This Story Confirms That There Is Racism Toward The Black Man

I heard about this story this morning on the Today Show. The white girl has been missing for 3 days and a white guy was seen on camera following her. when the law questioned the white guy he tells them he said a black man grab her around the waist. So now the police are looking for a bald headed black man in Virgina who was NOT on camera like the white man. LOL How they know the white guy is not lying?

Police ID man who left bar with missing U.Va. student
You wasted my time on a "gee! No really?"....
Back under your bridge..Troll.
What a bogus claim. Provide
Good Lord people, look at the crime stats, it is completely unreasonable to say "hey blacks commit a lot of crimes" when they in fact commit half the crimes?

That's as stupid as saying it's sexist to point out the fact that men commit 90% of the crimes. it's not sexist, it's just a fact.

Black people and their sympathizers need to get over this.

The problem with looking at stats is they are for the simple minded who dont understand all the variables that effect the stats. For instance saying Blacks are imprisoned more for drug crime is misleading and is used to lead the less intelligent around by the nose. The typical logic for those less intelligent is that Black people actually do more drug crimes. Well hidden away is the fact whites actually commit more drug crimes but are incarcerated way less.

A great point! African-Americans make up only about 12.5-13% of the U.S. population, yet account for roughly one third of all drug-related arrests, about half of drug-related convictions, and nearly two-thirds of all drug-related incarcerations. It would be highly racist and extremely wrong of anyone to make the claim that African-Americans commit a disproportionate amount of drug-related crimes just because of some biased statistics.

I think the U.S. needs a law banning the collection of demographic data (race, religion, age, gyndyr, etc.) just like France has. It's worked quite well so far for them, why can't we have that here? It's guaranteed to improve race relations, because bigots won't be able to point to inflated statistics to "prove" their absurd, offensive claims.

The two of you can of course prove the numbers are inflated?

And I can obviously see why you are focusing on drug crimes

FBI mdash Table 43

Do you also contend that whites rape, steal, and murder as often as blacks but aren't incarcerated for such?

I didnt say the numbers were inflated. I said the numbers were used to lead you around by the nose. Simplistic minds can only comprehend simple things. For instance in your table you provided. Does it break down how many of those arrests are repeat offenders vs first time? Technically a small minority of Blacks could be engaged in robbery arrests as repeat offenders while whites could all be first time offenders. People that are used to being told what to think never ponder these things.

what the hell ?? Are you seriously suggesting that a small number of blacks are running around killing people but that isn't true for whites?

Again, actual statistics

Bureau of Justice Statistics BJS - Recidivism of Prisoners Released in 30 States in 2005 Patterns from 2005 to 2010

show that MOST crime is committed by people who have already been in prison , regardless of race.

PS retard - LIberal Media, who I quoted, DID call the statistics inflated.

I see I am starting to make you think a little deeper but you need to stretch yourself. I shows most crime is committed by repeat offenders but 2 glaring omissions. Its not broke down by race and it doesn't say if the first offense is the same as the second or third etc. Could putting Black males in jail for drug crimes at a disproportionate rate basically "school" them on committing other crimes? That's what a lot of studies have shown to be true. Prison functions as a school for criminals. Thats why you have most crime committed by lifetime criminals.

If you meant Liberal Media then you should specify that instead of saying "both".
I heard about this story this morning on the Today Show. The white girl has been missing for 3 days and a white guy was seen on camera following her. when the law questioned the white guy he tells them he said a black man grab her around the waist. So now the police are looking for a bald headed black man in Virgina who was NOT on camera like the white man. LOL How they know the white guy is not lying?

Police ID man who left bar with missing U.Va. student

There's a white guy in this story? Where? The report mentioned two black men and no white men:

the man that witnesses had mentioned — about 6-foot-2, 270 pounds with a black complexion and long dreadlocks —​


On Thursday, police said they were looking for a different man that they described as a person of interest in the case who was seen walking with Graham on the Downtown Mall around 1:15 a.m. ET Saturday. He is in his late 20s or early 30s, black, 5-foot-10 or 5-foot-11, 250 to 285 pounds with a close-shaved head, goatee and slight belly.​

On the Today show this morning, there was a video of a white guy following her and when he was questioned he mentioned something about seeing her with a black guy..................who was not on CAMERA
Who gives a shit about the Today Show....That is NOT news.
The Today Show is presenting a point of view. An opinion. That is what they do.
Had this been a newsworthy event, it would have been picked up by main stream news sources.
My understand is the guy in the video went straight to law enforcement as a witness before the video was released to the public.

Yes, he could be lying..but the have him.

They cannot ignore his account, so they are attempting to follow up on it.

The only folks who see racism in this are the people who seem to see racism everywhere. Chip, meet shoulder.

If that was the BLACK MAN on camera he would have been charged
Stop your whining and shut up.
My understand is the guy in the video went straight to law enforcement as a witness before the video was released to the public.

Yes, he could be lying..but the have him.

They cannot ignore his account, so they are attempting to follow up on it.

The only folks who see racism in this are the people who seem to see racism everywhere. Chip, meet shoulder.

If that was the BLACK MAN on camera he would have been charged

Charged with what?

Since so many are used to seeing black men commit crime, if he was on the video following her they would have arrested him
No...YOU ARE WRONG...In order for police ot make an arrest, they musty have what is known as 'evidence'. Enough evidence to convince the District Attorney's/Prosecutor's office there is enough to bring a case against the individual.
Blacks murder twice as many whites every year. This is 10 times per capita....
Blacks cause half of all murders in this country

Your sources, please, and they'd better be good ones.

Are you fucking serious? Is the FBI good enough for you?

FBI mdash Table 43

8,341 murders in the US in 2011. 4.149 blacks arrested for murder.

Now even if you account for every possible variable you can think of, you have to admit that blacks kill more often whites. MUCH more often.

By the way, that holds true for nearly every crime.

The conversation shouldn't be DO blacks commit crimes more often, the conversation should be WHY do they commit crimes more often?
liberal media is a far left wing miserable moonbat.
Blacks murder twice as many whites every year. This is 10 times per capita....
Blacks cause half of all murders in this country

Good luck sustaining a first world country going easy on these people.

The story in the OP actually only demonstrates prejudice, given the facts in evidence. It's the second post that demonstrates racism.
Yes..Everything is about race. There is a racist hiding under every piece of furniture.
Quite frankly I'm sick of reading and hearing about it.
Charges of racism have been thrown about so indiscriminately, they have lost ALL meaning
The black guy did it

Typical of the brainless RW.

Never mind the Constitution or "innocent until proven guilty".

That's for white folks.

Blacks are guilty. Doesn't matter if they were three states away, they did it. Hang 'em high.
"Innocent until proven guilty"....Perhaps you should remind yourself of that when a thread comes up where a conservative is "under investigation" such as the Gov Scott Walker issue that proved to be a whole lot of nonsense, but you libs leaped all over and concluded that Walker was guilty as charged.
So please, cut the bullshit.
which is a polite term for niggah

That's what I'm saying, how will this ever get solved or be any better when half the country won't even acknowledge that it IS a problem. I mean you're talking about a demographic that probably makes up 1/3 of all blacks who themselves are only 13% of the general population, committing HALF the crime in this country.

It's time to wake up and start telling people who scream racism when you point out facts to shut the fuck up while the adults try to fix things.

It doesn't matter to me because i know like myself there are lots of normal hard working black men who are not criminals

Of course there are, just as is there is white worthless , criminal scum out there.

But that isn't what we're talking about , we're discussing the fact that blacks are less likely to succeed and more likely to be criminals. 13% of the population committing 50% of the crimes is a serious indicator.

Now , those idiots who say being black is the reason can't get around the fact that if that were true damn near every black would be a criminal. So that reason is out. But neither can you get around the fact that something about blacks leads them to be MORE predisposed to crime.

But, I say again, we can't even begin to address they whys as long as a majority of people refuse to admit that the FBI stats mean SOMETHING

Black Ghetto Men are more likely to be criminals .

I agree with what you are trying to say, but the black ghetto man is but a subset of the black man, or are you suggesting they are their own race?

YOU are of a sub-race.

You're the slime who want to keep blacks down while lying to raise whites up.

Put on a sheet so we can tell you from normal people and get rid of you.

Why don't we just kill off racist white slime? We'd all be better off without them.
People who commit bad acts, as well as make bad choices and exhibit bad habits keep themselves down.
And now you're advocating the killing or racist white people....Umm, if there was a death penalty for having an opinion......well.....
It's been on the news. It was 2 black men. I think they were working together to rape her, and it wouldn't be the first time this exact same scenario has played out all over the world. This is what they do.

We are probably going to find out the white girl went with the Black guys willingly if they are even involved.
And if we find out she went with them willingly, and they ended up killing her, it was her own fault?

You must be one of those monkeys that think women that get raped asked for it because they had on a sexy dress. No wonder you cant find a woman.
You really need a white person to read these posts for you so you can understand what they're saying since plain English is apparently too difficult for you to understand.

You really need a Black person to show you how to stop growing strawmen. I am glad I was able to make you feel the error of your ways.
You should stand down.
Your racist rhetoric is well known on USMB
We are probably going to find out the white girl went with the Black guys willingly if they are even involved.
And if we find out she went with them willingly, and they ended up killing her, it was her own fault?

You must be one of those monkeys that think women that get raped asked for it because they had on a sexy dress. No wonder you cant find a woman.
You really need a white person to read these posts for you so you can understand what they're saying since plain English is apparently too difficult for you to understand.

You really need a Black person to show you how to stop growing strawmen. I am glad I was able to make you feel the error of your ways.
You should stand down.
Your racist rhetoric is well known on USMB
You should smoke a snakes dick while you figure out how to make me.
Your rhetoric is inane and puerile.
And if we find out she went with them willingly, and they ended up killing her, it was her own fault?

You must be one of those monkeys that think women that get raped asked for it because they had on a sexy dress. No wonder you cant find a woman.
You really need a white person to read these posts for you so you can understand what they're saying since plain English is apparently too difficult for you to understand.

You really need a Black person to show you how to stop growing strawmen. I am glad I was able to make you feel the error of your ways.
You should stand down.
Your racist rhetoric is well known on USMB
You should smoke a snakes dick while you figure out how to make me.
Your rhetoric is inane and puerile.
No, hes right. You are a well known racist and a pathological liar, plus youre just fucking annoying. In other words, you are simply awful and the world will be better off when youre gone.
On the Today show this morning, there was a video of a white guy following her and when he was questioned he mentioned something about seeing her with a black guy..................who was not on CAMERA

Doesn't necessarily mean racism if he was in contact with the victim. They are just following every lead they get. Charlottseville is not so big that a lot of people couldn't be believed to have been following her. Virginia has had several college age women crimes in the last few years, and the state lab takes forever to process DNA evidence
I heard about this story this morning on the Today Show. The white girl has been missing for 3 days and a white guy was seen on camera following her. when the law questioned the white guy he tells them he said a black man grab her around the waist. So now the police are looking for a bald headed black man in Virgina who was NOT on camera like the white man. LOL How they know the white guy is not lying?

Police ID man who left bar with missing U.Va. student


He ( the black man you mention) was seen in the bar with her by many witnesses AND on video following her.

Hannah Graham Missing Jesse Matthew arrest warrant issued

Police ID man who left bar with missing U.Va. student

I like how you left out the FACT about the other two girls missing from the same area and the suspect in the case of Morgan Harrington's disappearance is similar to that of Jesse Matthew, now wanted for questioning.

Blink On Crime -

Morgan Harrington suspect sketch ( also wanted for 2005 rape and is believed to be a dangerous serial rapist:


Jesse Matthew POI latest girl missing Hannah Graham:


Even if the guys are not the same, the guy right above this sentence, the one you say was not on video with the latest missing girl WAS SEEN on video with her.
You must be one of those monkeys that think women that get raped asked for it because they had on a sexy dress. No wonder you cant find a woman.
You really need a white person to read these posts for you so you can understand what they're saying since plain English is apparently too difficult for you to understand.

You really need a Black person to show you how to stop growing strawmen. I am glad I was able to make you feel the error of your ways.
You should stand down.
Your racist rhetoric is well known on USMB
You should smoke a snakes dick while you figure out how to make me.
Your rhetoric is inane and puerile.
No, hes right. You are a well known racist and a pathological liar, plus youre just fucking annoying. In other words, you are simply awful and the world will be better off when youre gone.
Got it. I'm in your head daily stressing you out. Take a bottle of Midol if you cant handle the mental torture I put you through. Otherwise you are going to have to deal with me giving you migraines or you are going to learn to bow down boy.
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My understanding is the guy in the video went straight to law enforcement as a witness before the video was released to the public.
Yes, he could be lying..but they have him.
They cannot ignore his account, so they are attempting to follow up on it.
The only folks who see racism in this are the people who seem to see racism everywhere. Chip, meet shoulder.
As intriguing as this story is, It does bring back reflections of the Charles Stuart incident where he murdered his wife and stoked the fires of racism across the nation by claiming a Black man did it.
But if that false indictment of Black males wasn’t enough, Susan Smith drove the indictment home when she said a Black man had jumped into her car and drove off with her two pre-adolescent boys. It sounded like something Blacks would do right? WRONG… she had murdered her own children by intentionally driving her car into a lake and letting them drown!
How many times has that scenario been repeated? One can only guess. However, we do know that false accusations of rape by White women against Black men were instrumental in the utter destruction by enraged White men of two prosperous Black towns in the early 20th Century.
Pondering the invidious tradition that still haunts us, the op is on point
My understanding is the guy in the video went straight to law enforcement as a witness before the video was released to the public.
Yes, he could be lying..but they have him.
They cannot ignore his account, so they are attempting to follow up on it.
The only folks who see racism in this are the people who seem to see racism everywhere. Chip, meet shoulder.
As intriguing as this story is, It does bring back reflections of the Charles Stuart incident where he murdered his wife and stoked the fires of racism across the nation by claiming a Black man did it.
But if that false indictment of Black males wasn’t enough, Susan Smith drove the indictment home when she said a Black man had jumped into her car and drove off with her two pre-adolescent boys. It sounded like something Blacks would do right? WRONG… she had murdered her own children by intentionally driving her car into a lake and letting them drown!
How many times has that scenario been repeated? One can only guess. However, we do know that false accusations of rape by White women against Black men were instrumental in the utter destruction by enraged White men of two prosperous Black towns in the early 20th Century.
Pondering the invidious tradition that still haunts us, the op is on point

I don't understand your points. The suspect was on video, and was IDed by those in the bar as being with her, to try and make this a Susan Smith or Stuart incident seems to be reaching very far.
My understanding is the guy in the video went straight to law enforcement as a witness before the video was released to the public.
Yes, he could be lying..but they have him.
They cannot ignore his account, so they are attempting to follow up on it.
The only folks who see racism in this are the people who seem to see racism everywhere. Chip, meet shoulder.
As intriguing as this story is, It does bring back reflections of the Charles Stuart incident where he murdered his wife and stoked the fires of racism across the nation by claiming a Black man did it.
But if that false indictment of Black males wasn’t enough, Susan Smith drove the indictment home when she said a Black man had jumped into her car and drove off with her two pre-adolescent boys. It sounded like something Blacks would do right? WRONG… she had murdered her own children by intentionally driving her car into a lake and letting them drown!
How many times has that scenario been repeated? One can only guess. However, we do know that false accusations of rape by White women against Black men were instrumental in the utter destruction by enraged White men of two prosperous Black towns in the early 20th Century.
Pondering the invidious tradition that still haunts us, the op is on point

I don't understand your points. The suspect was on video, and was IDed by those in the bar as being with her, to try and make this a Susan Smith or Stuart incident seems to be reaching very far.

I think what he saying is that the history of whites rushing to punish Black men over transgressing on the virtue of the white woman in this country makes the OP valid at the time of its writing.

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