '08 and '12 general elections and I voted for the Libertarian candidate in the '20 general.

Actually. Scratch that. You don't have to explain your choice of language here. We can save that for later. That's actually something I'd like to learn more about as well, given the decay of proper human relations in the nation, the purveyors of the phenomenon as well as its impact.
Last edited:
Dems did not say the election was rigged, they said the election was influenced by lies and Russian interference. Hillary conceding on election night (no matter how or why she lost) That's following our constitution.
the Republicans really don't have an intelligent position on most of those issues, because they are on the wrong side of popular opinion on them. Most Americans want immigration reform. Most Americans want sensible gun control. Most Americans wanted a bailout after TRUMP PLAUGE.
Open borders and a million shoeless peasants from Central America flooding into our country is your idea of immigration reform?

most Americans do not agree with that
He did not open the border. No real policy change has happened. That's just your party propaganda. They scare you with bullshit boogy men so they can continue to steer all the money to the one percenter. Mean while real issues are ignored. Yall talk about the deep state elites and turn around give them all the money and turn their work force into slaves. The tip ten percent makes 90 percent of the money and pays 20 percent of the taxes. But hey just keep being a fucking moron

The top 10% pay just over 70% of taxes. The bottom 50% pay just 3.1% of taxes.

But hey, just keep being a moron. Right?
This country is facing some serious issues and is about to make some big decisions. I wonder if we can all agree on that.

Seems to me that we could really us an intelligent, sober, reasonable, thoughtful discussion on issues such as taxation, spending, immigration, policing, race, guns, health care and much more. We need ideas and input. We need ideas and innovation.

Instead, the Republican base and party are choosing to spend more energy on this weird, quixotic crusade to prove that the election was rigged, as they have been told/sold by a guy who has honesty issues, to say the least. Despite the disagreements they have received from courts, Trump-appointed judges, the Trump Justice Department, and any number of groups and agencies.

Meanwhile, and here's my concern, Biden has clearly moved further to the Left than even progressives hoped for, and he's clearly going big. This is real. But bring this stuff up to Trumpsters, and the best you'll get is silly, shallow, paranoid hyperbole about commies, China, the Deep State, the Swamp, the Marxists and more commies.

The Trumped-up GOP is so full of paranoia, misinformation and platitudes that it could be opening the door to the Biden version of the New Deal. Not necessarily because the Dems' agenda is so wonderful, but because the Trumpsters are looking like ignorant fools.

You spent the last 5 years telling us the 2016 election was rigged, so how about you shut the fuck up?
Hillary conceded on Election Night

Trump still refuses to admit he lost

That's a lie. And irrelevant to the fact that you've spent the last 5 years whining about the 2016 election being rigged.
Do you understand what a lie is?
It is not just information you do not like.

Hillary did concede on Election Night, Trump has yet to admit he lost.

No, Hillary did not concede on election night, and Trump left the White House on schedule as every other president who's term ended has done.

So, you lied on both counts, but again it's irrelevant to my point, which is that you and your fellow Nazis have complained about the illegitimacy of the 2016 election since it took place, with no end in sight. If I'm wrong about that, then reply to this message and tell me you believe the 2016 election was fair, legal, and legitimate.

Otherwise (and again) shut the fuck up.

Actually, you're right. She conceded the next day.

And then..wonder of wonders..Obama invited Trump to the White House...three days later..who'da thunk? :)

See? That's what REAL leaders do.
Honestly, every time you post this crap, it's like constantly telling a teenager to STOP LYING!! :auiqs.jpg:

Hillary called Trump on Election Night and congratulated him. Her full speech was the next day.

Trump has still not accepted he lost and refused to help transition to a new administration. He never invited Biden or his family to the White House

Trump left the White House on schedule, as every other president who's term ended has done. That's what outgoing presidents are required to do, and that's what he did. So you're simply lying when you say he has not accepted that he lost. If that were true, he would still be in the White House.

Trump had no choice but to leave.

He still refused to transition to Biden and refused to allow him access to classified briefings.

To date, he has still not conceded
Democrat Denial.

The sonofabitches stole an election from the American people and then denied they did it when everybody knows they did.

Political "mababydindunutin".
YOU are trying to steal the election from the American people, who overwhelmingly chose Biden to be our president...who won both the electoral college 306 to 232 and the popular vote 81.1 million to 74.0 million.

It's just the opposite of what you are claiming...YOU and Trump are the thieves, the insurectionists, the Big Liars and are a disgrace to this nation of ours, and our constitution.

Shame on you, for thoughtlessly going along with this Big Lie and utter bull shit.... that the election was stolen...when the election, was not even close.
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