This weekend's NFL picks

The Broncos played the AFC West last year, too....just like every year. In the loss to the Bengals, Cincinnati actually didn't do much on offense outside of an 85 yard TD run by Hill. It had a lot to do with Manning's 4 interceptions and some poor special teams play giving the Bengals good field position.

Besides which, I'm not trying to say that the Broncos D has been great this year....just better. And with an offense that can potentially put up a lot of points, a great defense might not be needed.

I'm no Broncos fan, and I don't know if they could beat Seattle should that matchup occur again, but the Broncos defense has definitely been improved this season.

Chiefs had a much better O last year. This year they failed to pass a TD to a WR, and Jamaal Charles numbers were down. Chargers offense fell off significantly from 2013, gaining 800 fewer yards. Raiders were also down almost 800 yards from 2013.

Denver's defense was great in the playoffs last year, until the Super Bowl. They held SD to 17 and NE to 16 points. I don't see them equaling that performance this year. Colts will score more than 17.

Whatever, I'm just grasping for reasons for Denver to fail.
All the home teams.
i agree with you except for the packers/cowboys game.I hope I am wrong on this and will be very happy if I am,but I have a bad feeling the cowgirls are going to win this have to believe there will be one upset in the making and I think this will be the is why.

Rodgers isn't completely healthy in this game.he will be playing hurt nursing a calf injury so its questionable if he will be able to play the whole entire game or not and if he does,how will he be effective. In this case since I want the pack to win,its too bad he isn't brett farve,mr ironman.

also the cowgirls have murray who is their version of beastmode and the packers run defense is vulnerable ranking 23rd against the run.Thats not good news having to stop Big D's beastmode who set a team record for most rushing touchdowns in a season for a running back.

That doesn't bode well for the packers at all having a vulnerable defense have to stop a back like that especially considering who the names were that he surpassed being hall of famers Emmit Smith and recently long overdue inductee a few days ago Tony Dorsett.

To break the record of backs with those names,its safe to say Big D has another lock for another future hall of famer running back.
Beginners nag to rethink the Packers if Rogers plays injured, it could mean a big loss to Dallas.

Nice work, Hangover. People who said "All the home teams" are lazy. You could do that every week and have success.

I picked the Colts. Manning should have done the Allstate commercials. That way, he would have been protected from mayhem. Great game by Vontae Davis (the dropped int with 4 minutes to go notwithstanding) and the Colts secondary. Great game by the entire defense.

My other upset pick was the Ravens. I thought my rationale was sound. I'm not making excuses, I was wrong, but the Ravens had a couple of inexcusable lapses and their secondary played terrible.

Nice work, Hangover. People who said "All the home teams" are lazy. You could do that every week and have success.

I picked the Colts. Manning should have done the Allstate commercials. That way, he would have been protected from mayhem. Great game by Vontae Davis (the dropped int with 4 minutes to go notwithstanding) and the Colts secondary. Great game by the entire defense.

My other upset pick was the Ravens. I thought my rationale was sound. I'm not making excuses, I was wrong, but the Ravens had a couple of inexcusable lapses and their secondary played terrible.

If you can have success by picking home teams, picking all the home teams isn't necessarily laziness. If home teams tend to win, it becomes a factor when making picks.

I picked all the home teams, but I'm pretty satisfied with my picks. I said I thought Indy had the best chance to upset, and they did. What I got completely wrong was how close the games were. I thought most of the home teams would be fairly dominant, but they were not. The Pats had to come back to just eek out a win, Green Bay almost had to mount their own comeback if that Bryant catch had counted, and while Seattle pulled away in the 4th quarter, for the first 3 quarters that was a very competitive game.

I'm torn on the Indy/NE pick this week. The Pats are at home, they have Brady, they have defensive talent, Gronk is healthy.....but Indy really did such a great job going into Denver and beating the Broncos, including playing well defensively. I'll tentatively go with the Pats, but that's very subject to change.

In the NFC game, I'm going with Seattle. Not only do they have a big home field advantage at the CLink, Rodgers may be gimpy. Add in the incredibly dominant way the defense has been playing the second half of the season and I really don't see the Hawks being stopped. They are my SB pick, sadly.
New England over Baltimore Brady at home.
Seattle over Carolina But I will take Carolina on the point spread (10.5) The last four games they have played all have been less, its a trend that will continue..
Green Bay over Dallas Close because Dallas is 8-0 on the road but GB is 8-0 at home scoring a whole lot of points in the process.
Denver over Indianapolis Manning at home.
Manning can't play in cold weather.

If THAT is true why would he have gone to play in DENVER???

I've lived in Boulder Sport. If Manning, arguably one of the smarter QBs in the NFL, thought he was at a disadvantage in lower temps why would he sign up to play his home games a mile higher than the rest of the country?

As a pilot we learn early on that the temperature of the air drops 3.5 degrees every 1000 feet.

Translation.. Denver air is over 17 degrees F colder than the same air at sea level.
Peyton Manning cold weather games Breaking down the numbers

WOW! Those numbers are astonishing.

Manning isn't as smart as I had heard.
Yep. Manning still can't play in cold weather. i wonder if Elway has figured that out.

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