This Video Alone Might End "Trans Rights".....

I honestly could care less what anyone "identifies" as because it is none of my business. But I do not have to acknowledge that identity, any rights those people have do not trump mine or others. What you think you are does not make you special or give you any other considerations above others.

This. I am deeply American; people are allowed to live as they choose. So if you want to dress in women's clothes, hey, go for it. Just as you said, don't obligate me to play along.
This video is from the European Figure Skating Championships happening this weekend.

This is what you get when you idolize "identity" and not effort, excellence, achievement. This man is 59 years old, but he "identifies as gender neutral" or some-such AND he had a "lifelong dream" to be a figure skater.

That's all it takes. You have some sexual/gender thing going on and you have a dream? Well, here you go. All the world is your stage.

In closing, videos and images like this can effect big change. This might finally do it.

Trans have no rights beyond the rights of any human being or American citizen.

Everyone in America has the same baseline rights. That's equality everyone says they want. Giving trans rights sets them apart from everyone else and thus makes things unequal.

It's not societies responsibility to make sure someone can live out a fantasy. They chose to cosplay so it's their problem, not mine nor anyone else's.

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