This Story Confirms That There Is Racism Toward The Black Man

It's been on the news. It was 2 black men. I think they were working together to rape her, and it wouldn't be the first time this exact same scenario has played out all over the world. This is what they do.

We are probably going to find out the white girl went with the Black guys willingly if they are even involved.

Nobody said she was a smart white girl.

Are you calling all these white women dumb that love Black men and cant get enough of them?
I heard about this story this morning on the Today Show. The white girl has been missing for 3 days and a white guy was seen on camera following her. when the law questioned the white guy he tells them he said a black man grab her around the waist. So now the police are looking for a bald headed black man in Virgina who was NOT on camera like the white man. LOL How they know the white guy is not lying?

Police ID man who left bar with missing U.Va. student

Yes in the name of PC lets overlook a possible lead or witness. FYI if the cops can prove the white dude is lying that kinda gives them a main suspect,see where this is going? It's called collecting evidence. In court the defense will no doubt claim that there was a bald black man that could have done this and the police were so focused on their client that they didn't do due diligence in finding the real person responsible for the disappearance. Then the Prosecution will counter that yes they did and here's what we did to find this person only to find he doesn't exist.

There is also the possibility that at some point there really was a bald black man at a place that wasn't being recorded on surveillance camera and he is a potential witness to what happened.

Why do people have to make everything about race?
Turns out she went willingly with a Black guy with dreads just like I thought. They were walking together and he had his hands around her waist. They were seen in a store together where they say he purchased alcohol. They also say she was under the influence which doesn't make sense. Why would he need to purchase more alcohol if she was already drunk?
But that doesn't mean to skirt the fact that more men are committing the crimes.
this can be explained by saying the prisons and military are predominantly men.

But still that doesn't excuse why such behavior among men is allowed to go on as if this is the normal status quo to be expected.

It's not allowed to go on, men who rape are punished. Murder isn't allowed to go on, people who murder are punished.

Rape, murder, abuse, violence, infidelity, rudeness, these are all parts of the human condition. Men are more physically violent than women and women are more emotionally violent than men. Society just happens to be more tolerant of emotional abuse than of physical abuse.

Punishment doesn't prevent the cause of the rape that already happened.

I am talking about addressing the cause of rape and murder
and quit acting like this can't be helped, caught early and if so even cured.

When men like David Berkowitz reach out and admit they got help
and their crimes could have been prvented had they received help earlier,
they get labeled as liars and criminals looking to get out of their crimes, when in
fact he is already in prison for life and cannot change that fact, and has nothing to gain by lying.

When Christians talk about getting freed from addiction or sickness,
especially healed of homosexual sexual attractions or addictions,
you see how society treats them, claiming its all rleigous or political propaganda.

Why not conduct medical research studies formally and see if these
methods of spiritually healing sickness and addiction really do have a
measurable effect, and could be applied to healing criminal illness
involving schizophrenia and pedophilia and other diseases considered incureable?

Dr. Scott Peck recommended and urged fellow medical professionals
to take this field of treatment seriously, and put it through the same
scientific methods of research and development as any other
cures, after he witnesses two schizophrenic patients return to
normal peronality and thiinking after undergoing deliverance therapy
to remove demonic voices obsessing them, similar to what
Berkowitz reported he was healed from when he returned to normal.

is the problem rejecting religion, or the problem with religious people
rejecting science and refusing to work with medicine to prove these methods?

Dr. Peck said it was the false division between science and religion
that ws blocking this information and process from being more wiedly
studied and understood. Other doctors said similar, that the mutual
rejection of science and religious community prevented progress.

so who is at fault for that
is it people in general afraid of change

or is it the male leaders who want to be right
and want others to be wrong. is it men or is it people?
I heard about this story this morning on the Today Show. The white girl has been missing for 3 days and a white guy was seen on camera following her. when the law questioned the white guy he tells them he said a black man grab her around the waist. So now the police are looking for a bald headed black man in Virgina who was NOT on camera like the white man. LOL How they know the white guy is not lying?

Police ID man who left bar with missing U.Va. student

Yes in the name of PC lets overlook a possible lead or witness. FYI if the cops can prove the white dude is lying that kinda gives them a main suspect,see where this is going? It's called collecting evidence. In court the defense will no doubt claim that there was a bald black man that could have done this and the police were so focused on their client that they didn't do due diligence in finding the real person responsible for the disappearance. Then the Prosecution will counter that yes they did and here's what we did to find this person only to find he doesn't exist.

There is also the possibility that at some point there really was a bald black man at a place that wasn't being recorded on surveillance camera and he is a potential witness to what happened.

Why do people have to make everything about race?

They also like to blame things on religion.

Whatever seems to be the explanation for which group to blame,
people want something that explains how these wrong things happen,
so they feel secure they understand the cause.

I read in a book that this is caused by people's faith in justice,
and the need to be able to explain right and wrong, cause and effect.
it has to fit their picture of the world and why things happen.

If they thought bad things can just happen for no reason,
this would disrupt the sense of justice and order.

So the professor who wrote that book used this inherent sense of justice
to explain why people blame the victim; they want to justify how a crime
happened to someone else that wouldn't happen to themselves which is scary.
people want so badly to know there is a cause, we wil find some way to
explain it to ourselves that fits our perception so we feel confident
that crime woudnt randomly happen to us. there is a reason something
went wrong that we can undersand and prevent form happening to us.

with race and religion, if we can blame a problem on aonther group
that we are not responsible for that means someone else has to change not us.

if we see that the same problems other people and groups do
we also do from our perspective then it is equal, we share
equal responsibility for solving problems and causes in the world.

as long as we are angry, afraid or distrustful and don't forgive problems
we find it easier to blame on some source outside ourselves so we don't have to change

race and religion and also political groups are easily identified targets
so those provide the fastest short cuts to blaming other people instead of looking how we do
the same things frm their perspective and we become the other group or people to blame!
Turns out she went willingly with a Black guy with dreads just like I thought. They were walking together and he had his hands around her waist. They were seen in a store together where they say he purchased alcohol. They also say she was under the influence which doesn't make sense. Why would he need to purchase more alcohol if she was already drunk?
Yup Police are looking for a black guy with dreads and yes he was caught in the area on camera. Again I suppose the OP and libs would just like to overlook a possible suspect based on race, but isn't that racist too?
Turns out she went willingly with a Black guy with dreads just like I thought. They were walking together and he had his hands around her waist. They were seen in a store together where they say he purchased alcohol. They also say she was under the influence which doesn't make sense. Why would he need to purchase more alcohol if she was already drunk?
Yup Police are looking for a black guy with dreads and yes he was caught in the area on camera. Again I suppose the OP and libs would just like to overlook a possible suspect based on race, but isn't that racist too?

Yeah but they should still investigate the white guy too. He could have gotten pissed she was with a Black guy and offed her.
Turns out she went willingly with a Black guy with dreads just like I thought. They were walking together and he had his hands around her waist. They were seen in a store together where they say he purchased alcohol. They also say she was under the influence which doesn't make sense. Why would he need to purchase more alcohol if she was already drunk?
Yup Police are looking for a black guy with dreads and yes he was caught in the area on camera. Again I suppose the OP and libs would just like to overlook a possible suspect based on race, but isn't that racist too?

Yeah but they should still investigate the white guy too. He could have gotten pissed she was with a Black guy and offed her.
I agree, all possibilities need to be looked at.
Blacks murder twice as many whites every year. This is 10 times per capita....
Blacks cause half of all murders in this country

Good luck sustaining a first world country going easy on these people.

white was on camera following her and they looking for a black man. Im done
You never started fuck-witt. You can't even spell let alone string a fucking sentence together.
So if the killer of the White girl turns out to be Black how about you leave this forum forever?
If the cops are now looking for a Black man I guarantee you it's not solely based on any White's word.
You need to wise up pal. Your race is failing worldwide.
I heard about this story this morning on the Today Show. The white girl has been missing for 3 days and a white guy was seen on camera following her. when the law questioned the white guy he tells them he said a black man grab her around the waist. So now the police are looking for a bald headed black man in Virgina who was NOT on camera like the white man. LOL How they know the white guy is not lying?

Police ID man who left bar with missing U.Va. student

Lets say this is a case of racism. All it is is one case. Of course there's racism against blacks. There's racism against whites too. The question is how pervasive is the racism. I think that it's totally over blown. People, particularly liberals, use racism as an excuse for everything. This is the least racist country in the world. People need to stop crying.
Good Lord people, look at the crime stats, it is completely unreasonable to say "hey blacks commit a lot of crimes" when they in fact commit half the crimes?

That's as stupid as saying it's sexist to point out the fact that men commit 90% of the crimes. it's not sexist, it's just a fact.

Black people and their sympathizers need to get over this.
Good Lord people, look at the crime stats, it is completely unreasonable to say "hey blacks commit a lot of crimes" when they in fact commit half the crimes?

That's as stupid as saying it's sexist to point out the fact that men commit 90% of the crimes. it's not sexist, it's just a fact.

Black people and their sympathizers need to get over this.

The problem with looking at stats is they are for the simple minded who dont understand all the variables that effect the stats. For instance saying Blacks are imprisoned more for drug crime is misleading and is used to lead the less intelligent around by the nose. The typical logic for those less intelligent is that Black people actually do more drug crimes. Well hidden away is the fact whites actually commit more drug crimes but are incarcerated way less.
I must ask, why are liberals arguing that blacks deserve to get away with crime? The first question is If we allow it and not act to prevent it. Aka, turn a blind eye to it and understand that they're doing it because of slavery. How will this better our society? I believe letting them loot our stores will do great harm to their community and ours.

If we give them softer punishment for committing it. How will this drive down the crime and benefit anyone, including the black community?

I believe this is what you on the left are arguing for. It doesn't make any sense.
Blacks murder twice as many whites every year. This is 10 times per capita....
Blacks cause half of all murders in this country

Your sources, please, and they'd better be good ones.
what 'based on per capita' means.

Per thousand. It's a helpful way of comparing the rates of many different statistics--such as the number of doctors in a country, the infant mortality rate, or crimes committed--by controlling for wildly different populations of groups being compared. The U.S., for example, would have a vastly superior number of doctors to that of, say, the UK or Estonia, simply because there are so many more people living here to begin with. But does the U.S. have enough doctors per person? This can be examined by comparing the number of doctors per capita in each of these countries. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development put out a helpful comparison of some of its member nations. This shows that per one thousand people, the U.S. in fact has fewer doctors than Iceland--a country with only 325,000 people. Given that the U.S. has over 318 million people, however, we do have more doctors than Iceland--just fewer per capita.

Of course, the actual Latin phrase per capita translates to for each head, denoting that whatever statistic you're looking at it is supposed to be given as a rate for one singular individual pyrsyn, but generally, you'll find that most statistics given per capita are expressed per thousand.

I hope my explanation of the term "per capita" has helped you to understand it better.
Good Lord people, look at the crime stats, it is completely unreasonable to say "hey blacks commit a lot of crimes" when they in fact commit half the crimes?

That's as stupid as saying it's sexist to point out the fact that men commit 90% of the crimes. it's not sexist, it's just a fact.

Black people and their sympathizers need to get over this.

The problem with looking at stats is they are for the simple minded who dont understand all the variables that effect the stats. For instance saying Blacks are imprisoned more for drug crime is misleading and is used to lead the less intelligent around by the nose. The typical logic for those less intelligent is that Black people actually do more drug crimes. Well hidden away is the fact whites actually commit more drug crimes but are incarcerated way less.

A great point! African-Americans make up only about 12.5-13% of the U.S. population, yet account for roughly one third of all drug-related arrests, about half of drug-related convictions, and nearly two-thirds of all drug-related incarcerations. It would be highly racist and extremely wrong of anyone to make the claim that African-Americans commit a disproportionate amount of drug-related crimes just because of some biased statistics.

I think the U.S. needs a law banning the collection of demographic data (race, religion, age, gyndyr, etc.) just like France has. It's worked quite well so far for them, why can't we have that here? It's guaranteed to improve race relations, because bigots won't be able to point to inflated statistics to "prove" their absurd, offensive claims.
What a bogus claim. Provide
Good Lord people, look at the crime stats, it is completely unreasonable to say "hey blacks commit a lot of crimes" when they in fact commit half the crimes?

That's as stupid as saying it's sexist to point out the fact that men commit 90% of the crimes. it's not sexist, it's just a fact.

Black people and their sympathizers need to get over this.

The problem with looking at stats is they are for the simple minded who dont understand all the variables that effect the stats. For instance saying Blacks are imprisoned more for drug crime is misleading and is used to lead the less intelligent around by the nose. The typical logic for those less intelligent is that Black people actually do more drug crimes. Well hidden away is the fact whites actually commit more drug crimes but are incarcerated way less.

A great point! African-Americans make up only about 12.5-13% of the U.S. population, yet account for roughly one third of all drug-related arrests, about half of drug-related convictions, and nearly two-thirds of all drug-related incarcerations. It would be highly racist and extremely wrong of anyone to make the claim that African-Americans commit a disproportionate amount of drug-related crimes just because of some biased statistics.

I think the U.S. needs a law banning the collection of demographic data (race, religion, age, gyndyr, etc.) just like France has. It's worked quite well so far for them, why can't we have that here? It's guaranteed to improve race relations, because bigots won't be able to point to inflated statistics to "prove" their absurd, offensive claims.

The two of you can of course prove the numbers are inflated?

And I can obviously see why you are focusing on drug crimes

FBI mdash Table 43

Do you also contend that whites rape, steal, and murder as often as blacks but aren't incarcerated for such?
I must ask, why are liberals arguing that blacks deserve to get away with crime? The first question is If we allow it and not act to prevent it. Aka, turn a blind eye to it and understand that they're doing it because of slavery. How will this better our society? I believe letting them loot our stores will do great harm to their community and ours.

If we give them softer punishment for committing it. How will this drive down the crime and benefit anyone, including the black community?

I believe this is what you on the left are arguing for. It doesn't make any sense.

Nobodies is arguing to let criminals get away with crime. However we need to prosecute everyone not just Blacks disproportionately. If a white guy sniffs coke arrest and put his ass in jail at the same rate and speed you would for a Black person smoking a blunt.
What a bogus claim. Provide
Good Lord people, look at the crime stats, it is completely unreasonable to say "hey blacks commit a lot of crimes" when they in fact commit half the crimes?

That's as stupid as saying it's sexist to point out the fact that men commit 90% of the crimes. it's not sexist, it's just a fact.

Black people and their sympathizers need to get over this.

The problem with looking at stats is they are for the simple minded who dont understand all the variables that effect the stats. For instance saying Blacks are imprisoned more for drug crime is misleading and is used to lead the less intelligent around by the nose. The typical logic for those less intelligent is that Black people actually do more drug crimes. Well hidden away is the fact whites actually commit more drug crimes but are incarcerated way less.

A great point! African-Americans make up only about 12.5-13% of the U.S. population, yet account for roughly one third of all drug-related arrests, about half of drug-related convictions, and nearly two-thirds of all drug-related incarcerations. It would be highly racist and extremely wrong of anyone to make the claim that African-Americans commit a disproportionate amount of drug-related crimes just because of some biased statistics.

I think the U.S. needs a law banning the collection of demographic data (race, religion, age, gyndyr, etc.) just like France has. It's worked quite well so far for them, why can't we have that here? It's guaranteed to improve race relations, because bigots won't be able to point to inflated statistics to "prove" their absurd, offensive claims.

The two of you can of course prove the numbers are inflated?

And I can obviously see why you are focusing on drug crimes

FBI mdash Table 43

Do you also contend that whites rape, steal, and murder as often as blacks but aren't incarcerated for such?

I didnt say the numbers were inflated. I said the numbers were used to lead you around by the nose. Simplistic minds can only comprehend simple things. For instance in your table you provided. Does it break down how many of those arrests are repeat offenders vs first time? Technically a small minority of Blacks could be engaged in robbery arrests as repeat offenders while whites could all be first time offenders. People that are used to being told what to think never ponder these things. Another thing you dont seem to get is most of these crimes arise from economic reasons. Gang members killing each other over valuable drug turf is counted as a murder.
What a bogus claim. Provide
Good Lord people, look at the crime stats, it is completely unreasonable to say "hey blacks commit a lot of crimes" when they in fact commit half the crimes?

That's as stupid as saying it's sexist to point out the fact that men commit 90% of the crimes. it's not sexist, it's just a fact.

Black people and their sympathizers need to get over this.

The problem with looking at stats is they are for the simple minded who dont understand all the variables that effect the stats. For instance saying Blacks are imprisoned more for drug crime is misleading and is used to lead the less intelligent around by the nose. The typical logic for those less intelligent is that Black people actually do more drug crimes. Well hidden away is the fact whites actually commit more drug crimes but are incarcerated way less.

A great point! African-Americans make up only about 12.5-13% of the U.S. population, yet account for roughly one third of all drug-related arrests, about half of drug-related convictions, and nearly two-thirds of all drug-related incarcerations. It would be highly racist and extremely wrong of anyone to make the claim that African-Americans commit a disproportionate amount of drug-related crimes just because of some biased statistics.

I think the U.S. needs a law banning the collection of demographic data (race, religion, age, gyndyr, etc.) just like France has. It's worked quite well so far for them, why can't we have that here? It's guaranteed to improve race relations, because bigots won't be able to point to inflated statistics to "prove" their absurd, offensive claims.

The two of you can of course prove the numbers are inflated?

And I can obviously see why you are focusing on drug crimes

FBI mdash Table 43

Do you also contend that whites rape, steal, and murder as often as blacks but aren't incarcerated for such?

I didnt say the numbers were inflated. I said the numbers were used to lead you around by the nose. Simplistic minds can only comprehend simple things. For instance in your table you provided. Does it break down how many of those arrests are repeat offenders vs first time? Technically a small minority of Blacks could be engaged in robbery arrests as repeat offenders while whites could all be first time offenders. People that are used to being told what to think never ponder these things.

what the hell ?? Are you seriously suggesting that a small number of blacks are running around killing people but that isn't true for whites?

Again, actual statistics

Bureau of Justice Statistics BJS - Recidivism of Prisoners Released in 30 States in 2005 Patterns from 2005 to 2010

show that MOST crime is committed by people who have already been in prison , regardless of race.

PS retard - LIberal Media, who I quoted, DID call the statistics inflated.

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