This time its a 14 year old who shot his teacher

You're right. When I first posted this without a link, it was what I heard on the TV news. I believe they said it was a shooting death but now I'm not sure.

Apparently cause of death has not been announced.

My mistake.

Because you couldn't wait to use his death as political fodder for your anti-American agenda. You were giddy as soon as you heard the story, no doubt.

We don't want to use these incidents as 'political fodder.' We want the killings to stop. We (society/human beings) will never be able to eliminate anger or bad feelings, strong emotion, etc. What we can do is eliminate the means with which folks act out that anger and kill someone when they are in the throws of that intense emotion: guns. Guns make it too easy to just blow yourself or others away in the heat of the moment.

The elephant in the room is not good or bad teachers, good or bad schools, good or bad parenting, troubled kids, or any other of the myriad things you want to blame. It is guns.
Because someone murdered with a gun is MORE dead than someone murdered with any other weapon.
No matter how the kid took his teacher out, the kid should be tried as an adult if they knew what they were doing and to me there is a god chance that the kid knew exactly what they were doing.

God bless you and the teacher's family always!!!


I'm relieved to learn that James Otto didn't do it!
You have a beautiful young (too young to teach HS) teacher murdered by a savage 14 year old. Reverse the races and this is headline news for months if not years until trial.

The teacher was apparently beloved by all. This is a case of a sexual psychopath, likely raised on internet porn and no parenting, who sees a hot prospect to go ghetto on and acts on primal instinct. Hard to believe we don't see more of this actually. But I guess we don't since society has become so utterly scumified that women and girls are more than happy to debase themselves now for a few bucks and a hyperlink of the video to add to their selfies.

You're speculating just as ridiculously as those who claim she was shot.
We don't want to use these incidents as 'political fodder.' We want the killings to stop. We (society/human beings) will never be able to eliminate anger or bad feelings, strong emotion, etc. What we can do is eliminate the means with which folks act out that anger and kill someone when they are in the throws of that intense emotion: guns. Guns make it too easy to just blow yourself or others away in the heat of the moment.

The elephant in the room is not good or bad teachers, good or bad schools, good or bad parenting, troubled kids, or any other of the myriad things you want to blame. It is guns.

You want to stop the killing? Let parents do their job without the government butting in at every corner. Kids Used to be spanked, there was a reason for that. You can't reason with kids who don't have all their reasoning facalties. Sometimes the kid doesn't understand why they can't do something no matter how much you explain it to them. So you use your authority as a parent backed up with an ounce of pain if they disobey. It's worked for centuries. Now that we have stopped disciplining kids that way and tried the liberal,talk to the kids way, we have a bunch of whiney,entitled, run amok violent kids who think they can do what they want cause there are no consequences they fear.

The second part of this problem is the liberal family unit. Lets embrace the single mother,fathers aren't necessary,and any other combo goes. The kid has little stability, and boys don't have a steady roll models. Any boy can grow up to be a male but boys need to be taught to be proper men, it doesn't come naturally. Boys don't even respond to the female voice the same way they respond to a male voice. You can have a room full of screaming boys with a women screaming for them to quiet down and they keep right on going. A man walks in the room and yells and they stop dead in their tracks. It's how they are hard wired. With most of the violent acts recently being out of control males,maybe it's time we went back to the old school ways of doing things.

Third part of the problem is having two parents working. Back in the day mothers stayed home and were involved constantly in thier childs lives. Moms were room mothers,lunch aids,involved heavily in PTA,scouts,church activites and home when the kids got there. When I was a kid we had a lunch hour and we walked home for lunch. We had constant contact with the family unit. All it took was a teacher to say, "I'm gonna call your mother at lunchtime" and that whipped the kid back in line. Why? Because kids were controlled from home. If my teacher called my house, my ass got beat when I came home, even if the teacher diciplined me at school. My mother took it as a personal disrespect of HER authority. She taught me how to act in school and I damn sure better do it. Then when dad found out,now there was some real fear. The dread alone waiting for the other shoe to drop was hell,even if he only yelled at me. The worst words a kid could ever hear in my day was "wait until I tell your father what you did".

Now you libers will say that I want to put the women back in the kitchen. But not true. Family across the street has the father home all day. This is good cause the mother doesn't have a nurturing bone in her body and the father does. The mother also had a better job than her husband who worked for Fed Ex. He stays home,he keeps the kids in line, he gets them off to school, he works part time and is involved in his kids lives.

The fifth thing is outside play and face to face interaction with peers. Too much TV,too much violent video games,to much social media and not enough one on one with kids outside burning off their energy. Basically kids have too much time on thier hands. You rarely ever saw a fat kid 35 years ago. Why? because we were outside running around. You didn't have the drama because issues got settled on the playground. Home was a safe haven to get away from the school and playground drama. You always had one place to feel safe when things went wrong. Also alot of things that get said today never got said at all. Why? because people act differently when they are face to face with a person than over the internet. Sure rumors were spread but you also knew when it got back to the person, a face to face contfrontation was coming. If you didn't want to back it up you didn't say it. There was also parental control outside too. My mother knew all the other mothers, had their numbers and knew their kids. If I did something wrong three streets away, my mother would know by the time I got home, and yes my ass got beat and I got sent to my room. It's hard to be like that on social media, so the kids just get away with it until something goes very wrong.

You want the insanity to stop? Put those five things back into place.

How can families live without two incomes?

Raise minimum wage?

I do it just fine. It's called get a better work ethic, be frugal and don't buy into all the crap the retailers tell you you need to have a successful life. What's more important and Iphone 5s or your kids?

Minimum wage? If you're supporting a family flipping burgers YOU fucked up big time. When I was a kid everybody knew that they needed either a college education or a well paying trade and they spent their highschool and college years, BEFORE having a family, working toward that end. Minimum wage jobs are for kids to learn about the working world or for extra income. Nobody was ever supposed to live off that kind of income. Instead of lowering the bar and raising the minimum wage, how about we raise the bar and keep the minimum wage where it is. Better yourself or keep your pants zipped until you have the money to support a family. It's worked for centuries until now. It's just now people want everything valuable to drop in their laps without climbing the employment ladder. Not happy flipping burgers,be a manager. Tired of being a manager,be an owner. You do realize people come from other countries like India, with just the clothes on their backs to the USA and make it just fine right? They get a job,learn the language,and save their money to open a 7/11 or gas station. Quit being a bunch of whiney bitches,If immigrants can do it so can you .
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You're right. When I first posted this without a link, it was what I heard on the TV news. I believe they said it was a shooting death but now I'm not sure.

Apparently cause of death has not been announced.

My mistake.

Because you couldn't wait to use his death as political fodder for your anti-American agenda. You were giddy as soon as you heard the story, no doubt.

We don't want to use these incidents as 'political fodder.' We want the killings to stop. We (society/human beings) will never be able to eliminate anger or bad feelings, strong emotion, etc. What we can do is eliminate the means with which folks act out that anger and kill someone when they are in the throws of that intense emotion: guns. Guns make it too easy to just blow yourself or others away in the heat of the moment.

The elephant in the room is not good or bad teachers, good or bad schools, good or bad parenting, troubled kids, or any other of the myriad things you want to blame. It is guns.

You're seriously saying that about a murder that didn't involve a gun?

How can families live without two incomes?

Simply - by their means.

If you do not have money for the house - you rent an apartment. If you do not have money for 2 cars - you manage with one until you have the money for the second one and not a new, obviously.
If you do not have the money - you do not buy processed food, but only raw natural products and cook yourself - saves you money and prevents becoming fat.
If you do not have the money - you do not buy luxury gadgets and have one TV in family room - until you save some and buy the others.
If you don't have the money - you do not buy expensive clothes and shoes and use discount stores and sales.
If you don't have the money - you do not vacation in Europe or South America, but go to St.Augustine, Fl ( a perfect little town) :)

and while you also work your butt off during that time - you eventually get the money for the house, for the gadgets, for the cars and vacations.
Which does not mean you are not continuing working your butt off. :D

If you really want to - you can achieve upward mobility. Even very high upward mobility.
Depends if you are willing to pay the price.

Because everything comes with a price tag.

Free cheese is only in a mousetrap.
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as i predicted as soon as luddly found out this death was not caused by a gun, he would abandon the thread as he no longer cares about this death

in fact, he is off in another thread created a couple hours about a gun death while not giving two cents about this death

I'm surprised Luddy would bring up a murder of a white by one of Obama's boys. That is usually the work of others.
Yet another classic epic fail Luddy thread. Poor Luddy thought us "RWs" would be defending some white kid who used a gun to kill someone. Now its Luddy making excuses for a Mulatto beating and killing a white woman.
You have a beautiful young (too young to teach HS) teacher murdered by a savage 14 year old. Reverse the races and this is headline news for months if not years until trial.

The teacher was apparently beloved by all. This is a case of a sexual psychopath, likely raised on internet porn and no parenting, who sees a hot prospect to go ghetto on and acts on primal instinct. Hard to believe we don't see more of this actually. But I guess we don't since society has become so utterly scumified that women and girls are more than happy to debase themselves now for a few bucks and a hyperlink of the video to add to their selfies.

You're speculating just as ridiculously as those who claim she was shot.

My speculation makes sense. I did not take a guess as to the method of death, although her being stabbed is a very intimate act, which would be in keeping with a crime of passion, as opposed to a random act of violence.
You have a beautiful young (too young to teach HS) teacher murdered by a savage 14 year old. Reverse the races and this is headline news for months if not years until trial.

The teacher was apparently beloved by all. This is a case of a sexual psychopath, likely raised on internet porn and no parenting, who sees a hot prospect to go ghetto on and acts on primal instinct. Hard to believe we don't see more of this actually. But I guess we don't since society has become so utterly scumified that women and girls are more than happy to debase themselves now for a few bucks and a hyperlink of the video to add to their selfies.

You're speculating just as ridiculously as those who claim she was shot.

My speculation makes sense. I did not take a guess as to the method of death, although her being stabbed is a very intimate act, which would be in keeping with a crime of passion, as opposed to a random act of violence.
"This is a case of a sexual psychopath, likely raised on internet porn and no parenting, who sees a hot prospect to go ghetto on and acts on primal instinct."

And you drew all this from two facts:

1. The perp is black.

2. A gun wasn't used.

Thanks for playing. We have some lovely parting gifts for you.
You're speculating just as ridiculously as those who claim she was shot.

My speculation makes sense. I did not take a guess as to the method of death, although her being stabbed is a very intimate act, which would be in keeping with a crime of passion, as opposed to a random act of violence.
"This is a case of a sexual psychopath, likely raised on internet porn and no parenting, who sees a hot prospect to go ghetto on and acts on primal instinct."

And you drew all this from two facts:

1. The perp is black.

2. A gun wasn't used.

Thanks for playing. We have some lovely parting gifts for you.

Wow, a snarky fag. Congrats.:clap2:

It's a safe assumption based on the state of decay in society that both those things are true. Could be wrong, but I bet when this kid's computer is examined they'll find it loaded with porn. And most kids who come from intact families do not randomly murder innocent people.
You want to stop the killing? Let parents do their job without the government butting in at every corner. Kids Used to be spanked, there was a reason for that. You can't reason with kids who don't have all their reasoning facalties. Sometimes the kid doesn't understand why they can't do something no matter how much you explain it to them. So you use your authority as a parent backed up with an ounce of pain if they disobey. It's worked for centuries. Now that we have stopped disciplining kids that way and tried the liberal,talk to the kids way, we have a bunch of whiney,entitled, run amok violent kids who think they can do what they want cause there are no consequences they fear.

The second part of this problem is the liberal family unit. Lets embrace the single mother,fathers aren't necessary,and any other combo goes. The kid has little stability, and boys don't have a steady roll models. Any boy can grow up to be a male but boys need to be taught to be proper men, it doesn't come naturally. Boys don't even respond to the female voice the same way they respond to a male voice. You can have a room full of screaming boys with a women screaming for them to quiet down and they keep right on going. A man walks in the room and yells and they stop dead in their tracks. It's how they are hard wired. With most of the violent acts recently being out of control males,maybe it's time we went back to the old school ways of doing things.

Third part of the problem is having two parents working. Back in the day mothers stayed home and were involved constantly in thier childs lives. Moms were room mothers,lunch aids,involved heavily in PTA,scouts,church activites and home when the kids got there. When I was a kid we had a lunch hour and we walked home for lunch. We had constant contact with the family unit. All it took was a teacher to say, "I'm gonna call your mother at lunchtime" and that whipped the kid back in line. Why? Because kids were controlled from home. If my teacher called my house, my ass got beat when I came home, even if the teacher diciplined me at school. My mother took it as a personal disrespect of HER authority. She taught me how to act in school and I damn sure better do it. Then when dad found out,now there was some real fear. The dread alone waiting for the other shoe to drop was hell,even if he only yelled at me. The worst words a kid could ever hear in my day was "wait until I tell your father what you did".

Now you libers will say that I want to put the women back in the kitchen. But not true. Family across the street has the father home all day. This is good cause the mother doesn't have a nurturing bone in her body and the father does. The mother also had a better job than her husband who worked for Fed Ex. He stays home,he keeps the kids in line, he gets them off to school, he works part time and is involved in his kids lives.

The fifth thing is outside play and face to face interaction with peers. Too much TV,too much violent video games,to much social media and not enough one on one with kids outside burning off their energy. Basically kids have too much time on thier hands. You rarely ever saw a fat kid 35 years ago. Why? because we were outside running around. You didn't have the drama because issues got settled on the playground. Home was a safe haven to get away from the school and playground drama. You always had one place to feel safe when things went wrong. Also alot of things that get said today never got said at all. Why? because people act differently when they are face to face with a person than over the internet. Sure rumors were spread but you also knew when it got back to the person, a face to face contfrontation was coming. If you didn't want to back it up you didn't say it. There was also parental control outside too. My mother knew all the other mothers, had their numbers and knew their kids. If I did something wrong three streets away, my mother would know by the time I got home, and yes my ass got beat and I got sent to my room. It's hard to be like that on social media, so the kids just get away with it until something goes very wrong.

You want the insanity to stop? Put those five things back into place.

How can families live without two incomes?

Raise minimum wage?

I do it just fine. It's called get a better work ethic, be frugal and don't buy into all the crap the retailers tell you you need to have a successful life. What's more important and Iphone 5s or your kids?

Minimum wage? If you're supporting a family flipping burgers YOU fucked up big time. When I was a kid everybody knew that they needed either a college education or a well paying trade and they spent their highschool and college years, BEFORE having a family, working toward that end. Minimum wage jobs are for kids to learn about the working world or for extra income. Nobody was ever supposed to live off that kind of income. Instead of lowering the bar and raising the minimum wage, how about we raise the bar and keep the minimum wage where it is. Better yourself or keep your pants zipped until you have the money to support a family. It's worked for centuries until now. It's just now people want everything valuable to drop in their laps without climbing the employment ladder. Not happy flipping burgers,be a manager. Tired of being a manager,be an owner. You do realize people come from other countries like India, with just the clothes on their backs to the USA and make it just fine right? They get a job,learn the language,and save their money to open a 7/11 or gas station. Quit being a bunch of whiney bitches,If immigrants can do it so can you .

My speculation makes sense. I did not take a guess as to the method of death, although her being stabbed is a very intimate act, which would be in keeping with a crime of passion, as opposed to a random act of violence.
"This is a case of a sexual psychopath, likely raised on internet porn and no parenting, who sees a hot prospect to go ghetto on and acts on primal instinct."

And you drew all this from two facts:

1. The perp is black.

2. A gun wasn't used.

Thanks for playing. We have some lovely parting gifts for you.

Wow, a snarky fag. Congrats.:clap2:

It's a safe assumption based on the state of decay in society that both those things are true. Could be wrong, but I bet when this kid's computer is examined they'll find it loaded with porn. And most kids who come from intact families do not randomly murder innocent people.

Hey! Dave is not a fag.

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