This Will Be The Test For Man Made Climate Change


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
Due to the lockdowns of 2020 and so much less human activity and travel, the world's CO2 level has dropped by 7% globally with the USA putting out 12% less with over 3 billion tons less CO2 going into the air and this trend will continue for some time.

If what all the global warming alarmists say is true about MMCC, then this should eventually show up in the data somehow and we should see some signs of less warming, more snow or something, for 2020 has been, in effect, given the world what the climate alarmists have been saying for years we needed to do to fix things!

If none of this results in any deviation in the data, it will be a pretty good indicator that our climate is not being significant impacted by man through his output of CO2.

If none of this results in any deviation in the data, it will be a pretty good indicator that our climate is not being significant impacted by man through his output of CO2.

there is always plenty of deviation in the data...
you would know that if you have ever seen any of it...
but apparently you have not...
Due to the lockdowns of 2020 and so much less human activity and travel, the world's CO2 level has dropped by 7%

Um, no. _Emissions_ have dropped. _Level_ continues to rise.

And since you faceplanted in the first sentence, the rest of your post is nonsense.

This is grade-school level stuff, and you fail completely at it. Take that as a cue to shut up and stop bothering the grownups.
If none of this results in any deviation in the data, it will be a pretty good indicator that our climate is not being significant impacted by man through his output of CO2.

there is always plenty of deviation in the data...
you would know that if you have ever seen any of it...
but apparently you have not...

If there was nothing ever but deviation, then no one could ever make the case for climate change due to man!

Guess you didn't think that one through.

If you knew anything about data analysis, you'd know that a significant event like this with a huge drop in CO2 levels has to produce a graphable effect otherwise it will destroy all credibility in the theory that CO2 is causing the planet to warm, oceans to rise and glaciers to melt!
If man-made emissions have precipitously dropped yet levels continue to rise then obviously the levels are not man made.

Math, not your strong point, clearly. You did read the "7% drop" part, right?

Again, stop bothering the grownups.
If none of this results in any deviation in the data, it will be a pretty good indicator that our climate is not being significant impacted by man through his output of CO2.

there is always plenty of deviation in the data...
you would know that if you have ever seen any of it...
but apparently you have not...

If there was nothing ever but deviation, then no one could ever make the case for climate change due to man!

yes you can... by looking at huge amounts of it for extended periods of time and normalizing it accordingly...

what you are saying is funny because you expect people to normalize a tiny spot on a huge chart and draw scientific conclusions out of it...

shows how clueless you are...
What specific datasets are you referring to?

Any. All. If an increase in CO2 has lead to an increase in global warming and climate change then removing so large an amount as 3 billion tons a year will have to effect a DECREASE in global warming and climate change as well! How is that hard to understand?
What specific datasets are you referring to?

Any. All. If an increase in CO2 has lead to an increase in global warming and climate change then removing so large an amount as 3 billion tons a year will have to effect a DECREASE in global warming and climate change as well! How is that hard to understand?

you dont have a clue do you...
waste of time really...
people spend a lifetime trying to understand all this you know...
and you think you can school them with your limited knowledge of "any and all"...
you dont know and cant measure what it would have been like if the amount of co2 you are referring to was not to be removed from the atmosphere...
because of the simple fact that it is already removed...
if that doesnt make any sense to you, neither will environmental data science...
so dont waste your time...
just know humans are changing the climate on this planet, and they will eventually alter it to a point thats against their interest...
you expect people to normalize a tiny spot on a huge chart and draw scientific conclusions out of it...

Makes about as much sense as the arguments that CO2 has changed the climate! If you think that dropping so huge an amount of CO2 for the foreseeable future (who knows how long before output returns to old levels if ever), cannot have any demonstrated effect measured in plants, trees, weather, climate, then you've pretty much killed your argument for MMCC! :auiqs.jpg:

As far as what I "expect," you said it, junior, not me.
you expect people to normalize a tiny spot on a huge chart and draw scientific conclusions out of it...

Makes about as much sense as the arguments that CO2 has changed the climate! If you think that dropping so huge an amount of CO2 for the foreseeable future (who knows how long before output returns to old levels if ever), cannot have any demonstrated effect measured in plants, trees, weather, climate, then you've pretty much killed your argument for MMCC! :auiqs.jpg:

As far as what I "expect," you said it, junior, not me.

you are talking about 6 mnts of data in a century old dataset...

if you dont realize how funny you sound, its just because you are not aware of it...
you dont have a clue do you...

No, obviously YOU don't have any clue, fuckwad, or you would offer proof, but you offer nothing but your own ignorance.

THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE between this imposed Covid drop and the kinds of green energy electric car changes all you environmental wackjobs want to do!

So here's your chance, finally, to PROVE MMCC is real, because WE'VE REVERSED IT-- -- what will be your excuse now, flyboy, that we have to keep emissions down for 50 years to see any return on the investment? :auiqs.jpg:
you expect people to normalize a tiny spot on a huge chart and draw scientific conclusions out of it...

Makes about as much sense as the arguments that CO2 has changed the climate! If you think that dropping so huge an amount of CO2 for the foreseeable future (who knows how long before output returns to old levels if ever), cannot have any demonstrated effect measured in plants, trees, weather, climate, then you've pretty much killed your argument for MMCC! :auiqs.jpg:

As far as what I "expect," you said it, junior, not me.

you are talking about 6 mnts of data in a century old dataset...

if you dont realize how funny you sound, its just because you are not aware of it...

No YOU are talking abouty that. I never said it, stoopid.
you dont have a clue do you...

No, obviously YOU don't have any clue, fuckwad, or you would offer proof, but you offer nothing but your own ignorance.

THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE between this imposed Covid drop and the kinds of green energy electric car changes all you environmental wackjobs want to do!

So here's your chance, finally, to PROVE MMCC is real, because WE'VE REVERSED IT-- -- what will be your excuse now, flyboy, that we have to keep emissions down for 50 years to see any return on the investment? :auiqs.jpg:

you are talking about 6 mnts of data in a century old dataset... ...

if you dont realize how funny you sound, its just because you are not aware of it... ...

you expect people to normalize a tiny spot on a huge chart and draw scientific conclusions out of it...

Makes about as much sense as the arguments that CO2 has changed the climate! If you think that dropping so huge an amount of CO2 for the foreseeable future (who knows how long before output returns to old levels if ever), cannot have any demonstrated effect measured in plants, trees, weather, climate, then you've pretty much killed your argument for MMCC! :auiqs.jpg:

As far as what I "expect," you said it, junior, not me.

you are talking about 6 mnts of data in a century old dataset...

if you dont realize how funny you sound, its just because you are not aware of it...

No YOU are talking abouty that. I never said it, stoopid.

that means you dont even know what you are talking about... :D
you expect people to normalize a tiny spot on a huge chart and draw scientific conclusions out of it...

Makes about as much sense as the arguments that CO2 has changed the climate! If you think that dropping so huge an amount of CO2 for the foreseeable future (who knows how long before output returns to old levels if ever), cannot have any demonstrated effect measured in plants, trees, weather, climate, then you've pretty much killed your argument for MMCC! :auiqs.jpg:

As far as what I "expect," you said it, junior, not me.

you are talking about 6 mnts of data in a century old dataset...

if you dont realize how funny you sound, its just because you are not aware of it...

No YOU are talking abouty that. I never said it, stoopid.

that means you dont even know what you are talking about... :D

You're an idiot. Quit bluffing by telling everyone else how wrong they are and try proving you are right! You got nothing.

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