This white man stopped being a racist. Now how teaches other whites to

About the Nazi thing...I actually tried to read Mien Kamp. Have any of you? It was enlightening. To say the least. It led me to my belief about NAZIS .
My great grandparents told me that Hitler did a lot of great things for Germany and its people.
I have seen too many black kids treated like they were disposable by their fathers, and that isn't racism. It's cowardice. It's sickening. Too many black men don't own up. Racism isn't the issue. This transcends. Men that make babies and then abandon them. So cheap to blame others for you own faults. Cowards.
Thing about "Mien kampt", it was a bunch of gibberish. And the thing about Nazism? The thing about that is that, it is like Gertrude Stein said...there is no there "There". Nazism, the closer you examine it, the emptier it becomes. What is Nazism? The more you know supposed white racism the more you question humanity.So what was the division between the Hutus and the Tutsies? Both Blacks Africans and yet they did this ginormous holocaust...silly humans. So how does racism play out in that, IM2?
I get a kick out of people who think Hitler's hatred of Jews was racism.
Are there really people out there that think Jewdism is a race?
Thing about "Mien kampt", it was a bunch of gibberish. And the thing about Nazism? The thing about that is that, it is like Gertrude Stein said...there is no there "There". Nazism, the closer you examine it, the emptier it becomes. What is Nazism? The more you know supposed white racism the more you question humanity.So what was the division between the Hutus and the Tutsies? Both Blacks Africans and yet they did this ginormous holocaust...silly humans. So how does racism play out in that, IM2?
I get a kick out of people who think Hitler's hatred of Jews was racism.
Are there really people out there that think Jewdism is a race?
Its like Islam or Catholicism. Judaism isn't a race, its a belief. Merry Christmas!
Racism? Blacks killing little old white ladies, burning down Korean liquor stores in response to white cops over response to Black overresponse to blacks slaughter each other. And so it goes. Why do I feel this is in slow motion? That is what racism IS now? This must be why all those suburban folks are moving as far away as possible from poor poor black people? Racism? We want to just get away from self murdering poverty mongering idiots? Is that is all to all this? Pop pop pop illegals and poor blacks shooting each other up . People just want to escape that.
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About the Nazi thing...I actually tried to read Mien Kamp. Have any of you? It was enlightening. To say the least. It led me to my belief about NAZIS .
Mein Kampf


And many of the posts in this thread by conservatives sound like something from Mein Kampf – fear, deflection, casting blame, finding fault with others, refusing to take responsibility.
So the next question, blame white people for everything? Black cultural dysfunctions. Those are ignored. Glomming on to poor black behaviors.. having babies without fathers, trash talking, that IS what we aspire too now? Condescending, So, responsible fathers and white cultural norms is bad some how? Mocking that THAT is a good thing? Really? Why? Good sportsmanship and being a good father is.. too much to expect? Because it's racist? Explain that to me.
And this post would be an example of that fear, deflection, casting blame, finding fault with others, refusing to take responsibility.
I want a national identity card. I am from the pre Cambrian era. Mexicans have to follow the same rules as everyone. Even the Magyars that fled communism, legally and had to obtain legal visas and pay layers and stuff fleeing death and communism. Why can't Mexicans? Because all they are doing is fleeing oppression they them selves created. So They are fleeing themselves. And they won't acclimate either. Plenty of us have and we are speaking English here, and that says enough.
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So the next question, blame white people for everything? Black cultural dysfunctions. Those are ignored. Glomming on to poor black behaviors.. having babies without fathers, trash talking, that IS what we aspire too now? Condescending, So, responsible fathers and white cultural norms is bad some how? Mocking that THAT is a good thing? Really? Why? Good sportsmanship and being a good father is.. too much to expect? Because it's racist? Explain that to me.
And this post would be an example of that fear, deflection, casting blame, finding fault with others, refusing to take responsibility.
Nope. Let's end that be that as it may.
It can be done.

My descent into America's neo-Nazi movement & how I got out Christian Picciolini

He's not much of a "White-Man" he'd be mistaken as an Arab in many countries in Europe.

That is an odd statement. Judging from his picture in the OP, and your picture in your avatar(if that is actually you) the two of you look very similar.

Damn good catch!! He looks just like him.

My aunt Claire told me years ago when I was younger than 10 that anyone can be a racist regardless the color of their skin they become racist if they think one color of skin is better than another color of skin. They become racist when race is all that matters and not the content of what the person is doing.

She was speaking truth. Anyone can be racist. The problem is whites desired to be racists first which led to the situation we currently face now. Blacks simply are fed up with whites racist bullshit and we wont be stepping off the pavement to let you walk past or rub our heads for good luck.
I have seen too many black kids treated like they were disposable by their fathers, and that isn't racism. It's cowardice. It's sickening. Too many black men don't own up. Racism isn't the issue. This transcends. Men that make babies and then abandon them. So cheap to blame others for you own faults. Cowards.
I've seen the same with white children.
About the Nazi thing...I actually tried to read Mien Kamp. Have any of you? It was enlightening. To say the least. It led me to my belief about NAZIS .

Yes, in English and German.
It can be done.

My descent into America's neo-Nazi movement & how I got out Christian Picciolini

He's not much of a "White-Man" he'd be mistaken as an Arab in many countries in Europe.

That is an odd statement. Judging from his picture in the OP, and your picture in your avatar(if that is actually you) the two of you look very similar.

Damn good catch!! He looks just like him.

My aunt Claire told me years ago when I was younger than 10 that anyone can be a racist regardless the color of their skin they become racist if they think one color of skin is better than another color of skin. They become racist when race is all that matters and not the content of what the person is doing.

She was speaking truth. Anyone can be racist. The problem is whites desired to be racists first which led to the situation we currently face now.

The problem is not that whites did it first (which they did not), the problem is that anyone can be racist. If anyone can be racist then who did it first is irrelevant since every group and race will be at some point to some extent.
guy just found an easy way to make some money and to gain some silly status . If he was born and raised in 'compton' he'd be called an ' O.G.' that is getting his life together .

Hello, pismoe. In your opinion did Kendrick experience a typical Compton family and community upbringing?

kendrick lamar barack obama my brothers keeper.jpg


maybe , maybe not , don't know . But i see the supposedly reformed 'og' making truces and silly speech's on TV every once in awhile and being taken seriously and i think its just foolishness Avery .
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It can be done.

My descent into America's neo-Nazi movement & how I got out Christian Picciolini

He's not much of a "White-Man" he'd be mistaken as an Arab in many countries in Europe.

That is an odd statement. Judging from his picture in the OP, and your picture in your avatar(if that is actually you) the two of you look very similar.

Damn good catch!! He looks just like him.

My aunt Claire told me years ago when I was younger than 10 that anyone can be a racist regardless the color of their skin they become racist if they think one color of skin is better than another color of skin. They become racist when race is all that matters and not the content of what the person is doing.

She was speaking truth. Anyone can be racist. The problem is whites desired to be racists first which led to the situation we currently face now. Blacks simply are fed up with whites racist bullshit and we wont be stepping off the pavement to let you walk past or rub our heads for good luck.

---------------------------------- [chuckle] . ewwww , i wouldn't touch your head and i got a strong stomach Ace !!
It can be done.

My descent into America's neo-Nazi movement & how I got out Christian Picciolini

He's not much of a "White-Man" he'd be mistaken as an Arab in many countries in Europe.

That is an odd statement. Judging from his picture in the OP, and your picture in your avatar(if that is actually you) the two of you look very similar.

Damn good catch!! He looks just like him.

My aunt Claire told me years ago when I was younger than 10 that anyone can be a racist regardless the color of their skin they become racist if they think one color of skin is better than another color of skin. They become racist when race is all that matters and not the content of what the person is doing.

She was speaking truth. Anyone can be racist. The problem is whites desired to be racists first which led to the situation we currently face now. Blacks simply are fed up with whites racist bullshit and we wont be stepping off the pavement to let you walk past or rub our heads for good luck.

Moors were racist before Whites.
He's not much of a "White-Man" he'd be mistaken as an Arab in many countries in Europe.

That is an odd statement. Judging from his picture in the OP, and your picture in your avatar(if that is actually you) the two of you look very similar.
Damn good catch!! He looks just like him.
My aunt Claire told me years ago when I was younger than 10 that anyone can be a racist regardless the color of their skin they become racist if they think one color of skin is better than another color of skin. They become racist when race is all that matters and not the content of what the person is doing.
She was speaking truth. Anyone can be racist. The problem is whites desired to be racists first which led to the situation we currently face now. Blacks simply are fed up with whites racist bullshit and we wont be stepping off the pavement to let you walk past or rub our heads for good luck.

Moors were racist before Whites.
--------------------------------- think thats correct , same goes for the 'barbary pirates' , think the were 'berbers' were authorized by 'allah' to take slaves of 'kafirs' doing Europeon Merchant shipping on the high seas . They were authorized to raid the Coasts of Europe in search of Europeon Slaves Sob . And to raid and Conquer Spain which they held from the 700s [about] to the 1400s [about] .
He's not much of a "White-Man" he'd be mistaken as an Arab in many countries in Europe.

That is an odd statement. Judging from his picture in the OP, and your picture in your avatar(if that is actually you) the two of you look very similar.
Damn good catch!! He looks just like him.
My aunt Claire told me years ago when I was younger than 10 that anyone can be a racist regardless the color of their skin they become racist if they think one color of skin is better than another color of skin. They become racist when race is all that matters and not the content of what the person is doing.
She was speaking truth. Anyone can be racist. The problem is whites desired to be racists first which led to the situation we currently face now.

The problem is not that whites did it first (which they did not), the problem is that anyone can be racist. If anyone can be racist then who did it first is irrelevant since every group and race will be at some point to some extent.
Yes that is exactly the problem. Theres a reason most Blacks dont trust whites or outright hate whites. Its because of what racist whites do to them and did to their ancestors/elders. Its always amusing to me that white people like to try and read your mind and tell you why you dislike them.

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