‘This scandal could bring down the administration’: Fox military analyst

One of Fox News’s top military analysts now says President Donald Trump must release his taxes to prove that the Russian government has no financial leverage over him.

Ret. Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, the hawkish Fox analyst who infamously called former President Barack Obama a “p*ssy” on air in 2015, warned Fox viewers on Friday that Trump needed to get over his “lunatic” idea of a strategic alliance with Russia, which he suggested was brought about by the president’s past admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“He can’t get over his adulation of Vladimir Putin,” said Peters, who also said that Obama wouldn’t challenge Russia due to “sheer cowardice.” “He just will not challenge Russia on anything.”

Peters said that Trump needed to prove that he was not compromised by Russian intelligence agencies by releasing his tax returns to prove that he doesn’t have any significant investments in the country.

“Look, this scandal — and it is a scandal — could bring down the administration, if the administration doesn’t get ahead of it,” he said. “They cannot keep allowing the slow drip-drip of blood.”
View attachment 115269
This was a hawkish republican on Fox News. Its getting worse for Trump by the day
Only in your overactive imagination which is due for a rude awakening.
Its time for republicans to be attacking each other. Thats just how bad it is with Trump running the show
How old are you? Why would it be time for Republicans to attack one another? We see your own party attacking themselves and that hasn't worked out so well for you, has it? It probably helped you lose the last election. Why would we take advise from Democrats when they have destroyed their own party with their own hands?
Seems Obama could be indicted over this.....has a former potus ever been indicted before?
as usual you have it ass backwards wrong guy indicted vegas says trump won't last 4 ,,,,want to bet against them?
One of Fox News’s top military analysts now says President Donald Trump must release his taxes to prove that the Russian government has no financial leverage over him.

Ret. Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, the hawkish Fox analyst who infamously called former President Barack Obama a “p*ssy” on air in 2015, warned Fox viewers on Friday that Trump needed to get over his “lunatic” idea of a strategic alliance with Russia, which he suggested was brought about by the president’s past admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“He can’t get over his adulation of Vladimir Putin,” said Peters, who also said that Obama wouldn’t challenge Russia due to “sheer cowardice.” “He just will not challenge Russia on anything.”

Peters said that Trump needed to prove that he was not compromised by Russian intelligence agencies by releasing his tax returns to prove that he doesn’t have any significant investments in the country.

“Look, this scandal — and it is a scandal — could bring down the administration, if the administration doesn’t get ahead of it,” he said. “They cannot keep allowing the slow drip-drip of blood.”
View attachment 115269
This was a hawkish republican on Fox News. Its getting worse for Trump by the day
Only in your overactive imagination which is due for a rude awakening.
Its time for republicans to be attacking each other. Thats just how bad it is with Trump running the show
How old are you? Why would it be time for Republicans to attack one another? We see your own party attacking themselves and that hasn't worked out so well for you, has it? It probably helped you lose the last election. Why would we take advise from Democrats when they have destroyed their own party with their own hands?
and you're well on your way to destroy yours
Trump's tax return is very long and complicated. Probably hundreds of pages. He gets audited every year. If he was cheating the IRS would be screaming it from the rooftops. If he released them, none of the crazed dems or the media cronies would even understand them. But, they would pull out one page and make up lies about it. We all know that is what this is all about.

There is no scandal except in the minds of the corrupt media and the butthurt defeated democrats.

Doing business with foreign companies and governments is not illegal. If you have a 401K it is very likely that you own some foreign company stock and have a vested interest in the success of that foreign company.

This is a ridiculous attempt to create talking points from the desperate alt left in this country and their lying comrades the media.

as usual, gnat posts a smiley face rather than deal with the truth about his corrupt lying cheating party and their cohorts in the lying corrupt media. Go away gnat, you make me sick.
This was a hawkish republican on Fox News. Its getting worse for Trump by the day
Only in your overactive imagination which is due for a rude awakening.
Its time for republicans to be attacking each other. Thats just how bad it is with Trump running the show
How old are you? Why would it be time for Republicans to attack one another? We see your own party attacking themselves and that hasn't worked out so well for you, has it? It probably helped you lose the last election. Why would we take advise from Democrats when they have destroyed their own party with their own hands?
and you're well on your way to destroy yours
Your very focused on destruction. Why not look at solutions rather than your problems? You may just find that President Trump is working very hard to reverse the damage that Barack Obama and the Democrat party did. It's time for a "real change."
Seems Obama could be indicted over this.....has a former potus ever been indicted before?
as usual you have it ass backwards wrong guy indicted vegas says trump won't last 4 ,,,,want to bet against them?
The guys in Vegas were betting Hillary would win by a landslide too. With those odds do you really want to listen to them?
nothing is 100 % but they're due for a winner....jimo most republicans hate the russians more than they hate dems and repubs path doesn't look good with trump putin friendship
Seems Obama could be indicted over this.....has a former potus ever been indicted before?
as usual you have it ass backwards wrong guy indicted vegas says trump won't last 4 ,,,,want to bet against them?
The guys in Vegas were betting Hillary would win by a landslide too. With those odds do you really want to listen to them?
nothing is 100 % but they're due for a winner....jimo most republicans hate the russians more than they hate dems and repubs path doesn't look good with trump putin friendship
Nothing is a 100% and they are "due for a winner?" Did you really just say that? In other words, they've been on a losing streak so it's time for them to win? What kind of logic is that? Trump didn't do business deals with Russia. Hillary Clinton is the one who gave 20% of our Uranium away in exchange for a big donation from the Russians (over 145 million dollar donation if I remember the number correctly) to her money laundering cartel / foundation. Hillary Clinton is the one that gave the Russians a tour of our nuclear sites (formerly top secret) any idea how much she got from them for that favor? What kind of backroom deal was Obama working on with them that was caught on a mic with Mednedev. Any idea on what that was about? How does Obama afford 5 multi-million dollar homes on the salary he made at the White House and one book deal (Dreams of my Father written By Bill Ayers)? Can you explain that one? Look at the fat cats who are accusing President Trump and open your eyes. The Clinton's and Obama sold our country out and now they are accusing Trump of what? He's only been in office for a little over a month!
WHY isn't trump trying to work finding the answers to the allegations? Instead he comes up with more bs
most republicans hate the russians more than they hate dems and repubs path doesn't look good with trump putin friendship
Dems are a larger threat to our democracy than the Russians. But I keep hearing the lefties parrot the party line about Trump and Putin being buddies. Based on what?
Seems Obama could be indicted over this.....has a former potus ever been indicted before?
as usual you have it ass backwards wrong guy indicted vegas says trump won't last 4 ,,,,want to bet against them?
The guys in Vegas were betting Hillary would win by a landslide too. With those odds do you really want to listen to them?
nothing is 100 % but they're due for a winner....jimo most republicans hate the russians more than they hate dems and repubs path doesn't look good with trump putin friendship
Nothing is a 100% and they are "due for a winner?" Did you really just say that? In other words, they've been on a losing streak so it's time for them to win? What kind of logic is that? Trump didn't do business deals with Russia. Hillary Clinton is the one who gave 20% of our Uranium away in exchange for a big donation from the Russians (over 145 million dollar donation if I remember the number correctly) to her money laundering cartel / foundation. Hillary Clinton is the one that gave the Russians a tour of our nuclear sites (formerly top secret) any idea how much she got from them for that favor? What kind of backroom deal was Obama working on with them that was caught on a mic with Mednedev. Any idea on what that was about? How does Obama afford 5 multi-million dollar homes on the salary he made at the White House and one book deal (Dreams of my Father written By Bill Ayers)? Can you explain that one? Look at the fat cats who are accusing President Trump and open your eyes.
you have proof of hillary give away ? and just who did trump sell his home to for 90 mill after buying it a couple years before for 45mill? could it have been a russian trump is a degenerate liar who will twist the truth every time
WHY isn't trump trying to work finding the answers to the allegations? Instead he comes up with more bs
He's got a country to run. Ours. If he spent all of his time answering the false allegations of democrats he would never get anything done. Ditto for me. I have a flower garden that needs work. Bye now.
Edward37 posted>> "you have proof of hillary give away ? and just who did trump sell his home to for 90 mill after buying it a couple years before for 45mill? could it have been a russian trump is a degenerate liar who will twist the truth every time"

THE shitbitch give away IS a matter of record, you cannot lie that away even the liberal shit NYT reported it. That denial is Just like every other thing you liberal liars post PURE LYING SHIT!!!

Who did you sell your garbage too? Why didn't you tell anyone about your sexual perversion,? Why are you so stupid as to support a treasonous liar, that has been responsible for more deaths world wide than hitler was?
Trump's tax return is very long and complicated. Probably hundreds of pages. He gets audited every year. If he was cheating the IRS would be screaming it from the rooftops. If he released them, none of the crazed dems or the media cronies would even understand them. But, they would pull out one page and make up lies about it. We all know that is what this is all about.

There is no scandal except in the minds of the corrupt media and the butthurt defeated democrats.

Doing business with foreign companies and governments is not illegal. If you have a 401K it is very likely that you own some foreign company stock and have a vested interest in the success of that foreign company.

This is a ridiculous attempt to create talking points from the desperate alt left in this country and their lying comrades the media.

The great thing about that is, if it's true, they have already been audited.
I believe wheres there smoke there's fire Dump can't reveal his returns without serious questions being brought up questions that'd cut short his presidency
One of Fox News’s top military analysts now says President Donald Trump must release his taxes to prove that the Russian government has no financial leverage over him.

Ret. Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, the hawkish Fox analyst who infamously called former President Barack Obama a “p*ssy” on air in 2015, warned Fox viewers on Friday that Trump needed to get over his “lunatic” idea of a strategic alliance with Russia, which he suggested was brought about by the president’s past admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“He can’t get over his adulation of Vladimir Putin,” said Peters, who also said that Obama wouldn’t challenge Russia due to “sheer cowardice.” “He just will not challenge Russia on anything.”

Peters said that Trump needed to prove that he was not compromised by Russian intelligence agencies by releasing his tax returns to prove that he doesn’t have any significant investments in the country.

“Look, this scandal — and it is a scandal — could bring down the administration, if the administration doesn’t get ahead of it,” he said. “They cannot keep allowing the slow drip-drip of blood.”

You petunias are so wound up about something where there's no crime committed your idiotic leaders in Congress are wandering the halls talking to statues. Trump Derangement Syndrome will probably bring the end of the Democrats as a majority of you batshit crazy lunatics end up in rubber rooms.
If this is no big deal, why is a very conservative former military man on Fox demanding Rumps tax returns? Its getting uglier by the day

Names please.

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