This story in New York makes my blood boil

The training in New York is deficient. Take a look at that guy, he is HUGE. In Los Angeles the police are trained to never use a choke hold on someone that overweight. LAPD killed a dozen fat people with choke holds before they finally got the message that fat people have a serious problem breathing normally. They die in choke holds. It isn't the fault of the police. The criminal had them at height and weight. They should have shot him in both legs, he'd still be alive.

Shoot him? the legs? ..and he'd "still be alive"? You realize there are arteries in your legs and you could bleed out in a couple of minutes?..shoot him..LMFAO....

You watch a lot of tv, right?

The artery that can bleed out in a matter of minutes is in the inner thigh. Kneecapping someone doesn't cause death. There are methods of restraining the fat without killing them. If LAPD can figure it out, so can NYPD. The Chief of Police is Bill Bratton who used to be Chief of LAPD. He knows. In this case, the comparatively diminutive police were both outclassed by a combative perp. They must restrain him. Chokeholds kill the obese. They have to do something. nypd shoots innocent citizens...They can't even hit the guy they're "aiming" at...on a crowded, busy new york street...and you want these misfits to start shooting people "in the kneecap"..You're funny!


and you don't know much about anatomy, either..I guess they don't show much of that on have arteries all the way down your leg and into your katz..LMFAO...
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And people here wonder why I don't say nice things about the Police.

Police are ALWAYS evil until they save your life or come to your rescue in some other way. The vast majority are decent individuals who stand between some sense of order and total chaos. There will always be a few bad apples in the barrel so it's best not to paint them all with a broad brush.

They don't stop robberies..they don't stop rapes..they don't stop car jackings..they don't stop burglaries....they show up after the event and fill out papers for you to give the insurance company.

I wouldn't call one for ANYTHING. They are dangerous and unstable in their arrogance...

When seconds count, the police are minutes away...

I'll handle my own business, thanks.

They catch many culprits in the act. You just got out of jail...I understand your bitterness, but clearly you are not unbiased.
Police are ALWAYS evil until they save your life or come to your rescue in some other way. The vast majority are decent individuals who stand between some sense of order and total chaos. There will always be a few bad apples in the barrel so it's best not to paint them all with a broad brush.

They don't stop robberies..they don't stop rapes..they don't stop car jackings..they don't stop burglaries....they show up after the event and fill out papers for you to give the insurance company.

I wouldn't call one for ANYTHING. They are dangerous and unstable in their arrogance...

When seconds count, the police are minutes away...

I'll handle my own business, thanks.

They catch many culprits in the act. You just got out of jail...I understand your bitterness, but clearly you are not unbiased.

Jail again? that all you know how to talk about? Not all of us are criminals. That's more of a negro trait.
The training in New York is deficient. Take a look at that guy, he is HUGE. In Los Angeles the police are trained to never use a choke hold on someone that overweight. LAPD killed a dozen fat people with choke holds before they finally got the message that fat people have a serious problem breathing normally. They die in choke holds. It isn't the fault of the police. The criminal had them at height and weight. They should have shot him in both legs, he'd still be alive.

Shoot him? the legs? ..and he'd "still be alive"? You realize there are arteries in your legs and you could bleed out in a couple of minutes?..shoot him..LMFAO....

You watch a lot of tv, right?

The artery that can bleed out in a matter of minutes is in the inner thigh. Kneecapping someone doesn't cause death. There are methods of restraining the fat without killing them. If LAPD can figure it out, so can NYPD. The Chief of Police is Bill Bratton who used to be Chief of LAPD. He knows. In this case, the comparatively diminutive police were both outclassed by a combative perp. They must restrain him. Chokeholds kill the obese. They have to do something.

What are you nuts?

There's all sorts of way to die after being shot by a bullet.

First off, the body doesn't deal with the metal lead very well.

Second, a person can go into shock after being shot.

Third, blood clots can form around the wound and travel to the heart. you think about what you post?
Why do they allow freaks with tats on the force in anyway? What a freak.

I don't think much of tattoos but that's just frikken funny.



Too many cops are indeed out of control. We see the evidence every day in the news and we need to deal with that.

We also need to remember than not all cops are killing people, beating up on mentally ill old ladies, shooting dogs. Most them still put their lives on the line for us.
And people here wonder why I don't say nice things about the Police.

And it didn't even look like the man was resisting arrest
Actually it is quite obvious he did resist -- repeatedly saying, "Don't touch me," and backing away. Technically that authorized the cops to forcibly restrain him. But the choke-hold is prohibited by procedural directive. So the cop who used it could be in serious trouble.

Give him a year in general population at Rikers Island. Problem solved.
The man shouldn't have been murdered because that is what it was. Murder. He said quite a few times he could not breathe..and they all piled on him anyway.
But I am betting the cop will not be prosecuted.

If not...I hope someone drops the hammer on him with a rifle.
And people here wonder why I don't say nice things about the Police.

Police are ALWAYS evil until they save your life or come to your rescue in some other way. The vast majority are decent individuals who stand between some sense of order and total chaos. There will always be a few bad apples in the barrel so it's best not to paint them all with a broad brush.

No, the vast majority divided more or less equally between are arrogant, swaggering thugs who aspire only to be the nastiest bully on the block and burned-out old men who just want to retire. There ARE good cops, but it's like lawyers, politicians, and used-car salesmen in that the 90% that are crooked and/or evil ruin it for them.
The training in New York is deficient. Take a look at that guy, he is HUGE. In Los Angeles the police are trained to never use a choke hold on someone that overweight. LAPD killed a dozen fat people with choke holds before they finally got the message that fat people have a serious problem breathing normally. They die in choke holds. It isn't the fault of the police. The criminal had them at height and weight. They should have shot him in both legs, he'd still be alive.

Shoot him? the legs? ..and he'd "still be alive"? You realize there are arteries in your legs and you could bleed out in a couple of minutes?..shoot him..LMFAO....

You watch a lot of tv, right?

The artery that can bleed out in a matter of minutes is in the inner thigh. Kneecapping someone doesn't cause death. There are methods of restraining the fat without killing them. If LAPD can figure it out, so can NYPD. The Chief of Police is Bill Bratton who used to be Chief of LAPD. He knows. In this case, the comparatively diminutive police were both outclassed by a combative perp. They must restrain him. Chokeholds kill the obese. They have to do something.

How about this then: I put a .44 Magnum hollow-point (or a 12-bore slug) into each of your knees, and see how long it takes you to bleed out!
Shoot him? the legs? ..and he'd "still be alive"? You realize there are arteries in your legs and you could bleed out in a couple of minutes?..shoot him..LMFAO....

You watch a lot of tv, right?

The artery that can bleed out in a matter of minutes is in the inner thigh. Kneecapping someone doesn't cause death. There are methods of restraining the fat without killing them. If LAPD can figure it out, so can NYPD. The Chief of Police is Bill Bratton who used to be Chief of LAPD. He knows. In this case, the comparatively diminutive police were both outclassed by a combative perp. They must restrain him. Chokeholds kill the obese. They have to do something.

What are you nuts?

There's all sorts of way to die after being shot by a bullet.

First off, the body doesn't deal with the metal lead very well.

Second, a person can go into shock after being shot.

Third, blood clots can form around the wound and travel to the heart. you think about what you post?

No. She is not "nuts" in the sense you are thinking. She is absolutely pure evil on the level of Countess Bathory.
The man shouldn't have been murdered because that is what it was. Murder. He said quite a few times he could not breathe..and they all piled on him anyway.
But I am betting the cop will not be prosecuted.
That will depend on the lawyer the family has. And I can assure you some of the best lawyers in New York are lined up to take this into civil court. What happens there will determine whether criminal charges are filed.

One thing is certain, that fellow's death will serve his family's interests far more than he ever served them while alive. Unless there is more to the story than we've seen and heard they soon will be millionaires.
This story is exactly why I had no interest in hearing about a NJ cop who was killed last week

Why does the news media think the whole city is in mourning when a police officer is killed? I can care less
The man shouldn't have been murdered because that is what it was. Murder. He said quite a few times he could not breathe..and they all piled on him anyway.
But I am betting the cop will not be prosecuted.
That will depend on the lawyer the family has. And I can assure you some of the best lawyers in New York are lined up to take this into civil court. What happens there will determine whether criminal charges are filed.

One thing is certain, that fellow's death will serve his family's interests far more than he ever served them while alive. Unless there is more to the story than we've seen and heard they soon will be millionaires.

Criminal court first, then civil court.
This story is exactly why I had no interest in hearing about a NJ cop who was killed last week

Why does the news media think the whole city is in mourning when a police officer is killed? I can care less

Because most cops, most of the time, are risking their lives for very little pay to protect us from violent assholes.

I think we should pay police officers a LOT more, and require a lot more out of them. From one point of view, they OUGHT to have law degrees, given that they are enforcing the law. They should at least have thorough training in the the concept of individual rights and the foundations of our legal system.
This story is exactly why I had no interest in hearing about a NJ cop who was killed last week

Why does the news media think the whole city is in mourning when a police officer is killed? I can care less

Because most cops, most of the time, are risking their lives for very little pay to protect us from violent assholes.

I think we should pay police officers a LOT more, and require a lot more out of them. From one point of view, they OUGHT to have law degrees, given that they are enforcing the law. They should at least have thorough training in the the concept of individual rights and the foundations of our legal system.

No skin off my back
I will not condemn all police officers for the inept handling of this arrest.

The choke hold in this case was utter BS. Their are many types of take downs that in no way risk the life of the man being taken. Hell we learned the do's and don'ts of take downs in Shore Patrol Training in the Navy.

The family will win any lawsuit here................And this is tragic...........The officer should be held accountable for his actions.

But do not condemn them all for it.
The artery that can bleed out in a matter of minutes is in the inner thigh. Kneecapping someone doesn't cause death. There are methods of restraining the fat without killing them. If LAPD can figure it out, so can NYPD. The Chief of Police is Bill Bratton who used to be Chief of LAPD. He knows. In this case, the comparatively diminutive police were both outclassed by a combative perp. They must restrain him. Chokeholds kill the obese. They have to do something.

What are you nuts?

There's all sorts of way to die after being shot by a bullet.

First off, the body doesn't deal with the metal lead very well.

Second, a person can go into shock after being shot.

Third, blood clots can form around the wound and travel to the heart. you think about what you post?

No. She is not "nuts" in the sense you are thinking. She is absolutely pure evil on the level of Countess Bathory.

Katzndogz is not "absolutely pure evil", just ignorant and pathetic. You would insult the great Elizabeth Bathory by comparing her to this Mundane.

On subject, the Cops could have just tased the guy and made sure he didn't hit his head on the pavement. 400 lbs, yes, but cops should be physically fit enough to handle that in a group without "accidentally" killing the man. Perhaps, even threatening to tase him might have been enough. The right people skills and words being said may have also convinced him to willingly come down to the station. There is no excuse for his death.

I hope that, among the police, somebody gets executed as a result of this incident. If the Law will not do that, someone else should.
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Criminal court first, then civil court.
Whether or not a criminal charge is lodged depends on the DA -- who is always partial to the police. The PD probably will claim the officer's acted in accordance with Procedure and the DA will be satisfied with that. This is why relatively petty examples of police misconduct or brutality are usually ignored. Plaintiffs in such examples can't afford an experienced lawyer, or any lawyer, and even if a suit is filed it goes nowhere. This example, however, has legs. There is video evidence and there is a prodedural violation. The lawyers are lining up.

Regardless of what the DA does the family's lawyer will bring suit in civil court. If the DA initially fails to prosecute, the outcome of the trial could produce evidence that would force the DA to prefer criminal charges. But I expect a generous settlement will be awarded in this example and no pressure will be brought to bear on the DA.

Time will tell.

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