This Will Be The Test For Man Made Climate Change

So the IDIOT OP must have though we start from Zero CO2 each year!
and because we emitted only 37 Bil tomes this yr
and 40 Bil last year..
He thought it would put the CO2/AGW "TO THE TEST" in 2020!
(Along with the Four Morons who gave him thanks for the OP)

Instead/ACTUALLY we just continued pouring just a bit less CO2 into the atmosphere in 2020, but still added to the growing Concentration.
CO2 in last few years
2017 - 403.3 PPM
2018 - 405.5 PPM
2019 - 408.5 PPM
Through October it's UP TO - 411.28 PPM

SO the 40 to 37 drop in this years INCREASE is near negligible
and might make it go to, ie, 'only' 411.75 Instead of 412 PPM.
But it's still continuing to INCREASE the CO2 in the atmosphere.


Have a nice page.

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Talking to yourself again, asshole? Climate Change falling on its face? Still can't prove a thing?
If I'm stupid, I'm still 10,000X smarter than you.

Yeah ... I don't know ... but the frothing at the mouth is a little unsettling ... he seems to think throwing out vulgarities cleverly covers his lack of understanding ... the sad part is he's burning coal in all this, he doesn't honestly believe what he's advocating ...
Due to the lockdowns of 2020 and so much less human activity and travel, the world's CO2 level has dropped by 7% globally with the USA putting out 12% less with over 3 billion tons less CO2 going into the air and this trend will continue for some time.

If what all the global warming alarmists say is true about MMCC, then this should eventually show up in the data somehow and we should see some signs of less warming, more snow or something, for 2020 has been, in effect, given the world what the climate alarmists have been saying for years we needed to do to fix things!

If none of this results in any deviation in the data, it will be a pretty good indicator that our climate is not being significant impacted by man through his output of CO2.

Just in under the wire... the STUPIDEST post of 2020.
And with 'likes' from jGalt, Reiney, daveman, Pete7469 so far

you Hypocrite ASSHOLE.
You take issue with NASA, YALE, COLMBIA, etc, but you thank this post of subterranean/unmeasurable IQ?

Toobfreak: Because emissions were down 7% from 40 Bil Tons to 37 Bil Tons does NOT mean the total CO2 in the atmosphere as down DUFUS.
It just means it was still UP 37 Billion Tons from last year instead of 40 ... ON TOP OF an already Much more massive amount.
That is not going to make temps go down you 12 IQ MORON just continue up a tiny/immeasurabe dif less.

CO2 in last few years
2017 - 403.3 PPM
2018 - 405.5 PPM
2019 - 408.5 PPM
SO Far/through October it's UP TO - 411.28 PPM

SO the 40 to 37 drop in this years INCREASE is near negligible
and might make it got to, ie, 'only' 411.75 Instead of 412 PPM.
But its still continuing to INCREASE the CO2 in the atmosphere.

You could only 'teach math' to horses or gorillas needing to count/Paw to 5.

Again look at the IDIOTS like ReinyDays who thank this IDIOTIC post. (while demanding 'studies' from intelligent ones)
Beneath Stupid.
You dumb ****.

Data Reference: Earth's CO2 Home Page



Thank you for the ad hominum argument ... you admit my claims are unassailable and have nothing but my character to attack ... and it's noted you didn't address anything I posted about ...

I think your citation is cartoonish ... like some bored high school kid threw it together ... c.f. NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory ...
Since we are on character attacks... abu lives in a third world country which might explain his behavior. I suspect if he did there what he did here he would be minus a hand or possibly a head. So he's overcompensating here.
Due to the lockdowns of 2020 and so much less human activity and travel, the world's CO2 level has dropped by 7% globally with the USA putting out 12% less with over 3 billion tons less CO2 going into the air and this trend will continue for some time.

If what all the global warming alarmists say is true about MMCC, then this should eventually show up in the data somehow and we should see some signs of less warming, more snow or something, for 2020 has been, in effect, given the world what the climate alarmists have been saying for years we needed to do to fix things!

If none of this results in any deviation in the data, it will be a pretty good indicator that our climate is not being significant impacted by man through his output of CO2.

Let me state this as simply and succinctly as I can.

The Earths deviation of 12 deg C in our Quasi-ice world state is to large to allow ANY positive statement. The current math indicates only 1/1000 of a degree can be wholly attributed to man as the feedback's dwarf what man can affect.

Mans impact can not be discerned from noise in the climatic system. Full Stop.. Anyone who claims they can make a positive claim about CAGW is a liar as the math and the margin of error tells us no one can.

As a Phd I can make this statement with certainty.
you dont have a clue do you...

No, obviously YOU don't have any clue, fuckwad, or you would offer proof, but you offer nothing but your own ignorance.

THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE between this imposed Covid drop and the kinds of green energy electric car changes all you environmental wackjobs want to do!

So here's your chance, finally, to PROVE MMCC is real, because WE'VE REVERSED IT-- -- what will be your excuse now, flyboy, that we have to keep emissions down for 50 years to see any return on the investment? :auiqs.jpg:

you are talking about 6 mnts of data in a century old dataset... ...

if you dont realize how funny you sound, its just because you are not aware of it... ...

You have nothing...

According to CAGW theroy, a sudden drop in global CO2 output levels SHOULD have an immediate and measurable impact. The lag time is but 3-6 months. What happened 10 months ago should be apparent today in surface temperatures. It is not. GAST temperatures are nearly unchanged, so CO2 is not being reflected as a primary cause of GAST changes.

I can show, from the data, that all current changes can be shown clearly connected with our current ocean La Niña cycle.

Again the math calls you out as ignorant..
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Due to the lockdowns of 2020 and so much less human activity and travel, the world's CO2 level has dropped by 7% globally with the USA putting out 12% less with over 3 billion tons less CO2 going into the air and this trend will continue for some time.

If what all the global warming alarmists say is true about MMCC, then this should eventually show up in the data somehow and we should see some signs of less warming, more snow or something, for 2020 has been, in effect, given the world what the climate alarmists have been saying for years we needed to do to fix things!

If none of this results in any deviation in the data, it will be a pretty good indicator that our climate is not being significant impacted by man through his output of CO2.

Let me state this as simply and succinctly as I can.

The Earths deviation of 12 deg C in our Quasi-ice world state is to large to allow ANY positive statement. The current math indicates only 1/1000 of a degree can be wholly attributed to man as the feedback's dwarf what man can affect.

Mans impact can not be discerned from noise in the climatic system. Full Stop.. Anyone who claims they can make a positive claim about CAGW is a liar as the math and the margin of error tells us no one can.

As a Phd I can make this statement with certainty.

The current math indicates only 1/1000 of a degree can be wholly attributed to man as the feedback's dwarf what man can affect.

May I see that math please ...
Mans impact can not be discerned from noise in the climatic system.

Yes, Bob, and to reiterate for all of the irrascible climate snowflakes here, this will be the test-- -- it is very likely that our Covid shutdown will continue on well into next summer at least before Planet Earth gets back to its usual consumption of fossil fuels, so the test will be to see if the drastic cutback in CO2 production effects any positive change because the past year will be exactly the kind of reduction the climate alarmists have been demanding was necessary for a decade, and if at no point do we ever see any sort of hiccup in the data (with the usual 10,000 people combing fervently looking for it), that IMO will go a long way to support the contention that all of the climate hysteria over man's contribution needs further examination, and the argument that it could take up to 100 years of no further CO2 production before we see any return if even then will not sit well with the world, especially because it is unlikely we will ever see a full century of no CO2 production unless we eliminate humanity itself.
Due to the lockdowns of 2020 and so much less human activity and travel, the world's CO2 level has dropped by 7% globally with the USA putting out 12% less with over 3 billion tons less CO2 going into the air and this trend will continue for some time.

If what all the global warming alarmists say is true about MMCC, then this should eventually show up in the data somehow and we should see some signs of less warming, more snow or something, for 2020 has been, in effect, given the world what the climate alarmists have been saying for years we needed to do to fix things!

If none of this results in any deviation in the data, it will be a pretty good indicator that our climate is not being significant impacted by man through his output of CO2.

Let me state this as simply and succinctly as I can.

The Earths deviation of 12 deg C in our Quasi-ice world state is to large to allow ANY positive statement. The current math indicates only 1/1000 of a degree can be wholly attributed to man as the feedback's dwarf what man can affect.

Mans impact can not be discerned from noise in the climatic system. Full Stop.. Anyone who claims they can make a positive claim about CAGW is a liar as the math and the margin of error tells us no one can.

As a Phd I can make this statement with certainty.

The current math indicates only 1/1000 of a degree can be wholly attributed to man as the feedback's dwarf what man can affect.

May I see that math please ...
Can you deal with over 1 terabites in data?
it is unlikely we will ever see a full century of no CO2 production unless we eliminate humanity itself.
The reduction of humans has been the goal of the socialists and UN power grabbers for decades.. CAGW has been but a useful tool to give them a "reason". With COVID the fraud has been revealed fully.
you dont have a clue do you...

No, obviously YOU don't have any clue, fuckwad, or you would offer proof, but you offer nothing but your own ignorance.

THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE between this imposed Covid drop and the kinds of green energy electric car changes all you environmental wackjobs want to do!

So here's your chance, finally, to PROVE MMCC is real, because WE'VE REVERSED IT-- -- what will be your excuse now, flyboy, that we have to keep emissions down for 50 years to see any return on the investment? :auiqs.jpg:

you are talking about 6 mnts of data in a century old dataset... ...

if you dont realize how funny you sound, its just because you are not aware of it... ...

You have nothing...

According to CAGW theroy, a sudden drop in global CO2 output levels SHOULD have an immediate and measurable impact. The lag time is but 3-6 months. What happened 10 months ago should be apparent today in surface temperatures. It is not. GAST temperatures are nearly unchanged, so CO2 is not being reflected as a primary cause of GAST changes.

I can show, from the data, that all current changes can be shown clearly connected with our current ocean La Niña cycle.

Again the math calls you out as ignorant..

do it...
show it to me in your data...
then i will believe your bullshit that you copied and pasted here from god know what kind of a nutjob website...
you dont have a clue do you...

No, obviously YOU don't have any clue, fuckwad, or you would offer proof, but you offer nothing but your own ignorance.

THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE between this imposed Covid drop and the kinds of green energy electric car changes all you environmental wackjobs want to do!

So here's your chance, finally, to PROVE MMCC is real, because WE'VE REVERSED IT-- -- what will be your excuse now, flyboy, that we have to keep emissions down for 50 years to see any return on the investment? :auiqs.jpg:

you are talking about 6 mnts of data in a century old dataset... ...

if you dont realize how funny you sound, its just because you are not aware of it... ...

You have nothing...

According to CAGW theroy, a sudden drop in global CO2 output levels SHOULD have an immediate and measurable impact. The lag time is but 3-6 months. What happened 10 months ago should be apparent today in surface temperatures. It is not. GAST temperatures are nearly unchanged, so CO2 is not being reflected as a primary cause of GAST changes.

I can show, from the data, that all current changes can be shown clearly connected with our current ocean La Niña cycle.

Again the math calls you out as ignorant..

do it...
show it to me in your data...
then i will believe your bullshit that you copied and pasted here from god know what kind of a nutjob website...
As I told another... Can you deal with over 1 terabites in data? IF you cant, and I suspect that you can not, you need new material. Name calling is all I see from you and that is not science.
you dont have a clue do you...

No, obviously YOU don't have any clue, fuckwad, or you would offer proof, but you offer nothing but your own ignorance.

THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE between this imposed Covid drop and the kinds of green energy electric car changes all you environmental wackjobs want to do!

So here's your chance, finally, to PROVE MMCC is real, because WE'VE REVERSED IT-- -- what will be your excuse now, flyboy, that we have to keep emissions down for 50 years to see any return on the investment? :auiqs.jpg:

you are talking about 6 mnts of data in a century old dataset... ...

if you dont realize how funny you sound, its just because you are not aware of it... ...

You have nothing...

According to CAGW theroy, a sudden drop in global CO2 output levels SHOULD have an immediate and measurable impact. The lag time is but 3-6 months. What happened 10 months ago should be apparent today in surface temperatures. It is not. GAST temperatures are nearly unchanged, so CO2 is not being reflected as a primary cause of GAST changes.

I can show, from the data, that all current changes can be shown clearly connected with our current ocean La Niña cycle.

Again the math calls you out as ignorant..

do it...
show it to me in your data...
then i will believe your bullshit that you copied and pasted here from god know what kind of a nutjob website...
As I told another... Can you deal with over 1 terabites in data? IF you cant, and I suspect that you can not, you need new material. Name calling is all I see from you and that is not science.

its not terabites... its terabytes...
i deal with 1tb of data for breakfast...
just send me the link to whichever nutjob website you are dealing here...
If an increase in CO2 has lead to an increase in global warming and climate change then removing so large an amount as 3 billion tons a year will have to effect a DECREASE in global warming and climate change as well! How is that hard to understand?

Because it's just shows how innumerate you are.

Say I add $100 to my bank account each week.

Then my pay is cut by 7%, so I only add $93 to my bank account each week.

According to you, that means my bank balance will _decrease_.

And that accounts for everyone laughing at you.
it is unlikely we will ever see a full century of no CO2 production unless we eliminate humanity itself.
The reduction of humans has been the goal of the socialists and UN power grabbers for decades.. CAGW has been but a useful tool to give them a "reason". With COVID the fraud has been revealed fully.

My thought for some time has been that for Covid to be such a persistent bug to not let up over the summer suggests that it must have been engineered against man. The likely reasons seemed to be to either force man to cut back on CO2 through societal shutdowns and / or on man himself!

But then, why aren't all the alarmists out there jumping for joy pointing to the data showing us the B&W proof in the data! As people dedicated to saving the planet, you'd think they'd be a hawk on this, yet I've not seen one story in the news. Not one journalist explaining why the climate is unchanged or even ASKING THE QUESTION.

What has suddenly happened to all the concern for the planet?

Unfortunately, I'm sure that come next year, one of the FIRST THINGS Joe will do is jump right back into the Paris Accord and whatever else Trump spared us of as a most urgent matter and no one in the media will ask him about the year with no CO2.

I would assume that with the cutbacks from all the shutdowns that right now the Earth is going back to something like the conditions we had many decades ago! Indeed, we are cleaner today as a result of ever-improving technology than for a long time and we can't go back too long ago for if we go back to the early industrial age of the early 20th century, output of smog, hydrocarbons and CO2 must have been HIGHER then than today. So I would guess that our CO2 "footprint" should have been going DOWN all these years or at least holding its own between better technology balanced against increased population.

Color me crazy, but that suggests that if man is the cause, then we should already be seeming an improvement or some leveling in the climate even WITHOUT Covid in the mix, but at least not the doom and gloom the naysayers predict.

The real measure should be to go to some far away clean, natural location and measure the air there---- that should represent the mean average of what we have really done to our air. Surely, someone is collecting bottles of this to run tests against samples of air saved from long ago and can easily demonstrate the destructive effects of the thermal trapping of our present atmosphere.

Maybe Joe will clarify it all for us once he gets into office. :smoke:
Can you deal with over 1 terabites in data?
its not terabites... its terabytes...
i deal with 1tb of data for breakfast...

Wouldn't 1tb be 1 terabits? I thought Bytes was represented by an upper case B.

By that measure then, 1tb = 125GB, right?

As a true scientist, I'm sure you are right atop these finer details. :smoke:
If an increase in CO2 has lead to an increase in global warming and climate change then removing so large an amount as 3 billion tons a year will have to effect a DECREASE in global warming and climate change as well! How is that hard to understand?

Because it's just shows how innumerate you are.

Say I add $100 to my bank account each week.

Then my pay is cut by 7%, so I only add $93 to my bank account each week.

According to you, that means my bank balance will _decrease_.

And that accounts for everyone laughing at you.

Thanks for the logical fallacy, ManTooth! Complex global climate does not analogize very well with a simple arithmetical bank account. That simply shows how facile you are.

That accounts for why no one ever takes you serious.

But let's stick with your schoolyard analogy for the moment. With that $93 every week instead of $100, one would quickly be able to see a change in direction to the growth of the account both primarily as well as from the interest accrued!

So the ledger WOULD show a DECREASE in the rate of growth.

Still waiting for one of you geniuses to show me why the huge cutbacks in CO2 output through most of 2020 has given us bupkis. Even if things are still getting worse, by sheer logical extension, it shouldn't be hard to show that the RATE of things are getting LESS worse as quickly.

I mean, in the interests of selling climate change to everyone that man is the cause of it, this would seem to be all of your BEST OPPORTUNITY to prove it, because by showing what happens when we cut back, it would now be undeniable what will happen if we DON'T.

But I've yet to see ONE PERSON in the news dancing about how much better off we are with all this less CO2.
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Let me simplify this for our resident alarmists. There are 36 primary drivers of our atmosphere and another 147 secondary drivers in five thermal layers. The interactions of each of these on the others must be known if one is to understand the relationships and how our atmosphere works.

To add insult to injury there are some 120 surface drivers and those relationships with the atmospheric ones must also be derived.

No file less than 1Tb can contain enough data to get even a basic deviation file. Our current GCM's (Global Circulation Model) calculate just 26 of these variables (using just 1tb of data). Each variable has an equation to all others. This is a very long and complex series of problems.

Can anyone tell the class what happens each time you add an equation, to a series, with the Margin of Error? 1/1000 of a degree is 1000 times smaller than our current GCM's +/-1.1 Deg C MOE.

The earth, like an ICE engine, has a flow and any change in that flow results in a measurable and immediate change to all of the primary drivers (function) in our atmosphere. The 7% drop in CO2 has caused no such observable deviation or function change, so it can not be a primary driver of the atmosphere.

I doubt anyone here has the capability or ability to discuss this rationally.
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