This time its a 14 year old who shot his teacher

We could always bring back public hanging in the town-square, to discourage such.

We could also sell tickets, to help make-up for municipal budget shortfalls...

Public hangings of teens. Get that in the GOP platform! It's a WINNAH!

Don't encourage them.

They take this shit very seriously. Hell, the rw nutters were ready to shut down schools and put the kids to work cleaning toilets just because a failed criminal republican told them it was a good idea.

Reminded me ... wonder if ole Newt will run again. :badgrin:

With the liberal education system indoctrinating instead of teaching kids. Cleaning toilets is a better job than when they graduate high school.
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I thought it was against the law for a 14 year old to posses a gun? You mean to tell me a law didn't prevent this? Wow

I don't believe there is any such law that says a 14 year old cannot own a gun. I do know that you have to be a certain age before you can purchase one. All five of my children got their first gun when they were around 9 years old. The youngest (twins) are now 21 yrs old and to date they haven't killed anyone.
I thought it was against the law for a 14 year old to posses a gun? You mean to tell me a law didn't prevent this? Wow

I don't believe there is any such law that says a 14 year old cannot own a gun. I do know that you have to be a certain age before you can purchase one. All five of my children got their first gun when they were around 9 years old. The youngest (twins) are now 21 yrs old and to date they haven't killed anyone.

I was being sarcastic, but in south carolina. You have to be 18 to buy a rifle and 21 to buy a pistol. With a back ground check.
We are raising up a population of savages. Nothing more than predatory barbarians who believe they have a right to kill if they don't get their way.

And their names are now being withheld for obvious reasons.
According to the accusation read in court, the boy is accused of assaulting and beating Ritzer to death.

14-year-old accused of killing beloved Danvers, Massachusetts, teacher -

so we have the rabid anti gun nutter luddly hysterically jumping to conclusions

now watch, he won't care about this death anymore because a gun wasn't involved

such a tragedy but of course luddly had to use it to falsely accuse those who hold different beliefs of not caring, when in reality, he doesn't care
Goddamn it first Nevada and now this. The killings are probably connected somehow. We gotta do something abut these kids and their assault rifles. Wouldn't surprised if they're connected. Are the parents under arrest yet for giving him the gun? What the hell did they need an automatic rifle for anyway?
We are raising up a population of savages. Nothing more than predatory barbarians who believe they have a right to kill if they don't get their way.

or the student was put in a position by this particular teacher that he in his still childish mind did not have anything other to do.

You know, what teachers and schools can do to the students, right?
Not everybody decides to commit suicide, like the Alabama student, pushed to suicide by the school with idiotic "zero tolerance" policy on a simple prank, did - some decide to react in a different direction.

He targeted this particular teacher - it was a retaliation, not a mass shooting.

So we just need to find out what was the reason - and there clearly was one like in the other bullying retaliation.

obviously our antigun wingnuts, will use the case for their continued hypocritical hysteria against guns - that is to be expected, but that should not divert reasonable posters into their hysteria.
Goddamn it first Nevada and now this. The killings are probably connected somehow. We gotta do something abut these kids and their assault rifles. Wouldn't surprised if they're connected. Are the parents under arrest yet for giving him the gun? What the hell did they need an automatic rifle for anyway?

can you not get sidetracked by hysteria of hypocritical wingnuts?

the cases are TARGETED - it is a planned murder - so it has a reason.
The Nevada situation is clearly triggered by bullying.
This might be bullying or blatant unfairness by a teacher.

Students at schools are being cornered - by idiotic policies, by idiotic rules and by idiotic adults - the reaction might be different, but you need to get to the reason this is happening, not get into convulsing antigun hysteria - and that is what you are doing, by the trigger of the OP, who is a known antigun leftard.
Okay nutters, roll out your lame ass excuses.

How do you know the teacher was shot?

The article you linked to stated. " Blodgett did not say how Ritzer died or if the two knew each other.".

No gun was ever mentioned.

You're right. When I first posted this without a link, it was what I heard on the TV news. I believe they said it was a shooting death but now I'm not sure.

Apparently cause of death has not been announced.

My mistake.

Because you couldn't wait to use her death as political fodder for your anti-American agenda. You were giddy over this woman's death as soon as you heard the story, no doubt.
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Goddamn it first Nevada and now this. The killings are probably connected somehow. We gotta do something abut these kids and their assault rifles. Wouldn't surprised if they're connected. Are the parents under arrest yet for giving him the gun? What the hell did they need an automatic rifle for anyway?

can you not get sidetracked by hysteria of hypocritical wingnuts?

the cases are TARGETED - it is a planned murder - so it has a reason.
The Nevada situation is clearly triggered by bullying.
This might be bullying or blatant unfairness by a teacher.

Students at schools are being cornered - by idiotic policies, by idiotic rules and by idiotic adults - the reaction might be different, but you need to get to the reason this is happening, not get into convulsing antigun hysteria - and that is what you are doing, by the trigger of the OP, who is a known antigun leftard.

Bullying could be a reason why a student is angry and upset with a teacher or someone else. The REASON people are dead is because the student had access to a gun, took it to school, and killed someone. The REASON someone is dead is not bullying or anger or any other emotion. The REASON someone is dead is that a child thought the way to deal with that anger was to kill someone and the child had access to a gun with which to do the killing.
A dead teacher and a kid's life down the crapper is not what I would call


Why couldn't Obama be more of an inspiration?

What makes you believe he isn't?

"Q. Did President Obama once say of Republicans: “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”
A: Yes. Obama made those remarks at a fundraiser in Philadelphia during the 2008 presidential campaign."
Obama, Guns and ?The Untouchables?

Who put this guy into office?????

I would assume that the dead teacher has something to do with it...given the state and the profession
How do you know the teacher was shot?

The article you linked to stated. " Blodgett did not say how Ritzer died or if the two knew each other.".

No gun was ever mentioned.

You're right. When I first posted this without a link, it was what I heard on the TV news. I believe they said it was a shooting death but now I'm not sure.

Apparently cause of death has not been announced.

My mistake.

Because you couldn't wait to use his death as political fodder for your anti-American agenda. You were giddy as soon as you heard the story, no doubt.

We don't want to use these incidents as 'political fodder.' We want the killings to stop. We (society/human beings) will never be able to eliminate anger or bad feelings, strong emotion, etc. What we can do is eliminate the means with which folks act out that anger and kill someone when they are in the throws of that intense emotion: guns. Guns make it too easy to just blow yourself or others away in the heat of the moment.

The elephant in the room is not good or bad teachers, good or bad schools, good or bad parenting, troubled kids, or any other of the myriad things you want to blame. It is guns.
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Goddamn it first Nevada and now this. The killings are probably connected somehow. We gotta do something abut these kids and their assault rifles. Wouldn't surprised if they're connected. Are the parents under arrest yet for giving him the gun? What the hell did they need an automatic rifle for anyway?

can you not get sidetracked by hysteria of hypocritical wingnuts?

the cases are TARGETED - it is a planned murder - so it has a reason.
The Nevada situation is clearly triggered by bullying.
This might be bullying or blatant unfairness by a teacher.

Students at schools are being cornered - by idiotic policies, by idiotic rules and by idiotic adults - the reaction might be different, but you need to get to the reason this is happening, not get into convulsing antigun hysteria - and that is what you are doing, by the trigger of the OP, who is a known antigun leftard.

Bullying could be a reason why a student is angry and upset with a teacher or someone else. The REASON people are dead is because the student had access to a gun, took it to school, and killed someone. The REASON someone is dead is not bullying or anger or any other emotion. The REASON someone is dead is that a child thought the way to deal with that anger was to kill someone and the child had access to a gun with which to do the killing.

you idiot, the teacher was not killed by a gun.

talking about stupid and low-informed leftard.

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