This time its a 14 year old who shot his teacher

What is the ethnic background of the killer, and does he belong to a gang? Just curious.

Just curious, my aunt fanny.

The racist assholes will be happy to hear that he's a very attractive African American child.

Okay, bring on the haters.

A child committing a very adult crime.
Not only was this attack vicious, the perp consciously took the body and tried to hide it.
This is FIRST DEGREE murder.
Prison for LIFE.
14-year-old arrested in murder of Massachusetts teacher, Danvers schools closed for investigation | Fox News

14-year-old has been arrested in the murder of a 24-year-old Massachusetts teacher, prompting officials to close all public schools in the town of Danvers as the investigation continues.

IF his parents gave him the gun, his parents should go to jail.

Why does a 14 year old CHILD have access to a loaded gun?

The OP lied in the title it was a box cutter.
Okay nutters, roll out your lame ass excuses.

a 14 year old rapes his teacher and kills her. if only had a stand your ground law and the teacher had been legally armed. you know, like her constitutional rights grant her. but this is what happens when liberal morons start interpreting the constitution and passing laws that infringe on our rights. those who obey the laws pay the price, those who don't kill people
14-year-old arrested in murder of Massachusetts teacher, Danvers schools closed for investigation | Fox News

14-year-old has been arrested in the murder of a 24-year-old Massachusetts teacher, prompting officials to close all public schools in the town of Danvers as the investigation continues.

IF his parents gave him the gun, his parents should go to jail.

Why does a 14 year old CHILD have access to a loaded gun?
Hey sunshine, has your time over the fryer at Mickey D's baked your brain?
The kid slit the teacher's throat with a box cutter.
Idiot. No wonder why you are incapable of moving beyond fast food work. You could not think your way out of a wet paper bag if you were spotted the open end.
Good GOD woman! Why do you post here....
I was just pointing out where you got your expertise.


I've studied the subject since long before this show ever came out. I did a freshman college term paper on H H Holmes in 1980, and have been researching these kinds of people since then.

Still compensating huh? Give it a rest you got lucky with your guess. :lol:

Not only are you libs lead by your emotions, you are also so arrogant that you all believe yourselves to be intellectuals. Above everyone else.
This is why most SUV drivers are libs. They just HAVE to be over everyone else.
You are part of the group think culture of liberalism.
Small paradigm, emotionally unstable, non thinkers. All of you.
We are raising up a population of savages. Nothing more than predatory barbarians who believe they have a right to kill if they don't get their way.

This is true. They don't need to be accountable for much of anything, so they kill. If they don't use a gun, they find a knife or box cutter. What is needed to kill, is the will to kill and I don't see that happening....

I believe that teens when in groups lose their sense of right and wrong and submit to the will of whomever they view as the leader of whichever group with which they find themselves. At that point., if led by one up to no good, these teens become predatory. Not for pure evil, but to experience some kind of thrill.
Teens in packs cannot be trusted. It is best to avoid them.
One of the oldest and most popular shopping malls ended up going out of business because the mall security could not control the roving packs of teens that harassed shoppers, started fights, stole merchandise and committed acts of vandalism.
First the kiosks disappeared because these were easy targets. Then the smaller shops in the mall started closing. I had a friend that worked in a camera shop. Things got so bad they had to install a system where a customer would have to buzzed in to the store. Other stores instituted policies that limited the number of unaccompanied minors permitted to enter their stores. Then the entire mall took the policy.
Of course the inevitable happened. The local chapter of the NAACP and the ACLU filed lawsuits claiming the mall policy was racist. The mall management caved. A few years later the mall closed. It has been torn down after being taken over by homeless people who broke in and local vandals looking for a thrill.

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